Python cupy.fromDlpack() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of cupy.fromDlpack().
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Example #1
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_conversion(self): tensor = self.array.toDlpack() array = cupy.fromDlpack(tensor) testing.assert_array_equal(self.array, array) testing.assert_array_equal(,
Example #2
Source File: From homura with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def torch_to_xp(input: torch.Tensor ) -> np.ndarray: # torch Tensor to numpy/cupy ndarray if not torch.is_tensor(input): raise RuntimeError(f'torch_to_numpy expects torch.Tensor as input, but got {type(input)}') if IS_CUPY_AVAILABLE and input.is_cuda: return cupy.fromDlpack(to_dlpack(input)) else: return input.numpy()
Example #3
Source File: From pytorch-sso with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_cupy(m_tensor): return cupy.fromDlpack(to_dlpack(m_tensor))
Example #4
Source File: From sigpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def from_pytorch(tensor, iscomplex=False): # pragma: no cover """Zero-copy conversion from pytorch tensor to numpy/cupy array. If iscomplex, then tensor must have the last dimension as 2, and the output will be viewed as a complex valued array. Args: tensor (PyTorch tensor): input. iscomplex (bool): whether input represents complex valued tensor. Returns: Numpy/cupy array. """ from torch.utils.dlpack import to_dlpack device = tensor.device if device.type == 'cpu': output = tensor.detach().contiguous().numpy() else: if config.cupy_enabled: import cupy as cp output = cp.fromDlpack(to_dlpack(tensor.contiguous())) else: raise TypeError('CuPy not installed, ' 'but trying to convert GPU PyTorch Tensor.') if iscomplex: if output.shape[-1] != 2: raise ValueError('shape[-1] must be 2 when iscomplex is ' 'specified, but got {}'.format(output.shape)) with backend.get_device(output): if output.dtype == np.float32: output = output.view(np.complex64) elif output.dtype == np.float64: output = output.view(np.complex128) output = output.reshape(output.shape[:-1]) return output
Example #5
Source File: From SpeedTorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def afterOptimizerStep(self,retrievedPosIndexes , retrievedNegIndexes = None): torch.cuda.synchronize() cupy.cuda.Device().synchronize() reshapedRetrieval = self._getReshapedRetrieval( retrievedPosIndexes, retrievedNegIndexes ) self.CUPYcorpus[ reshapedRetrieval ] = ( cupy.fromDlpack( to_dlpack( ) ) )
Example #6
Source File: From SpeedTorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def afterOptimizerStep(self, retrievedPosIndexes , retrievedNegIndexes = None): torch.cuda.synchronize() cupy.cuda.Device().synchronize() reshapedRetrieval = self._getReshapedRetrieval( retrievedPosIndexes, retrievedNegIndexes ) for idx, optVar in enumerate(self.optVarList): self.CUPYcorpi[idx][ reshapedRetrieval ] = ( cupy.fromDlpack( to_dlpack( self.given_optimizer.state_dict()['state'][ self.optimizerKey ][optVar] ) ) )
Example #7
Source File: From SpeedTorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insertData(self, dataObject, indexes): torch.cuda.synchronize() cupy.cuda.Device().synchronize() self.CUPYcorpus[indexes] = cupy.fromDlpack( to_dlpack( dataObject ) )
Example #8
Source File: From SpeedTorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def afterOptimizerStep(self,retrievedPosIndexes , retrievedNegIndexes = None): reshapedRetrieval = self._getReshapedRetrieval( retrievedPosIndexes, retrievedNegIndexes ) self.CUPYmemmap[ reshapedRetrieval ] = ( cupy.fromDlpack( to_dlpack( ) ) )
Example #9
Source File: From SpeedTorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def afterOptimizerStep(self, retrievedPosIndexes , retrievedNegIndexes = None): reshapedRetrieval = self._getReshapedRetrieval( retrievedPosIndexes, retrievedNegIndexes ) for idx, optVar in enumerate(self.optVarList): self.CUPYmemmap[idx][ reshapedRetrieval ] = ( cupy.fromDlpack( to_dlpack( self.given_optimizer.state_dict()['state'][ self.optimizerKey ][optVar] ) ) )