Python tensorflow.is_tensor() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.is_tensor().
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Example #1
Source File: From model-optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, bits=8, stochastic=True): """Initializer for the PerChannelUniformQuantizationEncodingStage. Args: bits: The number of bits to quantize to. Must be an integer between 1 and 16. Can be either a TensorFlow or a Python value. stochastic: A Python bool, whether to use stochastic or deterministic rounding. If `True`, the encoding is randomized and on expectation unbiased. If `False`, the encoding is deterministic. Raises: ValueError: The inputs do not satisfy the above constraints. """ if (not tf.is_tensor(bits) and bits not in self._ALLOWED_BITS_ARG): raise ValueError('The bits argument must be an integer between 1 and 16.') self._bits = bits if not isinstance(stochastic, bool): raise TypeError('The stochastic argument must be a bool.') self._stochastic = stochastic
Example #2
Source File: From model-optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _decode_after_sum_impl(self, encoded_tensors, decode_params, num_summands, shape): """Implementation for the `decode_after_sum` method.""" if not self.stage.commutes_with_sum: # This should have been decoded earlier in the decode_before_sum method. assert tf.is_tensor(encoded_tensors) return encoded_tensors temp_encoded_tensors = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(encoded_tensors): if key in self.children: with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(None, '/'.join([, key])): temp_encoded_tensors[key] = self.children[key]._decode_after_sum_impl( # pylint: disable=protected-access value, decode_params[EncoderKeys.CHILDREN][key], num_summands, shape[EncoderKeys.CHILDREN][key]) else: temp_encoded_tensors[key] = value return self.stage.decode(temp_encoded_tensors, decode_params[EncoderKeys.PARAMS], num_summands=num_summands, shape=shape[EncoderKeys.SHAPE])
Example #3
Source File: From model-optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def maybe_evaluate(self, fetches, session=None): """Evaluates `fetches`, if containing any `Tensor` objects. Args: fetches: Any nested structure compatible with `tf.nest`. session: Optional. A `tf.Session` object in the context of which the evaluation is to happen. Returns: `fetches` with any `Tensor` objects replaced by numpy values. """ if any((tf.is_tensor(t) for t in tf.nest.flatten(fetches))): if session: fetches = else: fetches = self.evaluate(fetches) return fetches
Example #4
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def state_aegmm(od: OutlierAEGMM) -> Dict: """ OutlierAEGMM parameters to save. Parameters ---------- od Outlier detector object. """ if not all(tf.is_tensor(_) for _ in [od.phi,, od.cov, od.L, od.log_det_cov]): logger.warning('Saving AEGMM detector that has not been fit.') state_dict = {'threshold': od.threshold, 'n_gmm': od.aegmm.n_gmm, 'recon_features': od.aegmm.recon_features, 'phi': od.phi, 'mu':, 'cov': od.cov, 'L': od.L, 'log_det_cov': od.log_det_cov} return state_dict
Example #5
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def state_vaegmm(od: OutlierVAEGMM) -> Dict: """ OutlierVAEGMM parameters to save. Parameters ---------- od Outlier detector object. """ if not all(tf.is_tensor(_) for _ in [od.phi,, od.cov, od.L, od.log_det_cov]): logger.warning('Saving VAEGMM detector that has not been fit.') state_dict = {'threshold': od.threshold, 'samples': od.samples, 'n_gmm': od.vaegmm.n_gmm, 'latent_dim': od.vaegmm.latent_dim, 'beta': od.vaegmm.beta, 'recon_features': od.vaegmm.recon_features, 'phi': od.phi, 'mu':, 'cov': od.cov, 'L': od.L, 'log_det_cov': od.log_det_cov} return state_dict
Example #6
Source File: From model-optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def static_or_dynamic_shape(value): """Returns shape of the input `Tensor` or a `np.ndarray`. If `value` is a `np.ndarray` or a `Tensor` with statically known shape, it returns a Python object. Otherwise, returns result of `tf.shape(value)`. Args: value: A `Tensor` or a `np.ndarray` object. Returns: Static or dynamic shape of `value`. Raises: TypeError: If the input is not a `Tensor` or a `np.ndarray` object. """ if tf.is_tensor(value): return value.shape if value.shape.is_fully_defined() else tf.shape(value) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return value.shape else: raise TypeError('The provided input is not a Tensor or numpy array.')
