Python tensorflow.session() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.session().
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Example #1
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, sess, local_lr): """ Runs whole GAN Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session local_lr(float): Learning rate """ disc_cost_acc = [] n_words_proc = 0 tic = time.time() for iters in range(0, self.iters_epoch, self.batch_size): # 1.Run the discriminator for _ in range(self.disc_runs): disc_result = self.run_discriminator(sess, local_lr) disc_cost_acc.append(disc_result[0]) # 2.Run the Generator n_words_proc += self.run_generator(sess, local_lr) # 3.Report the metrics self.report_metrics(iters, n_words_proc, disc_cost_acc, tic)
Example #2
Source File: From faceswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def predict(self, feed, batch_size=None): """ Get predictions from the model in the correct session. This method is a wrapper for :func:`keras.predict()` function. Parameters ---------- feed: numpy.ndarray or list The feed to be provided to the model as input. This should be a ``numpy.ndarray`` for single inputs or a ``list`` of ``numpy.ndarrays`` for multiple inputs. """ if self._session is None: if batch_size is None: return self._model.predict(feed) return self._amd_predict_with_optimized_batchsizes(feed, batch_size) with self._session.as_default(): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager with self._session.graph.as_default(): return self._model.predict(feed, batch_size=batch_size)
Example #3
Source File: From faceswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _set_session(self, allow_growth): """ Sets the session and graph. If the backend is AMD then this does nothing and the global ``Keras`` ``Session`` is used """ if get_backend() == "amd": return None self.graph = tf.Graph() config = tf.ConfigProto() if allow_growth and get_backend() == "nvidia": config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True try: session = tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph(), config=config) except tf_error.InternalError as err: if "driver version is insufficient" in str(err): msg = ("Your Nvidia Graphics Driver is insufficient for running Faceswap. " "Please upgrade to the latest version.") raise FaceswapError(msg) from err raise err logger.debug("Created tf.session: (graph: %s, session: %s, config: %s)", session.graph, session, config) return session
Example #4
Source File: From faceswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def define_model(self, function): """ Defines a given model in the correct session. This method acts as a wrapper for :class:`keras.models.Model()` to ensure that the model is defined within it's own graph. Parameters ---------- function: function A function that defines a :class:`keras.Model` and returns it's ``inputs`` and ``outputs``. The function that generates these results should be passed in, NOT the results themselves, as the function needs to be executed within the correct context. """ if self._session is None: self._model = Model(*function()) else: with self._session.as_default(): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager with self._session.graph.as_default(): self._model = Model(*function())
Example #5
Source File: From rasa_nlu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _output_training_stat(self, X: np.ndarray, intents_for_X: np.ndarray, is_training: 'tf.Tensor') -> np.ndarray: """Output training statistics""" n = self.evaluate_on_num_examples ids = np.random.permutation(len(X))[:n] all_Y = self._create_all_Y(X[ids].shape[0]) train_sim =, feed_dict={self.a_in: X[ids], self.b_in: all_Y, is_training: False}) train_acc = np.mean(np.argmax(train_sim, -1) == intents_for_X[ids]) return train_acc
Example #6
Source File: From Rasa_NLU_Chi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _calculate_message_sim(self, X, all_Y): """Load tf graph and calculate message similarities""" a_in = self.embedding_placeholder b_in = self.intent_placeholder sim = self.similarity_op sess = self.session message_sim =, feed_dict={a_in: X, b_in: all_Y}) message_sim = message_sim.flatten() # sim is a matrix intent_ids = message_sim.argsort()[::-1] message_sim[::-1].sort() # transform sim to python list for JSON serializing message_sim = message_sim.tolist() return intent_ids, message_sim
Example #7
