Python tensorflow.argsort() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of tensorflow.argsort().
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Example #1
Source File: From ssd-tf2 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def hard_negative_mining(loss, gt_confs, neg_ratio): """ Hard negative mining algorithm to pick up negative examples for back-propagation base on classification loss values Args: loss: list of classification losses of all default boxes (B, num_default) gt_confs: classification targets (B, num_default) neg_ratio: negative / positive ratio Returns: conf_loss: classification loss loc_loss: regression loss """ # loss: B x N # gt_confs: B x N pos_idx = gt_confs > 0 num_pos = tf.reduce_sum(tf.dtypes.cast(pos_idx, tf.int32), axis=1) num_neg = num_pos * neg_ratio rank = tf.argsort(loss, axis=1, direction='DESCENDING') rank = tf.argsort(rank, axis=1) neg_idx = rank < tf.expand_dims(num_neg, 1) return pos_idx, neg_idx
Example #2
Source File: From ULTRA with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _to_nd_indices(indices): """Returns indices used for tf.gather_nd or tf.scatter_nd. Args: indices: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, size] with integer values. The values are the indices of another `Tensor`. For example, `indices` is the output of tf.argsort or tf.math.top_k. Returns: A `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, size, 2] that can be used by tf.gather_nd or tf.scatter_nd. """ indices.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) batch_ids = tf.ones_like(indices) * tf.expand_dims( tf.range(tf.shape(input=indices)[0]), 1) return tf.stack([batch_ids, indices], axis=-1)
Example #3
Source File: From ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _to_nd_indices(indices): """Returns indices used for tf.gather_nd or tf.scatter_nd. Args: indices: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, size] with integer values. The values are the indices of another `Tensor`. For example, `indices` is the output of tf.argsort or tf.math.top_k. Returns: A `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, size, 2] that can be used by tf.gather_nd or tf.scatter_nd. """ indices.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) batch_ids = tf.ones_like(indices) * tf.expand_dims( tf.range(tf.shape(input=indices)[0]), 1) return tf.stack([batch_ids, indices], axis=-1)
Example #4
Source File: From grover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _top_k_sample(logits, ignore_ids=None, num_samples=1, k=10): """ Does top-k sampling. if ignore_ids is on, then we will zero out those logits. :param logits: [batch_size, vocab_size] tensor :param ignore_ids: [vocab_size] one-hot representation of the indices we'd like to ignore and never predict, like padding maybe :param p: topp threshold to use, either a float or a [batch_size] vector :return: [batch_size, num_samples] samples # TODO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THIS ON TPUS. IT'S HELLA SLOW RIGHT NOW, DUE TO ARGSORT I THINK """ with tf.variable_scope('top_p_sample'): batch_size, vocab_size = get_shape_list(logits, expected_rank=2) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits if ignore_ids is None else logits - tf.cast(ignore_ids[None], tf.float32) * 1e10, axis=-1) # [batch_size, vocab_perm] indices = tf.argsort(probs, direction='DESCENDING') # find the top pth index to cut off. careful we don't want to cutoff everything! # result will be [batch_size, vocab_perm] k_expanded = k if isinstance(k, int) else k[:, None] exclude_mask = tf.range(vocab_size)[None] >= k_expanded # OPTION A - sample in the sorted space, then unsort. logits_to_use = tf.batch_gather(logits, indices) - tf.cast(exclude_mask, tf.float32) * 1e10 sample_perm = tf.random.categorical(logits=logits_to_use, num_samples=num_samples) sample = tf.batch_gather(indices, sample_perm) return { 'probs': probs, 'sample': sample, }
Example #5
Source File: From ssd-tf2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_nms(boxes, scores, nms_threshold, limit=200): """ Perform Non Maximum Suppression algorithm to eliminate boxes with high overlap Args: boxes: tensor (num_boxes, 4) of format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) scores: tensor (num_boxes,) nms_threshold: NMS threshold limit: maximum number of boxes to keep Returns: idx: indices of kept boxes """ if boxes.shape[0] == 0: return tf.constant([], dtype=tf.int32) selected = [0] idx = tf.argsort(scores, direction='DESCENDING') idx = idx[:limit] boxes = tf.gather(boxes, idx) iou = compute_iou(boxes, boxes) while True: row = iou[selected[-1]] next_indices = row <= nms_threshold # iou[:, ~next_indices] = 1.0 iou = tf.where( tf.expand_dims(tf.math.logical_not(next_indices), 0), tf.ones_like(iou, dtype=tf.float32), iou) if not tf.math.reduce_any(next_indices): break selected.append(tf.argsort( tf.dtypes.cast(next_indices, tf.int32), direction='DESCENDING')[0].numpy()) return tf.gather(idx, selected)
Example #6
