Python data_generator.DataGenerator() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of data_generator.DataGenerator().
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Example #1
Source File: From RecurrentGaze with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init_data_gen(self, data: DataTuple, batch_size: int=64, augmenter: ImageDataAugmenter=None, shuffle: bool=False, debug: bool=False): """ Initialize new data generator object with custom methods that depend on the experiment used. The code assumes that the "default" mode is to convert to normalized space the input data, so "norm" methods are used as input for the data generator here. If that's not the case, this method is overridden in respective experiments. :param data: DataTuple including x, y and feats :param batch_size: batch size :param augmenter: augmenter object (ImageDataAugmenter) :param shuffle: True to shuffle input data :param debug: True if debug mode is activated to show augmentation and normalization image results """ datagen = DataGenerator(data.x, data.y, data.feats, batch_size, augmenter, shuffle, debug) datagen.set_methods(self.arrange_arrays, self.arrange_label_array, self.look_back_range, self.get_preprocess_info, self.load_image, self.preprocess_input_data_norm, self.preprocess_input_label_norm, self.resize_input_data, self.prepare_tensor_dims, self.normalize_input_data, self.arrange_final_data, self.decide_input_label) return datagen
Example #2
Source File: From Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, args, backbone): """Contains the encoder model, the loss function, loading of datasets, train and evaluation routines to implement IIC unsupervised clustering via mutual information maximization Arguments: args : Command line arguments to indicate choice of batch size, number of heads, folder to save weights file, weights file name, etc backbone (Model): IIC Encoder backbone (eg VGG) """ self.args = args self.backbone = backbone self._model = None self.train_gen = DataGenerator(args, siamese=True) self.n_labels = self.train_gen.n_labels self.build_model() self.load_eval_dataset() self.accuracy = 0
Example #3
Source File: From FashionAI_KeyPoint_Detection_Challenge_Keras with MIT License | 6 votes |
def train(self, category, batchSize=8, epochs=20, lrschedule=False): trainDt = DataGenerator(category, os.path.join("../../data/train/Annotations", "train_split.csv")) trainGen = trainDt.generator_with_mask_ohem( graph=tf.get_default_graph(), kerasModel=self.model, batchSize= batchSize, inputSize=(self.inputHeight, self.inputWidth), nStackNum=self.nStackNum, flipFlag=False, cropFlag=False) normalizedErrorCallBack = NormalizedErrorCallBack("../../trained_models/", category, True) csvlogger = CSVLogger( os.path.join(normalizedErrorCallBack.get_folder_path(), "csv_train_"+self.modelName+"_"+str('%H:%M'))+".csv")) xcallbacks = [normalizedErrorCallBack, csvlogger] self.model.fit_generator(generator=trainGen, steps_per_epoch=trainDt.get_dataset_size()//batchSize, epochs=epochs, callbacks=xcallbacks)
Example #4
Source File: From ba-dls-deepspeech with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(test_desc_file, train_desc_file, load_dir): # Prepare the data generator datagen = DataGenerator() # Load the JSON file that contains the dataset datagen.load_test_data(test_desc_file) datagen.load_train_data(train_desc_file) # Use a few samples from the dataset, to calculate the means and variance # of the features, so that we can center our inputs to the network datagen.fit_train(100) # Compile a Recurrent Network with 1 1D convolution layer, GRU units # and 1 fully connected layer model = load_model(load_dir) # Compile the testing function test_fn = compile_test_fn(model) # Test the model test_loss = test(model, test_fn, datagen) print ("Test loss: {}".format(test_loss))
Example #5
Source File: From Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, args): """Copy user-defined configs. Build backbone and fcn network models. """ self.args = args self.fcn = None self.train_generator = DataGenerator(args) self.build_model() self.eval_init()
Example #6
