Python tensorflow.Examples() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.Examples().
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Example #1
Source File: From TransferRL with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator(data.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: (article, abstract) = # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples:"The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass:"single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception("single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.abstract2sents(abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. if abstract_sentences is None or len(abstract_sentences) == 0: continue example = Example(article, abstract_sentences, self._vocab, self._hps) # Process into an Example. self._example_queue.put(example) # place the Example in the example queue.
Example #2
Source File: From pointer-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" while True: e = # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[0] # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[0] # the abstract text was saved under the key 'abstract' in the data files except ValueError: tf.logging.error('Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text)==0: # See tf.logging.warning('Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: yield (article_text, abstract_text)
Example #3
Source File: From pointer-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator(data.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: (article, abstract) = # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples:"The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass:"single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception("single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.abstract2sents(abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. example = Example(article, abstract_sentences, self._vocab, self._hps) # Process into an Example. self._example_queue.put(example) # place the Example in the example queue.
Example #4
Source File: From unified-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" while True: e = # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[0] # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[0] # the abstract text was saved under the key 'abstract' in the data files extract_ids_str = e.features.feature['extract_ids'].bytes_list.value[0] except ValueError: tf.logging.error('Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text)==0: # See tf.logging.warning('Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: yield (article_text, abstract_text, extract_ids_str)
Example #5
Source File: From unified-summarization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator(data.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: (article, abstract, extract_ids) = # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples:"The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass:"single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception("single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") article_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.document2sents(article)] abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.document2sents(abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. extract_ids = extract_ids.split(',') extract_ids = [int(i) for i in extract_ids] example = Example(article_sentences, extract_ids, abstract_sentences, self._vocab, self._hps) # Process into an Example. self._example_queue.put(example) # place the Example in the example queue.
Example #6
Source File: From MAX-Text-Summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" while True: e = next(example_generator) # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[ 0].decode() # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files # abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[0].decode() # the abstract text was saved under the key 'abstract' in the data files except ValueError: tf.logging.error('Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text) == 0: # See tf.logging.warning('Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: # yield (article_text, abstract_text) yield (article_text)
Example #7
Source File: From MAX-Text-Summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator(data.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: # (article, abstract) = next(input_gen) # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. (article) = next(input_gen) # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples:"The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass: "single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception("single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") # abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.abstract2sents(abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. example = Example(article, article, self._vocab, self._hps) # Process into an Example. self._example_queue.put(example) # place the Example in the example queue.
Example #8
Source File: From exoplanet-ml with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _write_subset(dataset_name, name, values): """Writes the tf.Examples in a subset to TFRecord files.""" if name == "train": num_shards = FLAGS.num_shards_train elif name == "val": num_shards = FLAGS.num_shards_val elif name == "test": num_shards = FLAGS.num_shards_test else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized subset name: {}".format(name)) # Write the tf.Examples in TFRecord format. utils.write_to_tfrecord( values, output_dir=os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, dataset_name), output_name=name, value_name="example", value_coder=beam.coders.ProtoCoder(tf.train.Example), num_shards=num_shards, stage_name_suffix=dataset_name)
Example #9
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def shuffle_tf_examples(gather_size, records_to_shuffle): '''Read through tf.Record and yield shuffled, but unparsed tf.Examples Args: gather_size: The number of tf.Examples to be gathered together records_to_shuffle: A list of filenames Returns: An iterator yielding lists of bytes, which are serialized tf.Examples. ''' dataset = read_tf_records(gather_size, records_to_shuffle, num_repeats=1) batch = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() sess = tf.Session() while True: try: result = yield list(result) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break
Example #10
Source File: From RLSeq2Seq with MIT License | 6 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" cnt = 0 while True: e = # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[0] # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[0] # the abstract text was saved under the key 'abstract' in the data files except ValueError: tf.logging.error('Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text)==0: # See tf.logging.warning('Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: if self._single_pass and cnt < self._decode_after: #skip already decoded docs cnt +=1 continue yield (article_text, abstract_text)
Example #11
Source File: From RLSeq2Seq with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator(data.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: (article, abstract) = # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples:"The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass:"single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception("single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.abstract2sents(abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. example = Example(article, abstract_sentences, self._vocab, self._hps) # Process into an Example. self._example_queue.put(example) # place the Example in the example queue.
