Python tensorflow.GraphKeys() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of tensorflow.GraphKeys().
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Example #1
Source File: From DeepCTR with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_GraphKeys(): if tf.__version__ < "2.0.0": return tf.GraphKeys else: return tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys
Example #2
Source File: From parallax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _get_ops_to_replicate(gradiend_info_list): grads = [gradient_info._grad for gradient_info in gradiend_info_list] grad_related = set() for grad in grads: if isinstance(grad, tf.IndexedSlices): grad_related.add(grad.indices) grad_related.add(grad.values) grad_related.add(grad.dense_shape) elif isinstance(grad, tf.Tensor): grad_related.add(grad) else: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect grad.") grads_ancestor_ops = get_ancestors([grad.op for grad in grad_related], include_control_inputs=True) pipeline_ops = get_pipeline_ops(grads_ancestor_ops) global_var_related_ops = set() for global_var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES): global_var_related_ops.add(global_var.op) global_var_related_ops.add(global_var.initializer) global_var_related_ops.add(global_var._snapshot.op) table_related_ops = set() for table_init in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS): table_related_ops.add(table_init) table_related_ops.add(table_init.inputs[0].op) # Assume that all variables are member of either GLOBAL_VARIABLES # or LOCAL_VARIABLES. local_var_op_to_var = \ dict([(var.op, var) for var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES)]) local_var_ops = set(local_var_op_to_var.keys()) local_var_ops.intersection_update(grads_ancestor_ops) ops_to_replicate = set() ops_to_replicate.update(grads_ancestor_ops) ops_to_replicate.update(pipeline_ops) ops_to_replicate.difference_update(global_var_related_ops) ops_to_replicate.difference_update(table_related_ops) ops_to_replicate.update( [local_var_op_to_var[var_op].initializer for var_op in local_var_ops]) return ops_to_replicate
Example #3
Source File: From parallax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _handle_collection_def(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas): allow_bytes_list_keys = [tf.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.GRADIENTS_INFO, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP] keys_to_remove = [] for key, col_def in multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def.items(): kind = col_def.WhichOneof("kind") # Update node_list collections (e.g., GLOBAL_STEP, TRAIN_OP, UPDATE_OP, # LOSSES, ...) if kind == 'node_list': new_col_def = get_new_col_def_of_node_list( col_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key].Clear() multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key].CopyFrom(new_col_def) elif kind == 'bytes_list': if ops.get_from_proto_function(key): # Collections in allow_bytes_list_keys will be handled # explicitly below # (e.g., QUEUE_RUNNERS, LOCAL_VARIABLES, ...) if key in allow_bytes_list_keys: continue # Remove unhandled collections (e.g., COND_CONTEXT) # TODO: Handle all protos in tf.GraphKeys else: keys_to_remove.append(key) # Keep collections without proto function # (e.g., user defined string) else: continue else: raise RuntimeError("Should not reach here") for key in keys_to_remove: del multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key] # Update QUEUE_RUNNERS and LOCAL_VARIABLES collection update_queue_runners(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) update_local_variables(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) update_shard_info_for_in_graph(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, num_replicas)
Example #4
Source File: From parallax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _get_ops_to_replicate(gradiend_info_list): grads = [gradient_info._grad for gradient_info in gradiend_info_list] grad_related = set() for grad in grads: if isinstance(grad, tf.IndexedSlices): grad_related.add(grad.indices) grad_related.add(grad.values) grad_related.add(grad.dense_shape) elif isinstance(grad, tf.Tensor): grad_related.add(grad) else: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect grad.") grads_ancestor_ops = get_ancestors([grad.op for grad in grad_related], include_control_inputs=True) pipeline_ops = get_pipeline_ops(grads_ancestor_ops) global_var_related_ops = set() for global_var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES): global_var_related_ops.add(global_var.op) global_var_related_ops.add(global_var.initializer) global_var_related_ops.add(global_var._snapshot.op) table_related_ops = set() for table_init in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TABLE_INITIALIZERS): table_related_ops.add(table_init) table_related_ops.add(table_init.inputs[0].op) # Assume that all variables are member of either GLOBAL_VARIABLES # or LOCAL_VARIABLES. local_var_op_to_var = \ dict([(var.op, var) for var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES)]) local_var_ops = set(local_var_op_to_var.keys()) local_var_ops.intersection_update(grads_ancestor_ops) ops_to_replicate = set() ops_to_replicate.update(grads_ancestor_ops) ops_to_replicate.update(pipeline_ops) ops_to_replicate.difference_update(global_var_related_ops) ops_to_replicate.difference_update(table_related_ops) ops_to_replicate.update( [local_var_op_to_var[var_op].initializer for var_op in local_var_ops]) return ops_to_replicate
