Python tensorflow.compat.v2.concat() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of tensorflow.compat.v2.concat(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module tensorflow.compat.v2 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From valan with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _torso(self, observation):
    conv_out = observation[streetview_constants.IMAGE_FEATURES]
    heading = observation[streetview_constants.HEADING]
    last_action = observation[streetview_constants.PREV_ACTION_IDX]

    conv_out = tf.cast(conv_out, tf.float32)

    img_encoding = self._dense_img_extra(self._dense_img(conv_out))
    img_encoding = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(img_encoding)

    heading = tf.expand_dims(heading, -1)
    last_action_embedded = self._action_embedder(last_action)

    torso_output = tf.concat([heading, last_action_embedded, img_encoding],
    timestep_embedded = self._timestep_embedder(
    return {
        'neck_input': torso_output,
        streetview_constants.TIMESTEP: timestep_embedded,
Example #2
Source File:    From spectral-density with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def hessian_as_matrix(function: Callable[[Parameters], tf.Tensor],
                      parameters: Parameters) -> tf.Tensor:
  """Computes the Hessian of a given function.

  Same as `hessian`, although return a matrix of size [w_dim, w_dim], where
  `w_dim` is the number of parameters, which makes it easier to work with.

    function: A function for which we want to compute the Hessian.
    parameters: Parameters with respect to the Hessian should be computed.

    A tensor of size [w_dim, w_dim] representing the Hessian.
  hessian_as_tensor_list = hessian(function, parameters)
  hessian_as_tensor_list = [
      tf.reshape(e, [e.shape[0], -1]) for e in hessian_as_tensor_list]
  return tf.concat(hessian_as_tensor_list, axis=1) 
Example #3
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def generate_random_test_dual_quaternions():
  """Generates random test dual quaternions."""
  angles = generate_random_test_euler_angles()
  random_quaternion_real = quaternion.from_euler(angles)

  min_translation = -3.0
  max_translation = 3.0
  translations = np.random.uniform(min_translation, max_translation,

  translations_quaternion_shape = np.asarray(translations.shape)
  translations_quaternion_shape[-1] = 1
  translations = np.concatenate(
      (translations / 2.0, np.zeros(translations_quaternion_shape)), axis=-1)

  random_quaternion_translation = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=translations)

  random_quaternion_dual = quaternion.multiply(random_quaternion_translation,

  random_dual_quaternion = tf.concat(
      (random_quaternion_real, random_quaternion_dual), axis=-1)

  return random_dual_quaternion 
Example #4
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def test_conjugate_preset(self):
    """Tests if the conjugate function is providing correct results."""
    x_init = test_helpers.generate_preset_test_dual_quaternions()
    x = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=x_init)
    y = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=x_init)

    x = dual_quaternion.conjugate(x)
    x_real, x_dual = tf.split(x, (4, 4), axis=-1)

    y_real, y_dual = tf.split(y, (4, 4), axis=-1)
    xyz_y_real, w_y_real = tf.split(y_real, (3, 1), axis=-1)
    xyz_y_dual, w_y_dual = tf.split(y_dual, (3, 1), axis=-1)
    y_real = tf.concat((-xyz_y_real, w_y_real), axis=-1)
    y_dual = tf.concat((-xyz_y_dual, w_y_dual), axis=-1)

    self.assertAllEqual(x_real, y_real)
    self.assertAllEqual(x_dual, y_dual) 
Example #5
Source File:    From graphics with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def generate_preset_test_dual_quaternions():
  """Generates pre-set test quaternions."""
  angles = generate_preset_test_euler_angles()
  preset_quaternion_real = quaternion.from_euler(angles)

  translations = generate_preset_test_translations()
  translations = np.concatenate(
      (translations / 2.0, np.zeros((, 0), 1))), axis=1)
  preset_quaternion_translation = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=translations)

  preset_quaternion_dual = quaternion.multiply(preset_quaternion_translation,

  preset_dual_quaternion = tf.concat(
      (preset_quaternion_real, preset_quaternion_dual), axis=-1)

  return preset_dual_quaternion 
Example #6
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_expected_continuation(self):
    """Tests that expected continuation works in V=1 case.

