Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def guess_inputs(input_dir): meta_candidates = [] model_candidates = [] for path in os.listdir(input_dir): if path.startswith('graph-') and path.endswith('.meta'): meta_candidates.append(path) if path.startswith('model-') and path.endswith('.index'): modelid = int(path[len('model-'):-len('.index')]) model_candidates.append((path, modelid)) assert len(meta_candidates) meta = sorted(meta_candidates)[-1] if len(meta_candidates) > 1:"Choosing {} from {} as graph file.".format(meta, meta_candidates)) else:"Choosing {} as graph file.".format(meta)) assert len(model_candidates) model = sorted(model_candidates, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0] if len(model_candidates) > 1:"Choosing {} from {} as model file.".format(model, [x[0] for x in model_candidates])) else:"Choosing {} as model file.".format(model)) return os.path.join(input_dir, model), os.path.join(input_dir, meta)
Example #2
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _update_heirarchical(self): self.action_angle_step = int(self.action_angle_step/2) self.action_dist_step = self.action_dist_step-1 if (self.spacing[0] > 1): self.spacing -= 1 self._groundTruth_plane = Plane(*getACPCPlaneFromLandmarks( self.sitk_image, self._origin3d_point.astype('float'), self.ac_point, self.pc_point, self.midsag_point, self._plane_size, self.spacing)) # self._groundTruth_plane = Plane(*getMidSagPlaneFromLandmarks( # self.sitk_image, # self._origin3d_point.astype('float'), # self.ac_point, self.pc_point, # self.midsag_point, # self._plane_size, self.spacing)) #'update hierarchical - spacing = {} - angle step = {} - dist step = {}'.format(self.spacing,self.action_angle_step,self.action_dist_step))
Example #3
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _update_history(self): ''' update history buffer with current state ''' # update location history self._loc_history[:-1] = self._loc_history[1:] # loc = self._plane.origin loc = self._plane.params #'loc {}'.format(loc)) self._loc_history[-1] = (np.around(loc[0],decimals=2), np.around(loc[1],decimals=2), np.around(loc[2],decimals=2), np.around(loc[3],decimals=2)) # update distance history self._dist_history.append(self.cur_dist) self._dist_history_params.append(self.cur_dist_params) # update params history self._plane_history.append(self._plane) self._bestq_history.append(np.max(self._qvalues)) # update q-value history self._qvalues_history[:-1] = self._qvalues_history[1:] self._qvalues_history[-1] = self._qvalues
Example #4
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _oscillate(self): ''' Return True if the agent is stuck and oscillating ''' counter = Counter(self._loc_history) freq = counter.most_common() # return false is history is empty (begining of the game) if len(freq) < 2: return False # check frequency if freq[0][0] == (0,0,0,0): if (freq[1][1]>2): #'oscillating {}'.format(self._loc_history)) return True else: return False elif (freq[0][1]>2): #'oscillating {}'.format(self._loc_history)) return True
Example #5
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _update_history(self): ''' update history buffer with current state ''' # update location history self._loc_history[:-1] = self._loc_history[1:] loc = self._plane.origin loc = self._plane.params #'loc {}'.format(loc)) self._loc_history[-1] = (np.around(loc[0],decimals=2), np.around(loc[1],decimals=2), np.around(loc[2],decimals=2), np.around(loc[3],decimals=2)) # update distance history self._dist_history.append(self.cur_dist) self._dist_history_params.append(self.cur_dist_params) # update params history self._plane_history.append(self._plane) self._bestq_history.append(np.max(self._qvalues)) # update q-value history self._qvalues_history[:-1] = self._qvalues_history[1:] self._qvalues_history[-1] = self._qvalues
Example #6
