Python isodate.parse_date() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of isodate.parse_date().
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Example #1
Source File: From scrape-schema-recipe with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_determine_date_datetime(s: str) -> Union[datetime.datetime,]: """Parse function parses a date, if time is included it parses as a datetime. """ if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): # Check if the date includes time. if 'T' in s: return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(s) else: return else: # Check if the date includes time. if 'T' in s: return isodate.parse_datetime(s) else: return isodate.parse_date(s) # Test if lists/tuples have contain matching items
Example #2
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def format_output(item, show_url=False): """ takes a voat post and returns a formatted string """ if not item["Title"]: item["Title"] = formatting.truncate(item["Linkdescription"], 70) else: item["Title"] = formatting.truncate(item["Title"], 70) item["link"] = voat_fill_url.format(item["Subverse"], item["Id"]) raw_time = isodate.parse_date(item['Date']) item["timesince"] = timeformat.time_since(raw_time, count=1, simple=True) item["comments"] = formatting.pluralize(item["CommentCount"], 'comment') item["points"] = formatting.pluralize(item["Likes"], 'point') if item["Type"] == 2: item["warning"] = " \x02Link\x02" else: item["warning"] = "" if show_url: return "\x02{Title} : {Subverse}\x02 - {comments}, {points}" \ " - \x02{Name}\x02 {timesince} ago - {link}{warning}".format(**item) else: return "\x02{Title} : {Subverse}\x02 - {comments}, {points}" \ " - \x02{Name}\x02, {timesince} ago{warning}".format(**item)
Example #3
Source File: From autorest.python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_date(self): client = AutoRestDateTestService(base_url="http://localhost:3000") max_date = isodate.parse_date("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z") min_date = isodate.parse_date("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z") await client.date_model.put_max_date(max_date) await client.date_model.put_min_date(min_date) assert max_date == await client.date_model.get_max_date() assert min_date == await client.date_model.get_min_date() assert await client.date_model.get_null() is None with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): await client.date_model.get_invalid_date() with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): await client.date_model.get_overflow_date() with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): await client.date_model.get_underflow_date()
Example #4
Source File: From autorest.python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_date(self): client = AutoRestDateTestService(base_url="http://localhost:3000") max_date = isodate.parse_date("9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z") min_date = isodate.parse_date("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z") client.date_model.put_max_date(max_date) client.date_model.put_min_date(min_date) assert max_date == client.date_model.get_max_date() assert min_date == client.date_model.get_min_date() assert client.date_model.get_null() is None with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): client.date_model.get_invalid_date() with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): client.date_model.get_overflow_date() with pytest.raises(DeserializationError): client.date_model.get_underflow_date()
Example #5
Source File: From msrest-for-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def serialize_date(attr, **kwargs): """Serialize Date object into ISO-8601 formatted string. :param Date attr: Object to be serialized. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(attr, str): attr = isodate.parse_date(attr) t = "{:04}-{:02}-{:02}".format(attr.year, attr.month, return t
Example #6
Source File: From msrest-for-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deserialize_date(attr): """Deserialize ISO-8601 formatted string into Date object. :param str attr: response string to be deserialized. :rtype: Date :raises: DeserializationError if string format invalid. """ if isinstance(attr, ET.Element): attr = attr.text if"[^\W\d_]", attr, re.I + re.U): raise DeserializationError("Date must have only digits and -. Received: %s" % attr) # This must NOT use defaultmonth/defaultday. Using None ensure this raises an exception. return isodate.parse_date(attr, defaultmonth=None, defaultday=None)
Example #7
Source File: From beets-bandcamp with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_album_info(self, url): """Returns an AlbumInfo object for a bandcamp album page. """ try: html = self._get(url) name_section = html.find(id='name-section') album = name_section.find(attrs={'itemprop': 'name'}).text.strip() # Even though there is an item_id in some urls in bandcamp, it's not # visible on the page and you can't search by the id, so we need to use # the url as id. album_id = url artist = name_section.find(attrs={'itemprop': 'byArtist'}) .text.strip() release = html.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'datePublished'})['content'] release = isodate.parse_date(release) artist_url = url.split('/album/')[0] tracks = [] for row in html.find(id='track_table').find_all(attrs={'itemprop': 'tracks'}): track = self._parse_album_track(row) track.track_id = '{0}{1}'.format(artist_url, track.track_id) tracks.append(track) return AlbumInfo(album, album_id, artist, artist_url, tracks, year=release.year, month=release.month,, country='XW', media='Digital Media', data_source='bandcamp', data_url=url) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: self._log.debug("Communication error while fetching album {0!r}: " "{1}".format(url, e)) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: self._log.debug("Unexpected html while scraping album {0!r}: {1}".format(url, e)) except BandcampException as e: self._log.debug('Error: {0}'.format(e))