    In particular this verifies that the regression done to get the expected
    continuation value is performed on those elements which have a positive
    exercise value.
    for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
      a = tf.range(start=-2, limit=3, delta=1, dtype=dtype)
      design = tf.concat([a, a], axis=0)
      design = tf.concat([[tf.ones_like(design), design]], axis=1)

      # These values ensure that the expected continuation value is `(1,...,1).`
      exercise_now = tf.expand_dims(
          tf.concat([tf.ones_like(a), tf.zeros_like(a)], axis=0), -1)
      cashflow = tf.expand_dims(
          tf.concat([tf.ones_like(a), -tf.ones_like(a)], axis=0), -1)

      expected_exercise = lsm.expected_exercise_fn(
          design, cashflow, exercise_now)
      self.assertAllClose(expected_exercise, tf.ones_like(cashflow)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _exact_discretization_setup(self, dim):
    """Initial setup for efficient computations."""
    self._zero_padding = tf.zeros((dim, 1), dtype=self._dtype)
    self._jump_locations = tf.concat(
         self._mean_reversion.jump_locations()], axis=-1)
    self._jump_values_vol = self._volatility(self._jump_locations)
    self._jump_values_mr = self._mean_reversion(self._jump_locations)
    if dim == 1:
      self._padded_knots = tf.concat([
          tf.expand_dims(self._jump_locations[:-1], axis=0)
      ], axis=1)
      self._jump_values_vol = tf.expand_dims(self._jump_values_vol, axis=0)
      self._jump_values_mr = tf.expand_dims(self._jump_values_mr, axis=0)
      self._jump_locations = tf.expand_dims(self._jump_locations, axis=0)

      self._padded_knots = tf.concat(
          [self._zero_padding, self._jump_locations[:, :-1]], axis=1) 
Example #8
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_yt(self, t, mr_t, sigma_t):
    """Computes y(t) as described in [1], section"""
    t = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(t, axis=0), self._dim, axis=0)
    time_index = tf.searchsorted(self._jump_locations, t)
    y_between_vol_knots = self._y_integral(
        self._padded_knots, self._jump_locations, self._jump_values_vol,
    y_at_vol_knots = tf.concat(
         _cumsum_using_matvec(y_between_vol_knots)], axis=1)

    vn = tf.concat(
        [self._zero_padding, self._jump_locations], axis=1)
    y_t = self._y_integral(
        tf.gather(vn, time_index, batch_dims=1), t, sigma_t, mr_t)
    y_t = y_t + tf.gather(y_at_vol_knots, time_index, batch_dims=1)
    return tf.math.exp(-2 * mr_t * t) * y_t 
Example #9
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _conditional_variance_x(self, t, mr_t, sigma_t):
    """Computes the variance of x(t), see [1], Eq. 10.41."""
    t = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(t, axis=0), self._dim, axis=0)
    var_x_between_vol_knots = self._variance_int(self._padded_knots,
    varx_at_vol_knots = tf.concat(

    time_index = tf.searchsorted(self._jump_locations, t)
    vn = tf.concat(
         self._jump_locations], axis=1)

    var_x_t = self._variance_int(
        tf.gather(vn, time_index, batch_dims=1), t, sigma_t, mr_t)
    var_x_t = var_x_t + tf.gather(varx_at_vol_knots, time_index, batch_dims=1)

    var_x_t = (var_x_t[:, 1:] - var_x_t[:, :-1]) * tf.math.exp(
        -2 * tf.broadcast_to(mr_t, t.shape)[:, 1:] * t[:, 1:])
    return var_x_t 
Example #10
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_interpolation_differentiable(self):
    dtype = tf.float64
    interval_times = tf.constant([0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=dtype)
    knot_1y = tf.constant([0.052], dtype=dtype)
    interval_values = tf.concat([
        tf.constant([0.05, 0.051], dtype=dtype), knot_1y,
        tf.constant([0.053, 0.055], dtype=dtype)
    test_time = tf.constant([1.1, 2.7], dtype=dtype)
    interpolated, _ = monotone_convex.interpolate(test_time, interval_values,
    gradient_1y = self.evaluate(tf.convert_to_tensor(
        tf.gradients(interpolated[0], knot_1y)[0]))
    gradient_zero = self.evaluate(tf.convert_to_tensor(
        tf.gradients(interpolated[1], knot_1y)[0]))

    self.assertAlmostEqual(gradient_1y[0], 0.42)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(gradient_zero[0], 0.0) 
Example #11
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_interpolated_yields_consistency(self):
    dtypes = [np.float32, np.float64]
    for dtype in dtypes:
      reference_times = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype)
      yields = np.array([5.0, 4.75, 4.53333333, 4.775], dtype=dtype)

