Python xmltodict.unparse() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of xmltodict.unparse().
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Example #1
Source File: From unifi-cam-proxy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def change_video_settings(self, options): tilt = int((900 * int(options["brightness"])) / 100) pan = int((3600 * int(options["contrast"])) / 100) zoom = int((40 * int(options["hue"])) / 100)"Moving to %s:%s:%s", pan, tilt, zoom) req = { "PTZData": { "@version": "2.0", "@xmlns": "", "AbsoluteHigh": { "absoluteZoom": str(zoom), "azimuth": str(pan), "elevation": str(tilt), }, } }[1].absolute( method="put", data=xmltodict.unparse(req, pretty=True) )
Example #2
Source File: From wechat_mall with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepare_request(self, method, path, params): kwargs = {} _params = self.get_base_params() params.update(_params) newparams, prestr = params_filter(params) sign = build_mysign(prestr, key=self.partner_key) # 将内容转化为unicode xmltodict 只支持unicode newparams = params_encoding(newparams) newparams['sign'] = sign xml_dict = {'xml': newparams} kwargs['data'] = smart_str(xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict)) url = self._full_url(path) if self.mch_cert and self.mch_key: kwargs['cert'] = (self.mch_cert, self.mch_key) return method, url, kwargs # 统一下单 #
Example #3
Source File: From wechat_mall with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepare_request(self, method, path, params): kwargs = {} _params = self.get_base_params() params.update(_params) newparams, prestr = params_filter(params) sign = build_mysign(prestr, self.partner_key) # 将内容转化为unicode xmltodict 只支持unicode newparams = params_encoding(newparams) newparams['sign'] = sign xml_dict = {'xml': newparams} kwargs['data'] = smart_str(xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict)) url = self._full_url(path) if self.mch_cert and self.mch_key: kwargs['cert'] = (self.mch_cert, self.mch_key) return method, url, kwargs # 统一下单 #
Example #4
Source File: From project_generator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_uvmpw_file(self): uvmpw_dic = xmltodict.parse(open(self.uvmpw_file, "rb")) uvmpw_dic['ProjectWorkspace']['project'] = [] for project in self.workspace['projects']: # We check how far is project from root and workspace. IF they dont match, # get relpath for project and inject it into workspace path_project = os.path.dirname(project['files']['uvproj']) path_workspace = os.path.dirname(self.workspace['settings']['path'] + '\\') destination = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(self.env_settings.root, path_project), project['files']['uvproj']) if path_project != path_workspace: destination = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(self.env_settings.root, path_workspace), project['files']['uvproj']) uvmpw_dic['ProjectWorkspace']['project'].append({'PathAndName': destination}) # generate the file uvmpw_xml = xmltodict.unparse(uvmpw_dic, pretty=True) project_path, uvmpw = self.gen_file_raw(uvmpw_xml, '%s.uvmpw' % self.workspace['settings']['name'], self.workspace['settings']['path']) return project_path, uvmpw
Example #5
Source File: From weixin_demo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_cert_request(url, param): # dict 2 xml param = {'root': param} xml = xmltodict.unparse(param) ''' 登录微信商户平台(>账户设置-->API安全-->证书下载 下载apiclient_cert.p12 python无法使用双向证书,使用openssl导出: openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in apiclient_cert.p12 -out apiclient_cert.pem openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in apiclient_cert.p12 -out apiclient_key.pem 导出apiclient_key.pem时需输入PEM phrase, 此后每次发起请求均要输入,可使用openssl解除: openssl rsa -in apiclient_key.pem -out apiclient_key.pem.unsecure ''' response =, data=xml.encode('utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}, cert=(WX_CERT_PATH, WX_KEY_PATH)) # xml 2 dict msg = response.text xmlmsg = xmltodict.parse(msg) return xmlmsg
Example #6
Source File: From PyPlanet with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def send_properties(self, **kwargs): if not self._properties or 'ui_properties' not in self._properties: return # Decide the method to use. if == 'tm': method = 'Trackmania.UI.SetProperties' else: method = 'Shootmania.UI.SetProperties' # Create XML document try: xml = xd.unparse(self._properties, full_document=False, short_empty_elements=True) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Can\'t convert UI Properties to XML document! Error: {}'.format(str(e))) return try: await self._instance.gbx(method, xml, encode_json=False, response_id=False) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Can\'t send UI Properties! Error: {}'.format(str(e))) return