Example #7
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def is_scalar(tensor): """Returns True iff the given tensor is a scalar. Args: tensor: The tensor to test for being a scalar. Returns: True if 'tensor' is a scalar, i.e. all dims are 1, False otherwise. Raises: TypeError: when the argument is not a tensor. """ if not tf.is_tensor(tensor): raise TypeError('Expected a tensor, found "{}".'.format( py_typecheck.type_string(type(tensor)))) return (hasattr(tensor, 'get_shape') and all(dim == 1 for dim in tensor.get_shape()))
Example #8
Source File: From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _detokenize(self, tokens, sequence_length): if isinstance(tokens, tf.RaggedTensor): rank = len(tokens.shape) if rank == 1: return self._detokenize_tensor(tokens.values) elif rank == 2: return self._detokenize_ragged_tensor(tokens) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported RaggedTensor rank %d for detokenization" % rank) elif tf.is_tensor(tokens): rank = len(tokens.shape) if rank == 1: return self._detokenize_tensor(tokens) elif rank == 2: if sequence_length is None: raise ValueError("sequence_length is required for Tensor detokenization") return self._detokenize_batch_tensor(tokens, sequence_length) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported tensor rank %d for detokenization" % rank) elif isinstance(tokens, list) and tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], list): return list(map(self.detokenize, tokens)) else: tokens = [tf.compat.as_text(token) for token in tokens] return self._detokenize_string(tokens)
Example #9
Source File: From tensorflow_constrained_optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, _StaticExplicitDeferredTensorState): return False if self.auto_cast != other.auto_cast: return False # If at least one of the objects is a Tensor, then we check that they're the # same object, instead of calling __eq__. # # In eager mode, we could potentially check for value-equality, by using the # np.array_equal() code below after *explicitly* casting the Tensors to # numpy arrays by calling Tensor.numpy(). This would probably be a bad idea, # though, since if the Tensor is actually a tf.Variable, its value could # change in the future. if tf.is_tensor(self.value) or tf.is_tensor(other.value): return self.value is other.value # Every other allowed type can be handled by numpy. # # We can hope that in most cases, this will be quick (e.g. same object --> # equal, different shapes --> unequal), but if we're unlucky, this has the # potential to be slow. return np.array_equal(self.value, other.value)
Example #10
Source File: From tensorflow_constrained_optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, value, auto_cast): """Creates a new `_StaticExplicitDeferredTensorState`. Args: value: `Tensor`-like, the value of the `DeferredTensor`. auto_cast: `Boolean`, whether the value should be automatically type-promoted, if necessary. Only applies if "value" is a `Tensor`: non-`Tensor` types are always auto-castable. """ assert not callable(value) self._value = value self._auto_cast = auto_cast # For non-Tensor types, we make a deep copy to make extra-certain that it is # immutable (since we'll hash it). if not tf.is_tensor(self._value): self._value = copy.deepcopy(self._value) # We memoize the hash, since it can be expensive to compute. self._hash = None
Example #11
Source File: From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assert_state_is_compatible(expected_state, state): """Asserts that states are compatible. Args: expected_state: The reference state. state: The state that must be compatible with :obj:`expected_state`. Raises: ValueError: if the states are incompatible. """ # Check structure compatibility. tf.nest.assert_same_structure(expected_state, state) # Check shape compatibility. expected_state_flat = tf.nest.flatten(expected_state) state_flat = tf.nest.flatten(state) for x, y in zip(expected_state_flat, state_flat): if tf.is_tensor(x): expected_depth = x.shape[-1] depth = y.shape[-1] if depth != expected_depth: raise ValueError("Tensor in state has shape %s which is incompatible " "with the target shape %s" % (y.shape, x.shape))
Example #12
