Python pysam.AlignedRead() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of pysam.AlignedRead().
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Example #1
Source File: From ViFi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, line, start=-1, end=-1, strand=1, file_format='', bamfile=None, info=''): = "" self.file_format = file_format if type(line) == pysam.AlignedRead or type(line) == pysam.AlignedSegment: self.load_pysamread(line, bamfile) elif start == -1: self.load_line(line, file_format) elif end == -1: self.load_pos(line, start, start, strand) else: self.load_pos(line, start, end, strand) if len(info) > 0: = info
Example #2
Source File: From ViFi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load_pysamread(self, line, bamfile): if bamfile is None: raise "Interval of pysam AlignedRead without bamfile" self.chrom = line.reference_name self.start = line.reference_start self.end = line.reference_end if line.is_reverse: self.strand = -1 else: self.strand = 1
Example #3
Source File: From with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def dropest_bc_correct(bamfilepath: str, dropest_out: str, corrected_output: str) -> None: """Using the output of DropEst: (1) Corrects barcodes directly in the bam file (2) Produces a valid barcodes list BAMFILEPATH - bam file with sorted reads obtained running DropEst DROPEST-OUT - R dump `rds` file generated by DropEst """ try: import rpy2.robjects as ro from velocyto.r_interface import convert_r_obj except: ImportError("A problem was encountered importing rpy2. To run this `velocyto tools` rpy2 and R need to be installed (the use conda is recommended)") # bamfilepath = sys.argv[1] # filename = os.path.join(parentpath, f"{bamfilename.split('_')[0]}_dropEst.rds") parentpath, bamfilename = os.path.split(bamfilepath) filename = dropest_out"Loading `merge_targets` from {filename} using R / rpy2") mapping = convert_r_obj(ro.r(f"rds <- readRDS('{filename}'); rds$merge_targets")) # a dict output_path = os.path.join(parentpath, f"barcodes_{bamfilename.split('_')[0]}.tsv")"Generating {output_path}") with open(output_path, "w") as fout: unique_bcs = set(list(mapping.values())) str_ = '\n'.join(list(unique_bcs)) fout.write(str_) infile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfilepath, mode="rb") if corrected_output is None: bam_out_path = os.path.join(parentpath, f"correct_{bamfilename}") else: bam_out_path = corrected_output outfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_out_path, mode="wb", template=infile) for read in infile: # read: pysam.AlignedRead cb = read.get_tag("CB") if cb in mapping: read.set_tag("CB", mapping[cb], value_type="Z") outfile.write(read) infile.close() outfile.close()"Done") return