Example #7
Source File: From -Odoo--- with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def prepare_request(self, method, path, params): kwargs = {} _params = self.get_base_params() params.update(_params) newparams, prestr = params_filter(params) sign = build_mysign(prestr, self.partner_key) # 将内容转化为unicode xmltodict 只支持unicode newparams = params_encoding(newparams) newparams['sign'] = sign xml_dict = {'xml': newparams} kwargs['data'] = smart_str(xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict)) url = self._full_url(path) if self.mch_cert and self.mch_key: kwargs['cert'] = (self.mch_cert, self.mch_key) return method, url, kwargs # 统一下单 #
Example #8
Source File: From -Odoo--- with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def prepare_request(self, method, path, params): kwargs = {} _params = self.get_base_params() params.update(_params) newparams, prestr = params_filter(params) sign = build_mysign(prestr, key=self.partner_key) # 将内容转化为unicode xmltodict 只支持unicode newparams = params_encoding(newparams) newparams['sign'] = sign xml_dict = {'xml': newparams} kwargs['data'] = smart_str(xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict)) url = self._full_url(path) if self.mch_cert and self.mch_key: kwargs['cert'] = (self.mch_cert, self.mch_key) return method, url, kwargs # 统一下单 #
Example #9
Source File: From knittingpattern with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def instruction_to_svg(self, instruction): """:return: an SVG representing the instruction. The SVG file is determined by the type attribute of the instruction. An instruction of type ``"knit"`` is looked for in a file named ``"knit.svg"``. Every element inside a group labeled ``"color"`` of mode ``"layer"`` that has a ``"fill"`` style gets this fill replaced by the color of the instruction. Example of a recangle that gets filled like the instruction: .. code:: xml <g inkscape:label="color" inkscape:groupmode="layer"> <rect style="fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero" id="rectangle1" width="10" height="10" x="0" y="0" /> </g> If nothing was loaded to display this instruction, a default image is be generated by :meth:`default_instruction_to_svg`. """ return xmltodict.unparse(self.instruction_to_svg_dict(instruction))
Example #10
Source File: From tapioca-wrapper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_request_kwargs(self, api_params, *args, **kwargs): # stores kwargs prefixed with 'xmltodict_unparse__' for use by xmltodict.unparse self._xmltodict_unparse_kwargs = {k[len('xmltodict_unparse__'):]: kwargs.pop(k) for k in kwargs.copy().keys() if k.startswith('xmltodict_unparse__')} # stores kwargs prefixed with 'xmltodict_parse__' for use by xmltodict.parse self._xmltodict_parse_kwargs = {k[len('xmltodict_parse__'):]: kwargs.pop(k) for k in kwargs.copy().keys() if k.startswith('xmltodict_parse__')} arguments = super(XMLAdapterMixin, self).get_request_kwargs( api_params, *args, **kwargs) if 'headers' not in arguments: arguments['headers'] = {} arguments['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' return arguments
Example #11
Source File: From cvpysdk with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _prepare_blr_xml(self, restore_option): request_json = self._prepare_blr_json(restore_option) xml_string = xmltodict.unparse(request_json) plans = Plans(self._commcell_object) return ( """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><EVGui_SetVMBlockLevelReplicationReq subclientId="{5}" opType="3"> <blockLevelReplicationTaskXML><![CDATA[{0}]]></blockLevelReplicationTaskXML> <subClientProperties> <subClientEntity clientId="{1}" applicationId="106" instanceId="{2}" backupsetId="{3}"/> <planEntity planId="{4}"/> </subClientProperties> </EVGui_SetVMBlockLevelReplicationReq> """.format( xml_string, self._client_object.client_id, self._instance_object.instance_id, self._backupset_object.backupset_id, plans.all_plans[restore_option["plan_name"].lower()], self._subclient_id))
Example #12
Source File: From tapioca-wrapper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_xml_post_dict_passes_unparse_param(self): responses.add(responses.POST, self.wrapper.test().data, body='Any response', status=200, content_type='application/json') data = OrderedDict([ ('tag1', OrderedDict([ ('@attr1', 'val1'), ('tag2', 'text1'), ('tag3', 'text2') ])) ]) self.wrapper.test().post(data=data, xmltodict_unparse__full_document=False) request_body = responses.calls[0].request.body self.assertEqual(request_body, xmltodict.unparse( data, full_document=False).encode('utf-8'))