      # Times for which the interpolated values are required.
      interpolation_times_1 = tf.constant([0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
      interpolation_times_2 = tf.constant([1.1, 2.5, 2.9, 3.6, 4.0],
      expected = np.array([
          5.1171875, 5.09375, 5.0, 4.75, 4.533333, 4.9746, 4.624082, 4.535422,
          4.661777, 4.775
      actual_1 = monotone_convex.interpolate_yields(
          interpolation_times_1, reference_times, yields=yields)
      actual_2 = monotone_convex.interpolate_yields(
          interpolation_times_2, reference_times, yields=yields)
      actual = self.evaluate(tf.concat([actual_1, actual_2], axis=0))
      np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected, rtol=1e-5) 
Example #12
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _initial_discount_rates(bond_cashflows,
  """Constructs a guess for the initial rates as the yields to maturity."""
  n = len(bond_cashflows)
  groups = []
  for i in range(n):
    groups.append(tf.fill(tf.shape(bond_cashflows[i]), i))
  bond_cashflows = tf.concat(bond_cashflows, axis=0)
  bond_cashflow_times = tf.concat(bond_cashflow_times, axis=0)
  groups = tf.concat(groups, axis=0)
  return cashflows.yields_from_pv(
Example #13
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _apply_sequence_to_tensor_op(cls, op_fn, tensor_wrappers):
    """Applies given sequence-to-tensor op.

    This method is used for implementing ops that take a sequence of tensors and
    return a new tensor, such as tf.concat and tf.stack. Implementing wrappers
    should apply `op_fn` to the backing tensor(s) and return an new wrapper
    instance with the combined backing tensor.

     op_fn: Callable that applies sequence-to-tensor op to the given sequence
       of Tensors. E.g. applies tf.concat.
     tensor_wrappers: a sequence of tensor wrappers to be transformed. All
       elements have the type of the implementing TensorWrapper class.

      A TensorWrapper instance with combined backing tensor(s).
    raise NotImplementedError() 
Example #14
Source File:    From agents with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _reshape_inner_dims(
    tensor: tf.Tensor,
    shape: tf.TensorShape,
    new_shape: tf.TensorShape) -> tf.Tensor:
  """Reshapes tensor to: shape(tensor)[:-len(shape)] + new_shape."""
  tensor_shape = tf.shape(tensor)
  ndims = shape.rank
  new_shape_inner_tensor = tf.cast(
      [-1 if d is None else d for d in new_shape.as_list()], tf.int64)
  new_shape_outer_tensor = tf.cast(
      tensor_shape[:-ndims], tf.int64)
  full_new_shape = tf.concat(
      (new_shape_outer_tensor, new_shape_inner_tensor), axis=0)
  new_tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, full_new_shape)
  new_tensor.set_shape(tensor.shape[:-ndims] + new_shape)
  return new_tensor 
Example #15
Source File:    From valan with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_bi_lstm_encoder(self, num_hidden_layers, hidden_dim):
    """Get Bi-LSTM encoder.

      num_hidden_layers: Number of stacked layers.
      hidden_dim: The hidden size of LSTM.

      A list of 2N+1 elements. The first element is output of all timesteps
        and the others are LSTM state. The first N are forward states and the
        last N are backward states.
    self._cells = []
    for layer_id in range(num_hidden_layers):

              hidden_dim, name='lstm_layer_{}'.format(layer_id)))

    self._cells_rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(
        self._cells, return_sequences=True, return_state=True)
    return tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional(self._cells_rnn, merge_mode='concat') 
Example #16
Source File:    From valan with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_initial_state(self, observation, batch_size):
    text_token_ids = observation[constants.INS_TOKEN_IDS]
    text_enc_outputs, final_state = self._instruction_encoder(text_token_ids)
    if self._ndh_instruction_encoder is not None:
      ndh_text_enc_outputs, ndh_final_state = self._ndh_instruction_encoder(
      mask = tf.equal(observation[constants.PROBLEM_TYPE],
      text_enc_outputs = tf.nest.map_structure(
          lambda x, y: tf.compat.v1.where(mask, x, y), text_enc_outputs,
      final_state = tf.nest.map_structure(
          lambda x, y: tf.compat.v1.where(mask, x, y), final_state,