Example #12
Source File: From imitation-learning with MIT License | 6 votes |
def write_tfrecord_file(output_filepath, some_h5_files): """Write tf.Examples given a list of h5_files. Args: output_filepath: str some_h5_files: List[str] """ tf_record_options = tf.python_io.TFRecordOptions(tf.python_io.TFRecordCompressionType.GZIP) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_filepath, options=tf_record_options) # Read a batch of h5 files for f in some_h5_files: tf_examples = list(read_h5_file(f)) # type: List[tf.Example] # Serialize to string tf_example_strs = map(lambda ex: ex.SerializeToString(), tf_examples) # Write for example_str in tf_example_strs: writer.write(example_str) writer.close()
Example #13
Source File: From TransferRL with MIT License | 6 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" cnt = 0 while True: e = # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[0] # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[0] # the abstract text was saved under the key 'abstract' in the data files except ValueError: tf.logging.error('Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text)==0 or len(abstract_text)==0: # See tf.logging.warning('Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: if self._single_pass and cnt < self._decode_after: #skip already decoded docs cnt +=1 continue yield (article_text, abstract_text)
Example #14
Source File: From RLSeq2Seq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if self._hps.mode != 'decode': # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # sort by length of encoder sequence # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in range(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #15
Source File: From training with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_dataset_from_selfplay(data_extracts): """ Returns an iterable of tf.Examples. Args: data_extracts: An iterable of (position, pi, result) tuples """ f = dual_net.get_features() tf_examples = (make_tf_example(features_lib.extract_features(pos, f), pi, result) for pos, pi, result in data_extracts) return tf_examples
Example #16
Source File: From model-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ExtractBatchedPredictions( # pylint: disable=invalid-name extracts: beam.pvalue.PCollection, eval_config: config.EvalConfig, eval_shared_models: Dict[Text, types.EvalSharedModel], tensor_adapter_config: Optional[tensor_adapter.TensorAdapterConfig] = None, ) -> beam.pvalue.PCollection: """A PTransform that adds predictions and possibly other tensors to extracts. Args: extracts: PCollection of extracts containing model inputs keyed by tfma.FEATURES_KEY (if model inputs are named) or tfma.INPUTS_KEY (if model takes raw tf.Examples as input). eval_config: Eval config. eval_shared_models: Shared model parameters keyed by model name. tensor_adapter_config: Tensor adapter config which specifies how to obtain tensors from the Arrow RecordBatch. Returns: PCollection of Extracts updated with the predictions. """ return (extracts | 'Predict' >> beam.ParDo( _BatchedPredictionDoFn( eval_config=eval_config, eval_shared_models=eval_shared_models, tensor_adapter_config=tensor_adapter_config)))
Example #17
Source File: From model-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ExtractPredictions( # pylint: disable=invalid-name extracts: beam.pvalue.PCollection, eval_config: config.EvalConfig, eval_shared_models: Dict[Text, types.EvalSharedModel], desired_batch_size: Optional[int]) -> beam.pvalue.PCollection: """A PTransform that adds predictions and possibly other tensors to extracts. Args: extracts: PCollection of extracts containing model inputs keyed by tfma.FEATURES_KEY (if model inputs are named) or tfma.INPUTS_KEY (if model takes raw tf.Examples as input). eval_config: Eval config. eval_shared_models: Shared model parameters keyed by model name. desired_batch_size: Optional batch size. Returns: PCollection of Extracts updated with the predictions. """ batch_args = {} # TODO(b/143484017): Consider removing this option if autotuning is better # able to handle batch size selection. if desired_batch_size is not None: batch_args = dict( min_batch_size=desired_batch_size, max_batch_size=desired_batch_size) return ( extracts | 'Batch' >> beam.BatchElements(**batch_args) | 'Predict' >> beam.ParDo( _PredictionDoFn( eval_config=eval_config, eval_shared_models=eval_shared_models)))
Example #18
Source File: From rotational-unit-of-memory with MIT License | 5 votes |
def text_generator(self, example_generator): """Generates article and abstract text from tf.Example. Args: example_generator: a generator of tf.Examples from file. See data.example_generator""" while True: e = next(example_generator) # e is a tf.Example try: article_text = e.features.feature['article'].bytes_list.value[ 0].decode() # the article text was saved under the key 'article' in the data files if self._is_inf: abstract_text = "empty" else: abstract_text = e.features.feature['abstract'].bytes_list.value[ 0].decode() # the abstract text was saved under the key # 'abstract' in the data files except ValueError: tf.logging.error( 'Failed to get article or abstract from example') continue if len(article_text) == 0: # See tf.logging.warning( 'Found an example with empty article text. Skipping it.') else: yield (article_text, abstract_text)
Example #19
Source File: From rotational-unit-of-memory with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if self._hps.mode != 'decode': # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a # list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) # sort by length of encoder sequence inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle # the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in range(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: # pass shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #20