Source File: From Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, args, backbone): """Contains the encoder, SimpleMINE, and linear classifier models, the loss function, loading of datasets, train and evaluation routines to implement MINE unsupervised clustering via mutual information maximization Arguments: args : Command line arguments to indicate choice of batch size, folder to save weights file, weights file name, etc backbone (Model): MINE Encoder backbone (eg VGG) """ self.args = args self.latent_dim = args.latent_dim self.backbone = backbone self._model = None self._encoder = None self.train_gen = DataGenerator(args, siamese=True, mine=True) self.n_labels = self.train_gen.n_labels self.build_model() self.accuracy = 0
Example #7
Source File: From FashionAI_KeyPoint_Detection_Challenge_Keras with MIT License | 5 votes |
def resume_train(self, category, pretrainModel, modelName, initEpoch, batchSize=8, epochs=20): self.modelName = modelName self.load_model(pretrainModel) refineNetflag = True self.nStackNum = 2 modelPath = os.path.dirname(pretrainModel) trainDt = DataGenerator(category, os.path.join("../../data/train/Annotations", "train_split.csv")) trainGen = trainDt.generator_with_mask_ohem(graph=tf.get_default_graph(), kerasModel=self.model, batchSize=batchSize, inputSize=(self.inputHeight, self.inputWidth), nStackNum=self.nStackNum, flipFlag=False, cropFlag=False) normalizedErrorCallBack = NormalizedErrorCallBack("../../trained_models/", category, refineNetflag, resumeFolder=modelPath) csvlogger = CSVLogger(os.path.join(normalizedErrorCallBack.get_folder_path(), "csv_train_" + self.modelName + "_" + str('%H:%M')) + ".csv")) self.model.fit_generator(initial_epoch=initEpoch, generator=trainGen, steps_per_epoch=trainDt.get_dataset_size() // batchSize, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[normalizedErrorCallBack, csvlogger])
Example #8
Source File: From ba-dls-deepspeech with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test(model, test_fn, datagen, mb_size=16, conv_context=11, conv_border_mode='valid', conv_stride=2): """ Testing routine for speech-models Params: model (keras.model): Constructed keras model test_fn (theano.function): A theano function that calculates the cost over a test set datagen (DataGenerator) mb_size (int): Size of each minibatch conv_context (int): Convolution context conv_border_mode (str): Convolution border mode conv_stride (int): Convolution stride Returns: test_cost (float): Average test cost over the whole test set """ avg_cost = 0.0 i = 0 for batch in datagen.iterate_test(mb_size): inputs = batch['x'] labels = batch['y'] input_lengths = batch['input_lengths'] label_lengths = batch['label_lengths'] ground_truth = batch['texts'] # Due to convolution, the number of timesteps of the output # is different from the input length. Calculate the resulting # timesteps output_lengths = [conv_output_length(l, conv_context, conv_border_mode, conv_stride) for l in input_lengths] predictions, ctc_cost = test_fn([inputs, output_lengths, labels, label_lengths, True]) predictions = np.swapaxes(predictions, 0, 1) for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions): print ("Truth: {}, Prediction: {}" .format(ground_truth[i], argmax_decode(prediction))) avg_cost += ctc_cost i += 1 return avg_cost / i
Example #9
Source File: From ba-dls-deepspeech with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visualize(model, test_file, train_desc_file): """ Get the prediction using the model, and visualize softmax outputs Params: model (keras.models.Model): Trained speech model test_file (str): Path to an audio clip train_desc_file(str): Path to the training file used to train this model """ datagen = DataGenerator() datagen.load_train_data(train_desc_file) datagen.fit_train(100) print ("Compiling test function...") test_fn = compile_output_fn(model) inputs = [datagen.featurize(test_file)] prediction = np.squeeze(test_fn([inputs, True])) softmax_file = "softmax.npy".format(test_file) softmax_img_file = "softmax.png".format(test_file) print ("Prediction: {}" .format(argmax_decode(prediction))) print ("Saving network output to: {}".format(softmax_file)) print ("As image: {}".format(softmax_img_file)), prediction) sm = softmax(prediction.T) sm = np.vstack((sm[0], sm[2], sm[3:][::-1])) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.pcolor(sm, column_labels = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + 26)] + ['space', 'blank'] ax.set_yticks(np.arange(sm.shape[0]) + 0.5, minor=False) ax.set_yticklabels(column_labels[::-1], minor=False) plt.savefig(softmax_img_file)
Example #10
