Python torch.multiprocessing.cpu_count() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of torch.multiprocessing.cpu_count().
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Example #1
Source File: From FARM with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calc_chunksize(num_dicts, min_chunksize=4, max_chunksize=2000, max_processes=128): num_cpus = min(mp.cpu_count() - 1 or 1, max_processes) # -1 to keep a CPU core free for the main process dicts_per_cpu = np.ceil(num_dicts / num_cpus) # automatic adjustment of multiprocessing chunksize # for small files (containing few dicts) we want small chunksize to ulitize all available cores but never less # than 2, because we need it to sample another random sentence in LM finetuning # for large files we want to minimize processor spawning without giving too much data to one process, so we # clip it at 5k multiprocessing_chunk_size = int(np.clip((np.ceil(dicts_per_cpu / 5)), a_min=min_chunksize, a_max=max_chunksize)) # This lets us avoid cases in lm_finetuning where a chunk only has a single doc and hence cannot pick # a valid next sentence substitute from another document if num_dicts != 1: while num_dicts % multiprocessing_chunk_size == 1: multiprocessing_chunk_size -= -1 dict_batches_to_process = int(num_dicts / multiprocessing_chunk_size) num_processes = min(num_cpus, dict_batches_to_process) or 1 return multiprocessing_chunk_size, num_processes
Example #2
Source File: From Reinforcement-Learning-Pytorch-Cartpole with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): env = gym.make(env_name) env.seed(500) torch.manual_seed(500) num_inputs = env.observation_space.shape[0] num_actions = env.action_space.n print('state size:', num_inputs) print('action size:', num_actions) online_net = QNet(num_inputs, num_actions) target_net = QNet(num_inputs, num_actions) target_net.load_state_dict(online_net.state_dict()) online_net.share_memory() target_net.share_memory() optimizer = SharedAdam(online_net.parameters(), lr=lr) global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue = mp.Value('i', 0), mp.Value('d', 0.), mp.Queue() writer = SummaryWriter('logs') online_net.train() target_net.train() workers = [Worker(online_net, target_net, optimizer, global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue, i) for i in range(mp.cpu_count())] [w.start() for w in workers] res = [] while True: r = res_queue.get() if r is not None: res.append(r) [ep, ep_r, loss] = r writer.add_scalar('log/score', float(ep_r), ep) writer.add_scalar('log/loss', float(loss), ep) else: break [w.join() for w in workers]
Example #3
Source File: From Reinforcement-Learning-Pytorch-Cartpole with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): env = gym.make(env_name) env.seed(500) torch.manual_seed(500) num_inputs = env.observation_space.shape[0] num_actions = env.action_space.n env.close() global_model = Model(num_inputs, num_actions) global_average_model = Model(num_inputs, num_actions) global_model.share_memory() global_average_model.share_memory() global_optimizer = SharedAdam(global_model.parameters(), lr=lr) global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue = mp.Value('i', 0), mp.Value('d', 0.), mp.Queue() writer = SummaryWriter('logs') n = mp.cpu_count() workers = [Worker(global_model, global_average_model, global_optimizer, global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue, i) for i in range(n)] [w.start() for w in workers] res = [] while True: r = res_queue.get() if r is not None: res.append(r) [ep, ep_r, loss] = r writer.add_scalar('log/score', float(ep_r), ep) writer.add_scalar('log/loss', float(loss), ep) else: break [w.join() for w in workers]
Example #4
Source File: From Reinforcement-Learning-Pytorch-Cartpole with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): env = gym.make(env_name) env.seed(500) torch.manual_seed(500) num_inputs = env.observation_space.shape[0] num_actions = env.action_space.n global_model = Model(num_inputs, num_actions) global_model.share_memory() global_optimizer = SharedAdam(global_model.parameters(), lr=lr) global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue = mp.Value('i', 0), mp.Value('d', 0.), mp.Queue() writer = SummaryWriter('logs') workers = [Worker(global_model, global_optimizer, global_ep, global_ep_r, res_queue, i) for i in range(mp.cpu_count())] [w.start() for w in workers] res = [] while True: r = res_queue.get() if r is not None: res.append(r) [ep, ep_r, loss] = r writer.add_scalar('log/score', float(ep_r), ep) writer.add_scalar('log/loss', float(loss), ep) else: break [w.join() for w in workers]
Example #5
Source File: From AlphaZero_Connect4 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def run_MCTS(args, start_idx=0, iteration=0): net_to_play="%s_iter%d.pth.tar" % (args.neural_net_name, iteration) net = ConnectNet() cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() if cuda: net.cuda() if args.MCTS_num_processes > 1:"Preparing model for multi-process MCTS...") mp.set_start_method("spawn",force=True) net.share_memory() net.eval() current_net_filename = os.path.join("./model_data/",\ net_to_play) if os.path.isfile(current_net_filename): checkpoint = torch.load(current_net_filename) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])"Loaded %s model." % current_net_filename) else:{'state_dict': net.state_dict()}, os.path.join("./model_data/",\ net_to_play))"Initialized model.") processes = [] if args.MCTS_num_processes > mp.cpu_count(): num_processes = mp.cpu_count()"Required number of processes exceed number of CPUs! Setting MCTS_num_processes to %d" % num_processes) else: num_processes = args.MCTS_num_processes"Spawning %d processes..." % num_processes) with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(num_processes): p = mp.Process(target=MCTS_self_play, args=(net, args.num_games_per_MCTS_process, start_idx, i, args, iteration)) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join()"Finished multi-process MCTS!") elif args.MCTS_num_processes == 1:"Preparing model for MCTS...") net.eval() current_net_filename = os.path.join("./model_data/",\ net_to_play) if os.path.isfile(current_net_filename): checkpoint = torch.load(current_net_filename) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'])"Loaded %s model." % current_net_filename) else:{'state_dict': net.state_dict()}, os.path.join("./model_data/",\ net_to_play))"Initialized model.") with torch.no_grad(): MCTS_self_play(net, args.num_games_per_MCTS_process, start_idx, 0, args, iteration)"Finished MCTS!")
Example #6
Source File: From Deep-Image-Analogy-PyTorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def propagate(nnf, feat_A, feat_AP, feat_B, feat_BP, patch_size, iters=2, rand_search_radius=200): print("\tpatch_size:{}; num_iters:{}; rand_search_radius:{}".format(patch_size, iters, rand_search_radius)) nnd = np.zeros(nnf.shape[:2]) A_size = feat_A.shape[:2] B_size = feat_B.shape[:2] for ay in range(A_size[0]): for ax in range(A_size[1]): by, bx = nnf[ay, ax] nnd[ay, ax] = cal_dist(ay, ax, by, bx, feat_A, feat_AP, feat_B, feat_BP, A_size, B_size, patch_size) manager = mp.Manager() q = manager.Queue(A_size[1] * A_size[0]) cpus = min(mp.cpu_count(), A_size[0] // 20 + 1) for i in range(iters): p = Pool(cpus) ay_start = 0 while ay_start < A_size[0]: ax_start = 0 while ax_start < A_size[1]: p.apply_async(pixelmatch, args=(q, ax_start, ay_start, cpus, nnf, nnd, A_size, B_size, feat_A, feat_AP, feat_B, feat_BP, patch_size, rand_search_radius,)) ax_start += A_size[1] // cpus + 1 ay_start += A_size[0] // cpus + 1 p.close() p.join() while not q.empty(): ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest = q.get() nnf[ay, ax] = np.array([ybest, xbest]) nnd[ay, ax] = dbest return nnf, nnd