Python rasterio.warp.calculate_default_transform() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of rasterio.warp.calculate_default_transform().
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Example #1
Source File: From LSDMappingTools with MIT License | 7 votes |
def ConvertRaster2LatLong(InputRasterFile,OutputRasterFile): """ Convert a raster to lat long WGS1984 EPSG:4326 coordinates for global plotting MDH """ # import modules import rasterio from rasterio.warp import reproject, calculate_default_transform as cdt, Resampling # read the source raster with as src: #get input coordinate system Input_CRS = # define the output coordinate system Output_CRS = {'init': "epsg:4326"} # set up the transform Affine, Width, Height = cdt(Input_CRS,Output_CRS,src.width,src.height,*src.bounds) kwargs = src.meta.copy() kwargs.update({ 'crs': Output_CRS, 'transform': Affine, 'affine': Affine, 'width': Width, 'height': Height }) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i in range(1, src.count+1): reproject(, i),, i), src_transform=src.affine,, dst_transform=Affine, dst_crs=Output_CRS, resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
Example #2
Source File: From rio-glui with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_max_zoom(self, snap=0.5, max_z=23): """Calculate raster max zoom level.""" dst_affine, w, h = calculate_default_transform(, "epsg:3857", self.meta["width"], self.meta["height"], *self.crs_bounds ) res_max = max(abs(dst_affine[0]), abs(dst_affine[4])) tgt_z = max_z mpp = 0.0 # loop through the pyramid to file the closest z level for z in range(1, max_z): mpp = _meters_per_pixel(z, 0) if (mpp - ((mpp / 2) * snap)) < res_max: tgt_z = z break return tgt_z
Example #3
Source File: From rio-cogeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_max_zoom(src_dst, lat=0.0, tilesize=256): """ Calculate raster max zoom level. Parameters ---------- src: Rasterio io.DatasetReader object lat: float, optional Center latitude of the dataset. This is only needed in case you want to apply latitude correction factor to ensure consitent maximum zoom level (default: 0.0). tilesize: int, optional Mercator tile size (default: 256). Returns ------- max_zoom: int Max zoom level. """ dst_affine, w, h = calculate_default_transform(, "epsg:3857", src_dst.width, src_dst.height, *src_dst.bounds ) native_resolution = max(abs(dst_affine[0]), abs(dst_affine[4])) # Correction factor for web-mercator projection latitude distortion latitude_correction_factor = math.cos(math.radians(lat)) corrected_resolution = native_resolution * latitude_correction_factor max_zoom = zoom_for_pixelsize(corrected_resolution, tilesize=tilesize) return max_zoom
Example #4
Source File: From terracotta with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_vrt(src: DatasetReader, rs_method: int) -> WarpedVRT: from terracotta.drivers.raster_base import RasterDriver target_crs = RasterDriver._TARGET_CRS vrt_transform, vrt_width, vrt_height = calculate_default_transform(, target_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds ) vrt = WarpedVRT( src, crs=target_crs, resampling=rs_method, transform=vrt_transform, width=vrt_width, height=vrt_height ) return vrt
Example #5
Source File: From rio-glui with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_min_zoom(self, snap=0.5, max_z=23): """Calculate raster min zoom level.""" dst_affine, w, h = calculate_default_transform(, "epsg:3857", self.meta["width"], self.meta["height"], *self.crs_bounds ) res_max = max(abs(dst_affine[0]), abs(dst_affine[4])) max_decim = self.overiew_levels[-1] resolution = max_decim * res_max tgt_z = 0 mpp = 0.0 # loop through the pyramid to file the closest z level for z in list(range(0, 24))[::-1]: mpp = _meters_per_pixel(z, 0) tgt_z = z if (mpp - ((mpp / 2) * snap)) > resolution: break return tgt_z
Example #6
