Python pydantic.BaseSettings() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of pydantic.BaseSettings(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pydantic , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pydantic with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_env_file_example(tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'
# ignore comment
MY_VAR='Hello world'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        environment: str
        redis_address: str
        meaning_of_life: int
        my_var: str

    s = Settings(_env_file=str(p))
    assert s.dict() == {
        'environment': 'production',
        'redis_address': 'localhost:6379',
        'meaning_of_life': 42,
        'my_var': 'Hello world',
Example #2
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def test_env_inheritance(env):
    class SettingsParent(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str = 'parent default'

        class Config:
            fields = {'foobar': {'env': 'different'}}

    class SettingsChild(SettingsParent):
        foobar: str = 'child default'

    assert SettingsParent().foobar == 'parent default'
    assert SettingsParent(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'

    assert SettingsChild().foobar == 'child default'
    assert SettingsChild(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'
    env.set('different', 'env value')
    assert SettingsParent().foobar == 'env value'
    assert SettingsParent(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'
    assert SettingsChild().foobar == 'env value'
    assert SettingsChild(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc' 
Example #3
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def test_env_inheritance_field(env):
    class SettingsParent(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str = Field('parent default', env='foobar_env')

    class SettingsChild(SettingsParent):
        foobar: str = 'child default'

    assert SettingsParent().foobar == 'parent default'
    assert SettingsParent(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'

    assert SettingsChild().foobar == 'child default'
    assert SettingsChild(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'
    env.set('foobar_env', 'env value')
    assert SettingsParent().foobar == 'env value'
    assert SettingsParent(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc'
    assert SettingsChild().foobar == 'child default'
    assert SettingsChild(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc' 
Example #4
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def test_env_file_export(env, tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'
export A='good string'
export B=better-string
export C="best string"

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str
        b: str
        c: str

        class Config:
            env_file = p

    env.set('A', 'overridden var')

    s = Settings()
    assert s.a == 'overridden var'
    assert s.b == 'better-string'
    assert s.c == 'best string' 
Example #5
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def test_env_file_config_case_sensitive(tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str
        b: str
        c: str

        class Config:
            env_file = p
            case_sensitive = True

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info:
    assert exc_info.value.errors() == [{'loc': ('a',), 'msg': 'field required', 'type': 'value_error.missing'}] 
Example #6
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def test_env_file_config(env, tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str
        b: str
        c: str

        class Config:
            env_file = p

    env.set('A', 'overridden var')

    s = Settings()
    assert s.a == 'overridden var'
    assert s.b == 'better string'
    assert s.c == 'best string' 
Example #7
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def test_config_file_settings_nornir(env):

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str
        b: str
        c: str

        def _build_values(self, init_kwargs, _env_file, _env_file_encoding):
            config_settings = init_kwargs.pop('__config_settings__')
            return {**config_settings, **init_kwargs, **self._build_environ()}

    env.set('C', 'env setting c')

    config = {'a': 'config a', 'b': 'config b', 'c': 'config c'}
    s = Settings(__config_settings__=config, b='argument b', c='argument c')
    assert s.a == 'config a'
    assert s.b == 'argument b'
    assert s.c == 'env setting c' 
Example #8
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def test_case_insensitive(monkeypatch):
    class Settings1(BaseSettings):
        foo: str

    with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match='Settings2: "case_insensitive" is deprecated on BaseSettings'):

        class Settings2(BaseSettings):
            foo: str

            class Config:
                case_insensitive = False

    assert Settings1.__config__.case_sensitive is False
    assert Settings2.__config__.case_sensitive is True 
Example #9
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def test_frozenset(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foo: str = 'default foo'

        class Config:
            fields = {'foo': {'env': frozenset(['foo_a', 'foo_b'])}}

    assert Settings.__fields__['foo'].field_info.extra['env_names'] == frozenset({'foo_a', 'foo_b'})

    assert Settings().dict() == {'foo': 'default foo'}
    env.set('foo_a', 'x')
    assert Settings().dict() == {'foo': 'x'} 
Example #10
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def test_prefix_on_parent(env):
    class MyBaseSettings(BaseSettings):
        var: str = 'old'

    class MySubSettings(MyBaseSettings):
        class Config:
            env_prefix = 'PREFIX_'

    assert MyBaseSettings().dict() == {'var': 'old'}
    assert MySubSettings().dict() == {'var': 'old'}
    env.set('PREFIX_VAR', 'new')
    assert MyBaseSettings().dict() == {'var': 'old'}
    assert MySubSettings().dict() == {'var': 'new'} 
Example #11
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def test_alias_set(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foo: str = 'default foo'
        bar: str = 'bar default'

        class Config:
            fields = {'foo': {'env': 'foo_env'}}

    assert Settings.__fields__['bar'].name == 'bar'
    assert Settings.__fields__['bar'].alias == 'bar'
    assert Settings.__fields__['foo'].name == 'foo'
    assert Settings.__fields__['foo'].alias == 'foo'

    class SubSettings(Settings):
        spam: str = 'spam default'

    assert SubSettings.__fields__['bar'].name == 'bar'
    assert SubSettings.__fields__['bar'].alias == 'bar'
    assert SubSettings.__fields__['foo'].name == 'foo'
    assert SubSettings.__fields__['foo'].alias == 'foo'