Source File: From icecaps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_rt_decoder(self): self.build_embeddings() start_tokens_sparse = tf.ones(shape=[self.batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * self.vocab.start_token_id with tf.name_scope('beamsearch_decoder'): rt_decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(cell=self.cell, embedding=self.embed_sparse_to_dense, start_tokens=start_tokens_sparse, end_token=self.vocab.end_token_id, initial_state=self.initial_state, beam_width=self.hparams.beam_width, output_layer=self.output_layer, skip_tokens_decoding=self.vocab.skip_tokens, shrink_vocab=self.hparams.shrink_vocab) (hypotheses, input_query_ids, scores) = dynamic_decode( decoder=rt_decoder, output_time_major=False, maximum_iterations=self.hparams.max_length, repetition=self.hparams.repetition_penalty) sort_ids = tf.argsort(scores, direction="DESCENDING", stable=True, axis=0) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, sort_ids) hypotheses = tf.gather_nd(hypotheses, sort_ids) input_query_ids = tf.gather_nd(input_query_ids, sort_ids) sort_ids = tf.argsort(input_query_ids, direction="ASCENDING", stable=True, axis=0) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, sort_ids) hypotheses = tf.gather_nd(hypotheses, sort_ids) input_query_ids = tf.gather_nd(input_query_ids, sort_ids) speakers = tf.gather_nd(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.features["speaker_ids"]), input_query_ids) input_queries = tf.gather_nd(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.features["original_inputs"]), input_query_ids) self.rt_hypotheses = tf.identity(hypotheses) self.inputs_pred = tf.identity(input_queries) self.speakers = tf.identity(speakers) self.scores = tf.identity(scores)
Example #7
Source File: From icecaps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_rt_decoder(self): self.build_embeddings() start_tokens_sparse = tf.ones(shape=[self.batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * self.vocab.start_token_id with tf.name_scope('beamsearch_decoder'): rt_decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(cell=self.cell, embedding=self.embed_sparse_to_dense, start_tokens=start_tokens_sparse, end_token=self.vocab.end_token_id, initial_state=self.initial_state, beam_width=self.hparams.beam_width, output_layer=self.output_layer, skip_tokens_decoding=self.vocab.skip_tokens, shrink_vocab=self.hparams.shrink_vocab) (hypotheses, input_query_ids, scores) = dynamic_decode( decoder=rt_decoder, output_time_major=False, maximum_iterations=self.hparams.max_length, repetition=self.hparams.repetition_penalty) sort_ids = tf.argsort( scores, direction="DESCENDING", stable=True, axis=0) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, sort_ids) hypotheses = tf.gather_nd(hypotheses, sort_ids) input_query_ids = tf.gather_nd(input_query_ids, sort_ids) sort_ids = tf.argsort( input_query_ids, direction="ASCENDING", stable=True, axis=0) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, sort_ids) hypotheses = tf.gather_nd(hypotheses, sort_ids) input_query_ids = tf.gather_nd(input_query_ids, sort_ids) input_queries = tf.gather_nd(tf.convert_to_tensor( self.features["original_inputs"]), input_query_ids) self.rt_hypotheses = tf.identity(hypotheses) self.inputs_pred = tf.identity(input_queries) self.scores = tf.identity(scores)
Example #8
Source File: From nobrainer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def replace(x, mapping, zero=True): """Replace values in tensor `x` using dictionary `mapping`. Parameters ---------- x: tensor, values to replace. mapping: dict, dictionary mapping original values to new values. Values in x equal to a key in the mapping are replaced with the corresponding value. Keys and values may overlap. zero: boolean, zero values in `x` not in `mapping.keys()`. Returns ------- Modified tensor. """ x = tf.cast(x, dtype=tf.int32) keys = tf.convert_to_tensor(list(mapping.keys())) vals = tf.convert_to_tensor(list(mapping.values())) sidx = tf.argsort(keys) ks = tf.gather(keys, sidx) vs = tf.gather(vals, sidx) idx = tf.searchsorted(ks, tf.reshape(x, (-1,))) idx = tf.reshape(idx, x.shape) # Zero values that are equal to len(vs). idx = tf.multiply(idx, tf.cast(tf.not_equal(idx, vs.shape[0]), tf.int32)) mask = tf.equal(tf.gather(ks, idx), x) out = tf.where(mask, tf.gather(vs, idx), x) if zero: # Zero values in the data array that are not in the mapping values. mask = tf.reduce_any( tf.equal(tf.expand_dims(out, -1), tf.expand_dims(vals, 0)), -1 ) out = tf.multiply(out, tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)) return out
Example #9