Example #13
Source File: From knittingpattern with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def default_instruction_to_svg(self, instruction): """As :meth:`instruction_to_svg` but it only takes the ``default.svg`` file into account. In case no file is found for an instruction in :meth:`instruction_to_svg`, this method is used to determine the default svg for it. The content is created by replacing the text ``{instruction.type}`` in the whole svg file named ``default.svg``. If no file ``default.svg`` was loaded, an empty string is returned. """ svg_dict = self.default_instruction_to_svg_dict(instruction) return xmltodict.unparse(svg_dict)
Example #14
Source File: From project_generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _generate_eww_file(self): eww_dic = xmltodict.parse(open(self.eww_file).read()) self._eww_set_path_multiple_project(eww_dic) # generate the file eww_xml = xmltodict.unparse(eww_dic, pretty=True) project_path, eww = self.gen_file_raw(eww_xml, '%s.eww' % self.workspace['settings']['name'], self.workspace['settings']['path']) return project_path, [eww]
Example #15
Source File: From project_generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _generate_vcxproj_files(self, proj_dict, name, rel_path, vcxproj_user_dic): output = copy.deepcopy(self.generated_project) project_path, output['files']['vcxproj.filters'] = self.gen_file_jinja( 'visual_studio.vcxproj.filters.tmpl', proj_dict, '%s.vcxproj.filters' % name, rel_path) project_path, output['files']['vcxproj'] = self.gen_file_jinja( 'visual_studio.vcxproj.tmpl', proj_dict, '%s.vcxproj' % name, rel_path) project_path, output['files']['vcxproj.user'] = self.gen_file_raw( xmltodict.unparse(vcxproj_user_dic, pretty=True), '%s.vcxproj.user' % name, rel_path) return project_path, output
Example #16
Source File: From project_generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def export_project(self): output = copy.deepcopy(self.generated_project) expanded_dic = self.workspace.copy() # data for .vcxproj expanded_dic['vcxproj'] = {} expanded_dic['vcxproj'] = self._set_vcxproj(expanded_dic['name']) # data for debugger for pyOCD expanded_dic['vcxproj_user'] = {} # TODO: localhost and gdb should be misc for VS ! Add misc options vcxproj_user_dic = self._set_vcxproj_user('localhost:3333', 'arm-none-eabi-gdb', os.path.join(expanded_dic['build_dir'], expanded_dic['name']), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), expanded_dic['output_dir']['path'])) self._set_groups(expanded_dic) # Project files project_path, output = self._generate_vcxproj_files(expanded_dic, expanded_dic['name'], expanded_dic['output_dir']['path'], vcxproj_user_dic) # NMake and debugger assets # TODO: not sure about base class having NMake and debugger. We might want to disable that by default? self.gen_file_raw(xmltodict.unparse(self.linux_nmake_xaml, pretty=True), 'linux_nmake.xaml', expanded_dic['output_dir']['path']) self.gen_file_raw(xmltodict.unparse(self.linux_debugger_xaml, pretty=True), 'LocalDebugger.xaml', expanded_dic['output_dir']['path']) return output
Example #17
Source File: From project_generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def export_project(self): output = copy.deepcopy(self.generated_project) data_for_make = self.workspace.copy() self.exporter.process_data_for_makefile(data_for_make) output['path'], output['files']['makefile'] = self.gen_file_jinja('makefile_gcc.tmpl', data_for_make, 'Makefile', data_for_make['output_dir']['path']) expanded_dic = self.workspace.copy() expanded_dic['makefile'] = True # data for .vcxproj expanded_dic['vcxproj'] = {} expanded_dic['vcxproj'] = self._set_vcxproj(expanded_dic['name'],'make all', 'make clean && make all', 'make clean && make all', '') # data for debugger for pyOCD expanded_dic['vcxproj_user'] = {} # TODO: localhost and gdb should be misc for VS ! Add misc options vcxproj_user_dic = self._set_vcxproj_user('localhost:3333', 'arm-none-eabi-gdb', os.path.join(expanded_dic['build_dir'], expanded_dic['name']), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), data_for_make['output_dir']['path'])) self._set_groups(expanded_dic) # Project files project_path, vcx_files = self._generate_vcxproj_files(expanded_dic, expanded_dic['name'], data_for_make['output_dir']['path'], vcxproj_user_dic) output['files']['vcxproj.filters'] = vcx_files['files']['vcxproj.filters'] output['files']['vcxproj'] = vcx_files['files']['vcxproj'] output['files']['vcxproj.user'] = vcx_files['files']['vcxproj.user'] # NMake and debugger assets self.gen_file_raw(xmltodict.unparse(self.linux_nmake_xaml, pretty=True), 'linux_nmake.xaml', data_for_make['output_dir']['path']) self.gen_file_raw(xmltodict.unparse(self.linux_debugger_xaml, pretty=True), 'LocalDebugger.xaml', data_for_make['output_dir']['path']) return output