    assert SubSettings().dict() == {'foo': 'default foo', 'bar': 'bar default', 'spam': 'spam default'}
    env.set('foo_env', 'fff')
    assert SubSettings().dict() == {'foo': 'fff', 'bar': 'bar default', 'spam': 'spam default'}
    env.set('bar', 'bbb')
    assert SubSettings().dict() == {'foo': 'fff', 'bar': 'bbb', 'spam': 'spam default'}
    env.set('spam', 'sss')
    assert SubSettings().dict() == {'foo': 'fff', 'bar': 'bbb', 'spam': 'sss'} 
Example #12
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def test_dotenv_not_installed(tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str

    with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=r'^python-dotenv is not installed, run `pip install pydantic\[dotenv\]`$'):
Example #13
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def test_env_file_not_a_file(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str = None

    env.set('A', 'ignore non-file')
    s = Settings(_env_file='tests/')
    assert s.a == 'ignore non-file' 
Example #14
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def test_env_file_override_none(tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str = None

        class Config:
            env_file = p

    s = Settings(_env_file=None)
    assert s.a is None 
Example #15
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def test_env_file_override_file(tmp_path):
    p1 = tmp_path / '.env'
    p2 = tmp_path / ''
    p2.write_text('A="new string"')

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str

        class Config:
            env_file = str(p1)

    s = Settings(_env_file=p2)
    assert s.a == 'new string' 
Example #16
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def test_env_file_none(tmp_path):
    p = tmp_path / '.env'

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        a: str = 'xxx'

    s = Settings(_env_file=p)
    assert s.a == 'xxx' 
Example #17
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def test_env_takes_precedence(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foo: int
        bar: str

        def _build_values(self, init_kwargs, _env_file, _env_file_encoding):
            return {**init_kwargs, **self._build_environ()}

    env.set('BAR', 'env setting')

    s = Settings(foo='123', bar='argument')
    assert == 123
    assert == 'env setting' 
Example #18
Source File:    From QCElemental with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def is_pydantic(test_object):
        instance = isinstance(test_object, BaseSettings) or isinstance(test_object, BaseModel)
    except TypeError:
        instance = False
        subclass = issubclass(test_object, BaseSettings) or issubclass(test_object, BaseModel)
    except TypeError:
        subclass = False
    return instance or subclass 
Example #19
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def test_case_sensitive(monkeypatch):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foo: str

        class Config:
            case_sensitive = True

    # Need to patch os.environ to get build to work on Windows, where os.environ is case insensitive
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', value={'Foo': 'foo'})
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as exc_info:
    assert exc_info.value.errors() == [{'loc': ('foo',), 'msg': 'field required', 'type': 'value_error.missing'}] 
Example #20
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def test_aliases_no_warning(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str = 'default value'

        class Config:
            fields = {'foobar': {'alias': 'foobar_alias', 'env': 'foobar_env'}}

    assert Settings().foobar == 'default value'
    assert Settings(foobar_alias='42').foobar == '42'
    env.set('foobar_alias', 'xxx')
    assert Settings().foobar == 'default value'
    env.set('foobar_env', 'xxx')
    assert Settings().foobar == 'xxx'
    assert Settings(foobar_alias='42').foobar == '42' 
Example #21
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def test_aliases_warning(env):
    with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match='aliases are no longer used by BaseSettings'):

        class Settings(BaseSettings):
            foobar: str = 'default value'

            class Config:
                fields = {'foobar': 'foobar_alias'}

    assert Settings().foobar == 'default value'
    env.set('foobar_alias', 'xxx')
    assert Settings().foobar == 'default value'
    assert Settings(foobar_alias='42').foobar == '42' 
Example #22
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def test_env_field(env):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'invalid field env: 123 \(int\); should be string, list or set'):

        class Settings(BaseSettings):
            foobar: str = Field(..., env=123) 
Example #23
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def test_env_list_last(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str

        class Config:
            fields = {'foobar': {'env': ['different2']}}

    env.set('different1', 'value 1')
    env.set('different2', 'value 2')
    s = Settings()
    assert s.foobar == 'value 2'
    assert Settings(foobar='abc').foobar == 'abc' 
Example #24
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def test_env_list_field(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str = Field(..., env='foobar_env_name')

    env.set('FOOBAR_ENV_NAME', 'env value')
    s = Settings()
    assert s.foobar == 'env value' 
Example #25
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def test_env_list(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: str

        class Config:
            fields = {'foobar': {'env': ['different1', 'different2']}}

    env.set('different1', 'value 1')
    env.set('different2', 'value 2')
    s = Settings()
    assert s.foobar == 'value 1' 
Example #26
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def test_non_class(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: NoneStr

    env.set('FOOBAR', 'xxx')
    s = Settings()
    assert s.foobar == 'xxx' 
Example #27
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def test_required_sub_model(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        foobar: DateModel

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    env.set('FOOBAR', '{"pips": "TRUE"}')
    s = Settings()
    assert s.foobar.pips is True 
Example #28
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def test_nested_env_with_dict(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        top: Dict[str, str]

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    env.set('top', '{"banana": "secret_value"}')
    s = Settings(top={'apple': 'value'})
    assert == {'apple': 'value', 'banana': 'secret_value'} 
Example #29
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def test_nested_env_with_basemodel(env):
    class TopValue(BaseModel):
        apple: str
        banana: str

    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        top: TopValue

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    env.set('top', '{"banana": "secret_value"}')
    s = Settings(top={'apple': 'value'})
    assert == {'apple': 'value', 'banana': 'secret_value'} 
Example #30
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def test_with_prefix(env):
    class Settings(BaseSettings):
        apple: str

        class Config:
            env_prefix = 'foobar_'

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    env.set('foobar_apple', 'has_prefix')
    s = Settings()
    assert == 'has_prefix'