Python tensorflow.compat.v2.while_loop() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of tensorflow.compat.v2.while_loop().
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Example #1
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _tf_gcd(x1, x2): def _gcd_cond_fn(x1, x2): return tf.reduce_any(x2 != 0) def _gcd_body_fn(x1, x2): # tf.math.mod will raise an error when any element of x2 is 0. To avoid # that, we change those zeros to ones. Their values don't matter because # they won't be used. x2_safe = tf.where(x2 != 0, x2, tf.constant(1, x2.dtype)) x1, x2 = (tf.where(x2 != 0, x2, x1), tf.where(x2 != 0, tf.math.mod(x1, x2_safe), tf.constant(0, x2.dtype))) return (tf.where(x1 < x2, x2, x1), tf.where(x1 < x2, x1, x2)) if (not np.issubdtype(x1.dtype.as_numpy_dtype, np.integer) or not np.issubdtype(x2.dtype.as_numpy_dtype, np.integer)): raise ValueError("Arguments to gcd must be integers.") shape = tf.broadcast_static_shape(x1.shape, x2.shape) x1 = tf.broadcast_to(x1, shape) x2 = tf.broadcast_to(x2, shape) gcd, _ = tf.while_loop(_gcd_cond_fn, _gcd_body_fn, (tf.math.abs(x1), tf.math.abs(x2))) return gcd
Example #2
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _while_loop(*, dim, steps_num, current_state, drift_fn, volatility_fn, wiener_mean, num_samples, times, dt, sqrt_dt, time_step, num_requested_times, keep_mask, swap_memory, random_type, seed, normal_draws): """Smaple paths using tf.while_loop.""" cond_fn = lambda i, *args: i < steps_num def step_fn(i, written_count, current_state, result): return _euler_step( i=i, written_count=written_count, current_state=current_state, result=result, drift_fn=drift_fn, volatility_fn=volatility_fn, wiener_mean=wiener_mean, num_samples=num_samples, times=times, dt=dt, sqrt_dt=sqrt_dt, keep_mask=keep_mask, random_type=random_type, seed=seed, normal_draws=normal_draws) maximum_iterations = (tf.cast(1. / time_step, dtype=tf.int32) + tf.size(times)) result = tf.zeros((num_samples, num_requested_times, dim), dtype=current_state.dtype) _, _, _, result = tf.while_loop( cond_fn, step_fn, (0, 0, current_state, result), maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory) return result
Example #3
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_tf_while_loop_fn(step_fn): """Create a multiple steps function driven by tf.while_loop on the host. Args: step_fn: A function which takes `iterator` as input. Returns: A callable defined as the `loop_fn` defination below. """ @tf.function def loop_fn(iterator, num_steps): """A loop function with multiple steps. Args: iterator: A nested structure of `Iterator` or `DistributedIterator`. num_steps: The number of steps in the loop. Must be a tf.Tensor. """ if not isinstance(num_steps, tf.Tensor): raise ValueError("`num_steps` should be an `tf.Tensor`. Python object " "may cause retracing.") for _ in tf.range(num_steps): step_fn(iterator) return loop_fn
Example #4
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def sample_paths(self, times, num_samples=1, initial_state=None, random_type=None, seed=None, swap_memory=True, name=None, **kwargs): """Returns a sample of paths from the process. Generates samples of paths from the process at the specified time points. Args: times: Rank 1 `Tensor` of increasing positive real values. The times at which the path points are to be evaluated. num_samples: Positive scalar `int`. The number of paths to draw. initial_state: `Tensor` of shape `[dim]`. The initial state of the process. Default value: None which maps to a zero initial state. random_type: Enum value of `RandomType`. The type of (quasi)-random number generator to use to generate the paths. Default value: None which maps to the standard pseudo-random numbers. seed: Python `int`. The random seed to use. If not supplied, no seed is set. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this op. See equivalent flag in `tf.while_loop` documentation for more details. Useful when computing a gradient of the op since `tf.while_loop` is used to propagate stochastic process in time. name: str. The name to give this op. If not supplied, default name of `sample_paths` is used. **kwargs: parameters, specific to Euler schema: `grid_step` is rank 0 real `Tensor` - maximal distance between points in grid in Euler schema. Note that Euler sampling is only used if it is not possible to do exact sampling because total drift or total covariance are unavailable. Returns: A real `Tensor` of shape [num_samples, k, n] where `k` is the size of the `times`, `n` is the dimension of the process. """ if self._total_drift_fn is None or self._total_covariance_fn is None: return super(BrownianMotion, self).sample_paths( times, num_samples=num_samples, initial_state=initial_state, random_type=random_type, seed=seed, name=name, **kwargs) default_name = self._name + '_sample_path' with tf.compat.v1.name_scope( name, default_name=default_name, values=[times, initial_state]): end_times = tf.convert_to_tensor(times, dtype=self.dtype()) start_times = tf.concat( [tf.zeros([1], dtype=end_times.dtype), end_times[:-1]], axis=0) paths = self._exact_sampling(end_times, start_times, num_samples, initial_state, random_type, seed) if initial_state is not None: return paths + initial_state return paths