Source File: From MARL-for-Anatomical-Landmark-Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode(self, filename,label=False): """ decode a single nifti image Args filename: string for input images label: True if nifti image is label Returns image: an image container with attributes; name, data, dims """ image = ImageRecord() = filename assert self._is_nifti(, "unknown image format for %r" % if label: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkInt8) else: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkFloat32) np_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) # threshold image between p10 and p98 then re-scale [0-255] p0 = np_image.min().astype('float') p10 = np.percentile(np_image,10) p99 = np.percentile(np_image,99) p100 = np_image.max().astype('float') #'p0 {} , p5 {} , p10 {} , p90 {} , p98 {} , p100 {}'.format(p0,p5,p10,p90,p98,p100)) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p10, upper=p100, outsideValue=p10) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p0, upper=p99, outsideValue=p99) sitk_image = sitk.RescaleIntensity(sitk_image, outputMinimum=0, outputMaximum=255) # Convert from [depth, width, height] to [width, height, depth] = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image).transpose(2,1,0)#.astype('uint8') image.dims = np.shape( return sitk_image, image
Example #7
Source File: From MARL-for-Anatomical-Landmark-Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def step(self, act, q_values,isOver): for i in range(0,self.agents): if isOver[i]: act[i]=15 current_st, reward, terminal, info = self.env.step(act, q_values, isOver) # for i in range(0,self.agents): current_st=tuple(current_st) self.frames.append(current_st) return self._observation(),reward, terminal, info
Example #8
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _import_external_ops(message): if "horovod" in message.lower():"Importing horovod ...") import horovod.tensorflow # noqa return if "MaxBytesInUse" in message:"Importing memory_stats ...") from tensorflow.contrib.memory_stats import MaxBytesInUse # noqa return if 'Nccl' in message:"Importing nccl ...") if TF_version <= (1, 12): try: from tensorflow.contrib.nccl.python.ops.nccl_ops import _validate_and_load_nccl_so except Exception: pass else: _validate_and_load_nccl_so() from tensorflow.contrib.nccl.ops import gen_nccl_ops # noqa else: from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_nccl_ops # noqa return if 'ZMQConnection' in message: import zmq_ops # noqa return logger.error("Unhandled error: " + message)
Example #9
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode(self, filename,label=False): """ decode a single nifti image Args filename: string for input images label: True if nifti image is label Returns image: an image container with attributes; name, data, dims """ image = ImageRecord() = filename assert self._is_nifti(, "unknown image format for %r" % if label: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkInt8) else: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkFloat32) np_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) # threshold image between p10 and p98 then re-scale [0-255] p0 = np_image.min().astype('float') p10 = np.percentile(np_image,10) p99 = np.percentile(np_image,99) p100 = np_image.max().astype('float') #'p0 {} , p5 {} , p10 {} , p90 {} , p98 {} , p100 {}'.format(p0,p5,p10,p90,p98,p100)) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p10, upper=p100, outsideValue=p10) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p0, upper=p99, outsideValue=p99) sitk_image = sitk.RescaleIntensity(sitk_image, outputMinimum=0, outputMaximum=255) # Convert from [depth, width, height] to [width, height, depth] # stupid simpleitk = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image).transpose(2,1,0)#.astype('uint8') image.dims = np.shape( return sitk_image, image
Example #10
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _calc_reward_params(self, prev_params, next_params): ''' Calculate the new reward based on the euclidean distance to the target plane ''' #'prev_params {}'.format(np.around(prev_params,2))) #'next_params {}'.format(np.around(next_params,2))) prev_dist = calcScaledDistTwoParams(self._groundTruth_plane.params, prev_params, scale_angle = self.action_angle_step, scale_dist = self.action_dist_step) next_dist = calcScaledDistTwoParams(self._groundTruth_plane.params, next_params, scale_angle = self.action_angle_step, scale_dist = self.action_dist_step) return prev_dist - next_dist
Example #11
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def step(self, action, qvalues): ob, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action,qvalues) self.frames.append(ob) return self._observation(), reward, done, info