Source File: From tensorflow_constrained_optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _convert_to_binary_classification_predictions(predictions): """Converts a `Tensor` into a set of binary classification predictions. This function checks that the given `Tensor` is floating-point, and that it is trivially convertible to rank-1, i.e. has only one "nontrivial" dimension (e.g. the shapes [1000] and [1, 1, None, 1] are allowed, but [None, 1, None] and [50, 10] are not). If it satisfies these conditions, then it is reshaped to be rank-1 (if necessary) and returned. Args: predictions: a rank-1 floating-point `Tensor` of predictions. Returns: The predictions `Tensor`, reshaped to be rank-1, if necessary. Raises: TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`. ValueError: if "predictions" is not trivially convertible to rank-1. """ if not tf.is_tensor(predictions): raise TypeError("predictions must be a Tensor") if not predictions.dtype.is_floating: raise TypeError("predictions must be floating-point") return helpers.convert_to_1d_tensor(predictions, name="predictions")
Example #13
Source File: From athena with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, audio=None, sr=None, speed=1.0): """extract feature from audo data :param audio data or audio file :sr sample rate :return feature """ if audio is not None and not tf.is_tensor(audio): audio = tf.convert_to_tensor(audio) if sr is not None and not tf.is_tensor(sr): sr = tf.convert_to_tensor(sr) return self.__impl(audio, sr, speed)
Example #14
Source File: From addons with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_tensor_or_variable(x): return tf.is_tensor(x) or isinstance(x, tf.Variable)
Example #15
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def identity(source): """Applies `tf.identity` pointwise to `source`. This utility function provides the exact same behavior as `tf.identity`, but it generalizes to a wider class of objects, including ordinary tensors, variables, as well as various types of nested structures. It would typically be used together with `tf.control_dependencies` in non-eager TensorFlow. Args: source: A nested structure composed of tensors or variables embedded in containers that are compatible with `tf.nest`, or instances of `anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple`. Elements that represent variables have their content extracted prior to identity mapping by first invoking `tf.Variable.read_value`. Returns: The result of applying `tf.identity` to read all elements of the `source` pointwise, with the same structure as `source`. Raises: TypeError: If types mismatch. """ def _mapping_fn(x): if not tf.is_tensor(x): raise TypeError('Expected a tensor, found {}.'.format( py_typecheck.type_string(type(x)))) if hasattr(x, 'read_value'): x = x.read_value() return tf.identity(x) # TODO(b/113112108): Extend this to containers of mixed types. if isinstance(source, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple): return anonymous_tuple.map_structure(_mapping_fn, source) else: return tf.nest.map_structure(_mapping_fn, source)
Example #16
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self, value): if tf.is_tensor(value): return super().evaluate(value) elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.number)): return value else: raise TypeError('Cannot evaluate value of type `{!s}`.'.format( type(value)))
Example #17
Source File: From estimator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_eval_metrics_tuple(fn, kwargs): """Creates TPU eval metrics tuple. Helper function to make eval_metric tuple (eval_metric_fn, fn_kwargs) used by `TPUEstimator`. TPUEstimator requires that `eval_metric_fn` take exclusively Tensor arguments. This helper can help create such a function from a more generic function that can take both Tensor and non-Tensor arguments. Args: fn: A eval_metric_fn that takes both Tensor and non-Tensor arguments. This function must return a dict of form {'metric name': (metric_tensor, eval_op)} kwargs: Dict of arguments for `fn`. Returns: `eval_metric` tuple that can be passed to a `model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec`. """ tensor_kwargs = {} nontensor_kwargs = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): if tf.is_tensor(v): tensor_kwargs[k] = v else: nontensor_kwargs[k] = v def _fn(**tensors): return fn(**dict(nontensor_kwargs, **tensors)) return (_fn, tensor_kwargs)
Example #18
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_deserialize_and_call_tf_computation_with_add_one(self): identity_type = computation_types.TensorType(tf.int32) identity_fn = building_block_factory.create_compiled_identity(identity_type) init_op, result = tensorflow_deserialization.deserialize_and_call_tf_computation( identity_fn.proto, tf.constant(10), tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph()) self.assertTrue(tf.is_tensor(result)) with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess: if init_op: result_val = self.assertEqual(result_val, 10)