Source File: From transform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def reorder_histogram(bucket_vocab, counts, boundary_size): """Return the histogram counts in indexed order, and zero out missing values. The count_elements analyzer returns counts in alphanumeric order, only for the values that are present. To construct a well-formed histogram, we need to rearrange them in numerical order, and fill in the missing values. Ex: The data contains values in the following form: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1] bucket_indices happen to be the same as these values, and count_elements(tf.strings.as_string(bucket_indices)) returns: bucket_vocab=['1', '3', '0'], counts=[3, 1, 4] If boundaries=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], we expect counts=[4, 3, 0, 1, 0], which this function will return. Args: bucket_vocab: A `Tensor` that names the buckets corresponding to the count information returned. counts: A `Tensor` that matches the bucket_vocab. boundary_size: A scalar that provides information about how big the returned counts should be. Returns: counts: A `Tensor` of size boundary_size corresponding to counts of all available buckets. """ if bucket_vocab.dtype == tf.string: bucket_vocab = tf.strings.to_number(bucket_vocab, tf.int32) # counts/bucket_vocab may be out of order and missing values (empty buckets). ordering = tf.argsort( tf.concat([bucket_vocab, tf.sets.difference([tf.range(boundary_size)], [bucket_vocab]).values], axis=-1)) counts = tf.pad(counts, [[0, boundary_size - tf.size(counts)]]) return tf.gather(counts, ordering)
Example #10
Source File: From ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def organize_valid_indices(is_valid, shuffle=True, seed=None): """Organizes indices in such a way that valid items appear first. Args: is_valid: A boolean `Tensor` for entry validity with shape [batch_size, list_size]. shuffle: A boolean indicating whether valid items should be shuffled. seed: An int for random seed at the op level. It works together with the seed at global graph level together to determine the random number generation. See `tf.set_random_seed`. Returns: A tensor of indices with shape [batch_size, list_size, 2]. The returned tensor can be used with `tf.gather_nd` and `tf.scatter_nd` to compose a new [batch_size, list_size] tensor. The values in the last dimension are the indices for an element in the input tensor. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='organize_valid_indices'): is_valid = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=is_valid) is_valid.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) output_shape = tf.shape(input=is_valid) if shuffle: values = tf.random.uniform(output_shape, seed=seed) else: values = ( tf.ones_like(is_valid, tf.float32) * tf.reverse( tf.cast(tf.range(output_shape[1]), dtype=tf.float32), [-1])) rand = tf.compat.v1.where(is_valid, values, tf.ones(output_shape) * -1e-6) # shape(indices) = [batch_size, list_size] indices = tf.argsort(rand, direction='DESCENDING', stable=True) return _to_nd_indices(indices)
Example #11
Source File: From ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sorted_ranks(scores, shuffle_ties=True, seed=None): """Returns an int `Tensor` as the ranks (1-based) after sorting scores. Example: Given scores = [[1.0, 3.5, 2.1]], the returned ranks will be [[3, 1, 2]]. It means that scores 1.0 will be ranked at position 3, 3.5 will be ranked at position 1, and 2.1 will be ranked at position 2. Args: scores: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, list_size] representing the per-example scores. shuffle_ties: See `sort_by_scores`. seed: See `sort_by_scores`. Returns: A 1-based int `Tensor`s as the ranks. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='sorted_ranks'): batch_size, list_size = tf.unstack(tf.shape(input=scores)) # The current position in the list for each score. positions = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(list_size), 0), [batch_size, 1]) # For score [[1.0, 3.5, 2.1]], sorted_positions are [[1, 2, 0]], meaning the # largest score is at position 1, the 2nd is at position 2 and 3rd is at # position 0. sorted_positions = sort_by_scores( scores, [positions], shuffle_ties=shuffle_ties, seed=seed)[0] # The indices of sorting sorted_positions will be [[2, 0, 1]] and ranks are # 1-based and thus are [[3, 1, 2]]. ranks = tf.argsort(sorted_positions) + 1 return ranks
Example #12
Source File: From ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_scores(scores, features_list, topn=None, shuffle_ties=True, seed=None): """Sorts example features according to per-example scores. Args: scores: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, list_size] representing the per-example scores. features_list: A list of `Tensor`s with the same shape as scores to be sorted. topn: An integer as the cutoff of examples in the sorted list. shuffle_ties: A boolean. If True, randomly shuffle before the sorting. seed: The ops-level random seed used when `shuffle_ties` is True. Returns: A list of `Tensor`s as the list of sorted features by `scores`. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='sort_by_scores'): scores = tf.cast(scores, tf.float32) scores.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) list_size = tf.shape(input=scores)[1] if topn is None: topn = list_size topn = tf.minimum(topn, list_size) shuffle_ind = None if shuffle_ties: shuffle_ind = _to_nd_indices( tf.argsort( tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(input=scores), seed=seed), stable=True)) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, shuffle_ind) _, indices = tf.math.top_k(scores, topn, sorted=True) nd_indices = _to_nd_indices(indices) if shuffle_ind is not None: nd_indices = tf.gather_nd(shuffle_ind, nd_indices) return [tf.gather_nd(f, nd_indices) for f in features_list]
