Python maya.parse() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of maya.parse().
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Example #1
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_getting_datetime_for_local_timezone(monkeypatch): @property def mock_local_tz(self): class StaticTzInfo(object): zone = "Europe/Zurich" def __repr__(self): return "<StaticTzInfo 'Europe/Zurich'>" return StaticTzInfo() monkeypatch.setattr(maya.MayaDT, "_local_tz", mock_local_tz) d = maya.parse("1994-02-21T12:00:00+05:30") dt = pytz.timezone("Europe/Zurich").localize(Datetime(1994, 2, 21, 7, 30)) assert d.local_datetime() == dt
Example #2
Source File: From marge-bot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def from_human(cls, string): from_, to_ = string.split('-') def parse_part(part): part = part.replace('@', ' ') parts = part.split() weekday = parts[0] time = parts[1] timezone = parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else 'UTC' weekday = find_weekday(weekday) time = maya.parse(time, timezone=timezone).datetime().time() return weekday, time from_weekday, from_time = parse_part(from_) to_weekday, to_time = parse_part(to_) return cls(from_weekday, from_time, to_weekday, to_time)
Example #3
Source File: From stravaio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _request_strava_authorize(client_id, port): params_oauth = { "client_id": client_id, "response_type": "code", "redirect_uri": f"http://localhost:{port}/authorization_successful", "scope": "read,profile:read_all,activity:read", "state": '', "approval_prompt": "force" } values_url = urllib.parse.urlencode(params_oauth) base_url = '' rv = base_url + '?' + values_url webbrowser.get().open(rv) return None
Example #4
Source File: From flask-graphql-neo4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __validate_timestamp(self): try: maya.parse(self.timestamp, day_first=True, year_first=False) except Exception: raise GraphQLError( 'The timestamp you provided is not within the format: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm"' )
Example #5
Source File: From flask-graphql-neo4j with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def as_dict(self): return { '_id': self.__primaryvalue__, 'total_amount': self.total_amount, 'timestamp': maya.parse(self.timestamp) }
Example #6
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_parse(string, kwds, expected): d = maya.parse(string, **kwds) assert format(d) == expected
Example #7
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_machine_parse(): r1 = maya.parse("August 14, 2015") assert == 14 r2 = maya.parse("August 15, 2015") assert == 15
Example #8
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_long_count(string, expected): r = maya.parse(string).long_count() d = maya.MayaDT.from_long_count(r) assert r == expected assert r == d.long_count()
Example #9
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_iso8601(string, expected): r = maya.parse(string).iso8601() d = maya.MayaDT.from_iso8601(r) assert r == expected assert r == d.iso8601()
Example #10
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_rfc2822(string, expected): r = maya.parse(string).rfc2822() d = maya.MayaDT.from_rfc2822(r) assert r == expected assert r == d.rfc2822()
Example #11
Source File: From maya with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_intervals(start_string, end_string, interval, expected_count): start = maya.parse(start_string) end = maya.parse(end_string) assert len(list(maya.intervals(start, end, interval))) == expected_count
Example #12
Source File: From stravaio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def date_to_epoch(date): """Convert a date to epoch representation""" rv = None if isinstance(date, int): rv = date if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): _ = maya.parse(date) rv = _.epoch if isinstance(date, str): _ = maya.when(date) rv = _.epoch if rv is None: raise TypeError('date must be epoch int, datetime obj or the string') return rv
Example #13
Source File: From stravaio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_datetime_to_iso8601(d): for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): convert_datetime_to_iso8601(v) elif isinstance(v, list): for i in v: if isinstance(i, dict): convert_datetime_to_iso8601(i) else: if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): d[k] = maya.parse(v).iso8601() return d
Example #14
Source File: From stravaio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_server_and_wait_for_token(port, client_id, client_secret): with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.bind(('', port)) s.listen() conn, addr = s.accept() request_bytes = b'' with conn: while True: chunk = conn.recv(512) request_bytes += chunk if request_bytes.endswith(b'\r\n\r\n'): break conn.sendall(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nsuccess\r\n') request = request_bytes.decode('utf-8') status_line = request.split('\n', 1)[0] method, raw_url, protocol_version = status_line.split(' ') url = urllib.parse.urlparse(raw_url) query_string = url.query query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query_string, keep_blank_values=True) if url.path == "/authorization_successful": code = query_params.get('code')[0] logger.debug(f"code: {code}") params = { "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "code": code, "grant_type": "authorization_code" } r ="", params) data = r.json() logger.debug(f"Authorized athlete: {data.get('access_token', 'Oeps something went wrong!')}") else: data = url.path.encode() return data
Example #15
Source File: From stravaio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_logged_in_athlete_activities(self, after=0, list_activities=None): """List all activities after a given date Parameters ---------- after: int, str or datetime object If integer, the time since epoch is assumed If str, the maya.parse() compatible date string is expected e.g. iso8601 or 2018-01-01 or 20180101 If datetime, the datetime object is expected Returns ------- list_activities: list List of SummaryActivity objects """ if list_activities is None: list_activities = [] after = date_to_epoch(after) _fetched = self.activities_api.get_logged_in_athlete_activities(after=after) if len(_fetched) > 0: print(f"Fetched {len(_fetched)}, the latests is on {_fetched[-1].start_date}") list_activities.extend(_fetched) if len(_fetched) == 30: last_after = list_activities[-1].start_date return self.get_logged_in_athlete_activities(after=last_after, list_activities=list_activities) else: print("empty list") return list_activities
Example #16
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def view_names(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: current_app.logger.warning( f"Topic map not found: user identifier: [{}], topic map identifier: [{map_identifier}]" ) abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: current_app.logger.warning( f"Topic not found: user identifier: [{}], topic map identifier: [{map_identifier}], topic identifier: [{topic_identifier}]" ) abort(404) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template("topic/view_names.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, creation_date=creation_date,)
Example #17
