Python tensorflow.compat.v2.TensorShape() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.compat.v2.TensorShape().
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Example #1
Source File: From agents with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _reshape_inner_dims( tensor: tf.Tensor, shape: tf.TensorShape, new_shape: tf.TensorShape) -> tf.Tensor: """Reshapes tensor to: shape(tensor)[:-len(shape)] + new_shape.""" tensor_shape = tf.shape(tensor) ndims = shape.rank tensor.shape[-ndims:].assert_is_compatible_with(shape) new_shape_inner_tensor = tf.cast( [-1 if d is None else d for d in new_shape.as_list()], tf.int64) new_shape_outer_tensor = tf.cast( tensor_shape[:-ndims], tf.int64) full_new_shape = tf.concat( (new_shape_outer_tensor, new_shape_inner_tensor), axis=0) new_tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, full_new_shape) new_tensor.set_shape(tensor.shape[:-ndims] + new_shape) return new_tensor
Example #2
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def spec_as_shape(spec, context): """Convert a type_spec to a tf shape. Args: spec: a single specification for tuple_generator_builder context: a NQL context Returns: tensor shape specification, as required by """ if spec == str: return tf.TensorShape([]) elif isinstance(spec, int): return tf.TensorShape([spec]) else: return tf.TensorShape([context.get_max_id(spec)]) # GOOGLE_INTERNAL: TODO(b/124102056) Consider moving into nql.
Example #3
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_growing_matrix_rows(l): m = tf.constant([[0]]) for i in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(m, tf.TensorShape([None, 1]))]) m = tf.concat((m, [[i]]), 0) return m
Example #4
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _event_shape(self): return tf.TensorShape(())
Example #5
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _batch_shape(self): return tf.TensorShape(self._batch_shape_tuple)
Example #6
Source File: From agents with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_value(self, tensor: tf.Tensor, tensorspec: tf.TensorSpec): if not tf.TensorShape(tf.squeeze(tensor.get_shape())).is_compatible_with( tensorspec.shape): raise ValueError( 'Tensor {} is not compatible with specification {}.'.format( tensor, tensorspec))
Example #7
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_shape_invariant_violation(l): t = tf.constant([1]) for _ in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=((t, tf.TensorShape([1])),)) t = tf.range(tf.random.uniform((), 2, 3, dtype=tf.int32)) return t
Example #8
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_shape_invariant_violation(): t = tf.constant([1]) while tf.constant(True): tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=((t, tf.TensorShape([1])),)) t = tf.range(tf.random.uniform((), 2, 3, dtype=tf.int32)) return t
Example #9
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_composite_tensor_shape_invariant(l): v = tf.SparseTensor( indices=[[0, 0], [1, 1]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 3]) for _ in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape(None))]) v = tf.sparse.expand_dims(v) return v
Example #10
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_composite_tensor_shape_invariant(n): v = tf.SparseTensor( indices=[[0, 0], [1, 1]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 3]) i = 0 while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape(None))]) v = tf.sparse.expand_dims(v) i += 1 return v
Example #11
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_variable_shape_and_break(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) i = 0 if n > 1: while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 if i > 3: break else: v = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) return v
Example #12
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_inside_if(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) if n > 1: for i in range(n): tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 else: v = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) return v
Example #13
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_variable_shape_inside_if(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) i = 0 if n > 1: while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 else: v = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) return v
Example #14
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_growing_matrix(l): m = tf.constant([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) for i in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(m, tf.TensorShape(None))]) m = tf.pad(m, [[1, 1], [1, 1]], constant_values=i) return m
Example #15
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_variable_shape_growing_matrix(n): m = tf.constant([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) i = 0 while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(m, tf.TensorShape(None))]) m = tf.pad(m, [[1, 1], [1, 1]], constant_values=i) i += 1 return m
Example #16
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_variable_shape_growing_matrix_cols(n): m = tf.constant([[0, 0]]) i = 0 while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(m, tf.TensorShape([1, None]))]) m = tf.concat((m, [[i]]), 1) i += 1 return m
Example #17
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _batch_shape(self): return tf.TensorShape([])
Example #18
Source File: From machine-learning-for-programming-samples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build(self, input_shape): # A small hack necessary so that is completely framework-agnostic: input_shape = tf.TensorShape(input_shape) super().build(input_shape)
Example #19