    if self._ins_classifier is not None:
      # Concatenate all hidden layers' state vectors. Use state.h
      ins_classifier_logits = self._ins_classifier(
          tf.concat([s[0] for s in final_state], axis=1))
      ins_classifier_logits = tf.zeros(shape=(batch_size, 2))
    return (final_state, text_enc_outputs, ins_classifier_logits) 
Example #17
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def conjugate(dual_quaternion, name=None):
  """Computes the conjugate of a dual quaternion.

    In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions.

    dual_quaternion: A tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, 8]`, where the last
    dimension represents a normalized dual quaternion.
    name: A name for this op that defaults to "dual_quaternion_conjugate".

    A tensor of shape `[A1, ..., An, 8]`, where the last dimension represents
    a normalized dual quaternion.

    ValueError: If the shape of `dual_quaternion` is not supported.
  with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name, "dual_quaternion_conjugate",
    dual_quaternion = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=dual_quaternion)

        tensor=dual_quaternion, tensor_name="dual_quaternion",
        has_dim_equals=(-1, 8))

    quaternion_real, quaternion_dual = tf.split(
        dual_quaternion, (4, 4), axis=-1)

    quaternion_real = asserts.assert_normalized(quaternion_real)

    return tf.concat((quaternion.conjugate(quaternion_real),
Example #18
Source File:    From autograph with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def while_with_variable_shape_growing_matrix_rows(n):
  m = tf.constant([[0]])
  i = 0
  while i < n:
        shape_invariants=[(m, tf.TensorShape([None, 1]))])
    m = tf.concat((m, [[i]]), 0)
    i += 1
  return m 
Example #19
Source File:    From autograph with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def for_with_variable_shape_growing_vector(l):
  v = tf.constant([0, 0])
  for i in l:
        shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))])
    v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0)
  return v 
Example #20
Source File:    From valan with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def call(self, inputs, lengths, training):
    seq_mask = tf.sequence_mask(
        lengths, inputs.shape[1], dtype=tf.dtypes.float32)
    forward_outputs = self.forward_rnn(inputs, training=training)
    reversed_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, lengths, seq_axis=1)
    backward_outputs = self.backward_rnn(reversed_inputs, training=training)
    backward_outputs = tf.reverse_sequence(
        backward_outputs, lengths, seq_axis=1)
    outputs = tf.concat([forward_outputs, backward_outputs], axis=-1)
    outputs = outputs * tf.expand_dims(seq_mask, -1)

    if self.reduce_states:
      outputs = tf.reduce_mean(outputs, axis=1)

    return outputs 
Example #21
Source File:    From autograph with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def while_with_variable_shape_growing_vector(n):
  v = tf.constant([0, 0])
  i = 0
  while i < n:
        shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))])
    v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0)
    i += 1
  return v 
Example #22
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_is_bus_day_table(self):
    """Computes and caches "is business day" table."""
    if self._table_cache.is_bus_day is not None:
      return self._table_cache.is_bus_day

    with tf.init_scope():
      ordinals = tf.range(self._ordinal_offset,
                          self._ordinal_offset + self._calendar_size)
      # Apply weekend mask
      week_days = (ordinals - 1) % 7
      is_holiday = tf.gather(self._weekend_mask, week_days)

      # Apply holidays
      if self._holidays is not None:
        indices = self._holidays.ordinal() - self._ordinal_offset
        ones_at_indices = tf.scatter_nd(
            tf.expand_dims(indices, axis=-1), tf.ones_like(indices),
        is_holiday = tf.bitwise.bitwise_or(is_holiday, ones_at_indices)

