Python django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiPolygon() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of django.contrib.gis.geos.MultiPolygon().
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Example #1
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_geom(self, geos_geom): """Coverts GEOS geometries to shapefile geometries""" if geos_geom.geom_type == "Point": multi_geom = MultiPoint(geos_geom) shp_geom = [[c for c in multi_geom.coords]] if geos_geom.geom_type == "LineString": multi_geom = MultiLineString(geos_geom) shp_geom = [c for c in multi_geom.coords] if geos_geom.geom_type == "Polygon": multi_geom = MultiPolygon(geos_geom) shp_geom = [c[0] for c in multi_geom.coords] if geos_geom.geom_type == "MultiPoint": shp_geom = [c for c in geos_geom.coords] if geos_geom.geom_type == "MultiLineString": shp_geom = [c for c in geos_geom.coords] if geos_geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": shp_geom = [c[0] for c in geos_geom.coords] return shp_geom
Example #2
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def chop_geom(multipolygon, fraction): """ Transforms each point fraction the distance to the geometry's centroid to form a smaller geometry :param geom: :return: a multipolygon reduced by the fraction from the original """ def transform_polygon(polygon): def transform_linear_ring(linear_ring): centroid = polygon.centroid return LinearRing( map(lambda point: to_tuple(LineString((point, centroid)).interpolate(fraction, normalized=True)), linear_ring)) linear_rings = map(lambda linear_ring: transform_linear_ring(linear_ring), polygon) if len(linear_rings) > 1: return Polygon(linear_rings[0], [linear_rings[1:]]) else: return Polygon(linear_rings[0], []) return MultiPolygon(map(lambda polygon: transform_polygon(polygon), multipolygon))
Example #3
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None): """ Overrides the default save to merge the self.config_entities properties after doing an initial save :param force_insert: :param force_update: :param using: :return: """ # First save to create a pk super(CombinedConfigEntity, self).save(force_insert, force_update, using) # Add unique instances to each collection from the config_entities. References to the parent_config_entity's # instances will automatically be adopted first. for method in ConfigEntity.INHERITABLE_COLLECTIONS: # get the add_method or add_method_through method name getattr(self, '_add_{0}'.format(method))( *unique( flat_map( lambda config_entity: getattr(config_entity, 'computed_{0}'.format(method))(), self.config_entities), lambda instance: # Combine the bounds of the config_entities to make this instance's bounds self.bounds = MultiPolygon(map(lambda config_entity: config_entity.bounds.cascaded_union, self.config_entities))
Example #4
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def chop_geom(multipolygon, fraction): """ Transforms each point fraction the distance to the geometry's centroid to form a smaller geometry :param geom: :return: a multipolygon reduced by the fraction from the original """ def transform_polygon(polygon): def transform_linear_ring(linear_ring): centroid = polygon.centroid return LinearRing( map(lambda point: to_tuple(LineString((point, centroid)).interpolate(fraction, normalized=True)), linear_ring)) linear_rings = map(lambda linear_ring: transform_linear_ring(linear_ring), polygon) if len(linear_rings) > 1: return Polygon(linear_rings[0], [linear_rings[1:]]) else: return Polygon(linear_rings[0], []) return MultiPolygon(map(lambda polygon: transform_polygon(polygon), multipolygon))
Example #5
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def regions(self, region_keys=None, class_scope=None): return FixtureList([ dict( key='scag', name='The SCAG Region', description='Jurisdictions of the SCAG Region', media=[ MediumFixture(key=ConfigEntityMediumKey.Fab.ricate('scag_logo'), name='SCAG Logo', url='/static/client/{0}/logos/scag_dm.png'.format(settings.CLIENT)) ], #defaulting to an Irvine view for the moment bounds=MultiPolygon([Polygon(( (-117.869537353516, 33.5993881225586), (-117.869537353516, 33.7736549377441), (-117.678024291992, 33.7736549377441), (-117.678024291992, 33.5993881225586), (-117.869537353516, 33.5993881225586), ))]) ) ]).matching_keys(key=region_keys).matching_scope(class_scope=class_scope)
Example #6
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_alter_geom_field_dim(self): Neighborhood = self.current_state.apps.get_model('gis', 'Neighborhood') p1 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0))) Neighborhood.objects.create(name='TestDim', geom=MultiPolygon(p1, p1)) # Add 3rd dimension. self.alter_gis_model( migrations.AlterField, 'Neighborhood', 'geom', False, fields.MultiPolygonField, field_class_kwargs={'srid': 4326, 'dim': 3} ) self.assertTrue(Neighborhood.objects.first().geom.hasz) # Rewind to 2 dimensions. self.alter_gis_model( migrations.AlterField, 'Neighborhood', 'geom', False, fields.MultiPolygonField, field_class_kwargs={'srid': 4326, 'dim': 2} ) self.assertFalse(Neighborhood.objects.first().geom.hasz)
Example #7
Source File: From djongo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_alter_geom_field_dim(self): Neighborhood = self.current_state.apps.get_model('gis', 'Neighborhood') p1 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0))) Neighborhood.objects.create(name='TestDim', geom=MultiPolygon(p1, p1)) # Add 3rd dimension. self.alter_gis_model( migrations.AlterField, 'Neighborhood', 'geom', False, fields.MultiPolygonField, field_class_kwargs={'srid': 4326, 'dim': 3} ) self.assertTrue(Neighborhood.objects.first().geom.hasz) # Rewind to 2 dimensions. self.alter_gis_model( migrations.AlterField, 'Neighborhood', 'geom', False, fields.MultiPolygonField, field_class_kwargs={'srid': 4326, 'dim': 2} ) self.assertFalse(Neighborhood.objects.first().geom.hasz)
Example #8