Source File: From ai-chatbot-framework with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _calculate_message_sim(self, X, all_Y): """Load tf graph and calculate message similarities""" a_in = self.embedding_placeholder b_in = self.intent_placeholder sim = self.similarity_op sess = self.session message_sim =, feed_dict={a_in: X, b_in: all_Y}) message_sim = message_sim.flatten() # sim is a matrix intent_ids = message_sim.argsort()[::-1] message_sim[::-1].sort() # transform sim to python list for JSON serializing message_sim = message_sim.tolist() return intent_ids, message_sim
Example #8
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run_generator(self, sess, local_lr): """ Runs generator part of GAN Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session local_lr(float): Learning rate Returns: Returns number of words processed """ # Generate random ids to look up src_ids = np.random.choice(self.vocab_size, self.batch_size, replace=False) tgt_ids = np.random.choice(self.vocab_size, self.batch_size, replace=False) train_dict = { self.generator.src_ph: src_ids, self.generator.tgt_ph: tgt_ids, self.discriminator.do_ph: 1.0, self.lr_ph: local_lr, }, feed_dict=train_dict) # Run orthogonalize return 2 * self.batch_size
Example #9
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run_discriminator(self, sess, local_lr): """ Runs discriminator part of GAN Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session local_lr(float): Learning rate """ # Generate random ids to look up src_ids = np.random.choice(self.most_freq, self.batch_size, replace=False) tgt_ids = np.random.choice(self.most_freq, self.batch_size, replace=False) train_dict = { self.generator.src_ph: src_ids, self.generator.tgt_ph: tgt_ids, self.discriminator.do_ph: 0.9, self.lr_ph: local_lr, } return [self.discriminator.disc_cost, self.discriminator.disc_opt], feed_dict=train_dict )
Example #10
Source File: From rasa_nlu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _calculate_message_sim(self, X: np.ndarray, all_Y: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[float]]: """Load tf graph and calculate message similarities""" message_sim =, feed_dict={self.a_in: X, self.b_in: all_Y}) message_sim = message_sim.flatten() # sim is a matrix intent_ids = message_sim.argsort()[::-1] message_sim[::-1].sort() if self.similarity_type == 'cosine': # clip negative values to zero message_sim[message_sim < 0] = 0 elif self.similarity_type == 'inner': # normalize result to [0, 1] with softmax message_sim = np.exp(message_sim) message_sim /= np.sum(message_sim) # transform sim to python list for JSON serializing return intent_ids, message_sim.tolist()
Example #11
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def apply_procrustes(self, sess, final_pairs): """ Applies procrustes to W matrix for better mapping Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session final_pairs(ndarray): Array of pairs which are mutual neighbors """ print("Applying solution of Procrustes problem to get better mapping...") proc_dict = { self.generator.src_ph: final_pairs[:, 0], self.generator.tgt_ph: final_pairs[:, 1], } A, B =[self.generator.src_emb, self.generator.tgt_emb], feed_dict=proc_dict) # pylint: disable=no-member R = scipy.linalg.orthogonal_procrustes(A, B), R[0]))
Example #12
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_nn_acc(self, sess, batch_size=512): """ Evaluates accuracy of mapping using Nearest neighbors Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session batch_size(int): Size of batch """ top_matches = [] eval_size = len(self.src_ind) # Loop through all the eval dataset for i in range(0, eval_size, batch_size): src_ids = [self.src_ind[x] for x in range(i, min(i + batch_size, eval_size))] eval_dict = {self.src_ph: src_ids, self.tgt_ph: self.tgt_ids} matches =, feed_dict=eval_dict) top_matches.append(matches[1]) top_matches = np.concatenate(top_matches) print("Accuracy using Nearest Neighbors is") self.calc_accuracy(top_matches)
Example #13