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testCustomGrad(self): """Test for custom_grad.""" x_shape = (tf.TensorShape([10]), tf.TensorShape([1, 10])) y_shape = (tf.TensorShape([])) dtype = np.float32 scale1 = 5.0 scale2 = 6.0 def fwd(a, b): return tf_np.sum(tf_np.sqrt(tf_np.exp(a)) + b) @extensions.custom_grad def f(a, b): y = fwd(a, b) def vjp(dy): return dy * scale1 * a, dy * scale2 * b return y, vjp rng = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(1234) x, dy = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda shape: uniform(rng, shape, dtype), [x_shape, y_shape]) expected_y = fwd(*x) expected_dx = (dy * scale1 * x[0], dy * scale2 * x[1]) y, vjp = extensions.vjp(f, *x) dx = vjp(dy) self.assertAllClose(to_tf(expected_y), to_tf(y)) self.assertAllClose(to_tf(expected_dx), to_tf(dx))
Example #20
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testVjp(self, has_aux): x_shape = (tf.TensorShape([10]), tf.TensorShape([1, 10])) y_shape = (tf.TensorShape([])) dtype = np.float32 def f(a, b): y = tf_np.sum(tf_np.sqrt(tf_np.exp(a)) + b) if has_aux: return y, tf_np.asarray(1) else: return y rng = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(1234) x, dy_list = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda shape: uniform(rng, shape, dtype), [x_shape, [y_shape] * 2]) tf_x = to_tf(x) outputs = extensions.vjp(f, *x, has_aux=has_aux) if has_aux: y, vjp, aux = outputs else: y, vjp = outputs with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: outputs = f(*x) if has_aux: expected_y, expected_aux = outputs self.assertAllClose(to_tf(expected_aux), to_tf(aux)) else: expected_y = outputs self.assertAllClose(to_tf(expected_y), to_tf(y)) for dy in dy_list: expected_dx = tape.gradient( to_tf(expected_y), tf_x, output_gradients=to_tf(dy)) self.assertAllClose(expected_dx, to_tf(vjp(dy)))
Example #21
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _replace_none_batch(x, batch_size=None): if batch_size is None: return x if isinstance(x, tf.Tensor) and x.shape[0] is None: x.set_shape([batch_size] + x.shape[1:]) return x elif isinstance(x, tf.TensorShape) and x[0] is None: return [batch_size] + x[1:] return x
Example #22
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build(self, input_shape=None): """Build `Layer`. Args: input_shape: The shape of the input to `self.layer`. Raises: ValueError: If `Layer` does not contain a `kernel` of weights """ input_shape = tf.TensorShape(input_shape).as_list() input_shape[0] = None self.input_spec = tf.keras.layers.InputSpec(shape=input_shape) if not self.layer.built: if not hasattr(self.layer, 'kernel'): raise ValueError('`WeightNorm` must wrap a layer that contains a `kernel` for weights') self.kernel_norm_axes = list(range(self.layer.kernel.shape.ndims)) self.kernel_norm_axes.pop(self.filter_axis) self.v = self.layer.kernel # to avoid a duplicate `kernel` variable after `build` is called self.layer.kernel = None self.g = self.add_weight( name='g', shape=(int(self.v.shape[self.filter_axis]),), initializer='ones', dtype=self.v.dtype, trainable=True ) self.initialized = self.add_weight( name='initialized', dtype=tf.bool, trainable=False ) self.initialized.assign(False) super(WeightNorm, self).build()
Example #23
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return tf.TensorShape(self.layer.compute_output_shape(input_shape).as_list())
Example #24
Source File: From machine-learning-for-programming-samples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def restore(cls, saved_model_path: str) -> "LanguageModelTF2": with open(saved_model_path, "rb") as fh: saved_data = pickle.load(fh) model = cls(saved_data["hyperparameters"], saved_data["vocab"])[None, None])) model.load_weights(saved_model_path) return model
Example #25
Source File: From alibi-detect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _event_shape(self): return tf.TensorShape(self.image_shape)
Example #26
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _mvnormal_pseudo_antithetic(sample_shape, mean, covariance_matrix=None, scale_matrix=None, random_type=RandomType.PSEUDO_ANTITHETIC, seed=None, dtype=None): """Returns normal draws with the antithetic samples.""" sample_shape = tf.TensorShape(sample_shape).as_list() sample_zero_dim = sample_shape[0] # For the antithetic sampler `sample_shape` is split evenly between # samples and their antithetic counterparts. In order to do the splitting # we expect the first dimension of `sample_shape` to be even. is_even_dim = tf.compat.v1.debugging.assert_equal( sample_zero_dim % 2, 0, message='First dimension of `sample_shape` should be even for ' 'PSEUDO_ANTITHETIC random type') with tf.control_dependencies([is_even_dim]): antithetic_shape = [sample_zero_dim // 2] + sample_shape[1:] if random_type == RandomType.PSEUDO_ANTITHETIC: random_type_sample = RandomType.PSEUDO else: random_type_sample = RandomType.STATELESS result = _mvnormal_pseudo( antithetic_shape, mean, covariance_matrix=covariance_matrix, scale_matrix=scale_matrix, random_type=random_type_sample, seed=seed, dtype=dtype) if mean is None: return tf.concat([result, -result], axis=0) else: return tf.concat([result, 2 * mean - result], axis=0)
Example #27
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _prepare_index_matrix(batch_shape, num_points, dtype): """Prepares index matrix for index argument of `tf.gather_nd`.""" batch_shape_reverse = batch_shape.copy() batch_shape_reverse.reverse() index_matrix = tf.constant( np.flip(np.transpose(np.indices(batch_shape_reverse)), -1), dtype=dtype) batch_rank = len(batch_shape) # Broadcast index matrix to the shape of # `batch_shape + [num_points] + [batch_rank]`. broadcasted_shape = batch_shape + [num_points] + [batch_rank] index_matrix = tf.expand_dims(index_matrix, -2) + tf.zeros( tf.TensorShape(broadcasted_shape), dtype=dtype) return index_matrix
Example #28
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def broadcast_batch_shape(x, batch_shape): """Broadcasts batch shape of `x`.""" return tf.broadcast_to(x, tf.TensorShape(batch_shape) + x.shape[-1])
Example #29
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_variable_shape_growing_vector(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) i = 0 while i < n: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 return v
Example #30
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_growing_vector(l): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) for i in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) return v