Python tensorflow.python.ops.data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of tensorflow.python.ops.data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition().
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Example #1
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 6 votes |
def insert(self, keys, values, name=None): self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].insert(keys, values, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, shard_indices, num_shards) return_values = [ self._table_shards[i].insert(key_shards[i], value_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] return*return_values)
Example #2
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def scatter_update(cls, factor, indices, values, sharding_func, name=None): """Helper function for doing sharded scatter update.""" assert isinstance(factor, list) if len(factor) == 1: with ops.colocate_with(factor[0]): # TODO(agarwal): assign instead of scatter update for full batch update. return state_ops.scatter_update(factor[0], indices, values, name=name).op else: num_shards = len(factor) assignments, new_ids = sharding_func(indices) assert assignments is not None assignments = math_ops.cast(assignments, dtypes.int32) sharded_ids = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(new_ids, assignments, num_shards) sharded_values = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, assignments, num_shards) updates = [] for i in xrange(num_shards): updates.append(state_ops.scatter_update(factor[i], sharded_ids[i], sharded_values[i])) return*updates, name=name)
Example #3
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def insert(self, keys, values, name=None): self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].insert(keys, values, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, shard_indices, num_shards) return_values = [ self._table_shards[i].insert(key_shards[i], value_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] return*return_values)
Example #4
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 6 votes |
def scatter_update(cls, factor, indices, values, sharding_func): """Helper function for doing sharded scatter update.""" assert isinstance(factor, list) if len(factor) == 1: with ops.colocate_with(factor[0]): # TODO(agarwal): assign instead of scatter update for full batch update. return state_ops.scatter_update(factor[0], indices, values).op else: num_shards = len(factor) assignments, new_ids = sharding_func(indices) assert assignments is not None assignments = math_ops.cast(assignments, dtypes.int32) sharded_ids = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(new_ids, assignments, num_shards) sharded_values = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, assignments, num_shards) updates = [] for i in xrange(num_shards): updates.append( state_ops.scatter_update(factor[i], sharded_ids[i], sharded_values[ i])) return*updates)
Example #5
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def scatter_update(cls, factor, indices, values, sharding_func): """Helper function for doing sharded scatter update.""" assert isinstance(factor, list) if len(factor) == 1: with ops.colocate_with(factor[0]): # TODO(agarwal): assign instead of scatter update for full batch update. return state_ops.scatter_update(factor[0], indices, values).op else: num_shards = len(factor) assignments, new_ids = sharding_func(indices) assert assignments is not None assignments = math_ops.cast(assignments, dtypes.int32) sharded_ids = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(new_ids, assignments, num_shards) sharded_values = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, assignments, num_shards) updates = [] for i in xrange(num_shards): updates.append( state_ops.scatter_update(factor[i], sharded_ids[i], sharded_values[ i])) return*updates)
Example #6
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def insert(self, keys, values, name=None): self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].insert(keys, values, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, shard_indices, num_shards) return_values = [ self._table_shards[i].insert(key_shards[i], value_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] return*return_values)
Example #7
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def insert(self, keys, values, name=None): self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].insert(keys, values, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(values, shard_indices, num_shards) return_values = [ self._table_shards[i].insert(key_shards[i], value_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] return*return_values)
Example #8
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _DynamicPartitionGrads(op, *grads): """Gradients for DynamicPartition.""" data = op.inputs[0] indices = op.inputs[1] num_partitions = op.get_attr("num_partitions") prefix_shape = array_ops.shape(indices) original_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.range(math_ops.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)), prefix_shape) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition( original_indices, indices, num_partitions) reconstructed = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, grads) reconstructed = array_ops.reshape(reconstructed, array_ops.shape(data)) return [reconstructed, None]
Example #9
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lookup(self, keys, name=None): if keys.dtype != self._key_dtype: raise TypeError('Signature mismatch. Keys must be dtype %s, got %s.' % (self._key_dtype, keys.dtype)) self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].lookup(keys, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = [ self._table_shards[i].lookup(key_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] num_keys = keys.get_shape().dims[0] original_indices = math_ops.range(num_keys) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(original_indices, shard_indices, num_shards) result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, value_shards) result.set_shape( tensor_shape.TensorShape([num_keys]).concatenate(self._value_shape)) return result