Example #13
Source File: From ULTRA with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def organize_valid_indices(is_valid, shuffle=True, seed=None): """Organizes indices in such a way that valid items appear first. Args: is_valid: A boolen `Tensor` for entry validity with shape [batch_size, list_size]. shuffle: A boolean indicating whether valid items should be shuffled. seed: An int for random seed at the op level. It works together with the seed at global graph level together to determine the random number generation. See `tf.set_random_seed`. Returns: A tensor of indices with shape [batch_size, list_size, 2]. The returned tensor can be used with `tf.gather_nd` and `tf.scatter_nd` to compose a new [batch_size, list_size] tensor. The values in the last dimension are the indices for an element in the input tensor. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='organize_valid_indices'): is_valid = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=is_valid) is_valid.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) output_shape = tf.shape(input=is_valid) if shuffle: values = tf.random.uniform(output_shape, seed=seed) else: values = ( tf.ones_like(is_valid, tf.float32) * tf.reverse( tf.cast(tf.range(output_shape[1]), dtype=tf.float32), [-1])) rand = tf.compat.v1.where( is_valid, values, tf.ones(output_shape) * -1e-6) # shape(indices) = [batch_size, list_size] indices = tf.argsort(rand, direction='DESCENDING', stable=True) return _to_nd_indices(indices)
Example #14
Source File: From ULTRA with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sorted_ranks(scores, shuffle_ties=True, seed=None): """Returns an int `Tensor` as the ranks (1-based) after sorting scores. Example: Given scores = [[1.0, 3.5, 2.1]], the returned ranks will be [[3, 1, 2]]. It means that scores 1.0 will be ranked at position 3, 3.5 will be ranked at position 1, and 2.1 will be ranked at position 2. Args: scores: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, list_size] representing the per-example scores. shuffle_ties: See `sort_by_scores`. seed: See `sort_by_scores`. Returns: A 1-based int `Tensor`s as the ranks. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='sorted_ranks'): batch_size, list_size = tf.unstack(tf.shape(input=scores)) # The current position in the list for each score. positions = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.range(list_size), 0), [ batch_size, 1]) # For score [[1.0, 3.5, 2.1]], sorted_positions are [[1, 2, 0]], meaning the # largest score is at poistion 1, the second is at postion 2 and third is at # position 0. sorted_positions = sort_by_scores( scores, [positions], shuffle_ties=shuffle_ties, seed=seed)[0] # The indices of sorting sorted_postions will be [[2, 0, 1]] and ranks are # 1-based and thus are [[3, 1, 2]]. ranks = tf.argsort(sorted_positions) + 1 return ranks
Example #15
Source File: From ULTRA with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_by_scores(scores, features_list, topn=None, shuffle_ties=True, seed=None): """Sorts example features according to per-example scores. Args: scores: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, list_size] representing the per-example scores. features_list: A list of `Tensor`s with the same shape as scores to be sorted. topn: An integer as the cutoff of examples in the sorted list. shuffle_ties: A boolean. If True, randomly shuffle before the sorting. seed: The ops-level random seed used when `shuffle_ties` is True. Returns: A list of `Tensor`s as the list of sorted features by `scores`. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='sort_by_scores'): scores = tf.cast(scores, tf.float32) scores.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) list_size = tf.shape(input=scores)[1] if topn is None: topn = list_size topn = tf.minimum(topn, list_size) shuffle_ind = None if shuffle_ties: shuffle_ind = _to_nd_indices( tf.argsort( tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(input=scores), seed=seed), stable=True)) scores = tf.gather_nd(scores, shuffle_ind) _, indices = tf.math.top_k(scores, topn, sorted=True) nd_indices = _to_nd_indices(indices) if shuffle_ind is not None: nd_indices = tf.gather_nd(shuffle_ind, nd_indices) return [tf.gather_nd(f, nd_indices) for f in features_list]
Example #16