Example #5
Source File: From parallax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _handle_collection_def(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas): allow_bytes_list_keys = [tf.GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, tf.GraphKeys.GRADIENTS_INFO, tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP] keys_to_remove = [] for key, col_def in multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def.items(): kind = col_def.WhichOneof("kind") # Update node_list collections (e.g., GLOBAL_STEP, TRAIN_OP, UPDATE_OP, # LOSSES, ...) if kind == 'node_list': new_col_def = get_new_col_def_of_node_list( col_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key].Clear() multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key].CopyFrom(new_col_def) elif kind == 'bytes_list': if ops.get_from_proto_function(key): # Collections in allow_bytes_list_keys will be handled # explicitly below # (e.g., QUEUE_RUNNERS, LOCAL_VARIABLES, ...) if key in allow_bytes_list_keys: continue # Remove unhandled collections (e.g., COND_CONTEXT) # TODO: Handle all protos in tf.GraphKeys else: keys_to_remove.append(key) # Keep collections without proto function # (e.g., user defined string) else: continue else: raise RuntimeError("Should not reach here") for key in keys_to_remove: del multi_gpu_meta_graph_def.collection_def[key] # Update QUEUE_RUNNERS and LOCAL_VARIABLES collection update_queue_runners(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) update_local_variables(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, op_names_to_replicate, num_replicas) update_shard_info_for_in_graph(multi_gpu_meta_graph_def, num_replicas)
Example #6
Source File: From rnn-speech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def add_tensorboard(self, session, tensorboard_dir, tb_run_name=None, timeline_enabled=False): """ Add the tensorboard operations to the RNN This method will add ops to feed tensorboard self.train_summaries_op : will produce the summary for a training step self.test_summaries_op : will produce the summary for a test step self.summary_writer_op : will write the summary to disk Parameters ---------- :param session: the tensorflow session :param tensorboard_dir: path to tensorboard directory :param tb_run_name: directory name for the tensorboard files inside tensorboard_dir, if None a default dir will be created :param timeline_enabled: enable the output of a trace file for timeline visualization """ self.tensorboard_dir = tensorboard_dir self.timeline_enabled = timeline_enabled # Define GraphKeys for TensorBoard graphkey_training = tf.GraphKeys() graphkey_test = tf.GraphKeys() # Learning rate tf.summary.scalar('Learning_rate', self.learning_rate_var, collections=[graphkey_training, graphkey_test]) # Loss with tf.name_scope('Mean_loss'): mean_loss = tf.divide(self.accumulated_mean_loss, self.mini_batch) tf.summary.scalar('Training', mean_loss, collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.scalar('Test', mean_loss, collections=[graphkey_test]) # Accuracy with tf.name_scope('Accuracy_-_Error_Rate'): mean_error_rate = tf.divide(self.accumulated_error_rate, self.mini_batch) tf.summary.scalar('Training', mean_error_rate, collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.scalar('Test', mean_error_rate, collections=[graphkey_test]) # Hidden state with tf.name_scope('RNN_internal_state'): for idx, state_variable in enumerate(self.rnn_tuple_state): tf.summary.histogram('Training_layer-{0}_cell_state'.format(idx), state_variable[0], collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.histogram('Test_layer-{0}_cell_state'.format(idx), state_variable[0], collections=[graphkey_test]) tf.summary.histogram('Training_layer-{0}_hidden_state'.format(idx), state_variable[1], collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.histogram('Test_layer-{0}_hidden_state'.format(idx), state_variable[1], collections=[graphkey_test]) self.train_summaries_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=graphkey_training) self.test_summaries_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=graphkey_test) if tb_run_name is None: run_name ='%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') else: run_name = tb_run_name self.summary_writer_op = tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard_dir + '/' + run_name + '/', graph=session.graph)
Example #7