Example #10
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _DynamicPartitionGrads(op, *grads): """Gradients for DynamicPartition.""" data = op.inputs[0] indices = op.inputs[1] num_partitions = op.get_attr("num_partitions") prefix_shape = array_ops.shape(indices) original_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.range(math_ops.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)), prefix_shape) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition( original_indices, indices, num_partitions) reconstructed = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, grads) reconstructed = array_ops.reshape(reconstructed, array_ops.shape(data)) return [reconstructed, None]
Example #11
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _select_which_to_enqueue(tensor_list, keep_input): """Select which examples to enqueue based on vector `keep_input`.""" select_i = math_ops.to_int32(keep_input) tensor_list = [ data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(x, select_i, num_partitions=2)[1] for x in tensor_list] return tensor_list
Example #12
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _DynamicPartitionGrads(op, *grads): """Gradients for DynamicPartition.""" data = op.inputs[0] indices = op.inputs[1] num_partitions = op.get_attr("num_partitions") prefix_shape = array_ops.shape(indices) original_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.range(math_ops.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)), prefix_shape) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition( original_indices, indices, num_partitions) reconstructed = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, grads) reconstructed = array_ops.reshape(reconstructed, array_ops.shape(data)) return [reconstructed, None]
Example #13
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def lookup(self, keys, name=None): if keys.dtype != self._key_dtype: raise TypeError('Signature mismatch. Keys must be dtype %s, got %s.' % (self._key_dtype, keys.dtype)) self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].lookup(keys, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = [ self._table_shards[i].lookup(key_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] num_keys = keys.get_shape().dims[0] original_indices = math_ops.range(num_keys) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(original_indices, shard_indices, num_shards) result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, value_shards) result.set_shape( tensor_shape.TensorShape([num_keys]).concatenate(self._value_shape)) return result
Example #14
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _DynamicPartitionGrads(op, *grads): """Gradients for DynamicPartition.""" data = op.inputs[0] indices = op.inputs[1] num_partitions = op.get_attr("num_partitions") prefix_shape = array_ops.shape(indices) original_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.range(math_ops.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)), prefix_shape) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition( original_indices, indices, num_partitions) reconstructed = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, grads) reconstructed = array_ops.reshape(reconstructed, array_ops.shape(data)) return [reconstructed, None]
Example #15
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lookup(self, keys, name=None): if keys.dtype != self._key_dtype: raise TypeError('Signature mismatch. Keys must be dtype %s, got %s.' % (self._key_dtype, keys.dtype)) self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].lookup(keys, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = [ self._table_shards[i].lookup(key_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] num_keys = keys.get_shape().dims[0] original_indices = math_ops.range(num_keys) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(original_indices, shard_indices, num_shards) result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, value_shards) result.set_shape( tensor_shape.TensorShape([num_keys]).concatenate(self._value_shape)) return result
Example #16
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _DynamicPartitionGrads(op, *grads): """Gradients for DynamicPartition.""" data = op.inputs[0] indices = op.inputs[1] num_partitions = op.get_attr("num_partitions") prefix_shape = array_ops.shape(indices) original_indices = array_ops.reshape( math_ops.range(math_ops.reduce_prod(prefix_shape)), prefix_shape) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition( original_indices, indices, num_partitions) reconstructed = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, grads) reconstructed = array_ops.reshape(reconstructed, array_ops.shape(data)) return [reconstructed, None]
Example #17
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lookup(self, keys, name=None): if keys.dtype != self._key_dtype: raise TypeError('Signature mismatch. Keys must be dtype %s, got %s.' % (self._key_dtype, keys.dtype)) self._check_keys(keys) num_shards = self._num_shards if num_shards == 1: return self._table_shards[0].lookup(keys, name=name) shard_indices = self._shard_indices(keys) # TODO(andreasst): support 'keys' that are not vectors key_shards = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(keys, shard_indices, num_shards) value_shards = [ self._table_shards[i].lookup(key_shards[i], name=name) for i in range(num_shards) ] num_keys = keys.get_shape().dims[0] original_indices = math_ops.range(num_keys) partitioned_indices = data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(original_indices, shard_indices, num_shards) result = data_flow_ops.dynamic_stitch(partitioned_indices, value_shards) result.set_shape( tensor_shape.TensorShape([num_keys]).concatenate(self._value_shape)) return result
Example #18
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _select_which_to_enqueue(tensor_list, keep_input): """Select which examples to enqueue based on vector `keep_input`.""" select_i = math_ops.cast(keep_input, dtypes.int32) tensor_list = [ data_flow_ops.dynamic_partition(x, select_i, num_partitions=2)[1] for x in tensor_list] return tensor_list