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_top_elements(list_of_elements, max_user_contribution): """Gets the top max_user_contribution words from the input list. Note that the returned set of top words will not necessarily be sorted. Args: list_of_elements: A tensor containing a list of elements. max_user_contribution: The maximum number of elements to keep. Returns: A tensor of a list of strings. If the total number of unique words is less than or equal to max_user_contribution, returns the set of unique words. """ words, _, counts = tf.unique_with_counts(list_of_elements) if tf.size(words) > max_user_contribution: # This logic is influenced by the focus on global heavy hitters and # thus implements clipping by chopping the tail of the distribution # of the words as present on a single client. Another option could # be to provide pick max_words_per_user random words out of the unique # words present locally. top_indices = tf.argsort( counts, axis=-1, direction='DESCENDING')[:max_user_contribution] top_words = tf.gather(words, top_indices) return top_words return words
Example #17
Source File: From OpenNMT-tf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _apply(self, words): if self.max_distance == 0: return tf.identity(words) num_words = tf.shape(words)[0] offset = tf.random.uniform([num_words], maxval=1) * (self.max_distance + 1) offset = tf.cast(offset, num_words.dtype) new_pos = tf.argsort(tf.range(num_words) + offset) return tf.gather(words, new_pos)
Example #18
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sort_key_val(t1, t2, dim=-1): values = tf.sort(t1, axis=dim) t2 = tf.broadcast_to(t2, t1.shape) return values, tf.gather(t2, tf.argsort(t1, axis=dim), axis=dim)
Example #19
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def nucleus_sampling(logits, vocab_size, p=0.9, input_ids=None, input_ori_ids=None, **kargs): input_shape_list = bert_utils.get_shape_list(logits, expected_rank=[2,3]) if len(input_shape_list) == 3: logits = tf.reshape(logits, (-1, vocab_size)) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits, axis=-1) # [batch_size, seq, vocab_perm] # indices = tf.argsort(probs, direction='DESCENDING') indices = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(probs, direction='DESCENDING') cumulative_probabilities = tf.math.cumsum(tf.batch_gather(probs, indices), axis=-1, exclusive=False) # find the top pth index to cut off. careful we don't want to cutoff everything! # result will be [batch_size, seq, vocab_perm] exclude_mask = tf.logical_not( tf.logical_or(cumulative_probabilities < p, tf.range(vocab_size)[None] < 1)) exclude_mask = tf.cast(exclude_mask, tf.float32) indices_v1 = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(indices) exclude_mask = reorder(exclude_mask, tf.cast(indices_v1, dtype=tf.int32)) if len(input_shape_list) == 3: exclude_mask = tf.reshape(exclude_mask, input_shape_list) # logits = tf.reshape(logits, input_shape_list) if input_ids is not None and input_ori_ids is not None: exclude_mask, input_ori_ids = get_extra_mask( input_ids, input_ori_ids, exclude_mask, vocab_size, **kargs) return [exclude_mask, input_ori_ids] else: return [exclude_mask]
Example #20
Source File: From BERT with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def gumbel_softmax(logits, temperature, gumbel_samples=None, samples=1, greedy=False): """ Draw a sample from the Gumbel-Softmax distribution""" input_shape_list = bert_utils.get_shape_list(logits, expected_rank=2) if samples > 1: logits = tf.expand_dims(logits, -1) if gumbel_samples is None: gumbel_samples = sample_gumbel(input_shape_list, samples) if greedy:"==apply greedy based sampling and discrete relax==") # if int(tf.__version__.split(".")[1]) < 15: # if not use_tpu: # logits_index = tf.contrib.framework.argsort(logits, axis=1) # gumbel_samples_sorted = tf.contrib.framework.sort(gumbel_samples, axis=1) # gumbel_samples_sorted = reorder(gumbel_samples_sorted, logits_index) # else: # else: # logits_index = tf.argsort(logits, axis=1) # gumbel_samples_sorted = tf.sort(gumbel_samples, axis=1) # gumbel_samples_sorted = reorder(gumbel_samples_sorted, logits_index) gumbel_samples = reorder_approximate(logits, gumbel_samples) y = logits + gumbel_samples return [tf.exp(tf.nn.log_softmax(y / temperature, axis=1)), y] else: y = logits + gumbel_samples"==apply sampling based sampling and discrete relax==") return [tf.exp(tf.nn.log_softmax(y / temperature, axis=1)), y]
Example #21
Source File: From spektral with MIT License | 5 votes |
def call(self, inputs): if self.data_mode == 'disjoint': X, I = inputs X = ops.disjoint_signal_to_batch(X, I) else: X = inputs if self.data_mode == 'single': X = tf.expand_dims(X, 0) N = tf.shape(X)[-2] sort_perm = tf.argsort(X[..., -1], direction='DESCENDING') X_sorted = tf.gather(X, sort_perm, axis=-2, batch_dims=1) def truncate(): _X_out = X_sorted[..., : self.k, :] return _X_out def pad(): padding = [[0, 0], [0, self.k - N], [0, 0]] _X_out = tf.pad(X_sorted, padding) return _X_out X_out = tf.cond(tf.less_equal(self.k, N), truncate, pad) if self.data_mode == 'single': X_out = tf.squeeze(X_out, [0]) X_out.set_shape((self.k, self.F)) elif self.data_mode == 'batch' or self.data_mode == 'disjoint': X_out.set_shape((None, self.k, self.F)) return X_out
Example #22