Example #12
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _calc_reward_params(self, prev_params, next_params): ''' Calculate the new reward based on the euclidean distance to the target plane ''' #'prev_params {}'.format(np.around(prev_params,2))) #'next_params {}'.format(np.around(next_params,2))) prev_dist = calcScaledDistTwoParams(self._groundTruth_plane.params, prev_params, scale_angle = self.action_angle_step, scale_dist = self.action_dist_step) next_dist = calcScaledDistTwoParams(self._groundTruth_plane.params, next_params, scale_angle = self.action_angle_step, scale_dist = self.action_dist_step) #'next_dist {} prev_dist {}'.format(next_dist, prev_dist)) return prev_dist - next_dist
Example #13
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode(self, filename, label=False): """ decode a single nifti image Args filename: string for input images label: True if nifti image is label Returns image: an image container with attributes; name, data, dims """ image = ImageRecord() = filename assert self._is_nifti(, "unknown image format for %r" % if label: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkInt8) else: sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(, sitk.sitkFloat32) np_image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) # threshold image between p10 and p98 then re-scale [0-255] p0 = np_image.min().astype('float') p10 = np.percentile(np_image, 10) p99 = np.percentile(np_image, 99) p100 = np_image.max().astype('float') #'p0 {} , p5 {} , p10 {} , p90 {} , p98 {} , p100 {}'.format(p0,p5,p10,p90,p98,p100)) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p10, upper=p100, outsideValue=p10) sitk_image = sitk.Threshold(sitk_image, lower=p0, upper=p99, outsideValue=p99) sitk_image = sitk.RescaleIntensity(sitk_image, outputMinimum=0, outputMaximum=255) # Convert from [depth, width, height] to [width, height, depth] = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image).transpose(2, 1, 0) #.astype('uint8') image.dims = np.shape( return sitk_image, image
Example #14
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def step(self, action, q_values): ob, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action, q_values) self.frames.append(ob) return self._observation(), reward, done, info
Example #15
Source File: From LQ-Nets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_config(model, fake=False, data_aug=True): nr_tower = max(get_nr_gpu(), 1) batch = TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE // nr_tower if fake:"For benchmark, batch size is fixed to 64 per tower.") dataset_train = FakeData( [[64, 224, 224, 3], [64]], 1000, random=False, dtype='uint8') callbacks = [] else:"Running on {} towers. Batch size per tower: {}".format(nr_tower, batch)) dataset_train = get_data('train', batch, data_aug) dataset_val = get_data('val', batch, data_aug) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(), ] if data_aug: callbacks.append(ScheduledHyperParamSetter('learning_rate', [(30, 1e-2), (60, 1e-3), (85, 1e-4), (95, 1e-5), (105, 1e-6)])) callbacks.append(HumanHyperParamSetter('learning_rate')) infs = [ClassificationError('wrong-top1', 'val-error-top1'), ClassificationError('wrong-top5', 'val-error-top5')] if nr_tower == 1: # single-GPU inference with queue prefetch callbacks.append(InferenceRunner(QueueInput(dataset_val), infs)) else: # multi-GPU inference (with mandatory queue prefetch) callbacks.append(DataParallelInferenceRunner( dataset_val, infs, list(range(nr_tower)))) return AutoResumeTrainConfig( model=model, dataflow=dataset_train, callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=5000 if TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE == 256 else 10000, max_epoch=110 if data_aug else 64, nr_tower=nr_tower )
Example #16
