Python provider.shift_point_cloud() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of provider.shift_point_cloud().
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Example #1
Source File: From dgl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def train(net, opt, scheduler, train_loader, dev): net.train() total_loss = 0 num_batches = 0 total_correct = 0 count = 0 loss_f = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() with tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, ascii=True) as tq: for data, label in tq: data = data = provider.random_point_dropout(data) data[:, :, 0:3] = provider.random_scale_point_cloud(data[:, :, 0:3]) data[:, :, 0:3] = provider.jitter_point_cloud(data[:, :, 0:3]) data[:, :, 0:3] = provider.shift_point_cloud(data[:, :, 0:3]) data = torch.tensor(data) label = label[:, 0] num_examples = label.shape[0] data, label =, opt.zero_grad() logits = net(data) loss = loss_f(logits, label) loss.backward() opt.step() _, preds = logits.max(1) num_batches += 1 count += num_examples loss = loss.item() correct = (preds == label).sum().item() total_loss += loss total_correct += correct tq.set_postfix({ 'AvgLoss': '%.5f' % (total_loss / num_batches), 'AvgAcc': '%.5f' % (total_correct / count)}) scheduler.step()
Example #2
Source File: From dfc2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _augment_batch_data(self, batch_data): rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud(batch_data) rotated_data = provider.rotate_perturbation_point_cloud(rotated_data) jittered_data = provider.random_scale_point_cloud(rotated_data[:,:,0:3]) jittered_data = provider.shift_point_cloud(jittered_data) jittered_data = provider.jitter_point_cloud(jittered_data) rotated_data[:,:,0:3] = jittered_data return provider.shuffle_points(rotated_data)
Example #3
Source File: From dfc2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _augment_batch_data(self, batch_data): if self.normal_channel: rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud_with_normal(batch_data) rotated_data = provider.rotate_perturbation_point_cloud_with_normal(rotated_data) else: rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud(batch_data) rotated_data = provider.rotate_perturbation_point_cloud(rotated_data) jittered_data = provider.random_scale_point_cloud(rotated_data[:,:,0:3]) jittered_data = provider.shift_point_cloud(jittered_data) jittered_data = provider.jitter_point_cloud(jittered_data) rotated_data[:,:,0:3] = jittered_data return provider.shuffle_points(rotated_data)
Example #4
Source File: From ldgcnn with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_one_epoch(sess, ops, train_writer): """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """ is_training = True # Shuffle train files train_file_idxs = np.arange(0, len(TRAIN_FILES)) np.random.shuffle(train_file_idxs) for fn in range(len(TRAIN_FILES)): log_string('----' + str(fn) + '-----') # Load data and labels from the files. current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TRAIN_FILES[train_file_idxs[fn]]) current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:] # Shuffle the data in the training set. current_data, current_label, _ = provider.shuffle_data(current_data, np.squeeze(current_label)) current_label = np.squeeze(current_label) file_size = current_data.shape[0] num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE total_correct = 0 total_seen = 0 loss_sum = 0 for batch_idx in range(num_batches): start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE # Augment batched point clouds by rotating, jittering, shifting, # and scaling. rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud(current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :]) jittered_data = provider.jitter_point_cloud(rotated_data) jittered_data = provider.random_scale_point_cloud(jittered_data) jittered_data = provider.rotate_perturbation_point_cloud(jittered_data) jittered_data = provider.shift_point_cloud(jittered_data) # Input the augmented point cloud and labels to the graph. feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: jittered_data, ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx], ops['is_training_pl']: is_training,} # Calculate the loss and accuracy of the input batch data. summary, step, _, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'], ops['train_op'], ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict) train_writer.add_summary(summary, step) pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1) correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx]) total_correct += correct total_seen += BATCH_SIZE loss_sum += loss_val log_string('mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(num_batches))) log_string('accuracy: %f' % (total_correct / float(total_seen)))