      # Add a business day at the beginning and at the end, i.e. at 31 Dec of
      # start_year-1 and at 1 Jan of end_year+1. This trick is to avoid dealing
      # with special cases on boundaries.
      # For example, for Following and Preceding conventions we'd need a special
      # value that means "unknown" in the tables. More complicated conventions
      # then combine the Following and Preceding tables, and would need special
      # treatment of the "unknown" values.
      # With these "fake" business days, all computations are automatically
      # correct, unless we land on those extra days - for this reason we add
      # assertions in all API calls before returning.
      is_bus_day_table = tf.concat([[1], 1 - is_holiday, [1]], axis=0)
      self._table_cache.is_bus_day = is_bus_day_table
    return is_bus_day_table 
Example #23
Source File:    From trax with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  a = asarray(a).data

  maybe_rank = a.shape.rank
  if maybe_rank is not None and offset == 0 and (
      axis1 == maybe_rank - 2 or axis1 == -2) and (axis2 == maybe_rank - 1 or
                                                   axis2 == -1):
    return utils.tensor_to_ndarray(tf.linalg.diag_part(a))

  a = moveaxis(utils.tensor_to_ndarray(a), (axis1, axis2), (-2, -1)).data

  a_shape = tf.shape(a)

  def _zeros():  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
    return (tf.zeros(tf.concat([a_shape[:-1], [0]], 0), dtype=a.dtype), 0)

  # All zeros since diag_part doesn't handle all possible k (aka offset).
  # Written this way since cond will run shape inference on both branches,
  # and diag_part shape inference will fail when offset is out of bounds.
  a, offset = utils.cond(
          utils.less_equal(offset, -1 * utils.getitem(a_shape, -2)),
          utils.greater_equal(offset, utils.getitem(a_shape, -1)),
      ), _zeros, lambda: (a, offset))

  a = utils.tensor_to_ndarray(tf.linalg.diag_part(a, k=offset))
  return a 
Example #24
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def concat(cls, tensor_wrappers, axis):
    """See tf.concat."""
    cls._validate_tensor_types(tensor_wrappers, "concat")
    return cls._apply_sequence_to_tensor_op(
        lambda ts: tf.concat(ts, axis), tensor_wrappers) 
Example #25
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _interpolate_adjacent(times, values, name=None):
  """Interpolates linearly between adjacent values.

  Suppose `times` are `[t_1, t_2, ..., t_n]` an array of length `n` and
  values are `[f_1, ... f_n]` of length `n`. This function associates
  each of the values to the midpoint of the interval i.e. `f_i` is associated
  to the midpoint of the interval `[t_i, t_{i+1}]`. Then it calculates the
  values at the interval boundaries by linearly interpolating between adjacent
  intervals. The first interval is considered to be `[0, t_1]`. The values at
  the endpoints (i.e. result[0] and result[n]) are computed as follows:
  `result[0] = values[0] - 0.5 * (result[1] - values[0])` and
  `result[n] = values[n-1] - 0.5 * (result[n-1] - values[n-1])`.
  The rationale for these specific values is discussed in Ref. [1].

    times: A rank 1 `Tensor` of real dtype. The times at which the interpolated
      values are to be computed. The values in the array should be positive and
      monotonically increasing.
    values: A rank 1 `Tensor` of the same dtype and shape as `times`. The values
      assigned to the midpoints of the time intervals.
    name: Python `str` name prefixed to Ops created by this class.
      Default value: None which is mapped to the default name

    interval_values: The values interpolated from the supplied midpoint values
      as described above. A `Tensor` of the same dtype as `values` but shape
      `[n+1]` where `[n]` is the shape of `values`. The `i`th component of the
      is the value associated to the time point `t_{i+1}` with `t_0 = 0`.
  with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(
      name, default_name='interpolate_adjacent', values=[times, values]):
    dt1 = diff(times, order=1, exclusive=False)
    dt2 = diff(times, order=2, exclusive=False)[1:]
    weight_right = dt1[:-1] / dt2
    weight_left = dt1[1:] / dt2
    interior_values = weight_right * values[1:] + weight_left * values[:-1]
    value_0 = values[0] - 0.5 * (interior_values[0] - values[0])
    value_n = values[-1] - 0.5 * (interior_values[-1] - values[-1])
    return tf.concat([[value_0], interior_values, [value_n]], axis=0) 
Example #26
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _create_curve_building_tensors(float_leg_start_times,
  """Helper function to create tensors needed for curve construction."""
  calc_groups_float = []
  calc_groups_fixed = []
  expiry_times = []
  settle_times_float = []
  settle_times_fixed = []
  num_instruments = len(float_leg_start_times)
  for i in range(num_instruments):
        tf.math.maximum(float_leg_end_times[i][-1], fixed_leg_end_times[i][-1]))