Example #5
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def sample_paths(self, times, num_samples=1, initial_state=None, random_type=None, seed=None, swap_memory=True, name=None, **kwargs): """Returns a sample of paths from the process. The default implementation uses Euler schema. However, for particular types of Ito processes more efficient schemes can be used. Args: times: Rank 1 `Tensor` of increasing positive real values. The times at which the path points are to be evaluated. num_samples: Positive scalar `int`. The number of paths to draw. initial_state: `Tensor` of shape `[dim]`. The initial state of the process. Default value: None which maps to a zero initial state. random_type: Enum value of `RandomType`. The type of (quasi)-random number generator to use to generate the paths. Default value: None which maps to the standard pseudo-random numbers. seed: Python `int`. The random seed to use. If not supplied, no seed is set. swap_memory: Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this op. See equivalent flag in `tf.while_loop` documentation for more details. Useful when computing a gradient of the op since `tf.while_loop` is used to propagate stochastic process in time. name: str. The name to give this op. If not supplied, default name of `sample_paths` is used. **kwargs: parameters, specific to Euler schema: `grid_step` is rank 0 real `Tensor` - maximal distance between points in grid in Euler schema. Returns: A real `Tensor` of shape [num_samples, k, n] where `k` is the size of the `times`, `n` is the dimension of the process. """ if self.drift_fn() is None or self.volatility_fn() is None: raise NotImplementedError( 'In order to use Euler scheme, both drift_fn and volatility_fn ' 'should be provided.') default_name = + '_sample_paths' with tf.compat.v1.name_scope( name, default_name=default_name, values=[times, initial_state]): if initial_state is None: initial_state = tf.zeros(self._dim, dtype=self._dtype) times = tf.convert_to_tensor(times, dtype=self._dtype) initial_state = tf.convert_to_tensor( initial_state, dtype=self._dtype, name='initial_state') num_requested_times = tf.shape(times)[-1] grid_step = kwargs['grid_step'] times, keep_mask = self._prepare_grid(times, grid_step) return self._sample_paths(times, grid_step, keep_mask, num_requested_times, num_samples, initial_state, random_type, seed, swap_memory)
Example #6
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _sample_paths(self, times, grid_step, keep_mask, num_requested_times, num_samples, initial_state, random_type, seed, swap_memory): """Returns a sample of paths from the process.""" dt = times[1:] - times[:-1] sqrt_dt = tf.sqrt(dt) current_state = initial_state + tf.zeros( [num_samples, self.dim()], dtype=initial_state.dtype) steps_num = tf.shape(dt)[-1] wiener_mean = tf.zeros((self.dim(), 1), dtype=self._dtype) cond_fn = lambda i, *args: i < steps_num def step_fn(i, written_count, current_state, result): """Performs one step of Euler scheme.""" current_time = times[i + 1] dw = random_ops.mv_normal_sample((num_samples,), mean=wiener_mean, random_type=random_type, seed=seed) dw = dw * sqrt_dt[i] dt_inc = dt[i] * self.drift_fn()(current_time, current_state) # pylint: disable=not-callable dw_inc = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(self.volatility_fn()(current_time, current_state), dw), -1) # pylint: disable=not-callable next_state = current_state + dt_inc + dw_inc def write_next_state_to_result(): # Replace result[:, written_count, :] with next_state. one_hot = tf.one_hot(written_count, depth=num_requested_times) mask = tf.expand_dims(one_hot > 0, axis=-1) return tf.where(mask, tf.expand_dims(next_state, axis=1), result) # Keep only states for times requested by user. result = tf.cond(keep_mask[i + 1], write_next_state_to_result, lambda: result) written_count += tf.cast(keep_mask[i + 1], dtype=tf.int32) return i + 1, written_count, next_state, result # Maximum number iterations is passed to the while loop below. It improves # performance of the while loop on a GPU and is needed for XLA-compilation # comptatiblity maximum_iterations = ( tf.cast(1. / grid_step, dtype=tf.int32) + tf.size(times)) result = tf.zeros((num_samples, num_requested_times, self.dim())) _, _, _, result = tf.compat.v1.while_loop( cond_fn, step_fn, (0, 0, current_state, result), maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, swap_memory=swap_memory) return result