Source File: From AiGEM_TeamHeidelberg2017 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def initialize_helpers(self): """Initialize the model and call all graph constructing ops. This function is a wrapper for all initialization ops in the model. """ if self._opts._allowsoftplacement == 'True': config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) else: config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=False) # allow growth to surveil the consumed GPU memory config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # open a session: self.session = tf.Session(config=config) self.log_file.write('Initialized Batch_Generator with MODE: %s\n' % self._opts._batchgenmode) self.batchgen = helpers.BatchGenerator(self._opts) self.log_file.write('Initialized ROC_tracker\n') self.ROCtracker = helpers.RocTracker(self._opts)
Example #14
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_csls_score(self, sess, batch_size=512): """ Calculates similarity score between two embeddings Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session batch_size(int): Size of batch to process Returns: Returns similarity score numpy array """ score_val = [] eval_size = len(self.src_ind) # Calculate scores for i in range(0, eval_size, batch_size): score_src_ids = [self.src_ind[x] for x in range(i, min(i + batch_size, eval_size))] eval_dict = {self.src_ph: score_src_ids, self.tgt_ph: self.tgt_ids} score_val.append(["ScoreGraph"], feed_dict=eval_dict)) score_val = np.concatenate(score_val) return score_val
Example #15
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_avg_dist(self, sess, batch_size=512): """ Calculates average distance between two embeddings Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow session batch_size(int): batch_size Returns: Returns numpy array of average values of size vocab_size """ avg1_val = [] avg2_val = [] # Calculate Average for i in range(0, self.vocab_size, batch_size): avg_src_ids = [x for x in range(i, min(i + batch_size, self.vocab_size))] avg1_dict = {self.src_ph: avg_src_ids, self.tgt_ph: self.tgt_ids} avg1_val.append(["Avg1S2T"], feed_dict=avg1_dict)) avg2_val.append(["Avg2S2T"], feed_dict=avg1_dict)) avg1_val = np.concatenate(avg1_val) avg2_val = np.concatenate(avg2_val) return avg1_val, avg2_val
Example #16
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run_csls_metrics(self, sess, batch_size=512): """ Runs the whole CSLS metrics Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session batch_size(int): Batch Size """ top_matches = [] score = self.calc_csls_score(sess) avg1, avg2 = self.calc_avg_dist(sess) csls_scores = 2 * score - (avg1[self.src_ind][:, None] + avg2[None, :]) # Calculate top matches for i in range(0, len(self.src_ind), batch_size): scores = [csls_scores[x] for x in range(i, min(i + batch_size, len(self.src_ind)))] top_matches_val = self.csls_subgraphs["Top100"], feed_dict={self.score_ph: scores} )[1] top_matches.append(top_matches_val) top_matches = np.concatenate(top_matches) print("Accuracy using CSLS is") self.calc_accuracy(top_matches) self.calc_csls(sess)
Example #17
Source File: From Rasa_NLU_Chi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def process(self, message, **kwargs): # type: (Message, **Any) -> None """Return the most likely intent and its similarity to the input.""" intent = {"name": None, "confidence": 0.0} intent_ranking = [] if self.session is None: logger.error("There is no trained tf.session: " "component is either not trained or " "didn't receive enough training data") else: # get features (bag of words) for a message X = message.get("text_features").reshape(1, -1) # stack encoded_all_intents on top of each other # to create candidates for test examples all_Y = self._create_all_Y(X.shape[0]) # load tf graph and session intent_ids, message_sim = self._calculate_message_sim(X, all_Y) if intent_ids.size > 0: intent = {"name": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_ids[0]], "confidence": message_sim[0]} ranking = list(zip(list(intent_ids), message_sim)) ranking = ranking[:INTENT_RANKING_LENGTH] intent_ranking = [{"name": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_idx], "confidence": score} for intent_idx, score in ranking] message.set("intent", intent, add_to_output=True) message.set("intent_ranking", intent_ranking, add_to_output=True)
Example #18