Source File: From rotational-unit-of-memory with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill_example_queue(self): """Reads data from file and processes into Examples which are then placed into the example queue.""" input_gen = self.text_generator( data.Vocab.example_generator(self._data_path, self._single_pass)) while True: try: (article, abstract) = next( input_gen) # read the next example from file. article and abstract are both strings. except StopIteration: # if there are no more examples: "The example generator for this example queue filling thread has exhausted data.") if self._single_pass: "single_pass mode is on, so we've finished reading dataset. This thread is stopping.") self._finished_reading = True break else: raise Exception( "single_pass mode is off but the example generator is out of data; error.") if self._is_sd: abstract_sentences = abstract else: abstract_sentences = [sent.strip() for sent in data.Vocab.abstract2sents( abstract)] # Use the <s> and </s> tags in abstract to get a list of sentences. # Process into an Example. example = Example(article, abstract_sentences, self._vocab, self._hps, self._is_sd) # place the Example in the example queue. self._example_queue.put(example)
Example #21
Source File: From unified-summarization with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if (self._hps.mode == 'evalall' and self._hps.decode_method == 'beam') or \ (self._hps.mode == 'eval' and self._hps.eval_method == 'rouge' and self._hps.decode_method == 'beam'): # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in xrange(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in xrange(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) if self._hps.model in ['rewriter', 'end2end']: if self._hps.mode == 'train' or (self._hps.mode == 'eval' and self._hps.eval_method == 'loss'): inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # sort by length of encoder sequence # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in xrange(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #22
Source File: From MAX-Text-Summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if self._hps.mode != 'decode': # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # sort by length of encoder sequence # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in range(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #23
Source File: From dynamic-coattention-network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tf_Examples(data_path, num_epochs=None): """Generates tf.Examples from path of data files. Binary data format: <length><blob>. <length> represents the byte size of <blob>. <blob> is serialized tf.Example proto. The tf.Example contains the tokenized article text and summary. Args: data_path: path to tf.Example data files. num_epochs: Number of times to go through the data. None means infinite. Yields: Deserialized tf.Example. If there are multiple files specified, they accessed in a random order. """ epoch = 0 while True: if num_epochs is not None and epoch >= num_epochs: break filelist = glob.glob(data_path) assert filelist, 'Empty filelist.' shuffle(filelist) for f in filelist: reader = open(f, 'rb') while True: len_bytes = if not len_bytes: break str_len = struct.unpack('q', len_bytes)[0] example_str = struct.unpack('%ds' % str_len,[0] yield example_pb2.Example.FromString(example_str) epoch += 1
Example #24
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_dataset_from_selfplay(data_extracts): ''' Returns an iterable of tf.Examples. Args: data_extracts: An iterable of (position, pi, result) tuples ''' tf_examples = (make_tf_example(features_lib.extract_features(pos), pi, result) for pos, pi, result in data_extracts) return tf_examples
Example #25
Source File: From TransferRL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if self._hps.mode != 'decode': # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # sort by length of encoder sequence # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in range(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch.create_batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in range(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch.create_batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #26
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_dataset_from_selfplay(data_extracts): ''' Returns an iterable of tf.Examples. Args: data_extracts: An iterable of (position, pi, result) tuples ''' tf_examples = (make_tf_example(features_lib.extract_features(pos), pi, result) for pos, pi, result in data_extracts) return tf_examples
Example #27
Source File: From pointer-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fill_batch_queue(self): """Takes Examples out of example queue, sorts them by encoder sequence length, processes into Batches and places them in the batch queue. In decode mode, makes batches that each contain a single example repeated. """ while True: if self._hps.mode != 'decode': # Get bucketing_cache_size-many batches of Examples into a list, then sort inputs = [] for _ in xrange(self._hps.batch_size * self._bucketing_cache_size): inputs.append(self._example_queue.get()) inputs = sorted(inputs, key=lambda inp: inp.enc_len) # sort by length of encoder sequence # Group the sorted Examples into batches, optionally shuffle the batches, and place in the batch queue. batches = [] for i in xrange(0, len(inputs), self._hps.batch_size): batches.append(inputs[i:i + self._hps.batch_size]) if not self._single_pass: shuffle(batches) for b in batches: # each b is a list of Example objects self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab)) else: # beam search decode mode ex = self._example_queue.get() b = [ex for _ in xrange(self._hps.batch_size)] self._batch_queue.put(Batch(b, self._hps, self._vocab))