Example #19
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_binding_matches_type_and_value(self, binding, type_spec, val, graph): """Asserts that 'bindings' matches the given type, value, and graph.""" self.assertIsInstance(binding, pb.TensorFlow.Binding) self.assertIsInstance(type_spec, computation_types.Type) binding_oneof = binding.WhichOneof('binding') if binding_oneof == 'tensor': self.assertTrue(tf.is_tensor(val)) if not isinstance(val, tf.Variable): # We insert a read_value() op for Variables, which produces # a name we don't control. Otherwise, names should match: self.assertEqual(binding.tensor.tensor_name, self.assertIsInstance(type_spec, computation_types.TensorType) self.assertEqual(type_spec.dtype, val.dtype.base_dtype) self.assertEqual(repr(type_spec.shape), repr(val.shape)) elif binding_oneof == 'sequence': self.assertIsInstance(val, type_conversions.TF_DATASET_REPRESENTATION_TYPES) sequence_oneof = binding.sequence.WhichOneof('binding') self.assertEqual(sequence_oneof, 'variant_tensor_name') variant_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name( binding.sequence.variant_tensor_name) op = str(variant_tensor.op.type) self.assertTrue((op == 'Placeholder') or ('Dataset' in op)) self.assertEqual(variant_tensor.dtype, tf.variant) self.assertIsInstance(type_spec, computation_types.SequenceType) self.assertEqual( computation_types.to_type(val.element_spec), type_spec.element) elif binding_oneof == 'tuple': self.assertIsInstance(type_spec, computation_types.NamedTupleType) if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)): self.assertIsInstance(val, dict) if isinstance(val, collections.OrderedDict): val = list(val.values()) else: val = [v for _, v in sorted(val.items())] for idx, e in enumerate(anonymous_tuple.to_elements(type_spec)): self._assert_binding_matches_type_and_value(binding.tuple.element[idx], e[1], val[idx], graph) else:'Unknown binding.')
Example #20
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_od_aegmm(state_dict: Dict, aegmm: tf.keras.Model) -> OutlierAEGMM: """ Initialize OutlierAEGMM. Parameters ---------- state_dict Dictionary containing the parameter values. aegmm Loaded AEGMM. Returns ------- Initialized OutlierAEGMM instance. """ od = OutlierAEGMM(threshold=state_dict['threshold'], aegmm=aegmm) od.phi = state_dict['phi'] = state_dict['mu'] od.cov = state_dict['cov'] od.L = state_dict['L'] od.log_det_cov = state_dict['log_det_cov'] if not all(tf.is_tensor(_) for _ in [od.phi,, od.cov, od.L, od.log_det_cov]): logger.warning('Loaded AEGMM detector has not been fit.') return od
Example #21
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_od_vaegmm(state_dict: Dict, vaegmm: tf.keras.Model) -> OutlierVAEGMM: """ Initialize OutlierVAEGMM. Parameters ---------- state_dict Dictionary containing the parameter values. vaegmm Loaded VAEGMM. Returns ------- Initialized OutlierVAEGMM instance. """ od = OutlierVAEGMM(threshold=state_dict['threshold'], vaegmm=vaegmm, samples=state_dict['samples']) od.phi = state_dict['phi'] = state_dict['mu'] od.cov = state_dict['cov'] od.L = state_dict['L'] od.log_det_cov = state_dict['log_det_cov'] if not all(tf.is_tensor(_) for _ in [od.phi,, od.cov, od.L, od.log_det_cov]): logger.warning('Loaded VAEGMM detector has not been fit.') return od
Example #22
Source File: From athena with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, audio=None, sr=None, speed=1.0): """extract feature from audo data :param audio data or audio file :sr sample rate :return feature """ if audio is not None and not tf.is_tensor(audio): audio = tf.convert_to_tensor(audio) if sr is not None and not tf.is_tensor(sr): sr = tf.convert_to_tensor(sr) return self.__impl(audio, sr, speed)
Example #23
Source File: From estimator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_eval_metrics_tuple(fn, kwargs): """Creates TPU eval metrics tuple. Helper function to make eval_metric tuple (eval_metric_fn, fn_kwargs) used by `TPUEstimator`. TPUEstimator requires that `eval_metric_fn` take exclusively Tensor arguments. This helper can help create such a function from a more generic function that can take both Tensor and non-Tensor arguments. Args: fn: A eval_metric_fn that takes both Tensor and non-Tensor arguments. This function must return a dict of form {'metric name': (metric_tensor, eval_op)} kwargs: Dict of arguments for `fn`. Returns: `eval_metric` tuple that can be passed to a `model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec`. """ tensor_kwargs = {} nontensor_kwargs = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs): if tf.is_tensor(v): tensor_kwargs[k] = v else: nontensor_kwargs[k] = v def _fn(**tensors): return fn(**dict(nontensor_kwargs, **tensors)) return (_fn, tensor_kwargs)
