Python tensorflow.compat.v2.device() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of tensorflow.compat.v2.device().
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Example #1
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def tf_init_tpu(worker='', protocol=None): """Initializes TPU for TensorFlow. Args: worker: The BNS address of the remote TPU worker. If it's empty (the default value), TF will assume the TPU devices are connected to the local host. protocol: The network protocol used to connect to the TPU worker. Returns: The device name of the TPU worker's CPU. """ protocol = protocol or 'grpc' is_local = (worker in ('', 'local')) resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu=worker) if not is_local: tf.config.experimental_connect_to_cluster(resolver, protocol=protocol) tf.tpu.experimental.initialize_tpu_system(resolver) if is_local: return '' else: return '/job:worker'
Example #2
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, tensors): """Initializes the ShardedNdArray. Note that the tensors should be ordered in the way the pmap producing these tensors is run. Args: tensors: list or tuple of eager tensors, one for each device. """ if not isinstance(tensors, (list, tuple)) or not tensors: raise ValueError( "Unable to create a ShardedNdArray without a list of tensors.") self.tensors = tensors self.n_devices = len(tensors)
Example #3
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def psum(tensor, axis_name=None): """Sum all-reduction. Args: tensor: A tensor. axis_name: The axis name to reduce. Must equal to that of the surrounding pmap. Returns: The sum of the `tensor` replicas on each participating devices. """ if axis_name != _pmap_config.axis_name(): raise ValueError("axis_name (%s) is not equal to that of the surrounding " "pmap (%s)" % (axis_name, _pmap_config.axis_name())) devices = _pmap_config.devices() if devices is None: raise ValueError("Can't retrieve the device list from the surrounding pmap") if tpu_devices(devices): # TODO(wangpeng): Supply the `group_assignment` argument to # tpu.cross_replica_sum, calculated from `devices`. return tf.compat.v1.tpu.cross_replica_sum(tensor) else: return tf.raw_ops.CollectiveReduce(, group_size=len(devices), group_key=_GROUP_KEY, instance_key=_get_instance_key(), merge_op="Add", final_op="Id", subdiv_offsets=(0,)) # Note this is not available in the jax api, but seemed like a reasonable API # to have.
Example #4
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pmean(tensor, axis_name=None): """Mean all-reduction. Args: tensor: A tensor. axis_name: The axis name to reduce. Must equal to that of the surrounding pmap. Returns: The mean of the `tensor` replicas on each participating devices. """ if axis_name != _pmap_config.axis_name(): raise ValueError("axis_name (%s) is not equal to that of the surrounding " "pmap (%s)" % (axis_name, _pmap_config.axis_name())) devices = _pmap_config.devices() if devices is None: raise ValueError("Can't retrieve the device list from the surrounding pmap") if tpu_devices(devices): # TODO(wangpeng): Implement this. raise ValueError("pmean for TPU is not supported yet.") else: return tf.raw_ops.CollectiveReduce(, group_size=len(devices), group_key=_GROUP_KEY, instance_key=_get_instance_key(), merge_op="Add", final_op="Div", subdiv_offsets=(0,))
Example #5
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tpu_devices(devices=None): """Gets TPU devices out of `devices`. Args: devices: A device list (as a list of strings). If None, the list of all available devices will be used for it. Returns: Those in `devices` that are TPUs. """ return find_devices("TPU", devices)
Example #6
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _train_using_tf(output_dir): worker_cpu = tf_init_tpu() with tf.device(worker_cpu): if trainer_lib.num_devices() == 1: # TF's device priority is GPU > CPU > TPU, so we need to explicitly make # the TPU core the default device here. with tf.device('/device:TPU:0'): trainer_lib.train(output_dir=output_dir) else: trainer_lib.train(output_dir=output_dir)
Example #7
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, input_tensor): with tf.device('cpu:0'): image = tf.map_fn( _decode_image, elems=input_tensor, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=32, back_prop=False) return self._run_inference_on_images(image)
Example #8