Example #7
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _sample(*, dim, drift_fn, volatility_fn, times, time_step, keep_mask, num_requested_times, num_samples, initial_state, random_type, seed, swap_memory, skip, precompute_normal_draws, watch_params, time_indices, dtype): """Returns a sample of paths from the process using Euler method.""" dt = times[1:] - times[:-1] sqrt_dt = tf.sqrt(dt) current_state = initial_state + tf.zeros([num_samples, dim], dtype=initial_state.dtype) if dt.shape.is_fully_defined(): steps_num = dt.shape.as_list()[-1] else: steps_num = tf.shape(dt)[-1] # In order to use low-discrepancy random_type we need to generate the sequence # of independent random normals upfront. We also precompute random numbers # for stateless random type in order to ensure independent samples for # multiple function calls whith different seeds. if precompute_normal_draws or random_type in ( random.RandomType.SOBOL, random.RandomType.HALTON, random.RandomType.HALTON_RANDOMIZED, random.RandomType.STATELESS, random.RandomType.STATELESS_ANTITHETIC): normal_draws = utils.generate_mc_normal_draws( num_normal_draws=dim, num_time_steps=steps_num, num_sample_paths=num_samples, random_type=random_type, dtype=dtype, seed=seed, skip=skip) wiener_mean = None else: # If pseudo or anthithetic sampling is used, proceed with random sampling # at each step. wiener_mean = tf.zeros((dim,), dtype=dtype, name='wiener_mean') normal_draws = None if watch_params is None: # Use while_loop if `watch_params` is not passed return _while_loop( dim=dim, steps_num=steps_num, current_state=current_state, drift_fn=drift_fn, volatility_fn=volatility_fn, wiener_mean=wiener_mean, num_samples=num_samples, times=times, dt=dt, sqrt_dt=sqrt_dt, time_step=time_step, keep_mask=keep_mask, num_requested_times=num_requested_times, swap_memory=swap_memory, random_type=random_type, seed=seed, normal_draws=normal_draws) else: # Use custom for_loop if `watch_params` is specified return _for_loop( steps_num=steps_num, current_state=current_state, drift_fn=drift_fn, volatility_fn=volatility_fn, wiener_mean=wiener_mean, num_samples=num_samples, times=times, dt=dt, sqrt_dt=sqrt_dt, time_indices=time_indices, keep_mask=keep_mask, watch_params=watch_params, random_type=random_type, seed=seed, normal_draws=normal_draws)
Example #8
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def estimate_tails(func, target, shape, dtype): """Estimates approximate tail quantiles. This runs a simple Adam iteration to determine tail quantiles. The objective is to find an `x` such that: ``` func(x) == target ``` For instance, if `func` is a CDF and the target is a quantile value, this would find the approximate location of that quantile. Note that `func` is assumed to be monotonic. When each tail estimate has passed the optimal value of `x`, the algorithm does 10 additional iterations and then stops. This operation is vectorized. The tensor shape of `x` is given by `shape`, and `target` must have a shape that is broadcastable to the output of `func(x)`. Arguments: func: A callable that computes cumulative distribution function, survival function, or similar. target: The desired target value. shape: The shape of the `tf.Tensor` representing `x`. dtype: The `tf.dtypes.Dtype` of the computation (and the return value). Returns: A `tf.Tensor` representing the solution (`x`). """ with tf.name_scope("estimate_tails"): dtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype) shape = tf.convert_to_tensor(shape, tf.int32) target = tf.convert_to_tensor(target, dtype) def loop_cond(tails, m, v, count): del tails, m, v # unused return tf.reduce_min(count) < 10 def loop_body(tails, m, v, count): with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: loss = abs(func(tails) - target) grad = tape.gradient(loss, tails) m = .5 * m + .5 * grad # Adam mean estimate. v = .9 * v + .1 * tf.square(grad) # Adam variance estimate. tails -= .5 * m / (tf.sqrt(v) + 1e-7) # Start counting when the gradient flips sign (note that this assumes # `tails` is initialized to zero). count = tf.where( tf.math.logical_or(count > 0, tails * grad > 0), count + 1, count) return tails, m, v, count init_tails = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) init_m = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) init_v = tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) init_count = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.int32) return tf.while_loop( loop_cond, loop_body, (init_tails, init_m, init_v, init_count), back_prop=False)[0]