Source File: From gazetteer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calc_composite_geometry(self): geometries = [] if not self.is_composite: return False for relation in self.relationships: if relation["type"] == "comprised_by": relation_geometry = Place.objects.get(relation["id"]).geometry if relation_geometry: geos_geom = GEOSGeometry(json.dumps(relation_geometry)) if geos_geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon" or geos_geom.geom_type == "MutliPoint": for indiv_geom in geos_geom: geometries.append(indiv_geom) elif geos_geom.geom_type == "Polygon" or geos_geom.geom_type == "Point": geometries.append(geos_geom) else: pass if not geometries: return False if geometries[0].geom_type == "Polygon": union = MultiPolygon(geometries).cascaded_union elif geometries[0].geom_type == "Point": union = MultiPoint(geometries) self.geometry = json.loads(union.json) self.centroid = union.centroid.coords return True
Example #9
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def process_feature_geoms(self, resource, geom_field): """ Reduces an instances geometries from a geometry collection, that potentially has any number of points, lines and polygons, down to a list containing a MultiPoint and/or a MultiLine, and/or a MultiPolygon object. """ result = [] sorted_geoms = {"points": [], "lines": [], "polys": []} for geom in resource[geom_field]: if geom.geom_typeid == 0: sorted_geoms["points"].append(geom) if geom.geom_typeid == 1: sorted_geoms["lines"].append(geom) if geom.geom_typeid == 3: sorted_geoms["polys"].append(geom) if geom.geom_typeid == 4: for feat in geom: sorted_geoms["points"].append(feat) if geom.geom_typeid == 5: for feat in geom: sorted_geoms["lines"].append(feat) if geom.geom_typeid == 6: for feat in geom: sorted_geoms["polys"].append(feat) if len(sorted_geoms["points"]) > 0: result.append(MultiPoint(sorted_geoms["points"])) if len(sorted_geoms["lines"]) > 0: result.append(MultiLineString(sorted_geoms["lines"])) if len(sorted_geoms["polys"]) > 0: result.append(MultiPolygon(sorted_geoms["polys"])) return result
Example #10
Source File: From linkedevents with MIT License | 5 votes |
def administrative_division(administrative_division_type, municipality): division = AdministrativeDivision.objects.create( name_en='test division', type=administrative_division_type, ocd_id='ocd-division/test:1', municipality=municipality, ) coords = ((0, 0), (0, 200), (200, 200), (200, 0), (0, 0)) AdministrativeDivisionGeometry.objects.create(division=division, boundary=MultiPolygon([Polygon(coords)])) return division
Example #11
Source File: From linkedevents with MIT License | 5 votes |
def administrative_division2(administrative_division_type): division = AdministrativeDivision.objects.create( name_en='test division 2', type=administrative_division_type, ocd_id='ocd-division/test:2' ) coords = ((100, 100), (100, 300), (300, 300), (300, 100), (100, 100)) AdministrativeDivisionGeometry.objects.create(division=division, boundary=MultiPolygon([Polygon(coords)])) return division
Example #12
Source File: From cadasta-platform with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def refresh_area(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Ensure DB-generated area is set on instance """ from django.contrib.gis.geos import MultiPolygon, Polygon geom = instance.geometry if not isinstance(geom, (MultiPolygon, Polygon)): return qs = type(instance)._default_manager.filter( instance.area = qs.values_list('area', flat=True)[0]
Example #13
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize_global_config(**kwargs): global_bounds = MultiPolygon( [Polygon(( (settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[1], settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[1]), # bottom left (settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[0], settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[3]), # top left (settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[2], settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[3]), # top right (settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[2], settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[1]), # bottom right (settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[1], settings.DEFAULT_SRID_BOUNDS[1]), # bottom left ))], srid=settings.DEFAULT_SRID ) # Initialize global policy configuration. TODO, this needs to be more sophisticated initialize_policies() limit_to_classes = kwargs.get('limit_to_classes', [GlobalConfig]) \ if kwargs.get('limit_to_classes', [GlobalConfig]) else [GlobalConfig] # Optionally disable post-save presentation if kwargs.get('no_post_save_publishing'): GlobalConfig._no_post_save_publishing = True # Create and persist the singleton GlobalConfig global_config, created, updated = GlobalConfig.objects.update_or_create( key=Keys.GLOBAL_CONFIG_KEY, defaults=dict( name=Keys.GLOBAL_CONFIG_NAME, bounds=global_bounds ) ) if \ GlobalConfig in limit_to_classes else \ (GlobalConfig.objects.get(), False, False) if kwargs.get('no_post_save_publishing'): GlobalConfig._no_post_save_publishing = False return global_config
Example #14
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def recalculate_bounds(self): primary_geography_feature_classes = [self.db_entity_feature_class(db_entity.key) for db_entity in self.owned_db_entities() if get_property_path(db_entity, 'feature_class_configuration.primary_geography')] use_for_bounds_feature_classes = [self.db_entity_feature_class(db_entity.key) for db_entity in self.owned_db_entities() if get_property_path(db_entity, 'feature_class_configuration.use_for_bounds')] authority_feature_classes = use_for_bounds_feature_classes if len(use_for_bounds_feature_classes) > 0 \ else primary_geography_feature_classes extents = [] for authority_feature_class in authority_feature_classes: all_features = authority_feature_class.objects.all() if len(all_features) > 0: bounds = all_features.extent_polygon() extents.append(bounds) self.bounds = MultiPolygon(extents) # Disable publishers for this simple update self._no_post_save_publishing = True self._no_post_save_publishing = False else: pass