Python fiona.collection() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of fiona.collection().
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Example #1
Source File: From OpenSarToolkit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def latlon_to_shp(lon, lat, shapefile): shapefile = str(shapefile) schema = {'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': {'id': 'str'}} wkt = loads('POINT ({} {})'.format(lon, lat)) with collection(shapefile, "w", crs=from_epsg(4326), driver="ESRI Shapefile", schema=schema) as output: output.write({'geometry': mapping(wkt), 'properties': {'id': '1'}})
Example #2
Source File: From OpenSarToolkit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def buffer_shape(infile, outfile, buffer=None): with collection(infile, "r") as in_shape: # schema = in_shape.schema.copy() schema = {'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'id': 'int'}} crs = with collection( outfile, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", schema, crs=crs) as output: for i, point in enumerate(in_shape): output.write({ 'properties': { 'id': i }, 'geometry': mapping( shape(point['geometry']).buffer(buffer)) })
Example #3
Source File: From labuildings with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check_file(filename): with collection(filename, 'r') as features: for feature in features: try: shape = asShape(feature['geometry']) if not shape.is_valid: geometry = json.dumps(feature, indent=2) print "Invalid geometry:\n" print geometry print '\n' except: print "Error parsing:\n" print json.dumps(feature, indent=2)
Example #4
Source File: From labuildings with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def chunk(featureFileName, sectionFileName, pattern, key = None): # Load and index with collection(featureFileName, "r") as featureFile: featureIdx = index.Index() features = [] for feature in featureFile: try: shape = asShape(feature['geometry']) features.append(feature) featureIdx.add(len(features) - 1, shape.bounds) except ValueError: print "Error parsing feature" pprint(feature) # Break up by sections and export with collection(sectionFileName, "r") as sectionFile: i = 0 for section in sectionFile: fileName = pattern % i if key: fileName = pattern % section['properties'][key] properties = {} try: with collection(fileName, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema = featureFile.schema, crs = as output: sectionShape = asShape(section['geometry']) for j in featureIdx.intersection(sectionShape.bounds): if asShape(features[j]['geometry']).intersects(sectionShape): properties = features[j]['properties'] output.write(features[j]) print "Exported %s" % fileName i = i + 1 except ValueError: print "Error exporting " + fileName pprint(properties) pprint(featureFile.schema)
Example #5
Source File: From pycrown with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def export_tree_locations(self, loc='top'): """ Convert tree top raster indices to georeferenced 3D point shapefile Parameters ---------- loc : str, optional tree seed position: `top` or `top_cor` """ outfile = self.outpath / f'tree_location_{loc}.shp' outfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if outfile.exists(): outfile.unlink() schema = { 'geometry': '3D Point', 'properties': {'DN': 'int', 'TH': 'float', 'COR': 'int'} } with fiona.collection( str(outfile), 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, crs=self.srs ) as output: for tidx in range(len(self.trees)): feat = {} tree = self.trees.iloc[tidx] feat['geometry'] = mapping( Point(tree[loc].x, tree[loc].y, tree[f'{loc}_elevation']) ) feat['properties'] = {'DN': tidx, 'TH': float(tree[f'{loc}_height']), 'COR': int(tree.tt_corrected)} output.write(feat)
Example #6
Source File: From pycrown with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def export_tree_crowns(self, crowntype='crown_poly_smooth'): """ Convert tree crown raster to georeferenced polygon shapefile Parameters ---------- crowntype : str, optional choose whether the raster of smoothed version should be exported: `crown_poly_smooth` or `crown_poly_raster` """ outfile = self.outpath / f'tree_{crowntype}.shp' outfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if outfile.exists(): outfile.unlink() schema = { 'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'DN': 'int', 'TTH': 'float', 'TCH': 'float'} } with fiona.collection( str(outfile), 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema, crs=self.srs ) as output: for tidx in range(len(self.trees)): feat = {} tree = self.trees.iloc[tidx] feat['geometry'] = mapping(tree[crowntype]) feat['properties'] = { 'DN': tidx, 'TTH': float(tree.top_height), 'TCH': float(tree.top_cor_height) } output.write(feat)
Example #7
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue borough = "" boros = {"1":"Manhattan", "2": "Bronx", "3":"Brooklyn", "4": "Queens", "5": "Staten Island"} if properties.get("BORO"): borough = boros[properties["BORO"]] + ", " block = "" if properties.get("BLOCK"): block = "Block " + str(properties["BLOCK"]) +", " name = borough + block + "Lot " + str(properties["LOT"]) bbl = properties.get("BBL") #stored with uris #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM7" source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + bbl uri_bbl = "bbl:"+bbl timeframe = {} updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).isoformat() place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "uris":[uri, uri_bbl], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } #print place dump.write(uri, place)
Example #8
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue if properties["NAME"]: name = properties["NAME"] else: continue #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM3" if properties["LSAD"] == "Resvn": feature_code = "RESV" area = properties["CENSUSAREA"] source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + "." + properties["GEO_ID"] + "."+ feature["id"] timeframe = {} timeframe = {"start": "2000-01-01","start_range":0, "end": "2010-01-01", "end_range":0} updated = "2012-01-31" place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "area": area, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } #print place dump.write(uri, place)
