Python numdifftools.Jacobian() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numdifftools.Jacobian().
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Example #1
Source File: From hawkeslib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def marginal_likelihood(self, t, T = None): """ Calculate log marginal likelihood of the process under given data, using Laplace's approximation. This method uses a Gaussian approximation around the currently fit parameters (i.e. expects MAP parameters to already have been fit, e.g. through :meth:`fit`). :param numpy.array[float] t: Observation timestamps of the process up to time T. 1-d array of timestamps. must be sorted (asc) :param T: (optional) maximum time :type T: float or None :return: the log marginal likelihood :rtype: float """ t, T = self._prep_t_T(t, T) f = self._log_posterior(t, T) g = self._log_posterior_grad(t, T) xopt = np.array(self.get_params()) # xopt = self._fit_grad_desc(t, T).x H = nd.Jacobian(g)(xopt) return f(xopt) + 1.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) - .5 * np.linalg.slogdet(H)[1]
Example #2
Source File: From numdifftools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run_gradient_and_hessian_benchmarks(gradient_funs, hessian_funs, problem_sizes=(4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96)): symbols = ('-kx', ':k>', ':k<', '--k^', '--kv', '-kp', '-ks', 'b', '--b', '-b+', 'r', '--r', '-r+') results_gradients = compute_gradients(gradient_funs, problem_sizes) results_hessians = compute_hessians(hessian_funs, problem_sizes) print(results_gradients.shape) for i, txt in enumerate(['run times', 'errors']): objects = [('Jacobian ' + txt, gradient_funs, results_gradients[..., i].T), ('Hessian ' + txt, hessian_funs, results_hessians[..., i].T)] if i == 0: plot_runtimes(objects, problem_sizes, symbols) else: plot_errors(objects, problem_sizes, symbols)
Example #3
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Notes ----- Need to generalize for AR(p) and for a constant. Not correct yet. Returns numerical gradient. Depends on package numdifftools. """ y = self.endog ylag = self.exog nobs = self.nobs diffsumsq = sumofsq(,params)) dsdr = 1/nobs * -2 *np.sum(ylag*(,params))[:,None])+\ 2*params*ylag[0]**2 sigma2 = 1/nobs*(diffsumsq-ylag[0]**2*(1-params**2)) gradient = -nobs/(2*sigma2)*dsdr + params/(1-params**2) + \ 1/sigma2*np.sum(ylag*(, params))[:,None])+\ .5*sigma2**-2*diffsumsq*dsdr+\ ylag[0]**2*params/sigma2 +\ ylag[0]**2*(1-params**2)/(2*sigma2**2)*dsdr if self.penalty: pass j = Jacobian(self.loglike) return j(params) # return gradient
Example #4
Source File: From threeML with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_jacobian(function, point, minima, maxima): wrapper, scaled_deltas, scaled_point, orders_of_magnitude, n_dim = _get_wrapper( function, point, minima, maxima ) # Compute the Jacobian matrix at best_fit_values jacobian_vector = nd.Jacobian(wrapper, scaled_deltas, method="central")( scaled_point ) # Transform it to numpy matrix jacobian_vector = np.array(jacobian_vector) # Now correct back the Jacobian for the scales jacobian_vector /= orders_of_magnitude return jacobian_vector[0]
Example #5
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Notes ----- Need to generalize for AR(p) and for a constant. Not correct yet. Returns numerical gradient. Depends on package numdifftools. """ y = self.endog ylag = self.exog nobs = self.nobs diffsumsq = sumofsq(,params)) dsdr = 1/nobs * -2 *np.sum(ylag*(,params))[:,None])+\ 2*params*ylag[0]**2 sigma2 = 1/nobs*(diffsumsq-ylag[0]**2*(1-params**2)) gradient = -nobs/(2*sigma2)*dsdr + params/(1-params**2) + \ 1/sigma2*np.sum(ylag*(, params))[:,None])+\ .5*sigma2**-2*diffsumsq*dsdr+\ ylag[0]**2*params/sigma2 +\ ylag[0]**2*(1-params**2)/(2*sigma2**2)*dsdr if self.penalty: pass j = Jacobian(self.loglike) return j(params) # return gradient
Example #6
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #7
Source File: From newton_admm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_PSD(): from numdifftools import Jacobian x = np.random.randn(6) J = Jacobian(lambda x: PSD.P(x)) assert np.allclose(J(x), PSD.J(x))
Example #8
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def curl2d(f, x): """Curl of the reconstructed vector field f evaluated at x in 2D""" jac = nd.Jacobian(f)(x) curl = jac[1, 0] - jac[0, 1] return curl