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def compute_top_k_and_ndcg(logits, # type: tf.Tensor duplicate_mask, # type: tf.Tensor match_mlperf=False # type: bool ): """Compute inputs of metric calculation. Args: logits: A tensor containing the predicted logits for each user. The shape of logits is (num_users_per_batch * (1 + NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES),) Logits for a user are grouped, and the first element of the group is the true element. duplicate_mask: A vector with the same shape as logits, with a value of 1 if the item corresponding to the logit at that position has already appeared for that user. match_mlperf: Use the MLPerf reference convention for computing rank. Returns: is_top_k, ndcg and weights, all of which has size (num_users_in_batch,), and logits_by_user which has size (num_users_in_batch, (rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)). """ logits_by_user = tf.reshape(logits, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)) duplicate_mask_by_user = tf.cast( tf.reshape(duplicate_mask, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)), logits_by_user.dtype) if match_mlperf: # Set duplicate logits to the min value for that dtype. The MLPerf # reference dedupes during evaluation. logits_by_user *= (1 - duplicate_mask_by_user) logits_by_user += duplicate_mask_by_user * logits_by_user.dtype.min # Determine the location of the first element in each row after the elements # are sorted. sort_indices = tf.argsort( logits_by_user, axis=1, direction="DESCENDING") # Use matrix multiplication to extract the position of the true item from the # tensor of sorted indices. This approach is chosen because both GPUs and TPUs # perform matrix multiplications very quickly. This is similar to np.argwhere. # However this is a special case because the target will only appear in # sort_indices once. one_hot_position = tf.cast(tf.equal(sort_indices, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES), tf.int32) sparse_positions = tf.multiply( one_hot_position, tf.range(logits_by_user.shape[1])[tf.newaxis, :]) position_vector = tf.reduce_sum(sparse_positions, axis=1) in_top_k = tf.cast(tf.less(position_vector, rconst.TOP_K), tf.float32) ndcg = tf.math.log(2.) / tf.math.log( tf.cast(position_vector, tf.float32) + 2) ndcg *= in_top_k # If a row is a padded row, all but the first element will be a duplicate. metric_weights = tf.not_equal(tf.reduce_sum(duplicate_mask_by_user, axis=1), rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES) return in_top_k, ndcg, metric_weights, logits_by_user
Example #23
Source File: From ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def de_noise(counts, noise, ratio=0.9): """Returns a float `Tensor` as the de-noised `counts`. The implementation is based on the the paper by Zhang and Xu: "Fast Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Mixture of Language Models." It assumes that the observed `counts` are generated from a mixture of `noise` and the true distribution: `ratio * noise_distribution + (1 - ratio) * true_distribution`, where the contribution of `noise` is controlled by `ratio`. This method returns the true distribution. Args: counts: A 2-D `Tensor` representing the observations. All values should be nonnegative. noise: A 2-D `Tensor` representing the noise distribution. This should be the same shape as `counts`. All values should be positive and are normalized to a simplex per row. ratio: A float in (0, 1) representing the contribution from noise. Returns: A 2-D float `Tensor` and each row is a simplex. Raises: ValueError: if `ratio` is not in (0,1). InvalidArgumentError: if any of `counts` is negative or any of `noise` is not positive. """ if not 0 < ratio < 1: raise ValueError('ratio should be in (0, 1), but get {}'.format(ratio)) odds = (1 - ratio) / ratio counts = tf.cast(counts, dtype=tf.float32) noise = tf.cast(noise, dtype=tf.float32) counts.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) noise.get_shape().assert_has_rank(2) noise.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with(counts.get_shape()) with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name='de_noise'): counts_nonneg = tf.compat.v1.assert_greater_equal(counts, 0.) noise_pos = tf.compat.v1.assert_greater(noise, 0.) with tf.control_dependencies([counts_nonneg, noise_pos]): # Normalize noise to be a simplex per row. noise = noise / tf.reduce_sum(noise, axis=1, keepdims=True) sorted_idx = tf.argsort( counts / noise, direction='DESCENDING', stable=True) nd_indices = _to_nd_indices(sorted_idx) sorted_counts = tf.gather_nd(counts, nd_indices) sorted_noise = tf.gather_nd(noise, nd_indices) # Decide whether an entry will have a positive value or 0. is_pos = tf.cast( (odds + tf.cumsum(sorted_noise, axis=1)) / tf.cumsum(sorted_counts, axis=1) > sorted_noise / sorted_counts, tf.float32) # The lambda in the paper above, which is the lagrangian multiplier for # the simplex constraint on the variables. lagrangian_multiplier = tf.reduce_sum( sorted_counts * is_pos, axis=1, keepdims=True) / (1 + tf.reduce_sum( sorted_noise * is_pos, axis=1, keepdims=True) / odds) res = (sorted_counts / lagrangian_multiplier - sorted_noise / odds) * is_pos return tf.scatter_nd(nd_indices, res, shape=tf.shape(counts))