Source File: From ai-chatbot-framework with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process(self, query, INTENT_RANKING_LENGTH=5): """Return the most likely intent and its similarity to the input.""" message = self.transform(query) intent = {"name": None, "confidence": 0.0} intent_ranking = [] if self.session is None: app.logger.error("There is no trained tf.session: " "component is either not trained or " "didn't receive enough training data") else: # get features (bag of words) for a message X = message.get("text_features").reshape(1, -1) # stack encoded_all_intents on top of each other # to create candidates for test examples all_Y = self._create_all_Y(X.shape[0]) # load tf graph and session intent_ids, message_sim = self._calculate_message_sim(X, all_Y) if intent_ids.size > 0: intent = {"intent": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_ids[0]], "confidence": message_sim[0]} ranking = list(zip(list(intent_ids), message_sim)) ranking = ranking[:INTENT_RANKING_LENGTH] intent_ranking = [{"intent": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_idx], "confidence": score} for intent_idx, score in ranking] return intent, intent_ranking
Example #19
Source File: From fully-convolutional-point-network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_model(sess, placeholders, pred_op, points, pointnet_locations, constant_features): """ Passes points through the model. Args: sess: tf.session placeholders: dict pred_op: tf.tensor points: np.array pointnet_locations: np.array constant_features: np.array Returns: np.array """ points_and_pointnet_locations = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate([points, pointnet_locations], axis=0), axis=0) start_time = time.time() predictions =, feed_dict={ placeholders['is_training_pl']: False, placeholders['points_xyz_pl']: points_and_pointnet_locations, placeholders['points_features_pl']: constant_features }) end_time = time.time() print 'Prediction took: %ds' % (end_time - start_time) return predictions
Example #20
Source File: From uai-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_model(self): sess=tf.session() x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 32, 100, 3], name='input') net=crnn_model.ShadowNet(phase=phase_tensor, hidden_nums=256, layers_nums=2, seq_length=15, num_classes=config.cfg.TRAIN.CLASSES_NUMS, rnn_cell_type='lstm') with tf.variable_scope('shadow'): net_out, tensor_dict = net.build_shadownet(inputdata=inputdata) decodes, _ = tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder(inputs=net_out, sequence_length=20*np.ones(1), merge_repeated=False) saver = tf.train.Saver() params_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_dir) saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path=params_file) self.output['sess'] = sess self.output['x'] = x self.output['y'] = decodes
Example #21
Source File: From faceswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load_model(self): """ Loads a model within the correct session. This method is a wrapper for :func:`keras.models.load_model()`. Loads a model and its weights from :attr:`model_path`. Any additional ``kwargs`` to be passed to :func:`keras.models.load_model()` should also be defined during initialization of the class. """ logger.verbose("Initializing plugin model: %s", self._name) if self._session is None: self._model = k_load_model(self._model_path, **self._model_kwargs) else: with self._session.as_default(): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager with self._session.graph.as_default(): self._model = k_load_model(self._model_path, **self._model_kwargs)
Example #22
Source File: From faceswap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load_model_weights(self): """ Load model weights for a defined model inside the correct session. This method is a wrapper for :class:`keras.load_weights()`. Once a model has been defined in :func:`define_model()` this method can be called to load its weights in the correct graph from the :attr:`model_path` defined during initialization of this class. """ logger.verbose("Initializing plugin model: %s", self._name) if self._session is None: self._model.load_weights(self._model_path) else: with self._session.as_default(): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager with self._session.graph.as_default(): self._model.load_weights(self._model_path)
Example #23
