Python tensorflow.get_local_variable() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of tensorflow.get_local_variable().
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Example #1
Source File: From planet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, batch_env, step, is_training, should_log, config): self._batch_env = batch_env self._step = step # Trainer step, not environment step. self._is_training = is_training self._should_log = should_log self._config = config self._cell = config.cell state = self._cell.zero_state(len(batch_env), tf.float32) var_like = lambda x: tf.get_local_variable(':')[0].replace('/', '_') + '_var', shape=x.shape, initializer=lambda *_, **__: tf.zeros_like(x), use_resource=True) self._state =, state) self._prev_action = tf.get_local_variable( 'prev_action_var', shape=self._batch_env.action.shape, initializer=lambda *_, **__: tf.zeros_like(self._batch_env.action), use_resource=True)
Example #2
Source File: From deep-molecular-massspec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def value_op_with_initializer(value_op_fn, init_op_fn): """Make value_op that gets set by idempotent init_op on first invocation.""" init_has_been_run = tf.get_local_variable( 'has_been_run', initializer=np.zeros(shape=(), dtype=np.bool), dtype=tf.bool) value_op = value_op_fn() def run_init_and_toggle(): init_op = init_op_fn(value_op) with tf.control_dependencies([init_op]): assign_op = init_has_been_run.assign(True) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_op]): return tf.identity(value_op) return tf.cond(init_has_been_run, lambda: value_op, run_init_and_toggle)
Example #3
Source File: From dreamer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, batch_env, step, is_training, should_log, config): self._step = step # Trainer step, not environment step. self._is_training = is_training self._should_log = should_log self._config = config self._cell = config.cell self._num_envs = len(batch_env) state = self._cell.zero_state(self._num_envs, tf.float32) var_like = lambda x: tf.get_local_variable(':')[0].replace('/', '_') + '_var', shape=x.shape, initializer=lambda *_, **__: tf.zeros_like(x), use_resource=True) self._state =, state) batch_action_shape = (self._num_envs,) + batch_env.action_space.shape self._prev_action = tf.get_local_variable( 'prev_action_var', shape=batch_action_shape, initializer=lambda *_, **__: tf.zeros(batch_action_shape), use_resource=True)
Example #4
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #5
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #6
Source File: From object_detection_kitti with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #7
Source File: From object_detection_with_tensorflow with MIT License | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #8
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #9
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals
Example #10
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 4 votes |
def local_state_variables(init_values, return_init_values): """Create local variables initialized from init_values. This will create local variables from a list of init_values. Each variable will be named based on the value's shape and dtype. As a convenience, a boolean tensor allows you to return value from the created local variable or from the original init value. Args: init_values: iterable of tensors return_init_values: boolean tensor Returns: local_vars: list of the created local variables. vals: if return_init_values is true, then this returns the values of init_values. Otherwise it returns the values of the local_vars. """ if not init_values: return [], [] # This generates a harmless warning when saving the metagraph. variable_use_count = tf.get_collection_ref(_LOCAL_STATE_VARIABLE_COLLECTION) if not variable_use_count: variable_use_count.append(collections.defaultdict(int)) variable_use_count = variable_use_count[0] local_vars = [] with tf.variable_scope(OPTIMIZER_SCOPE): # We can't use the init_value as an initializer as init_value may # itself depend on some problem variables. This would produce # inter-variable initialization order dependence which TensorFlow # sucks at making easy. for init_value in init_values: name = create_local_state_variable_name(init_value) unique_name = name + "_" + str(variable_use_count[name]) variable_use_count[name] += 1 # The overarching idea here is to be able to reuse variables between # different sessions on the same TensorFlow master without errors. By # uniquifying based on the type and name we mirror the checks made inside # TensorFlow, while still allowing some memory reuse. Ultimately this is a # hack due to the broken Session.reset(). local_vars.append( tf.get_local_variable( unique_name, initializer=tf.zeros( init_value.get_shape(), dtype=init_value.dtype))) # It makes things a lot simpler if we use the init_value the first # iteration, instead of the variable itself. It allows us to propagate # gradients through it as well as simplifying initialization. The variable # ends up assigned to after the first iteration. vals = tf.cond(return_init_values, lambda: init_values, lambda: local_vars) if len(init_values) == 1: # tf.cond extracts elements from singleton lists. vals = [vals] return local_vars, vals