Source File: From rl-medical with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def getPlane(sitk_image3d, origin, plane_params, plane_size, spacing=(1,1,1)): ''' Get a plane from a 3d nifti image using its norm form ''' # plane equation ax+by+cz=d , where norm = (a,b,c), and d=a*x0+b*y0+c*z0 a, b, c, d = [np.cos(np.deg2rad(plane_params[0])), np.cos(np.deg2rad(plane_params[1])), np.cos(np.deg2rad(plane_params[2])), plane_params[3]] # find plane norm vector plane_norm = np.array((a,b,c)) plane_norm = normalizeUnitVector(np.array((a,b,c))) # plane_params = [np.rad2deg(np.arccos(plane_norm[0])), # np.rad2deg(np.arccos(plane_norm[1])), # np.rad2deg(np.arccos(plane_norm[2])), # d] # get transformation and origin origin3d = np.array(sitk_image3d.GetOrigin()) direction = np.array(sitk_image3d.GetDirection()) transformation = np.array(direction.reshape(3,3)) transformation_inv = np.linalg.inv(transformation) # find plane origin plane_origin = origin + d * plane_norm plane_origin_physical = + origin3d # plane_origin_physical = np.array(sitk_image3d.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(plane_origin)) # find point in x-direction of the 3d volume to sample in this direction pointx = (origin[0] + plane_size[0]/2, origin[1], origin[2]) pointx_proj, _ = projectPointOnPlane(pointx, plane_norm, plane_origin) pointx_proj_physical = + origin3d # pointx_proj_physical = np.array(sitk_image3d.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(pointx_proj)) vectorx = normalizeUnitVector(pointx_proj_physical - plane_origin_physical) # z-direction # find point in the new positive z-direction (plane norm) pointz = plane_origin + (plane_size[2]/2) * plane_norm pointz_physical = + origin3d # pointz_physical = np.array(sitk_image3d.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(pointz)) vectorz = normalizeUnitVector(pointz_physical - plane_origin_physical) # y-direction vectory = np.cross(vectorz, vectorx) vectory = normalizeUnitVector(vectory) # sample a grid in the calculated directions grid, grid_smooth, points = sampleGrid(sitk_image3d, plane_origin, vectorx, vectory, vectorz, plane_size, spacing=spacing) #'plane_norm {}'.format(np.around(plane_norm,2))) #'plane_origin {}'.format(np.around(plane_origin,2))) return grid, grid_smooth, plane_norm, plane_origin, plane_params, points ###############################################################################
Example #17
Source File: From adanet with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_config(model, fake=False): nr_tower = max(get_num_gpu(), 1) assert args.batch % nr_tower == 0 batch = args.batch // nr_tower"Running on {} towers. Batch size per tower: {}".format(nr_tower, batch)) if batch < 32 or batch > 64: logger.warn("Batch size per tower not in [32, 64]. This probably will lead to worse accuracy than reported.") if fake: data = QueueInput(FakeData( [[batch, 224, 224, 3], [batch],[batch, 224, 224, 3], [batch]], 1000, random=False, dtype='uint8')) callbacks = [] else: data = QueueInput(get_data('train', batch)) START_LR = 0.1 BASE_LR = START_LR * (args.batch / 256.0) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(), EstimatedTimeLeft(), ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [ (0, min(START_LR, BASE_LR)), (30, BASE_LR * 1e-1), (45, BASE_LR * 1e-2), (55, BASE_LR * 1e-3)]), ] if BASE_LR > START_LR: callbacks.append( ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, START_LR), (5, BASE_LR)], interp='linear')) infs = [ClassificationError('wrong-top1', 'val-error-top1'), ClassificationError('wrong-top5', 'val-error-top5')] dataset_val = get_data('val', batch) if nr_tower == 1: # single-GPU inference with queue prefetch callbacks.append(InferenceRunner(QueueInput(dataset_val), infs)) else: # multi-GPU inference (with mandatory queue prefetch) callbacks.append(DataParallelInferenceRunner( dataset_val, infs, list(range(nr_tower)))) return AutoResumeTrainConfig( model=model, data=data, callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=100 if args.fake else 1280000 // args.batch, max_epoch=60, )
Example #18
