Python torch.nn.modules.Dropout() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of torch.nn.modules.Dropout().
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Example #1
Source File: From swagaf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, text_field_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder, # binary_feature_dim: int, embedding_dropout: float = 0.0, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator(), regularizer: Optional[RegularizerApplicator] = None) -> None: super(LstmSwag, self).__init__(vocab, regularizer) self.text_field_embedder = text_field_embedder # For the span based evaluation, we don't want to consider labels # for verb, because the verb index is provided to the model. self.encoder = encoder self.embedding_dropout = Dropout(p=embedding_dropout) self.output_prediction = Linear(self.encoder.get_output_dim(), 1, bias=False) check_dimensions_match(text_field_embedder.get_output_dim(), encoder.get_input_dim(), "text embedding dim", "eq encoder input dim") self._accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() self._loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() initializer(self)
Example #2
Source File: From allennlp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, options_file: str, weight_file: str, num_output_representations: int, requires_grad: bool = False, do_layer_norm: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.5, vocab_to_cache: List[str] = None, keep_sentence_boundaries: bool = False, scalar_mix_parameters: List[float] = None, module: torch.nn.Module = None, ) -> None: super().__init__()"Initializing ELMo") if module is not None: if options_file is not None or weight_file is not None: raise ConfigurationError("Don't provide options_file or weight_file with module") self._elmo_lstm = module else: self._elmo_lstm = _ElmoBiLm( options_file, weight_file, requires_grad=requires_grad, vocab_to_cache=vocab_to_cache, ) self._has_cached_vocab = vocab_to_cache is not None self._keep_sentence_boundaries = keep_sentence_boundaries self._dropout = Dropout(p=dropout) self._scalar_mixes: Any = [] for k in range(num_output_representations): scalar_mix = ScalarMix( self._elmo_lstm.num_layers, do_layer_norm=do_layer_norm, initial_scalar_parameters=scalar_mix_parameters, trainable=scalar_mix_parameters is None, ) self.add_module("scalar_mix_{}".format(k), scalar_mix) self._scalar_mixes.append(scalar_mix)
Example #3
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, options_file , weight_file , num_output_representations , requires_grad = False, do_layer_norm = False, dropout = 0.5, vocab_to_cache = None, module = None) : super(Elmo, self).__init__()"Initializing ELMo") if module is not None: if options_file is not None or weight_file is not None: raise ConfigurationError( u"Don't provide options_file or weight_file with module") self._elmo_lstm = module else: self._elmo_lstm = _ElmoBiLm(options_file, weight_file, requires_grad=requires_grad, vocab_to_cache=vocab_to_cache) self._has_cached_vocab = vocab_to_cache is not None self._dropout = Dropout(p=dropout) self._scalar_mixes = [] for k in range(num_output_representations): scalar_mix = ScalarMix(self._elmo_lstm.num_layers, do_layer_norm=do_layer_norm) self.add_module(u'scalar_mix_{}'.format(k), scalar_mix) self._scalar_mixes.append(scalar_mix)
Example #4
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, vocab , text_field_embedder , encoder , binary_feature_dim , embedding_dropout = 0.0, initializer = InitializerApplicator(), regularizer = None, label_smoothing = None) : super(SemanticRoleLabeler, self).__init__(vocab, regularizer) self.text_field_embedder = text_field_embedder self.num_classes = self.vocab.get_vocab_size(u"labels") # For the span based evaluation, we don't want to consider labels # for verb, because the verb index is provided to the model. self.span_metric = SpanBasedF1Measure(vocab, tag_namespace=u"labels", ignore_classes=[u"V"]) self.encoder = encoder # There are exactly 2 binary features for the verb predicate embedding. self.binary_feature_embedding = Embedding(2, binary_feature_dim) self.tag_projection_layer = TimeDistributed(Linear(self.encoder.get_output_dim(), self.num_classes)) self.embedding_dropout = Dropout(p=embedding_dropout) self._label_smoothing = label_smoothing check_dimensions_match(text_field_embedder.get_output_dim() + binary_feature_dim, encoder.get_input_dim(), u"text embedding dim + verb indicator embedding dim", u"encoder input dim") initializer(self)