Example #28
Source File: From MAX-Object-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_predict_input_fn(model_config, predict_input_config): """Creates a predict `input` function for `Estimator`. Args: model_config: A model_pb2.DetectionModel. predict_input_config: An input_reader_pb2.InputReader. Returns: `input_fn` for `Estimator` in PREDICT mode. """ def _predict_input_fn(params=None): """Decodes serialized tf.Examples and returns `ServingInputReceiver`. Args: params: Parameter dictionary passed from the estimator. Returns: `ServingInputReceiver`. """ del params example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[], name='tf_example') num_classes = config_util.get_number_of_classes(model_config) model =, is_training=False) image_resizer_config = config_util.get_image_resizer_config(model_config) image_resizer_fn = transform_fn = functools.partial( transform_input_data, model_preprocess_fn=model.preprocess, image_resizer_fn=image_resizer_fn, num_classes=num_classes, data_augmentation_fn=None) decoder = tf_example_decoder.TfExampleDecoder( load_instance_masks=False, num_additional_channels=predict_input_config.num_additional_channels) input_dict = transform_fn(decoder.decode(example)) images = tf.to_float(input_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image]) images = tf.expand_dims(images, axis=0) true_image_shape = tf.expand_dims( input_dict[fields.InputDataFields.true_image_shape], axis=0) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver( features={ fields.InputDataFields.image: images, fields.InputDataFields.true_image_shape: true_image_shape}, receiver_tensors={SERVING_FED_EXAMPLE_KEY: example}) return _predict_input_fn
Example #29
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_predict_input_fn(model_config, predict_input_config): """Creates a predict `input` function for `Estimator`. Args: model_config: A model_pb2.DetectionModel. predict_input_config: An input_reader_pb2.InputReader. Returns: `input_fn` for `Estimator` in PREDICT mode. """ def _predict_input_fn(params=None): """Decodes serialized tf.Examples and returns `ServingInputReceiver`. Args: params: Parameter dictionary passed from the estimator. Returns: `ServingInputReceiver`. """ del params example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[], name='tf_example') num_classes = config_util.get_number_of_classes(model_config) model =, is_training=False) image_resizer_config = config_util.get_image_resizer_config(model_config) image_resizer_fn = transform_fn = functools.partial( transform_input_data, model_preprocess_fn=model.preprocess, image_resizer_fn=image_resizer_fn, num_classes=num_classes, data_augmentation_fn=None) decoder = tf_example_decoder.TfExampleDecoder( load_instance_masks=False, num_additional_channels=predict_input_config.num_additional_channels) input_dict = transform_fn(decoder.decode(example)) images = tf.to_float(input_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image]) images = tf.expand_dims(images, axis=0) true_image_shape = tf.expand_dims( input_dict[fields.InputDataFields.true_image_shape], axis=0) return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver( features={ fields.InputDataFields.image: images, fields.InputDataFields.true_image_shape: true_image_shape}, receiver_tensors={SERVING_FED_EXAMPLE_KEY: example}) return _predict_input_fn
Example #30
Source File: From pointer-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, data_path, vocab, hps, single_pass): """Initialize the batcher. Start threads that process the data into batches. Args: data_path: tf.Example filepattern. vocab: Vocabulary object hps: hyperparameters single_pass: If True, run through the dataset exactly once (useful for when you want to run evaluation on the dev or test set). Otherwise generate random batches indefinitely (useful for training). """ self._data_path = data_path self._vocab = vocab self._hps = hps self._single_pass = single_pass # Initialize a queue of Batches waiting to be used, and a queue of Examples waiting to be batched self._batch_queue = Queue.Queue(self.BATCH_QUEUE_MAX) self._example_queue = Queue.Queue(self.BATCH_QUEUE_MAX * self._hps.batch_size) # Different settings depending on whether we're in single_pass mode or not if single_pass: self._num_example_q_threads = 1 # just one thread, so we read through the dataset just once self._num_batch_q_threads = 1 # just one thread to batch examples self._bucketing_cache_size = 1 # only load one batch's worth of examples before bucketing; this essentially means no bucketing self._finished_reading = False # this will tell us when we're finished reading the dataset else: self._num_example_q_threads = 16 # num threads to fill example queue self._num_batch_q_threads = 4 # num threads to fill batch queue self._bucketing_cache_size = 100 # how many batches-worth of examples to load into cache before bucketing # Start the threads that load the queues self._example_q_threads = [] for _ in xrange(self._num_example_q_threads): self._example_q_threads.append(Thread(target=self.fill_example_queue)) self._example_q_threads[-1].daemon = True self._example_q_threads[-1].start() self._batch_q_threads = [] for _ in xrange(self._num_batch_q_threads): self._batch_q_threads.append(Thread(target=self.fill_batch_queue)) self._batch_q_threads[-1].daemon = True self._batch_q_threads[-1].start() # Start a thread that watches the other threads and restarts them if they're dead if not single_pass: # We don't want a watcher in single_pass mode because the threads shouldn't run forever self._watch_thread = Thread(target=self.watch_threads) self._watch_thread.daemon = True self._watch_thread.start()