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, input_tensor): with tf.device('cpu:0'): image = tf.map_fn( _decode_tf_example, elems=input_tensor, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=32, back_prop=False) return self._run_inference_on_images(image)
Example #9
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _get_pmap_impl(f, devices, has_tpu): """This is a helper function to return the pmap impl. Args: f: a function that takes ndarrays and returns ndarrays. devices: a list of strings; the device list. has_tpu: boolean; whether `devices` contains TPU devices. Returns: A function that takes tensors and returns tensors. """ if has_tpu: # Workaround b/121383831 f = _record_result_type(f) def tf_f(*tf_args): """A wrapper for `f` that takes/returns tensors.""" np_args = _tf_to_np(tf_args) np_out = f(*np_args) return _np_to_tf(np_out) if has_tpu: @tf.function(autograph=False) def fn(inputs): # TODO(wangpeng): Supply the `device_assignment` argument to # tpu.replicate, calculated from `devices`. return tf.compat.v1.tpu.replicate(tf_f, inputs) return fn else: # This is run in a tf.function so that the various underlying functions can # be run in parallel. # The trace happens on the client, so any devices should not depend on any # side effects. jit_tf_f = tf.function(tf_f, autograph=False) @tf.function(autograph=False) def fn(all_per_device_args): """Multi-device function with calls placed on the correct device.""" results = [] for per_device_args, device in zip(all_per_device_args, devices): with tf.device(device): results.append(jit_tf_f(*per_device_args)) return results return fn
Example #10
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def compress(self, bottleneck): """Compresses a floating-point tensor. Compresses the tensor to bit strings. `bottleneck` is first quantized as in `quantize()`, and then compressed using the probability tables derived from `self.prior`. The quantized tensor can later be recovered by calling `decompress()`. The innermost `self.coding_rank` dimensions are treated as one coding unit, i.e. are compressed into one string each. Any additional dimensions to the left are treated as batch dimensions. Arguments: bottleneck: `tf.Tensor` containing the data to be compressed. Must have at least `self.coding_rank` dimensions, and the innermost dimensions must be broadcastable to `self.prior_shape`. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` having the same shape as `bottleneck` without the `self.coding_rank` innermost dimensions, containing a string for each coding unit. """ input_shape = tf.shape(bottleneck) input_rank = tf.shape(input_shape)[0] batch_shape, coding_shape = tf.split( input_shape, [input_rank - self.coding_rank, self.coding_rank]) broadcast_shape = coding_shape[ :self.coding_rank - len(self.prior_shape)] indexes = self._compute_indexes(broadcast_shape) if self._quantization_offset is not None: bottleneck -= self._quantization_offset symbols = tf.cast(tf.round(bottleneck), tf.int32) symbols = tf.reshape(symbols, tf.concat([[-1], coding_shape], 0)) # Prevent tensors from bouncing back and forth between host and GPU. with tf.device("/cpu:0"): cdf = self.cdf cdf_length = self.cdf_length cdf_offset = self.cdf_offset def loop_body(symbols): return range_coding_ops.unbounded_index_range_encode( symbols, indexes, cdf, cdf_length, cdf_offset, precision=self.range_coder_precision, overflow_width=4, debug_level=1) # TODO(jonycgn,ssjhv): Consider switching to Python control flow. strings = tf.map_fn( loop_body, symbols, dtype=tf.string, name="compress") strings = tf.reshape(strings, batch_shape) return strings
Example #11
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def decompress(self, strings, broadcast_shape): """Decompresses a tensor. Reconstructs the quantized tensor from bit strings produced by `compress()`. It is necessary to provide a part of the output shape in `broadcast_shape`. Arguments: strings: `tf.Tensor` containing the compressed bit strings. broadcast_shape: Iterable of ints. The part of the output tensor shape between the shape of `strings` on the left and `self.prior_shape` on the right. This must match the shape of the input to `compress()`. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` of shape `strings.shape + broadcast_shape + self.prior_shape`. """ strings = tf.convert_to_tensor(strings, dtype=tf.string) broadcast_shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(broadcast_shape, dtype=tf.int32) batch_shape = tf.shape(strings) symbols_shape = tf.concat( [batch_shape, broadcast_shape, self.prior_shape], 0) indexes = self._compute_indexes(broadcast_shape) strings = tf.reshape(strings, [-1]) # Prevent tensors from bouncing back and forth between host and GPU. with tf.device("/cpu:0"): cdf = self.cdf cdf_length = self.cdf_length cdf_offset = self.cdf_offset def loop_body(string): return range_coding_ops.unbounded_index_range_decode( string, indexes, cdf, cdf_length, cdf_offset, precision=self.range_coder_precision, overflow_width=4, debug_level=1) # TODO(jonycgn,ssjhv): Consider switching to Python control flow. symbols = tf.map_fn( loop_body, strings, dtype=tf.int32, name="decompress") symbols = tf.reshape(symbols, symbols_shape) outputs = tf.cast(symbols, self.dtype) if self._quantization_offset is not None: outputs += self._quantization_offset return outputs
Example #12
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def compress(self, bottleneck, indexes): """Compresses a floating-point tensor. Compresses the tensor to bit strings. `bottleneck` is first quantized as in `quantize()`, and then compressed using the probability tables derived from `indexes`. The quantized tensor can later be recovered by calling `decompress()`. The innermost `self.coding_rank` dimensions are treated as one coding unit, i.e. are compressed into one string each. Any additional dimensions to the left are treated as batch dimensions. Arguments: bottleneck: `tf.Tensor` containing the data to be compressed. indexes: `tf.Tensor` specifying the scalar distribution for each element in `bottleneck`. See class docstring for examples. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` having the same shape as `bottleneck` without the `self.coding_rank` innermost dimensions, containing a string for each coding unit. """ indexes = self._normalize_indexes(indexes) flat_indexes = self._flatten_indexes(indexes) symbols_shape = tf.shape(flat_indexes) batch_shape = symbols_shape[:-self.coding_rank] flat_shape = tf.concat([[-1], symbols_shape[-self.coding_rank:]], 0) flat_indexes = tf.reshape(flat_indexes, flat_shape) offset = helpers.quantization_offset(self._make_prior(indexes)) symbols = tf.cast(tf.round(bottleneck - offset), tf.int32) symbols = tf.reshape(symbols, flat_shape) # Prevent tensors from bouncing back and forth between host and GPU. with tf.device("/cpu:0"): cdf = self.cdf cdf_length = self.cdf_length cdf_offset = self.cdf_offset def loop_body(args): return range_coding_ops.unbounded_index_range_encode( args[0], args[1], cdf, cdf_length, cdf_offset, precision=self.range_coder_precision, overflow_width=4, debug_level=1) # TODO(jonycgn,ssjhv): Consider switching to Python control flow. strings = tf.map_fn( loop_body, (symbols, flat_indexes), dtype=tf.string, name="compress") strings = tf.reshape(strings, batch_shape) return strings
Example #13
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def decompress(self, strings, indexes): """Decompresses a tensor. Reconstructs the quantized tensor from bit strings produced by `compress()`. Arguments: strings: `tf.Tensor` containing the compressed bit strings. indexes: `tf.Tensor` specifying the scalar distribution for each output element. See class docstring for examples. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` of the same shape as `indexes` (without the optional channel dimension). """ indexes = self._normalize_indexes(indexes) flat_indexes = self._flatten_indexes(indexes) symbols_shape = tf.shape(flat_indexes) flat_shape = tf.concat([[-1], symbols_shape[-self.coding_rank:]], 0) flat_indexes = tf.reshape(flat_indexes, flat_shape) strings = tf.reshape(strings, [-1]) # Prevent tensors from bouncing back and forth between host and GPU. with tf.device("/cpu:0"): cdf = self.cdf cdf_length = self.cdf_length cdf_offset = self.cdf_offset def loop_body(args): return range_coding_ops.unbounded_index_range_decode( args[0], args[1], cdf, cdf_length, cdf_offset, precision=self.range_coder_precision, overflow_width=4, debug_level=1) # TODO(jonycgn,ssjhv): Consider switching to Python control flow. symbols = tf.map_fn( loop_body, (strings, flat_indexes), dtype=tf.int32, name="decompress") symbols = tf.reshape(symbols, symbols_shape) offset = helpers.quantization_offset(self._make_prior(indexes)) return tf.cast(symbols, self.dtype) + offset