Example #9
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) if simplify_tolerance: geom_obj = geom_obj.simplify(simplify_tolerance) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue geometry = mapping(geom_obj) if properties["FULL_NAME"]: name = properties["FULL_NAME"] #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM1H" source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + "." + properties["ID"] + "."+ str(properties["VERSION"]) #1766/07/02 to 1766-01-01 timeframe = {"start": properties["START_DATE"].replace('/','-'), "start_range":0, "end": properties["END_DATE"].replace('/','-'), "end_range":0} #TODO admin? for counties? updated = "2011-10-01" area = properties["AREA_SQMI"] place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "updated": updated, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[], "area": area } dump.write(uri, place)
Example #10
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue if properties["NAME"]: name = properties["NAME"] else: continue #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM3" if properties["LSAD_TRANS"] == "Reservation": feature_code = "RESV" source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + "." + properties["COUSUBFP"] + "."+ feature["id"] timeframe = {} timeframe = {"start": "1990-01-01", "start_range":0, "end": "2000-01-01", "end_range":0} updated = "2012-01-31" place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } #print place dump.write(uri, place)
Example #11
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue boros = {"1":"Manhattan", "2": "Bronx", "3":"Brooklyn", "4": "Queens", "5": "Staten Island"} name = "Block "+str(properties["BLOCK"]) if properties.get("BORO"): borough = boros[properties["BORO"]] name = borough + ", Block "+ str(properties["BLOCK"]) #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM6" source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! bb = str(properties.get("BORO"))+str(properties["BLOCK"]) uri = uri_name + bb +"/"+feature["id"] uri_bb = "bb:"+bb timeframe = {} updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).isoformat() place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "uris":[uri,uri_bb], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } #print place dump.write(uri, place)
Example #12
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) if simplify_tolerance: geom_obj = geom_obj.simplify(simplify_tolerance) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue geometry = mapping(geom_obj) if properties["FULL_NAME"]: name = properties["FULL_NAME"] #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM2H" #default code (building) source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + "." + properties["ID"] + "."+ str(properties["VERSION"]) #1766/07/02 to 1766-01-01 timeframe = {"start": properties["START_DATE"].replace('/','-'), "start_range":0, "end": properties["END_DATE"].replace('/','-'), "end_range":0} #TODO admin? for counties? updated = "2010-02-12" area = properties["AREA_SQMI"] place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "updated": updated, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[], "area": area } dump.write(uri, place)
Example #13
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue name = properties.get("NAME") #feature code mapping feature_code = "HSTS" source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + properties["LP_Number"] timeframe = {} updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0).isoformat() place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } dump.write(uri, place)
Example #14
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def extract_shapefile(shapefile, uri_name, simplify_tolerance=None): for feature in collection(shapefile, "r"): geometry = feature["geometry"] properties = feature["properties"] #calculate centroid geom_obj = asShape(geometry) try: centroid = [geom_obj.centroid.x , geom_obj.centroid.y] except AttributeError: print "Error: ", feature continue if properties["NAME"]: name = properties["NAME"] else: continue #feature code mapping feature_code = "ADM3" area = properties["AREATOT"] source = properties #keep all fields anyhow # unique URI which internally gets converted to the place id # Must be unique! uri = uri_name + "." + properties["GEOID"] + "."+ feature["id"] timeframe = {} timeframe = {"start": "1980-01-01", "start_range": 0, "end": "1990-01-01", "end_range":0} updated = "2012-01-31" place = { "name":name, "centroid":centroid, "feature_code": feature_code, "geometry":geometry, "is_primary": True, "source": source, "alternate": [], "updated": updated, "area": area, "uris":[uri], "relationships": [], "timeframe":timeframe, "admin":[] } #print place dump.write(uri, place)
Example #15
Source File: From OpenSarToolkit with MIT License | 4 votes |
def wkt_to_gdf(wkt): geometry = loads(wkt) # point wkt if geometry.geom_type == 'Point': data = {'id': ['1'], 'geometry': loads(wkt).buffer(0.05).envelope} gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data) # polygon wkt elif geometry.geom_type == 'Polygon': data = {'id': ['1'], 'geometry': loads(wkt)} gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data) # geometry collection of single multiploygon elif geometry.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection' and len(geometry) == 1 and 'MULTIPOLYGON' in str(geometry): data = {'id': ['1'], 'geometry': geometry} gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True}) ids, feats =[], [] for i, feat in enumerate(gdf.geometry.values[0]): ids.append(i) feats.append(feat) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'id': ids, 'geometry': feats}, geometry='geometry', crs = ) # geometry collection of single polygon elif geometry.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection' and len(geometry) == 1: data = {'id': ['1'], 'geometry': geometry} gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True}) # everything else (hopefully) else: i, ids, geoms = 1, [], [] for geom in geometry: ids.append(i) geoms.append(geom) i += 1 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'id': ids, 'geometry': geoms}, crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326', 'no_defs': True} ) return gdf