Example #9
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _curl(f, x): """Curl of the reconstructed vector field f evaluated at x in 3D""" jac = nd.Jacobian(f)(x) return np.array([jac[2, 1] - jac[1, 2], jac[0, 2] - jac[2, 0], jac[1, 0] - jac[0, 1]])
Example #10
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def compute_divergence(f_jac, X, vectorize=True): """calculate divergence for many samples by taking the trace of a Jacobian matrix""" if vectorize: J = f_jac(X) div = np.trace(J) else: div = np.zeros(len(X)) for i in tqdm(range(len(X)), desc="Calculating divergence"): J = f_jac(X[i]) div[i] = np.trace(J) return div
Example #11
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _divergence(f, x): """Divergence of the reconstructed vector field function f evaluated at x""" jac = nd.Jacobian(f)(x) return np.trace(jac)
Example #12
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def elementwise_jacobian_transformation(fjac, X, qi, qj): """Inverse transform low dimension Jacobian matrix (:math:`\partial F_i / \partial x_j`) back to original space. The formula used to inverse transform Jacobian matrix calculated from low dimension (PCs) is: :math:`Jac = Q J Q^T`, where `Q, J, Jac` are the PCA loading matrix, low dimensional Jacobian matrix and the inverse transformed high dimensional Jacobian matrix. This function takes only one row from Q to form qi or qj. Parameters ---------- fjac: `function`: The function for calculating numerical Jacobian matrix. X: `np.ndarray`: The samples coordinates with dimension n_obs x n_PCs, from which Jacobian will be calculated. Qi: `np.ndarray`: One sampled gene's PCs loading matrix with dimension n' x n_PCs, from which local dimension Jacobian matrix (k x k) will be inverse transformed back to high dimension. Qj: `np.ndarray` Another gene's (can be the same as those in Qi or different) PCs loading matrix with dimension n' x n_PCs, from which local dimension Jacobian matrix (k x k) will be inverse transformed back to high dimension. Returns ------- ret `np.ndarray` The calculated vector of Jacobian matrix (:math:`\partial F_i / \partial x_j`) for each cell. """ Js = fjac(X) ret = np.zeros(len(X)) for i in tqdm(range(len(X)), "calculating Jacobian for each cell"): J = Js[:, :, i] ret[i] = qi @ J @ qj return ret
Example #13
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_fjac(f, input_vector_convention='row'): ''' Get the numerical Jacobian of the vector field function. If the input_vector_convention is 'row', it means that fjac takes row vectors as input, otherwise the input should be an array of column vectors. Note that the returned Jacobian would behave exactly the same if the input is an 1d array. The column vector convention is slightly faster than the row vector convention. So the matrix of row vector convention is converted into column vector convention under the hood. No matter the input vector convention, the returned Jacobian is of the following format: df_1/dx_1 df_1/dx_2 df_1/dx_3 ... df_2/dx_1 df_2/dx_2 df_2/dx_3 ... df_3/dx_1 df_3/dx_2 df_3/dx_3 ... ... ... ... ... ''' fjac = nd.Jacobian(lambda x: f(x.T).T) if input_vector_convention == 'row' or input_vector_convention == 0: def f_aux(x): x = x.T return fjac(x) return f_aux else: return fjac
Example #14
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def curl(f, x): jac = nd.Jacobian(f)(x) return sp.array([jac[1, 0] - jac[0, 1]]) # 2D curl
Example #15
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def V_jacobina(F, X): import numdifftools as nda V_jacobina = nda.Jacobian(F) return V_jacobina(X)
Example #16
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Score vector for Arma model """ #return None #print params jac = ndt.Jacobian(self.loglike, stepMax=1e-4) return jac(params)[-1]
Example #17
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #18
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Score vector for Arma model """ #return None #print(params jac = ndt.Jacobian(self.loglike, stepMax=1e-4) return jac(params)[-1]
Example #19
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #20
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Score vector for Arma model """ #return None #print params jac = ndt.Jacobian(self.loglike, stepMax=1e-4) return jac(params)[-1]
Example #21