Source File: From rnn-speech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def add_tensorboard(self, session, tensorboard_dir, tb_run_name=None, timeline_enabled=False): """ Add the tensorboard operations to the acoustic RNN This method will add ops to feed tensorboard self.train_summaries_op : will produce the summary for a training step self.test_summaries_op : will produce the summary for a test step self.summary_writer_op : will write the summary to disk Parameters ---------- :param session: the tensorflow session :param tensorboard_dir: path to tensorboard directory :param tb_run_name: directory name for the tensorboard files inside tensorboard_dir, if None a default dir will be created :param timeline_enabled: enable the output of a trace file for timeline visualization """ self.tensorboard_dir = tensorboard_dir self.timeline_enabled = timeline_enabled # Define GraphKeys for TensorBoard graphkey_training = tf.GraphKeys() graphkey_test = tf.GraphKeys() # Learning rate tf.summary.scalar('Learning_rate', self.learning_rate_var, collections=[graphkey_training, graphkey_test]) # Loss with tf.name_scope('Mean_loss'): mean_loss = tf.divide(self.accumulated_mean_loss, self.mini_batch) tf.summary.scalar('Training', mean_loss, collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.scalar('Test', mean_loss, collections=[graphkey_test]) # Accuracy with tf.name_scope('Accuracy_-_Error_Rate'): mean_error_rate = tf.divide(self.accumulated_error_rate, self.mini_batch) tf.summary.scalar('Training', mean_error_rate, collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.scalar('Test', mean_error_rate, collections=[graphkey_test]) # Hidden state with tf.name_scope('RNN_internal_state'): for idx, state_variable in enumerate(self.rnn_tuple_state): tf.summary.histogram('Training_layer-{0}_cell_state'.format(idx), state_variable[0], collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.histogram('Test_layer-{0}_cell_state'.format(idx), state_variable[0], collections=[graphkey_test]) tf.summary.histogram('Training_layer-{0}_hidden_state'.format(idx), state_variable[1], collections=[graphkey_training]) tf.summary.histogram('Test_layer-{0}_hidden_state'.format(idx), state_variable[1], collections=[graphkey_test]) self.train_summaries_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=graphkey_training) self.test_summaries_op = tf.summary.merge_all(key=graphkey_test) if tb_run_name is None: run_name ='%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') else: run_name = tb_run_name self.summary_writer_op = tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboard_dir + '/' + run_name + '/', graph=session.graph)
Example #8
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_model(self, input_imgs, is_training, targets, masks=None, privileged_input=None): '''Builds the model. Assumes that the input is from range [0, 1]. Args: input_imgs: list of input images (scaled between -1 and 1) with the dimensions specified in the cfg is_training: flag for whether the model is in training mode or not mask: mask used for computing sum of squares loss. If None, we assume it is np.ones. ''' print('building model') cfg = self.cfg self.is_training = is_training if self.decoder_only: encoder_output = input_imgs # Assume that the input is the representation else: encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) # encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) final_output = self.build_siamese_output_postprocess(encoder_output, is_training) losses = self.get_losses(final_output, targets, is_softmax='l2_loss' not in cfg) # use weight regularization if 'omit_weight_reg' in cfg and cfg['omit_weight_reg']: add_reg = False else: add_reg = True # get losses regularization_loss = tf.add_n( slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(), name='losses/regularization_loss' ) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=add_reg, name='losses/total_loss') self.input_images = input_imgs self.targets = targets self.masks = masks self.encoder_output = encoder_output self.losses = losses self.task_loss = losses[0] self.total_loss = total_loss self.decoder_output = final_output # add summaries slim.summarize_variables() slim.summarize_weights() slim.summarize_biases() slim.summarize_activations() slim.summarize_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy) slim.summarize_tensor( regularization_loss ) slim.summarize_tensor( total_loss ) self.model_built = True
Example #9
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_losses(self, final_output, target, is_softmax=True): '''Returns the loss for a Siamese Network. Args: final_output: tensor that represent the final output of the image bundle. target: Tensor of target to be output by the siamese network. Returns: losses: list of tensors representing each loss component ''' print('setting up losses...') = target self.final_output = final_output with tf.variable_scope('losses'): if is_softmax: correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(final_output,1), target) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) siamese_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=final_output, labels=target, name='softmax_loss')) self.siamese_loss = siamese_loss else: # If it's not softmax, it's l2 norm loss. self.accuracy = 0 # self.l2_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error( # final_output, # target, # scope='d1', # loss_collection=tf.GraphKeys, # reduction="none") target = tf.to_float(target) final_output = tf.to_float(final_output) self.l2_loss = tf.norm(target - final_output, axis=1) #self.l2_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(self.l2_loss, 1) siamese_loss = self.l2_loss #if self.threshold is not None: if False: ind = tf.unstack(siamese_loss) siamese_loss = [ tf.cond(tf.greater(x, self.threshold), lambda: self.threshold + self.threshold * tf.log(x / self.threshold), lambda: x) for x in ind ] self.robust_l2_loss = siamese_loss siamese_loss = tf.stack(siamese_loss) self.siamese_loss = tf.reduce_sum(siamese_loss) / self.cfg['batch_size'] tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, self.siamese_loss) losses = [self.siamese_loss] return losses