        tf.fill(tf.shape(float_leg_start_times[i]), i))
    calc_groups_fixed.append(tf.fill(tf.shape(fixed_leg_end_times[i]), i))

  expiry_times = tf.stack(expiry_times, axis=0)
  calc_groups_float = tf.concat(calc_groups_float, axis=0)
  calc_groups_fixed = tf.concat(calc_groups_fixed, axis=0)
  settle_times_float = tf.concat(settle_times_float, axis=0)
  settle_times_fixed = tf.concat(settle_times_fixed, axis=0)

  return CurveFittingVars(expiry_times=expiry_times,
Example #27
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _conditional_mean_x(self, t, mr_t, sigma_t):
    """Computes the drift term in [1], Eq. 10.39."""
    t = tf.repeat(tf.expand_dims(t, axis=0), self._dim, axis=0)
    time_index = tf.searchsorted(self._jump_locations, t)
    vn = tf.concat([self._zero_padding, self._jump_locations], axis=1)
    y_between_vol_knots = self._y_integral(self._padded_knots,

    y_at_vol_knots = tf.concat(
         _cumsum_using_matvec(y_between_vol_knots)], axis=1)

    ex_between_vol_knots = self._ex_integral(self._padded_knots,
                                             y_at_vol_knots[:, :-1])

    ex_at_vol_knots = tf.concat(
         _cumsum_using_matvec(ex_between_vol_knots)], axis=1)

    c = tf.gather(y_at_vol_knots, time_index, batch_dims=1)
    exp_x_t = self._ex_integral(
        tf.gather(vn, time_index, batch_dims=1), t, sigma_t, mr_t, c)
    exp_x_t = exp_x_t + tf.gather(ex_at_vol_knots, time_index, batch_dims=1)
    exp_x_t = (exp_x_t[:, 1:] - exp_x_t[:, :-1]) * tf.math.exp(
        -tf.broadcast_to(mr_t, t.shape)[:, 1:] * t[:, 1:])
    return exp_x_t 
Example #28
Source File:    From trax with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def dstack(tup):
  arrays = [atleast_3d(a) for a in tup]
  arrays = _promote_dtype(*arrays)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  unwrapped_arrays = [ if isinstance(a, arrays_lib.ndarray) else a for a in arrays
  return tf.concat(unwrapped_arrays, axis=2) 
Example #29
Source File:    From trax with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def vstack(tup):
  arrays = [atleast_2d(a) for a in tup]
  arrays = _promote_dtype(*arrays)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  unwrapped_arrays = [ if isinstance(a, arrays_lib.ndarray) else a for a in arrays
  return tf.concat(unwrapped_arrays, axis=0) 
Example #30
Source File:    From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _prepare_grid(*, times, time_step, dtype):
  """Prepares grid of times for path generation.

    times:  Rank 1 `Tensor` of increasing positive real values. The times at
      which the path points are to be evaluated.
    time_step: Rank 0 real `Tensor`. Maximal distance between points in
      resulting grid.
    dtype: `tf.Dtype` of the input and output `Tensor`s.

    Tuple `(all_times, mask, time_points)`.
    `all_times` is a 1-D real `Tensor` containing all points from 'times` and
    the uniform grid of points between `[0, times[-1]]` with grid size equal to
    `time_step`. The `Tensor` is sorted in ascending order and may contain
    `mask` is a boolean 1-D `Tensor` of the same shape as 'all_times', showing
    which elements of 'all_times' correspond to THE values from `times`.
    Guarantees that times[0]=0 and mask[0]=False.
    `time_indices`. An integer `Tensor` of the same shape as `times` indicating
    `times` indices in `all_times`.
  grid = tf.range(0.0, times[-1], time_step, dtype=dtype)
  all_times = tf.concat([grid, times], axis=0)
  mask = tf.concat([
      tf.zeros_like(grid, dtype=tf.bool),
      tf.ones_like(times, dtype=tf.bool)
  perm = tf.argsort(all_times, stable=True)
  all_times = tf.gather(all_times, perm)
  # Remove duplicate points
  all_times = tf.unique(all_times).y
  time_indices = tf.searchsorted(all_times, times)
  mask = tf.gather(mask, perm)
  return all_times, mask, time_indices