Example #5
Source File: From claf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, options_file: str, weight_file: str, num_output_representations: int, requires_grad: bool = False, do_layer_norm: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.5, vocab_to_cache: List[str] = None, module: torch.nn.Module = None, ) -> None: super(Elmo, self).__init__()"Initializing ELMo") if module is not None: if options_file is not None or weight_file is not None: raise ValueError("Don't provide options_file or weight_file with module") self._elmo_lstm = module else: self._elmo_lstm = _ElmoBiLm( options_file, weight_file, requires_grad=requires_grad, vocab_to_cache=vocab_to_cache, ) self._has_cached_vocab = vocab_to_cache is not None self._dropout = Dropout(p=dropout) self._scalar_mixes: Any = [] for k in range(num_output_representations): scalar_mix = ScalarMix(self._elmo_lstm.num_layers, do_layer_norm=do_layer_norm) self.add_module("scalar_mix_{}".format(k), scalar_mix) self._scalar_mixes.append(scalar_mix)
Example #6
Source File: From MultiTask-MRC with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, options_file: str, weight_file: str, num_output_representations: int, requires_grad: bool = False, do_layer_norm: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.5, vocab_to_cache: List[str] = None, module: torch.nn.Module = None) -> None: super(Elmo, self).__init__()"Initializing ELMo") if module is not None: if options_file is not None or weight_file is not None: raise ConfigurationError( "Don't provide options_file or weight_file with module") self._elmo_lstm = module else: self._elmo_lstm = _ElmoBiLm(options_file, weight_file, requires_grad=requires_grad, vocab_to_cache=vocab_to_cache) self._has_cached_vocab = vocab_to_cache is not None self._dropout = Dropout(p=dropout) self.num_output_representations=num_output_representations if num_output_representations!=-1: self._scalar_mixes: Any = [] for k in range(num_output_representations): scalar_mix = ScalarMix(self._elmo_lstm.num_layers, do_layer_norm=do_layer_norm) self.add_module('scalar_mix_{}'.format(k), scalar_mix) self._scalar_mixes.append(scalar_mix)
Example #7
Source File: From summarus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, source_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, sentence_encoder: Seq2VecEncoder, sentence_accumulator: Seq2SeqEncoder, use_salience: bool, use_pos_embedding: bool, use_output_bias: bool, use_novelty: bool, dropout: float = 0.3, pos_embedding_num: int = 50, pos_embedding_size: int = 128) -> None: super(SummaRuNNer, self).__init__(vocab) self._source_embedder = source_embedder self._sentence_encoder = sentence_encoder self._se_output_dim = self._sentence_encoder.get_output_dim() self._sentence_accumulator = sentence_accumulator self._h_sentence_dim = self._sentence_accumulator.get_output_dim() self._dropout_layer = Dropout(dropout) self._content_projection_layer = Linear(self._h_sentence_dim, 1) self._use_salience = use_salience if use_salience: self._document_linear_layer = Linear(self._h_sentence_dim, self._h_sentence_dim, bias=True) self._salience_linear_layer = Linear(self._h_sentence_dim, self._h_sentence_dim, bias=False) self._use_pos_embedding = use_pos_embedding if use_pos_embedding: self._pos_embedding_num = pos_embedding_num self._pos_embedding_size = pos_embedding_size self._pos_embedding_layer = Embedding(pos_embedding_num, pos_embedding_size) self._pos_projection_layer = Linear(pos_embedding_size, 1) self._use_output_bias = use_output_bias if use_output_bias: self._output_bias = Parameter(torch.zeros(1).uniform_(-0.1,0.1), requires_grad=True) self._use_novelty = use_novelty if use_novelty: self._novelty_linear_layer = Linear(self._h_sentence_dim, self._h_sentence_dim, bias=False)