Example #10
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_model(self, input_imgs, is_training, targets, masks=None, privileged_input=None): '''Builds the model. Assumes that the input is from range [0, 1]. Args: input_imgs: batch of input images (scaled between -1 and 1) with the dimensions specified in the cfg is_training: flag for whether the model is in training mode or not mask: mask used for computing sum of squares loss. If None, we assume it is np.ones. ''' print('building model') cfg = self.cfg self.is_training= is_training self.masks = masks if self.decoder_only: encoder_output = input_imgs else: encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) final_output = self.build_postprocess(encoder_output, is_training) losses = self.get_losses(final_output, targets, is_softmax='l2_loss' not in cfg) # use weight regularization if 'omit_weight_reg' in cfg and cfg['omit_weight_reg']: add_reg = False else: add_reg = True # get losses regularization_loss = tf.add_n( slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(), name='losses/regularization_loss' ) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=add_reg, name='losses/total_loss') self.input_images = input_imgs self.targets = targets self.masks = masks self.encoder_output = encoder_output self.decoder_output = final_output self.losses = losses self.total_loss = total_loss # add summaries if self.extended_summaries: slim.summarize_variables() slim.summarize_weights() slim.summarize_biases() slim.summarize_activations() slim.summarize_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES) slim.summarize_tensor( regularization_loss ) slim.summarize_tensor( total_loss ) self.model_built = True
Example #11
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_model(self, input_imgs, is_training, targets, masks=None, privileged_input=None): '''Builds the model. Assumes that the input is from range [0, 1]. Args: input_imgs: batch of input images (scaled between -1 and 1) with the dimensions specified in the cfg is_training: flag for whether the model is in training mode or not mask: mask used for computing sum of squares loss. If None, we assume it is np.ones. ''' print('building model') cfg = self.cfg self.is_training= is_training if self.decoder_only: encoder_output = input_imgs else: encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) final_output = encoder_output self.input_images = input_imgs self.targets = targets self.encoder_output = encoder_output self.decoder_output = final_output if not is_training: losses = self.get_losses(final_output, targets, is_softmax='l2_loss' not in cfg) # use weight regularization if 'omit_weight_reg' in cfg and cfg['omit_weight_reg']: add_reg = False else: add_reg = True # get losses regularization_loss = tf.add_n( slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(), name='losses/regularization_loss' ) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=add_reg, name='losses/total_loss') self.losses = losses self.total_loss = total_loss slim.summarize_tensor( regularization_loss ) slim.summarize_tensor( total_loss ) # add summaries if self.extended_summaries: slim.summarize_variables() slim.summarize_weights() slim.summarize_biases() slim.summarize_activations() slim.summarize_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES) self.model_built = True
Example #12
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_model(self, input_imgs, is_training, targets, masks=None, privileged_input=None): '''Builds the model. Assumes that the input is from range [0, 1]. Args: input_imgs: list of input images (scaled between -1 and 1) with the dimensions specified in the cfg is_training: flag for whether the model is in training mode or not mask: mask used for computing sum of squares loss. If None, we assume it is np.ones. ''' print('building model') cfg = self.cfg self.is_training = is_training if self.decoder_only: encoder_output = input_imgs # Assume that the input is the representation else: encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) # encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) final_output = self.build_siamese_output_postprocess(encoder_output, is_training) losses = self.get_losses(final_output, targets, is_softmax='l2_loss' not in cfg) # use weight regularization if 'omit_weight_reg' in cfg and cfg['omit_weight_reg']: add_reg = False else: add_reg = True # get losses regularization_loss = tf.add_n( slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(), name='losses/regularization_loss' ) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=add_reg, name='losses/total_loss') self.input_images = input_imgs self.targets = targets self.masks = masks self.encoder_output = encoder_output self.losses = losses self.task_loss = losses[0] self.total_loss = total_loss self.decoder_output = final_output # add summaries slim.summarize_variables() slim.summarize_weights() slim.summarize_biases() slim.summarize_activations() slim.summarize_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES) tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy) slim.summarize_tensor( regularization_loss ) slim.summarize_tensor( total_loss ) self.model_built = True
Example #13