Source File: From python-urbanPlanning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reprojectedRaster(rasterFn,ref_vectorFn): dst_crs=gpd.read_file(ref_vectorFn).crs print(dst_crs) #{'init': 'epsg:4326'} dst_raster_projected=os.path.join(dataFp_1,r"svf_dstRasterProjected_b.tif") a_T = # dst_crs='EPSG:4326' with as src: transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) kwargs = src.meta.copy() kwargs.update({ 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': transform, 'width': width, 'height': height, # 'compress': "LZW", 'dtype':rasterio.float32, }) # print(src.count) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i in range(1, src.count + 1): reproject(, i),, i), src_transform=src.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.nearest ) b_T = print("reprojected time span:", b_T-a_T) #根据Polgyon统计raster栅格信息
Example #7
Source File: From python-urbanPlanning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reprojectedRaster(rasterFn,ref_vectorFn,dst_raster_projected): dst_crs=gpd.read_file(ref_vectorFn).crs print(dst_crs) #{'init': 'epsg:4326'} a_T = # dst_crs='EPSG:4326' with as src: transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src.width, src.height, *src.bounds) kwargs = src.meta.copy() kwargs.update({ 'crs': dst_crs, 'transform': transform, 'width': width, 'height': height, # 'compress': "LZW", 'dtype':rasterio.uint8, #rasterio.float32 }) # print(src.count) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i in range(1, src.count + 1): reproject(, i),, i), src_transform=src.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.nearest ) b_T = print("reprojected time span:", b_T-a_T) #根据Polgyon统计raster栅格信息
Example #8
Source File: From rio-tiler with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def get_zooms( src_dst: Union[DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, WarpedVRT], ensure_global_max_zoom: bool = False, tilesize: int = 256, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Calculate raster min/max mercator zoom level. Parameters ---------- src_dst: Rasterio io.DatasetReader object ensure_global_max_zoom: bool, optional Apply latitude correction factor to ensure max_zoom equality for global datasets covering different latitudes (default: False). tilesize: int, optional Mercator tile size (default: 256). Returns ------- min_zoom, max_zoom: Tuple Min/Max Mercator zoom levels. """ bounds = transform_bounds(, constants.WGS84_CRS, *src_dst.bounds, densify_pts=21 ) center = [(bounds[0] + bounds[2]) / 2, (bounds[1] + bounds[3]) / 2] lat = center[1] if ensure_global_max_zoom else 0 dst_affine, w, h = calculate_default_transform(, constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS, src_dst.width, src_dst.height, *src_dst.bounds, ) mercator_resolution = max(abs(dst_affine[0]), abs(dst_affine[4])) # Correction factor for web-mercator projection latitude scale change latitude_correction_factor = math.cos(math.radians(lat)) adjusted_resolution = mercator_resolution * latitude_correction_factor max_zoom = zoom_for_pixelsize(adjusted_resolution, tilesize=tilesize) ovr_resolution = adjusted_resolution * max(h, w) / tilesize min_zoom = zoom_for_pixelsize(ovr_resolution, tilesize=tilesize) return (min_zoom, max_zoom)
Example #9
Source File: From rio-tiler with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def get_overview_level( src_dst: Union[DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, WarpedVRT], bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float], height: int, width: int, dst_crs: CRS = constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS, ) -> int: """ Return the overview level corresponding to the tile resolution. Freely adapted from Attributes ---------- src_dst : Rasterio io.DatasetReader object bounds : list Bounds (left, bottom, right, top) in target crs ("dst_crs"). height : int Output height. width : int Output width. dst_crs: CRS or str, optional Target coordinate reference system (default "epsg:3857"). Returns ------- ovr_idx: Int or None Overview level """ dst_transform, _, _ = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src_dst.width, src_dst.height, *src_dst.bounds ) src_res = dst_transform.a # Compute what the "natural" output resolution # (in pixels) would be for this input dataset vrt_transform = from_bounds(*bounds, width, height) target_res = vrt_transform.a ovr_idx = -1 if target_res > src_res: res = [src_res * decim for decim in src_dst.overviews(1)] for ovr_idx in range(ovr_idx, len(res) - 1): ovrRes = src_res if ovr_idx < 0 else res[ovr_idx] nextRes = res[ovr_idx + 1] if (ovrRes < target_res) and (nextRes > target_res): break if abs(ovrRes - target_res) < 1e-1: break else: ovr_idx = len(res) - 1 return ovr_idx