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_first_derivative_jacobian_richardson(example_function_jacobian_fixtures): f = example_function_jacobian_fixtures["func"] fprime = example_function_jacobian_fixtures["func_prime"] true_grad = fprime(np.ones(3)) numdifftools_grad = Jacobian(f, order=2, n=3, method="central")(np.ones(3)) grad = first_derivative(f, np.ones(3), n_steps=3, method="central") aaae(numdifftools_grad, grad) aaae(true_grad, grad)
Example #22
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def example_function_jacobian_fixtures(): def f(x): """f:R^3 -> R^2""" x1, x2, x3 = x[0], x[1], x[2] y1, y2 = np.sin(x1) + np.cos(x2), np.exp(x3) return np.array([y1, y2]) def fprime(x): """Jacobian(f)(x):R^3 -> R^(2x3)""" x1, x2, x3 = x[0], x[1], x[2] jac = np.array([[np.cos(x1), -np.sin(x2), 0], [0, 0, np.exp(x3)]]) return jac return {"func": f, "func_prime": fprime}
Example #23
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #24
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def score(self, params): """ Score vector for Arma model """ #return None #print(params jac = ndt.Jacobian(self.loglike, stepMax=1e-4) return jac(params)[-1]
Example #25
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #26
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hessian(self, params): """ Hessian of arma model. Currently uses numdifftools """ #return None Hfun = ndt.Jacobian(self.score, stepMax=1e-4) return Hfun(params)[-1]
Example #27
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def jacobian( func, params, method="central", extrapolation=True, func_kwargs=None, step_options=None, ): """ Calculate the jacobian of *func*. Args: func (function): A function that maps params into a numpy array or pd.Series. params (DataFrame): see :ref:`params` method (string): The method for the computation of the derivative. Default is central as it gives the highest accuracy. extrapolation (bool): This variable allows to specify the use of the richardson extrapolation. func_kwargs (dict): additional positional arguments for func. step_options (dict): Options for the numdifftools step generator. See :ref:`step_options` Returns: DataFrame: If func returns a Series, the index is the index of this Series or the index is 0,1,2... if func returns a numpy array. The columns are the index of params. """ step_options = step_options if step_options is not None else {} if method not in ["central", "forward", "backward"]: raise ValueError("Method has to be in ['central', 'forward', 'backward']") func_kwargs = {} if func_kwargs is None else func_kwargs f_x0 = func(params, **func_kwargs) internal_func = _create_internal_func(func, params, func_kwargs) params_value = params["value"].to_numpy() if extrapolation: jac_np = nd.Jacobian(internal_func, method=method, **step_options)(params_value) else: jac_np = _no_extrapolation_jacobian(internal_func, params_value, method) if isinstance(f_x0, pd.Series): return pd.DataFrame(index=f_x0.index, columns=params.index, data=jac_np) else: return pd.DataFrame(columns=params.index, data=jac_np)
Example #28
Source File: From numdifftools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def main(problem_sizes=(4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96)): fixed_step = MinStepGenerator(num_steps=1, use_exact_steps=True, offset=0) epsilon = MaxStepGenerator(num_steps=14, use_exact_steps=True, step_ratio=1.6, offset=0) adaptiv_txt = '_adaptive_{0:d}_{1!s}_{2:d}'.format(epsilon.num_steps, str(epsilon.step_ratio), epsilon.offset) gradient_funs = OrderedDict() hessian_funs = OrderedDict() # hessian_fun = 'Hessdiag' hessian_fun = 'Hessian' if nda is not None: nda_method = 'forward' nda_txt = 'algopy_' + nda_method gradient_funs[nda_txt] = nda.Jacobian(1, method=nda_method) hessian_funs[nda_txt] = getattr(nda, hessian_fun)(1, method=nda_method) ndc_hessian = getattr(nd, hessian_fun) order = 2 for method in ['forward', 'central', 'complex']: method2 = method + adaptiv_txt options = dict(method=method, order=order) gradient_funs[method] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=fixed_step, **options) gradient_funs[method2] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=epsilon, **options) hessian_funs[method] = ndc_hessian(1, step=fixed_step, **options) hessian_funs[method2] = ndc_hessian(1, step=epsilon, **options) hessian_funs['forward_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='forward') hessian_funs['central_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='central') hessian_funs['complex_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='complex') gradient_funs['forward_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='forward') gradient_funs['central_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='central') gradient_funs['complex_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='complex') gradient_funs['forward_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='forward') gradient_funs['central_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='central') gradient_funs['complex_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='complex') run_gradient_and_hessian_benchmarks(gradient_funs, hessian_funs, problem_sizes)
Example #29
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def Ao_pot_map(vecFunc, X, D=None): """Mapping potential landscape with the algorithm developed by Ao method. References: Potential in stochastic differential equations: novel construction. Journal of physics A: mathematical and general, Ao Ping, 2004 Parameters ---------- vecFunc: `function` The vector field function X: `numpy.ndarray` A matrix of coordinates to calculate potential values for. Rows are observations (cells), columns are features (genes) D: None or `numpy.ndarray` Diffusion matrix. It must be a square matrix with size corresponds to the number of columns (features) in the X matrix. Returns ------- X: `numpy.ndarray` A matrix storing the x-coordinates on the two-dimesional grid. U: `numpy.ndarray` A matrix storing the potential value at each position. P: `numpy.ndarray` Steady state distribution or the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution for the state variable. vecMat: `list` List velocity vector at each position from X. S: `list` List of constant symmetric and semi-positive matrix or friction matrix, corresponding to the divergence part, at each position from X. A: `list` List of constant antisymmetric matrix or transverse matrix, corresponding to the curl part, at each position from X. """ import numdifftools as nda nobs, ndim = X.shape D = 0.1 * np.eye(ndim) if D is None else D U = np.zeros((nobs, 1)) vecMat, S, A = [None] * nobs, [None] * nobs, [None] * nobs for i in range(nobs): X_s = X[i, :] F = nda.Jacobian(vecFunc)(X_s) Q, _ = solveQ(D, F) H = np.linalg.inv(D + Q).dot(F) U[i] = -0.5 * vecMat[i] = vecFunc(X_s) S[i], A[i] = ( (np.linalg.inv(D + Q) + np.linalg.inv((D + Q).T)) / 2, (np.linalg.inv(D + Q) - np.linalg.inv((D + Q).T)) / 2, ) P = np.exp(-U) P = P / np.sum(P) return X, U, P, vecMat, S, A
Example #30
Source File: From dynamo-release with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def search_fixed_points(func, domain, x0, x0_method='lhs', reverse=False, return_x0=False, fval_tol=1e-8, remove_outliers=True, ignore_fsolve_err=False, **fsolve_kwargs): import numdifftools as nda func_ = (lambda x: -func(x)) if reverse else func k = domain.shape[1] if np.isscalar(x0): n = x0 if k > 2 and x0_method == 'grid': warn('The dimensionality is too high (%dD). Using lhs instead...'%k) x0_method = 'lhs' if x0_method == 'lhs': print('Sampling initial points using latin hypercube sampling...') x0 = lhsclassic(n, k) elif x0_method == 'grid': print('Sampling initial points on a grid...') pass else: print('Sampling initial points randomly (uniform distribution)...') x0 = np.random.rand(n, k) x0 = x0 * (domain[1] - domain[0]) + domain[0] fp = FixedPoints() succeed = 0 for i in range(len(x0)): x, fval_dict, ier, mesg = sp.optimize.fsolve( func_, x0[i], full_output=True, **fsolve_kwargs) if ignore_fsolve_err: ier = 1 if fval_dict["fvec"].dot(fval_dict["fvec"]) > fval_tol and ier == 1: ier = -1 mesg = 'Function evaluated at the output is larger than the tolerance.' elif remove_outliers and is_outside_domain(x, domain) and ier == 1: ier = -2 mesg = 'The output is outside the domain.' if ier == 1: jacobian_mat = nda.Jacobian(func_)(np.array(x)) fp.add_fixed_points([x], [jacobian_mat]) succeed += 1 else: #jacobian_mat = nda.Jacobian(func_)(np.array(x)) #fp.add_fixed_points([x], [jacobian_mat]) print('Solution not found: ' + mesg) print('%d/%d solutions found.'%(succeed, len(x0))) if return_x0: return fp, x0 else: return fp