Python dask.distributed.LocalCluster() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of dask.distributed.LocalCluster().
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Example #1
Source File: From florence with MIT License | 9 votes |
def LaunchDaskDistributedClient(self, scheduler_ip=None, scheduler_port=None): if self.parallel and self.parallel_model == "dask" and self.is_dask_scheduler_initialised is False: from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool try: import dask from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster except ImportError: raise ImportError("dask is not installed. Install it 'using pip install dask[complete]'") dask.config.set(pool=ThreadPool(self.no_of_cpu_cores)) # INITIALISE CLUSTER if scheduler_ip is None: cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=self.no_of_cpu_cores, processes=False, threads_per_worker=None) client = Client(cluster) else: client = Client(scheduler_ip) self.dask_client = client self.is_dask_scheduler_initialised = True
Example #2
Source File: From ibllib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_cluster(self): self.cluster = LocalCluster( n_workers=1, processes=False, silence_logs=logging.DEBUG) self.client = Client(self.cluster)
Example #3
Source File: From dagster with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build_dict(self, pipeline_name): '''Returns a dict we can use for kwargs passed to dask client instantiation. Intended to be used like: with dask.distributed.Client(**cfg.build_dict()) as client: << use client here >> ''' if self.cluster_type in ['yarn', 'pbs', 'moab', 'sge', 'lsf', 'slurm', 'oar', 'kube']: dask_cfg = {'name': pipeline_name} else: dask_cfg = {} if self.cluster_configuration: for k, v in self.cluster_configuration.items(): dask_cfg[k] = v # if address is set, don't add LocalCluster args # context: if (self.cluster_type == 'local') and ('address' not in dask_cfg): # We set threads_per_worker because Dagster is not thread-safe. Even though # environments=True by default, there is a clever piece of machinery # (dask.distributed.deploy.local.nprocesses_nthreads) that automagically makes execution # multithreaded by default when the number of available cores is greater than 4. # See: # We may want to try to figure out a way to enforce this on remote Dask clusters against # which users run Dagster workloads. dask_cfg['threads_per_worker'] = 1 return dask_cfg
Example #4
Source File: From pySCENIC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _prepare_client(client_or_address, num_workers): """ :param client_or_address: one of: * None * verbatim: 'local' * string address * a Client instance :return: a tuple: (Client instance, shutdown callback function). :raises: ValueError if no valid client input was provided. """ # Credits to Thomas Moerman (arboreto package): # if client_or_address is None or str(client_or_address).lower() == 'local': local_cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=num_workers, threads_per_worker=1) client = Client(local_cluster) def close_client_and_local_cluster(verbose=False): if verbose:'shutting down client and local cluster') client.close() local_cluster.close() return client, close_client_and_local_cluster elif isinstance(client_or_address, str) and client_or_address.lower() != 'local': client = Client(client_or_address) def close_client(verbose=False): if verbose:'shutting down client') client.close() return client, close_client elif isinstance(client_or_address, Client): def close_dummy(verbose=False): if verbose:'not shutting down client, client was created externally') return None return client_or_address, close_dummy else: raise ValueError("Invalid client specified {}".format(str(client_or_address)))
Example #5
Source File: From pySCENIC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def run(cfg_fname): # Read configuration file. cfg = ConfigParser() # Set logging level. logging_debug_opt = cfg["params"]["debug"].lower().strip() in {"yes", "true", "y"} LOGGER.addHandler(create_logging_handler(logging_debug_opt)) LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Derive file names. #mtx_fnames = list(mapcat(glob.glob, cfg['data']['mtx_fnames'].split(";"))) mtx_fnames = glob.glob(cfg['data']['mtx_fnames']) tfs = load_tf_names(cfg['data']['tfs_fname']) # Derive cluster information. not_cluster_ip = 'scheduler_ip' not in cfg['params'] if not_cluster_ip: local_cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=int(cfg['params']['num_cores']), threads_per_worker=1) client = Client(local_cluster) else: class DummyClient: def close(self): pass local_cluster = DummyClient() client = cfg['params']['scheduler_ip'] # Remove fnames that already have a corresponding results file. def add_output(fname, out_folder): basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] return fname, os.path.join(out_folder, "{}.net.csv".format(basename)) out_folder = cfg['data']['out_folder'] for in_fname, out_fname in filter(lambda t: not os.path.exists(t[1]), map(partial(add_output, out_folder=out_folder), mtx_fnames)):"Running GRNboost for {}.".format(in_fname)) try: process(in_fname, tfs, out_fname, client) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.error("Unable to process {} because of \"{}\". Stacktrace:".format(in_fname, str(e))) LOGGER.error(traceback.format_exc()) if not_cluster_ip: client.close() local_cluster.close() print("{} - Done.".format(
Example #6
Source File: From ml-on-gcp with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--xdim', type=int, default=500000) parser.add_argument('--ydim', type=int, default=500000) parser.add_argument('--x_chunk_size', type=int, default=10000) parser.add_argument('--y_chunk_size', type=int, default=10000) parser.add_argument('--use_gpus_only', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--n_gpus', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--use_cpus_only', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--n_cpu_sockets', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--n_cpu_cores_per_socket', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--use_distributed_dask', action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() sched_ip, sched_uri = get_scheduler_info() if args.use_distributed_dask: print('Using Distributed Dask') client = Client(sched_uri) elif args.use_gpus_only: print('Using GPUs and Local Dask') cluster = LocalCUDACluster(ip=sched_ip, n_workers=args.n_gpus) client = Client(cluster) elif args.use_cpus_only: print('Using CPUs and Local Dask') cluster = LocalCluster(ip=sched_ip, n_workers=args.n_cpu_sockets, threads_per_worker=args.n_cpu_cores_per_socket) client = Client(cluster) else: print("Exiting...") sys.exit(-1) start = time.time() if args.use_gpus_only: print('Allocating and initializing arrays using GPU memory with CuPY') rs = da.random.RandomState(RandomState=cupy.random.RandomState) elif args.use_cpus_only: print('Allocating and initializing arrays using CPU memory') rs = da.random.RandomState() x = create_data(rs, args.xdim, args.ydim, args.x_chunk_size, args.y_chunk_size) print('Array size: {:.2f} TB. Computing parallel sum . . .'.format( x.nbytes / 1e12)) run(x) end = time.time() delta = (end - start) print('Processing complete.') print('Wall time create data + computation time: {:10.8f} seconds'.format( delta)) del x