Example #10
Source File: From rio-tiler with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def get_vrt_transform( src_dst: Union[DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, WarpedVRT], bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float], height: Optional[int] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, dst_crs: CRS = constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS, ) -> Tuple[Affine, int, int]: """ Calculate VRT transform. Attributes ---------- src_dst : Rasterio io.DatasetReader object bounds : list Bounds (left, bottom, right, top) in target crs ("dst_crs"). height : int, optional Desired output height of the array for the bounds. width : int, optional Desired output width of the array for the bounds. dst_crs: CRS or str, optional Target coordinate reference system (default "epsg:3857"). Returns ------- vrt_transform: Affine Output affine transformation matrix vrt_width, vrt_height: int Output dimensions """ dst_transform, _, _ = calculate_default_transform(, dst_crs, src_dst.width, src_dst.height, *src_dst.bounds ) w, s, e, n = bounds if not height or not width: vrt_width = math.ceil((e - w) / dst_transform.a) vrt_height = math.ceil((s - n) / dst_transform.e) vrt_transform = from_bounds(w, s, e, n, vrt_width, vrt_height) return vrt_transform, vrt_width, vrt_height tile_transform = from_bounds(w, s, e, n, width, height) w_res = ( tile_transform.a if abs(tile_transform.a) < abs(dst_transform.a) else dst_transform.a ) h_res = ( tile_transform.e if abs(tile_transform.e) < abs(dst_transform.e) else dst_transform.e ) vrt_width = math.ceil((e - w) / w_res) vrt_height = math.ceil((s - n) / h_res) vrt_transform = from_bounds(w, s, e, n, vrt_width, vrt_height) return vrt_transform, vrt_width, vrt_height
Example #11
Source File: From solaris with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _reproject(input_data, input_type, input_crs, target_crs, dest_path, resampling_method='bicubic'): input_crs = _check_crs(input_crs) target_crs = _check_crs(target_crs) if input_type == 'vector': output = input_data.to_crs(target_crs) if dest_path is not None: output.to_file(dest_path, driver='GeoJSON') elif input_type == 'raster': if isinstance(input_data, rasterio.DatasetReader): transform, width, height = calculate_default_transform( input_crs.to_wkt("WKT1_GDAL"), target_crs.to_wkt("WKT1_GDAL"), input_data.width, input_data.height, *input_data.bounds ) kwargs = input_data.meta.copy() kwargs.update({'crs': target_crs.to_wkt("WKT1_GDAL"), 'transform': transform, 'width': width, 'height': height}) if dest_path is not None: with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for band_idx in range(1, input_data.count + 1): rasterio.warp.reproject(, band_idx),, band_idx), src_transform=input_data.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=target_crs.to_wkt("WKT1_GDAL"), resampling=getattr(Resampling, resampling_method) ) output = input_data.close() else: output = np.zeros(shape=(height, width, input_data.count)) for band_idx in range(1, input_data.count + 1): rasterio.warp.reproject(, band_idx), destination=output[:, :, band_idx-1], src_transform=input_data.transform,, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=target_crs, resampling=getattr(Resampling, resampling_method) ) elif isinstance(input_data, gdal.Dataset): if dest_path is not None: gdal.Warp(dest_path, input_data, dstSRS='EPSG:' + str(target_crs.to_epsg())) output = gdal.Open(dest_path) else: raise ValueError('An output path must be provided for ' 'reprojecting GDAL datasets.') return output