Example #18
Source File: From knittingpattern with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_to_file(self, file): """Writes the current SVG to the :paramref:`file`. :param file: a file-like object """ xmltodict.unparse(self._structure, file, pretty=True)
Example #19
Source File: From hifiberry-dsp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_xml(self, filename): outfile = open(filename, "w") outfile.write(xmltodict.unparse(self.doc, pretty=True))
Example #20
Source File: From knittingpattern with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _dump_to_file(self, file): """dump to the file""" xmltodict.unparse(self.object(), file, pretty=True)
Example #21
Source File: From tushe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def xml_response(data): d = {'xml': data} return xmltodict.unparse(d)
Example #22
Source File: From dataknead with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write(f, data, pretty = True): xmldata = xmltodict.unparse(data, pretty = pretty) f.write(xmldata)
Example #23
Source File: From PiModules with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def write_config_xml(xmlfile, dict): try: with open(xmlfile, "wt") as fo: xmltodict.unparse(dict, fo, pretty=True) except IOError as e: print "Error writing XML file: ", e return False return True
Example #24
Source File: From virtkvm with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def detach_devices(self, devs: List[dict]): for dev in self.get_devices(): if self.get_device_ids(dev) in devs: xml = xmltodict.unparse({"hostdev": dev}) self._dom.detachDevice(xml)
Example #25
Source File: From django-angularjs-blog with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _output_convert(output_type, data): output_switch = {'dict': data, 'raw': data, 'json': json.dumps(data, indent=4), 'xml': xmltodict.unparse({'root': data})} return output_switch.get(output_type, None)
Example #26
Source File: From rtcclient with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _update_subscribe(self, headers, raw_data): subscribers_url = "".join([self.url, "?"]) self.put(subscribers_url, verify=False, proxies=self.rtc_obj.proxies, headers=headers, data=xmltodict.unparse(raw_data))
Example #27
Source File: From mujoco-worldgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_shape(name, points): ''' Make the STL and XML, and save both to the proper directories. ''' # Make the STL and XML shape, size = build_stl(name, points) xml_dict = build_xml(name, size) # Make the directory to save files to if we have to xml_dirname = worldgen_path('assets', 'xmls', 'shapes', name) stl_dirname = worldgen_path('assets', 'stls', 'shapes', name) os.makedirs(xml_dirname, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(stl_dirname, exist_ok=True) # Save the STL and XML to our new directories, name + '.stl')) with open(os.path.join(xml_dirname, 'main.xml'), 'w') as f: f.write(xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict, pretty=True))
Example #28
Source File: From mujoco-worldgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unparse_dict(xml_dict): ''' Convert a normalized XML dictionary into a XML string. See stringify(). Note: this modifies xml_dict in place to have strings instead of values. ''' stringify(xml_dict) xml_doc_dict = OrderedDict(mujoco=xml_dict) return xmltodict.unparse(xml_doc_dict, pretty=True)
Example #29
Source File: From weixin_demo with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send_xml_request(url, param): # dict 2 xml param = {'root': param} xml = xmltodict.unparse(param) response =, data=xml.encode('utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}) # xml 2 dict msg = response.text xmlmsg = xmltodict.parse(msg) return xmlmsg # 统一下单
Example #30
Source File: From tools-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_document(document, out, validate=True): if validate: messages = [] messages = document.validate(messages) if messages: raise InvalidDocumentError(messages) writer = Writer(document) document_object = {'SpdxDocument': writer.create_document()} xmltodict.unparse(document_object, out, encoding='utf-8', pretty=True)