Python misc.utils.decode_sequence() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of misc.utils.decode_sequence().
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Example #1
Source File: From video-caption.pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test(model, crit, dataset, vocab, opt): model.eval() loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=opt["batch_size"], shuffle=True) scorer = COCOScorer() gt_dataframe = json_normalize( json.load(open(opt["input_json"]))['sentences']) gts = convert_data_to_coco_scorer_format(gt_dataframe) results = [] samples = {} for data in loader: # forward the model to get loss fc_feats = data['fc_feats'].cuda() labels = data['labels'].cuda() masks = data['masks'].cuda() video_ids = data['video_ids'] # forward the model to also get generated samples for each image with torch.no_grad(): seq_probs, seq_preds = model( fc_feats, mode='inference', opt=opt) sents = utils.decode_sequence(vocab, seq_preds) for k, sent in enumerate(sents): video_id = video_ids[k] samples[video_id] = [{'image_id': video_id, 'caption': sent}] with suppress_stdout_stderr(): valid_score = scorer.score(gts, samples, samples.keys()) results.append(valid_score) print(valid_score) if not os.path.exists(opt["results_path"]): os.makedirs(opt["results_path"]) with open(os.path.join(opt["results_path"], "scores.txt"), 'a') as scores_table: scores_table.write(json.dumps(results[0]) + "\n") with open(os.path.join(opt["results_path"], opt["model"].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] + ".json"), 'w') as prediction_results: json.dump({"predictions": samples, "scores": valid_score}, prediction_results)
Example #2
Source File: From video-caption.pytorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(model, crit, dataset, vocab, opt): model.eval() loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=opt["batch_size"], shuffle=False) scorer = COCOScorer() gt_dataframe = json_normalize( json.load(open(opt["input_json"]))['sentences']) gts = convert_data_to_coco_scorer_format(gt_dataframe) #results = [] samples = {} for index, data in enumerate(loader): print 'batch: '+str((index+1)*opt["batch_size"]) # forward the model to get loss fc_feats = Variable(data['fc_feats'], volatile=True).cuda() labels = Variable(data['labels'], volatile=True).long().cuda() masks = Variable(data['masks'], volatile=True).cuda() video_ids = data['video_ids'] # forward the model to also get generated samples for each image seq_probs, seq_preds = model( fc_feats, mode='inference', opt=opt) # print(seq_preds) sents = utils.decode_sequence(vocab, seq_preds) for k, sent in enumerate(sents): video_id = video_ids[k] samples[video_id] = [{'image_id': video_id, 'caption': sent}] # break with suppress_stdout_stderr(): valid_score = scorer.score(gts, samples, samples.keys()) #results.append(valid_score) #print(valid_score) if not os.path.exists(opt["results_path"]): os.makedirs(opt["results_path"]) result = OrderedDict() result['checkpoint'] = opt["saved_model"][opt["saved_model"].rfind('/')+1:] score_sum = 0 for key, value in valid_score.items(): score_sum += float(value) result['sum'] = str(score_sum) #result = OrderedDict(result, **valid_score) result = OrderedDict(result.items() + valid_score.items()) print result if not os.path.exists(opt["results_path"]): os.makedirs(opt["results_path"]) with open(os.path.join(opt["results_path"], "scores.txt"), 'a') as scores_table: scores_table.write(json.dumps(result) + "\n") with open(os.path.join(opt["results_path"], opt["model"].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] + ".json"), 'w') as prediction_results: json.dump({"predictions": samples, "scores": valid_score}, prediction_results)