Example #24
Source File: From Live-feed-object-device-identification-using-Tensorflow-and-OpenCV with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def compute_top_k_and_ndcg(logits, # type: tf.Tensor duplicate_mask, # type: tf.Tensor match_mlperf=False # type: bool ): """Compute inputs of metric calculation. Args: logits: A tensor containing the predicted logits for each user. The shape of logits is (num_users_per_batch * (1 + NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES),) Logits for a user are grouped, and the first element of the group is the true element. duplicate_mask: A vector with the same shape as logits, with a value of 1 if the item corresponding to the logit at that position has already appeared for that user. match_mlperf: Use the MLPerf reference convention for computing rank. Returns: is_top_k, ndcg and weights, all of which has size (num_users_in_batch,), and logits_by_user which has size (num_users_in_batch, (rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)). """ logits_by_user = tf.reshape(logits, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)) duplicate_mask_by_user = tf.cast( tf.reshape(duplicate_mask, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)), tf.float32) if match_mlperf: # Set duplicate logits to the min value for that dtype. The MLPerf # reference dedupes during evaluation. logits_by_user *= (1 - duplicate_mask_by_user) logits_by_user += duplicate_mask_by_user * logits_by_user.dtype.min # Determine the location of the first element in each row after the elements # are sorted. sort_indices = tf.argsort( logits_by_user, axis=1, direction="DESCENDING") # Use matrix multiplication to extract the position of the true item from the # tensor of sorted indices. This approach is chosen because both GPUs and TPUs # perform matrix multiplications very quickly. This is similar to np.argwhere. # However this is a special case because the target will only appear in # sort_indices once. one_hot_position = tf.cast(tf.equal(sort_indices, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES), tf.int32) sparse_positions = tf.multiply( one_hot_position, tf.range(logits_by_user.shape[1])[tf.newaxis, :]) position_vector = tf.reduce_sum(sparse_positions, axis=1) in_top_k = tf.cast(tf.less(position_vector, rconst.TOP_K), tf.float32) ndcg = tf.math.log(2.) / tf.math.log( tf.cast(position_vector, tf.float32) + 2) ndcg *= in_top_k # If a row is a padded row, all but the first element will be a duplicate. metric_weights = tf.not_equal(tf.reduce_sum(duplicate_mask_by_user, axis=1), rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES) return in_top_k, ndcg, metric_weights, logits_by_user
Example #25
Source File: From spektral with MIT License | 4 votes |
def segment_top_k(x, I, ratio, top_k_var): """ Returns indices to get the top K values in x segment-wise, according to the segments defined in I. K is not fixed, but it is defined as a ratio of the number of elements in each segment. :param x: a rank 1 Tensor; :param I: a rank 1 Tensor with segment IDs for x; :param ratio: float, ratio of elements to keep for each segment; :param top_k_var: a tf.Variable created without shape validation (i.e., `tf.Variable(0.0, validate_shape=False)`); :return: a rank 1 Tensor containing the indices to get the top K values of each segment in x. """ I = tf.cast(I, tf.int32) num_nodes = tf.math.segment_sum(tf.ones_like(I), I) # Number of nodes in each graph cumsum = tf.cumsum(num_nodes) # Cumulative number of nodes (A, A+B, A+B+C) cumsum_start = cumsum - num_nodes # Start index of each graph n_graphs = tf.shape(num_nodes)[0] # Number of graphs in batch max_n_nodes = tf.reduce_max(num_nodes) # Order of biggest graph in batch batch_n_nodes = tf.shape(I)[0] # Number of overall nodes in batch to_keep = tf.math.ceil(ratio * tf.cast(num_nodes, tf.float32)) to_keep = tf.cast(to_keep, I.dtype) # Nodes to keep in each graph index = tf.range(batch_n_nodes) index = (index - tf.gather(cumsum_start, I)) + (I * max_n_nodes) y_min = tf.reduce_min(x) dense_y = tf.ones((n_graphs * max_n_nodes,)) # subtract 1 to ensure that filler values do not get picked dense_y = dense_y * tf.cast(y_min - 1, dense_y.dtype) dense_y = tf.cast(dense_y, top_k_var.dtype) # top_k_var is a variable with unknown shape defined in the elsewhere top_k_var.assign(dense_y) dense_y = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(top_k_var, index[..., None], tf.cast(x, top_k_var.dtype)) dense_y = tf.reshape(dense_y, (n_graphs, max_n_nodes)) perm = tf.argsort(dense_y, direction='DESCENDING') perm = perm + cumsum_start[:, None] perm = tf.reshape(perm, (-1,)) to_rep = tf.tile(tf.constant([1., 0.]), (n_graphs,)) rep_times = tf.reshape(tf.concat((to_keep[:, None], (max_n_nodes - to_keep)[:, None]), -1), (-1,)) mask = repeat(to_rep, rep_times) perm = tf.boolean_mask(perm, mask) return perm