Source File: From ba-dls-deepspeech with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def validation(model, val_fn, datagen, mb_size=16): """ Validation routine for speech-models Params: model (keras.model): Constructed keras model val_fn (theano.function): A theano function that calculates the cost over a validation set datagen (DataGenerator) mb_size (int): Size of each minibatch Returns: val_cost (float): Average validation cost over the whole validation set """ avg_cost = 0.0 i = 0 for batch in datagen.iterate_validation(mb_size): inputs = batch['x'] labels = batch['y'] input_lengths = batch['input_lengths'] label_lengths = batch['label_lengths'] # Due to convolution, the number of timesteps of the output # is different from the input length. Calculate the resulting # timesteps output_lengths = [model.conv_output_length(l) for l in input_lengths] _, ctc_cost = val_fn([inputs, output_lengths, labels, label_lengths, True]) avg_cost += ctc_cost i += 1 if i == 0: return 0.0 return avg_cost / i
Example #11
Source File: From RecurrentGaze with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, name: str=None, description: str=None, weights: str=None, train: bool=False, base_model: BaseModel=None, model=None, fc_dimensions: int=4096, label_pos: int=-1, look_back: int=1, n_output: int=2, recurrent_type: str="lstm", num_recurrent_layers: int=1, num_recurrent_units: int=128, train_data_generator: DataGenerator=None, val_data_generator: DataGenerator=None): """ Initialize ExperimentHelper class. :param name: name of experiment :param description: description of experiment :param weights: weights of model (in case it has been already trained) :param train: True if training is activated :param base_model: base model used (for instance, VGGFace) :param model: model architecture type :param fc_dimensions: dimensions of FC layers :param label_pos: label position :param look_back: sequence length :param n_output: number of outputs of model :param recurrent_type: type of recurrent network (gru or lstm) :param num_recurrent_layers: number of recurrent layers :param num_recurrent_units: number of recurrent units :param train_data_generator: DataGenerator for training :param val_data_generator: DataGenerator for validation/test (in case there is any) """ = name self.description = description self.weights = weights self.train = train self.base_model = base_model self.model = model self.fc_dimensions = fc_dimensions self.label_pos = label_pos self.n_output = n_output # --- temporal options --- self.look_back = look_back self.recurrent_type = recurrent_type self.num_recurrent_layers = num_recurrent_layers self.num_recurrent_units = num_recurrent_units # --- other --- self.train_data_generator = train_data_generator self.val_data_generator = val_data_generator
Example #12
Source File: From ba-dls-deepspeech with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def train(model, train_fn, val_fn, datagen, save_dir, epochs=10, mb_size=16, do_sortagrad=True): """ Main training routine for speech-models Params: model (keras.model): Constructed keras model train_fn (theano.function): A theano function that takes in acoustic inputs and updates the model val_fn (theano.function): A theano function that calculates the cost over a validation set datagen (DataGenerator) save_dir (str): Path where model and costs are saved epochs (int): Total epochs to continue training mb_size (int): Size of each minibatch do_sortagrad (bool): If true, we sort utterances by their length in the first epoch """ train_costs, val_costs = [], [] iters = 0 for e in range(epochs): if do_sortagrad: shuffle = e != 0 sortagrad = e == 0 else: shuffle = True sortagrad = False for i, batch in \ enumerate(datagen.iterate_train(mb_size, shuffle=shuffle, sort_by_duration=sortagrad)): inputs = batch['x'] labels = batch['y'] input_lengths = batch['input_lengths'] label_lengths = batch['label_lengths'] # Due to convolution, the number of timesteps of the output # is different from the input length. Calculate the resulting # timesteps output_lengths = [model.conv_output_length(l) for l in input_lengths] _, ctc_cost = train_fn([inputs, output_lengths, labels, label_lengths, True]) train_costs.append(ctc_cost) if i % 10 == 0:"Epoch: {}, Iteration: {}, Loss: {}" .format(e, i, ctc_cost, input_lengths)) iters += 1 if iters % 500 == 0: val_cost = validation(model, val_fn, datagen, mb_size) val_costs.append(val_cost) save_model(save_dir, model, train_costs, val_costs, iters) if iters % 500 != 0: # End of an epoch. Check validation cost and save costs val_cost = validation(model, val_fn, datagen, mb_size) val_costs.append(val_cost) save_model(save_dir, model, train_costs, val_costs, iters)