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_config(model): nr_tower = max(get_num_gpu(), 1) assert args.batch % nr_tower == 0 batch = args.batch // nr_tower"Running on {} towers. Batch size per tower: {}".format(nr_tower, batch)) if batch < 32 or batch > 64: logger.warn("Batch size per tower not in [32, 64]. This probably will lead to worse accuracy than reported.") if args.fake: data = QueueInput(FakeData( [[batch, 224, 224, 3], [batch]], 1000, random=False, dtype='uint8')) callbacks = [] else: if args.symbolic: data = TFDatasetInput(get_imagenet_tfdata(, 'train', batch)) else: data = QueueInput(get_imagenet_dataflow(, 'train', batch)) START_LR = 0.1 BASE_LR = START_LR * (args.batch / 256.0) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(), EstimatedTimeLeft(), ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [ (0, min(START_LR, BASE_LR)), (30, BASE_LR * 1e-1), (60, BASE_LR * 1e-2), (90, BASE_LR * 1e-3), (100, BASE_LR * 1e-4)]), ] if BASE_LR > START_LR: callbacks.append( ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, START_LR), (5, BASE_LR)], interp='linear')) infs = [ClassificationError('wrong-top1', 'val-error-top1'), ClassificationError('wrong-top5', 'val-error-top5')] dataset_val = get_imagenet_dataflow(, 'val', batch) if nr_tower == 1: # single-GPU inference with queue prefetch callbacks.append(InferenceRunner(QueueInput(dataset_val), infs)) else: # multi-GPU inference (with mandatory queue prefetch) callbacks.append(DataParallelInferenceRunner( dataset_val, infs, list(range(nr_tower)))) if get_num_gpu() > 0: callbacks.append(GPUUtilizationTracker()) return TrainConfig( model=model, data=data, callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=100 if args.fake else 1281167 // args.batch, max_epoch=105, )
Example #19
Source File: From GroupNorm-reproduce with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_config(model, fake=False): nr_tower = max(get_num_gpu(), 1) assert args.batch % nr_tower == 0 batch = args.batch // nr_tower if fake:"For benchmark, batch size is fixed to 64 per tower.") dataset_train = FakeData( [[64, 224, 224, 3], [64]], 1000, random=False, dtype='uint8') callbacks = [] steps_per_epoch = 100 else:"Running on {} towers. Batch size per tower: {}".format(nr_tower, batch)) dataset_train = get_imagenet_dataflow(, 'train', batch) dataset_val = get_imagenet_dataflow(, 'val', min(64, batch)) steps_per_epoch = 1281167 // args.batch BASE_LR = 0.1 * args.batch / 256.0"BASELR: {}".format(BASE_LR)) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(), EstimatedTimeLeft(), GPUUtilizationTracker(), ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, BASE_LR), (30, BASE_LR * 1e-1), (60, BASE_LR * 1e-2), (90, BASE_LR * 1e-3)]), ] if BASE_LR > 0.1: callbacks.append( ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, 0.1), (5 * steps_per_epoch, BASE_LR)], interp='linear', step_based=True)) infs = [ClassificationError('wrong-top1', 'val-error-top1'), ClassificationError('wrong-top5', 'val-error-top5')] if nr_tower == 1: # single-GPU inference with queue prefetch callbacks.append(InferenceRunner(QueueInput(dataset_val), infs)) else: # multi-GPU inference (with mandatory queue prefetch) callbacks.append(DataParallelInferenceRunner( dataset_val, infs, list(range(nr_tower)))) return TrainConfig( model=model, dataflow=dataset_train, callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, max_epoch=100, )
Example #20
Source File: From webvision-2.0-benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_config(model, fake=False): nr_tower = max(get_nr_gpu(), 1) assert args.batch % nr_tower == 0 batch = args.batch // nr_tower if fake:"For benchmark, batch size is fixed to 64 per tower.") dataset_train = FakeData( [[64, 224, 224, 3], [64]], 1000, random=False, dtype='uint8') callbacks = [] else:"Running on {} towers. Batch size per tower: {}".format(nr_tower, batch)) dataset_train = get_data('train', batch) dataset_val = get_data('val', batch) BASE_LR = 0.1 * (args.batch / 256.0) callbacks = [ ModelSaver(), ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, BASE_LR), (30, BASE_LR * 1e-1), (60, BASE_LR * 1e-2), (90, BASE_LR * 1e-3)]), ] if BASE_LR > 0.1: callbacks.append( ScheduledHyperParamSetter( 'learning_rate', [(0, 0.1), (3, BASE_LR)], interp='linear')) infs = [ClassificationError('wrong-top1', 'val-error-top1'), ClassificationError('wrong-top5', 'val-error-top5')] if nr_tower == 1: # single-GPU inference with queue prefetch callbacks.append(InferenceRunner(QueueInput(dataset_val), infs)) else: # multi-GPU inference (with mandatory queue prefetch) callbacks.append(DataParallelInferenceRunner( dataset_val, infs, list(range(nr_tower)))) return TrainConfig( model=model, dataflow=dataset_train, callbacks=callbacks, steps_per_epoch=100 if args.fake else 1280000 // args.batch, max_epoch=110, )