Source File: From AiGEM_TeamHeidelberg2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_model(self, network, session, step, name='DeeProtein'): """Saves the model into .npz and ckpt files. Save the dataset to a file.npz so the model can be reloaded. The model is saved in the checkpoints folder under the directory specified in the config dict under the summaries_dir key. Args: network: `tl.layerobj` holding the network. session: `tf.session` object from which to save the model. step: `int32` the global step of the training process. name: `str` The name of the network-part that is to save. """ # save model as dict: param_save_dir = os.path.join(self._opts._summariesdir, 'checkpoint_saves/') # everything but the outlayers conv_vars = [var for var in network.all_params if 'dense' and 'outlayer' not in] if not os.path.exists(param_save_dir): os.makedirs(param_save_dir) if conv_vars: tl.files.save_npz_dict(conv_vars, name=os.path.join(param_save_dir, '%s_conv_part.npz' % name), sess=session) tl.files.save_npz_dict(network.all_params, name=os.path.join(param_save_dir, '%s_complete.npz' % name), sess=session) # save also as checkpoint ckpt_file_path = os.path.join(param_save_dir, '%s.ckpt' % name), ckpt_file_path, global_step=step)
Example #24
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def save_model(self, save_model, sess): """ Saves W in mapper as numpy array based on CSLS criterion Arguments: save_model(bool): Save model if True sess(tf.session): Tensorflow Session """ if save_model: print("Saving model ....") model_W = path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, "W_best_mapping"), model_W)
Example #25
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def calc_csls(self, sess): """ Calculates the value of CSLS criterion Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow session """ good_pairs = self.generate_dictionary(sess) eval_dict = {self.src_ph: good_pairs[0], self.tgt_ph: good_pairs[1]} cos_mean =["CSLS_Criteria"], feed_dict=eval_dict) print("CSLS Score is " + str(cos_mean)) # Drop LR only after the second drop in CSLS if cos_mean < self.best_cos_score: self.drop_lr = True & self.second_drop self.second_drop = True # Save model whenever cos score is better than saved score if cos_mean > self.best_cos_score: self.save_model = True else: self.save_model = False # Update best cos score if cos_mean > self.best_cos_score: self.best_cos_score = cos_mean self.drop_lr = False
Example #26
Source File: From nlp-architect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_dictionary(self, sess, dict_type="S2T"): """ Generates best translation pairs Arguments: sess(tf.session): Tensorflow session dict_type(str): S2T-Source2Target, S2T&T2S (Both) Returns: Numpy array of max_dict x 2 or smaller """ avg1, avg2 = self.calc_avg_dist(sess) s2t_dico = self.get_candidates(sess, avg1, avg2) print("Completed generating S2T dictionary of size " + str(len(s2t_dico))) if dict_type == "S2T": map_src_ind = np.asarray([s2t_dico[x][0] for x in range(len(s2t_dico))]) tra_tgt_ind = np.asarray([s2t_dico[x][1] for x in range(len(s2t_dico))]) return [map_src_ind, tra_tgt_ind] if dict_type == "S2T&T2S": # This case we are running Target 2 Source mappings t2s_dico = self.get_candidates(sess, avg2, avg1, swap_score=True) print("Completed generating T2S dictionary of size " + str(len(t2s_dico))) t2s_dico = np.concatenate([t2s_dico[:, 1:], t2s_dico[:, :1]], 1) # Find the common pairs between S2T and T2S s2t_candi = set([(a, b) for a, b in s2t_dico]) t2s_candi = set([(a, b) for a, b in t2s_dico]) final_pairs = s2t_candi & t2s_candi dico = np.asarray(list([[a, b] for (a, b) in final_pairs])) print("Completed generating final dictionary of size " + str(len(final_pairs))) return dico
Example #27
Source File: From AiGEM_TeamHeidelberg2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def restore_model_from_checkpoint(self, ckptpath, session): """Restores the model from checkpoint in `Session`. This function is deprected, please use the regular restore ops from npz-files. Args: ckptpath: A `str`. The path to the checkpoint file. session: The `tf.session` in which to restore the model. """ # Restore variables from disk. self.log_file.write('[*] Loading checkpoints from %s\n' % ckptpath) self.saver.restore(session, ckptpath) self.log_file.write('[*] Restored checkpoints!\n')
Example #28