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) file_occurrences = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences( map_identifier, topic_identifier, "3d-scene", resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) files = [] for file_occurrence in file_occurrences: files.append( { "identifier": file_occurrence.identifier, "title": file_occurrence.get_attribute_by_name("title").value, "scope": file_occurrence.scope, "url": file_occurrence.resource_ref, } ) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "three_d/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, files=files, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #18
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) associations = topic_store.get_topic_associations(map_identifier, topic_identifier) # occurrences_stats = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences_statistics(map_identifier, topic_identifier) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "association/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, associations=associations, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #19
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) file_occurrences = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences( map_identifier, topic_identifier, "file", resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) files = [] for file_occurrence in file_occurrences: files.append( { "identifier": file_occurrence.identifier, "title": file_occurrence.get_attribute_by_name("title").value, "scope": file_occurrence.scope, "url": file_occurrence.resource_ref, } ) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "file/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, files=files, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #20
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def map(map_identifier, topic_identifier): # TODO: Shadows built-in name 'map'. Rename? topic_store = get_topic_store() collaboration_mode = None if current_user.is_authenticated: # User is logged in is_map_owner = topic_store.is_topic_map_owner(map_identifier, if is_map_owner: topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, else: topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier) if topic_map is None: abort(404) collaboration_mode = topic_store.get_collaboration_mode(map_identifier, # The map is private and doesn't belong to the user who is trying to # access it if not topic_map.published and not is_map_owner: if not collaboration_mode: # The user is not collaborating on the map abort(403) else: # User is not logged in topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier) if topic_map is None: abort(404) if not topic_map.published: # User is not logged in and the map is not published abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "visualisation/map.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, creation_date=creation_date, collaboration_mode=topic_map.collaboration_mode, )
Example #21
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def network(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() collaboration_mode = None if current_user.is_authenticated: # User is logged in is_map_owner = topic_store.is_topic_map_owner(map_identifier, if is_map_owner: topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, else: topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier) if topic_map is None: abort(404) collaboration_mode = topic_store.get_collaboration_mode(map_identifier, # The map is private and doesn't belong to the user who is trying to # access it if not topic_map.published and not is_map_owner: if not collaboration_mode: # The user is not collaborating on the map abort(403) else: # User is not logged in topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier) if topic_map is None: abort(404) if not topic_map.published: # User is not logged in and the map is not published abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "visualisation/network.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, creation_date=creation_date, collaboration_mode=collaboration_mode, )
Example #22
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) link_occurrences = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences( map_identifier, topic_identifier, "url", resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) links = [] for link_occurrence in link_occurrences: links.append( { "identifier": link_occurrence.identifier, "title": link_occurrence.get_attribute_by_name("title").value, "scope": link_occurrence.scope, "url": link_occurrence.resource_ref, } ) # occurrences_stats = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences_statistics(map_identifier, topic_identifier) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "link/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, links=links, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #23
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) video_occurrences = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences( map_identifier, topic_identifier, "video", resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) videos = [] for video_occurrence in video_occurrences: videos.append( { "identifier": video_occurrence.identifier, "title": video_occurrence.get_attribute_by_name("title").value, "scope": video_occurrence.scope, "url": video_occurrence.resource_ref, } ) # occurrences_stats = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences_statistics(map_identifier, topic_identifier) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "video/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, videos=videos, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #24
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) image_occurrences = topic_store.get_topic_occurrences( map_identifier, topic_identifier, "image", resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) images = [] for image_occurrence in image_occurrences: images.append( { "identifier": image_occurrence.identifier, "title": image_occurrence.get_attribute_by_name("title").value, "scope": image_occurrence.scope, "url": image_occurrence.resource_ref, } ) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" return render_template( "image/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, images=images, creation_date=creation_date, )
Example #25
Source File: From marge-bot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def date(spec): return maya.parse(spec).datetime()
Example #26
Source File: From contextualise with MIT License | 4 votes |
def index(map_identifier, topic_identifier): topic_store = get_topic_store() if "admin" not in current_user.roles: abort(403) topic_map = topic_store.get_topic_map(map_identifier, if topic_map is None: abort(404) # If the map doesn't belong to the user and they don't have the right # collaboration mode on the map, then abort if not topic_map.owner and topic_map.collaboration_mode is not CollaborationMode.EDIT: abort(403) topic = topic_store.get_topic( map_identifier, topic_identifier, resolve_attributes=RetrievalMode.RESOLVE_ATTRIBUTES, ) if topic is None: abort(404) attributes = [] entity_attributes = topic_store.get_attributes(map_identifier, topic_identifier) for entity_attribute in entity_attributes: attributes.append( { "identifier": entity_attribute.identifier, "name":, "value": entity_attribute.value, "type": str(entity_attribute.data_type).lower(), "scope": entity_attribute.scope, } ) creation_date_attribute = topic.get_attribute_by_name("creation-timestamp") creation_date = maya.parse(creation_date_attribute.value) if creation_date_attribute else "Undefined" entity_type = "topic" return_url = "topic.view" return render_template( "attribute/index.html", topic_map=topic_map, topic=topic, entity_type=entity_type, return_url=return_url, attributes=attributes, creation_date=creation_date, )