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_model(self, input_imgs, is_training, targets, masks=None, privileged_input=None): '''Builds the model. Assumes that the input is from range [0, 1]. Args: input_imgs: batch of input images (scaled between -1 and 1) with the dimensions specified in the cfg is_training: flag for whether the model is in training mode or not mask: mask used for computing sum of squares loss. If None, we assume it is np.ones. ''' print('building model') cfg = self.cfg self.is_training= is_training self.masks = masks if self.decoder_only: encoder_output = input_imgs else: encoder_output = self.build_encoder(input_imgs, is_training) final_output = self.build_postprocess(encoder_output, is_training) losses = self.get_losses(final_output, targets, is_softmax='l2_loss' not in cfg) # use weight regularization if 'omit_weight_reg' in cfg and cfg['omit_weight_reg']: add_reg = False else: add_reg = True # get losses regularization_loss = tf.add_n( slim.losses.get_regularization_losses(), name='losses/regularization_loss' ) total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss( add_regularization_losses=add_reg, name='losses/total_loss') self.input_images = input_imgs self.targets = targets self.masks = masks self.encoder_output = encoder_output self.decoder_output = final_output self.losses = losses self.total_loss = total_loss # add summaries if self.extended_summaries: slim.summarize_variables() slim.summarize_weights() slim.summarize_biases() slim.summarize_activations() slim.summarize_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES) slim.summarize_tensor( regularization_loss ) slim.summarize_tensor( total_loss ) self.model_built = True
Example #14
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_losses( self, output_vectors, idx_segments, masks ): '''Returns the metric loss for 'num_pixels' embedding vectors. Args: output_imgs: Tensor of images output by the decoder. desired_imgs: Tensor of target images to be output by the decoder. masks: Tensor of masks to be applied when computing sum of squares loss. Returns: losses: list of tensors representing each loss component ''' print('setting up losses...') self.output_images = output_vectors self.target_images = idx_segments self.masks = masks with tf.variable_scope('losses'): last_axis = 2 fir, sec, seg_id = tf.unstack(idx_segments, axis=last_axis) idxes = tf.stack([self.batch_index_slice, fir, sec], axis=last_axis) self.embed = tf.gather_nd( output_vectors, idxes ) embed = self.embed square = tf.reduce_sum( embed*embed, axis=-1 ) square_t = tf.expand_dims(square, axis=-1) square = tf.expand_dims(square, axis=1) pairwise_dist = square - 2 * tf.matmul(embed, tf.transpose(embed, perm=[0,2,1])) + square_t pairwise_dist = tf.clip_by_value( pairwise_dist, 0, 80) #pairwise_dist = 0 - pairwise_dist self.pairwise_dist = pairwise_dist pairwise_exp = tf.exp(pairwise_dist) + 1 sigma = tf.divide(2 , pairwise_exp) sigma = tf.clip_by_value(sigma,1e-7,1.0 - 1e-7) self.sigma = sigma same = tf.log(sigma) diff = tf.log(1 - sigma) self.same = same self.diff = diff seg_id_i = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(seg_id, -1), [1, 1, self.num_pixels]) seg_id_j = tf.transpose(seg_id_i, perm=[0,2,1]) seg_comp = tf.equal(seg_id_i, seg_id_j) seg_same = tf.cast(seg_comp, self.input_type) seg_diff = 1 - seg_same loss_matrix = seg_same * same + seg_diff * diff reduced_loss = 0 - tf.reduce_mean(loss_matrix) # / self.num_pixels tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, reduced_loss) self.metric_loss = reduced_loss losses = [reduced_loss] return losses
Example #15
Source File: From taskonomy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_losses(self, final_output, target, is_softmax=True): '''Returns the loss for a Siamese Network. Args: final_output: tensor that represent the final output of the image bundle. target: Tensor of target to be output by the siamese network. Returns: losses: list of tensors representing each loss component ''' print('setting up losses...') = target self.final_output = final_output with tf.variable_scope('losses'): if is_softmax: correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(final_output,1), target) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) siamese_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=final_output, labels=target, name='softmax_loss')) self.siamese_loss = siamese_loss else: # If it's not softmax, it's l2 norm loss. self.accuracy = 0 # self.l2_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error( # final_output, # target, # scope='d1', # loss_collection=tf.GraphKeys, # reduction="none") target = tf.to_float(target) final_output = tf.to_float(final_output) self.l2_loss = tf.norm(target - final_output, axis=1) #self.l2_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum(self.l2_loss, 1) siamese_loss = self.l2_loss #if self.threshold is not None: if False: ind = tf.unstack(siamese_loss) siamese_loss = [ tf.cond(tf.greater(x, self.threshold), lambda: self.threshold + self.threshold * tf.log(x / self.threshold), lambda: x) for x in ind ] self.robust_l2_loss = siamese_loss siamese_loss = tf.stack(siamese_loss) self.siamese_loss = tf.reduce_sum(siamese_loss) / self.cfg['batch_size'] tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, self.siamese_loss) losses = [self.siamese_loss] return losses