Source File: From rasa_nlu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def process(self, message: 'Message', **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Return the most likely intent and its similarity to the input.""" intent = {"name": None, "confidence": 0.0} intent_ranking = [] if self.session is None: logger.error("There is no trained tf.session: " "component is either not trained or " "didn't receive enough training data") else: # get features (bag of words) for a message # noinspection PyPep8Naming X = message.get("text_features").reshape(1, -1) # stack encoded_all_intents on top of each other # to create candidates for test examples # noinspection PyPep8Naming all_Y = self._create_all_Y(X.shape[0]) # load tf graph and session intent_ids, message_sim = self._calculate_message_sim(X, all_Y) # if X contains all zeros do not predict some label if X.any() and intent_ids.size > 0: intent = {"name": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_ids[0]], "confidence": message_sim[0]} ranking = list(zip(list(intent_ids), message_sim)) ranking = ranking[:INTENT_RANKING_LENGTH] intent_ranking = [{"name": self.inv_intent_dict[intent_idx], "confidence": score} for intent_idx, score in ranking] message.set("intent", intent, add_to_output=True) message.set("intent_ranking", intent_ranking, add_to_output=True)
Example #29
Source File: From AiGEM_TeamHeidelberg2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_conv_weights_npz(self, network, session, name='DeeProtein'): """Loads the model up to the last convolutional layer. Load the weights for the convolutional layers from a pretrained model. Automatically uses the path specified in the config dict under restore_path. Args: network: `tl.layer` Object holding the network. session: `tf.Session` the tensorflow session of whcih to save the model. name: `str`, name for the currect network to load. Although optional if multiple models are restored, the files are identified by name (optional). Returns: A tl.Layer object of same size as input, holding the updated weights. """ # check if filepath exists: file = os.path.join(self._opts._restorepath, '%s_conv_part.npz' % name) self.log_file.write('[*] Loading %s\n' % file) if not tl.files.file_exists(file): self.log_file.write('[*] Loading %s FAILED. File not found.\n' % file) self.log_file.write('Trying to download weights from iGEM-HD-2017.\n') weights_dir = self.download_weights() file = os.path.join(weights_dir, '%s_conv_part.npz' % name) if not tl.files.file_exists(file): self.log_file.write('[*] Download weights from iGEM-HD-2017 FAILED. ABORTING.\n') exit(-1) else: self.log_file.write('Download successful.\n') pass # custom load_ckpt op: d = np.load(file) params = [val[1] for val in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda tup: int(tup[0]))] # params = [p for p in params if not 'outlayer' in] # original OP: # params = tl.files.load_npz_dict(name=file) # if name == 'Classifier': # params = [p for p in params[:-4]] tl.files.assign_params(session, params, network) self.log_file.write('[*] Restored conv weights!\n') return network
Example #30
Source File: From AiGEM_TeamHeidelberg2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_model_weights(self, network, session, name='DeeProtein'): """Load the weights for the convolutional layers from a pretrained model. If include outlayer is set to True, the outlayers are restored as well, otherwise the network is restored without outlayers. Args: network: `tl.layer` Object holding the network. session: `tf.Session` the tensorflow session of whcih to save the model. name: `str`, name for the currect network to load. Although optional if multiple models are restored, the files are identified by name (optional). Returns: A tl.Layer object of same size as input, holding the updated weights. """ # check if filepath exists: file = os.path.join(self._opts._restorepath, '%s_complete.npz' % name) if not tl.files.file_exists(file): self.log_file.write('[*] Loading %s FAILED. File not found.\n' % file) if self._opts._nclasses == 886: self.log_file.write('[*] Suitable weigths found on iGEM-Servers.\n') self.log_file.write('Trying to download weights from iGEM-HD-2017.\n') weights_dir = self.download_weights() file = os.path.join(weights_dir, '%s_conv_part.npz' % name) if not tl.files.file_exists(file): self.log_file.write('[*] Download weights from iGEM-HD-2017 FAILED. ABORTING.\n') exit(-1) else: self.log_file.write('Download successful.\n') pass else: self.log_file.write('[*] No suitable weights on Servers. ABORTING.\n') exit(-1) # custom load_ckpt op: d = np.load(file) params = [val[1] for val in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda tup: int(tup[0]))] tl.files.assign_params(session, params, network) self.log_file.write('[*] Restored model weights!\n') print('[*] Restored model weights!\n') return network