Example #26
Source File: From grover with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _top_p_sample(logits, ignore_ids=None, num_samples=1, p=0.9): """ Does top-p sampling. if ignore_ids is on, then we will zero out those logits. :param logits: [batch_size, vocab_size] tensor :param ignore_ids: [vocab_size] one-hot representation of the indices we'd like to ignore and never predict, like padding maybe :param p: topp threshold to use, either a float or a [batch_size] vector :return: [batch_size, num_samples] samples # TODO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THIS ON TPUS. IT'S HELLA SLOW RIGHT NOW, DUE TO ARGSORT I THINK """ with tf.variable_scope('top_p_sample'): batch_size, vocab_size = get_shape_list(logits, expected_rank=2) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits if ignore_ids is None else logits - tf.cast(ignore_ids[None], tf.float32) * 1e10, axis=-1) if isinstance(p, float) and p > 0.999999: # Don't do top-p sampling in this case print("Top-p sampling DISABLED", flush=True) return { 'probs': probs, 'sample': tf.random.categorical( logits=logits if ignore_ids is None else logits - tf.cast(ignore_ids[None], tf.float32) * 1e10, num_samples=num_samples, dtype=tf.int32), } # [batch_size, vocab_perm] indices = tf.argsort(probs, direction='DESCENDING') cumulative_probabilities = tf.math.cumsum(tf.batch_gather(probs, indices), axis=-1, exclusive=False) # find the top pth index to cut off. careful we don't want to cutoff everything! # result will be [batch_size, vocab_perm] p_expanded = p if isinstance(p, float) else p[:, None] exclude_mask = tf.logical_not( tf.logical_or(cumulative_probabilities < p_expanded, tf.range(vocab_size)[None] < 1)) # OPTION A - sample in the sorted space, then unsort. logits_to_use = tf.batch_gather(logits, indices) - tf.cast(exclude_mask, tf.float32) * 1e10 sample_perm = tf.random.categorical(logits=logits_to_use, num_samples=num_samples) sample = tf.batch_gather(indices, sample_perm) # OPTION B - unsort first - Indices need to go back to 0 -> N-1 -- then sample # unperm_indices = tf.argsort(indices, direction='ASCENDING') # include_mask_unperm = tf.batch_gather(include_mask, unperm_indices) # logits_to_use = logits - (1 - tf.cast(include_mask_unperm, tf.float32)) * 1e10 # sample = tf.random.categorical(logits=logits_to_use, num_samples=num_samples, dtype=tf.int32) return { 'probs': probs, 'sample': sample, }
Example #27
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def compute_top_k_and_ndcg(logits: tf.Tensor, duplicate_mask: tf.Tensor, match_mlperf: bool = False): """Compute inputs of metric calculation. Args: logits: A tensor containing the predicted logits for each user. The shape of logits is (num_users_per_batch * (1 + NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES),) Logits for a user are grouped, and the first element of the group is the true element. duplicate_mask: A vector with the same shape as logits, with a value of 1 if the item corresponding to the logit at that position has already appeared for that user. match_mlperf: Use the MLPerf reference convention for computing rank. Returns: is_top_k, ndcg and weights, all of which has size (num_users_in_batch,), and logits_by_user which has size (num_users_in_batch, (rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)). """ logits_by_user = tf.reshape(logits, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)) duplicate_mask_by_user = tf.cast( tf.reshape(duplicate_mask, (-1, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES + 1)), logits_by_user.dtype) if match_mlperf: # Set duplicate logits to the min value for that dtype. The MLPerf # reference dedupes during evaluation. logits_by_user *= (1 - duplicate_mask_by_user) logits_by_user += duplicate_mask_by_user * logits_by_user.dtype.min # Determine the location of the first element in each row after the elements # are sorted. sort_indices = tf.argsort( logits_by_user, axis=1, direction="DESCENDING") # Use matrix multiplication to extract the position of the true item from the # tensor of sorted indices. This approach is chosen because both GPUs and TPUs # perform matrix multiplications very quickly. This is similar to np.argwhere. # However this is a special case because the target will only appear in # sort_indices once. one_hot_position = tf.cast(tf.equal(sort_indices, rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES), tf.int32) sparse_positions = tf.multiply( one_hot_position, tf.range(logits_by_user.shape[1])[tf.newaxis, :]) position_vector = tf.reduce_sum(sparse_positions, axis=1) in_top_k = tf.cast(tf.less(position_vector, rconst.TOP_K), tf.float32) ndcg = tf.math.log(2.) / tf.math.log( tf.cast(position_vector, tf.float32) + 2) ndcg *= in_top_k # If a row is a padded row, all but the first element will be a duplicate. metric_weights = tf.not_equal(tf.reduce_sum(duplicate_mask_by_user, axis=1), rconst.NUM_EVAL_NEGATIVES) return in_top_k, ndcg, metric_weights, logits_by_user