Example #24
Source File: From estimator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _convert_tensor(x): """Create or cast tensor if needed.""" if not tf.is_tensor(x): # x is a numpy array x = tf.compat.v1.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(x) return x
Example #25
Source File: From tensorflow_constrained_optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self, tensor, feed_dict=None): """Evaluates the given `Tensor`. Unlike ``, this method expects a single `Tensor` argument (i.e. not a list of `Tensor`s or any other more complex structure). Args: tensor: the `Tensor` to evaluate, or a nullary function returning a `Tensor`. feed_dict: dict mapping placeholder `Tensor`s to their desired values. Returns: The value of the given `Tensor`. Raises: TypeError: if (i) the given tensor is neither a `Tensor` nor a nullary function returning a `Tensor`, or (ii) we're given a feed_dict but the tensor argument is not callable. """ if callable(tensor): tensor = tensor() elif feed_dict: raise TypeError("if a feed_dict is provided to run(), then the tensor " "argument must be a nullary function returning a Tensor") if not tf.is_tensor(tensor): raise TypeError(" expects a Tensor argument, " "or a nullary function returning a Tensor") return, feed_dict=feed_dict)
Example #26
Source File: From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _tokenize(self, text): if tf.is_tensor(text): rank = len(text.shape) if rank == 0: return self._tokenize_tensor(text) elif rank == 1: return self._tokenize_batch_tensor(text) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported tensor rank %d for tokenization" % rank) elif isinstance(text, list): return list(map(self.tokenize, text)) else: text = tf.compat.as_text(text) return self._tokenize_string(text)
Example #27
Source File: From zoo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _process_inputs(call_inputs): _basic_usage = ( "OutputDistributionMatchingLossLayer should be called with a list of length 3, where:\n " " - the first element contains a tensor that will be returned as is,\n" " - the second argument contains the logits of the teacher,\n" " - and the third the logits of the student.\n\n Instead, it was called with: " ) if isinstance(call_inputs, list): if len(call_inputs) == 3 and all([tf.is_tensor(ci) for ci in call_inputs]): return tuple(call_inputs) raise ValueError(_basic_usage + str([type(ci) for ci in call_inputs])) else: raise ValueError(_basic_usage + str(type(call_inputs)))
Example #28
Source File: From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _apply_gradients(self, gradients, scale=1): """Applies the gradients.""" gradient_scale = scale * self.num_replicas if tf.is_tensor(gradient_scale) or gradient_scale != 1: gradients = [ self._all_reduce_sum(gradient / tf.cast(gradient_scale, gradient.dtype)) for gradient in gradients] self._optimizer.apply_gradients(list(zip(gradients, self._model.trainable_variables)))
Example #29
Source File: From tensorflow_constrained_optimization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(tensor, name="tensor"): """Gets the number of columns of a rank-two `Tensor`. Args: tensor: a rank-2 `Tensor` with a known number of columns. name: str, how to refer to the tensor in error messages. Returns: The number of columns in the tensor. Raises: TypeError: if "tensor" is not a `Tensor`. ValueError: if "tensor" is not a rank-2 `Tensor` with a known number of columns. """ if not tf.is_tensor(tensor): raise TypeError("%s must be a Tensor" % name) dims = tensor.shape.dims if dims is None: raise ValueError("%s must have a known rank" % name) if len(dims) != 2: raise ValueError("%s must be rank 2 (it is rank %d)" % (name, len(dims))) columns = dims[1].value if columns is None: raise ValueError("%s must have a known number of columns" % name) return columns
Example #30
Source File: From larq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, pad_values=0.0, **kwargs): self.pad_values = pad_values super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._is_native_padding = self.padding != "same" or ( not tf.is_tensor(self.pad_values) and self.pad_values == 0.0 )