Python data.data_loader.CreateDataLoader() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of data.data_loader.CreateDataLoader().
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Example #1
Source File: From non-stationary_texture_syn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_func(opt_train, webpage, epoch='latest'): opt = copy.deepcopy(opt_train) print(opt) # specify the directory to save the results during training opt.results_dir = './results/' opt.isTrain = False opt.nThreads = 1 # test code only supports nThreads = 1 opt.batchSize = 1 # test code only supports batchSize = 1 opt.serial_batches = True # no shuffle opt.no_flip = True # no flip opt.dataroot = opt.dataroot + '/test' opt.model = 'test' opt.dataset_mode = 'single' opt.which_epoch = epoch opt.how_many = 50 opt.phase = 'test' # = name data_loader = CreateDataLoader(opt) dataset = data_loader.load_data() model = create_model(opt) visualizer = Visualizer(opt) # create website # web_dir = os.path.join(opt.results_dir,, '%s_%s' % (opt.phase, opt.which_epoch)) # web_dir = os.path.join(opt.results_dir, # webpage = html.HTML(web_dir, 'Experiment = %s, Phase = %s, Epoch = %s' % (, opt.phase, opt.which_epoch)) # test for i, data in enumerate(dataset): if i >= opt.how_many: break model.set_input(data) model.test() visuals = model.get_current_visuals() img_path = model.get_image_paths() print('process image... %s' % img_path) visualizer.save_images_epoch(webpage, visuals, img_path, epoch)
Example #2
Source File: From ocrd_anybaseocr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prepare_data(self, opt, page_img, path): sys.path.append(path) from data.data_loader import CreateDataLoader data_loader = CreateDataLoader(opt) data_loader.dataset.A_paths = [page_img.filename] data_loader.dataset.dataset_size = len(data_loader.dataset.A_paths) data_loader.dataloader =, batch_size=opt.batchSize, shuffle=not opt.serial_batches, num_workers=int(opt.nThreads)) dataset = data_loader.load_data() return dataset # test