Python tensorflow.compat.v2.range() Examples
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code examples of tensorflow.compat.v2.range().
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Example #1
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def train(self, num_steps: Optional[tf.Tensor]) -> Optional[Dict[Text, tf.Tensor]]: """Implements model training with multiple steps. In training, it is common to break the total training steps into several training loops, so users can do checkpointing, write summaries and run some python callbacks. This is necessary for getting good performance in TPU training, as the overhead for launching a multi worker tf.function may be large in Eager mode. It is usually encouraged to create a host training loop (e.g. using a `tf.range` wrapping `` inside a `tf.function`) in the TPU case. For the cases that don't require host training loop to acheive peak performance, users can just implement a simple python loop to drive each step. Args: num_steps: A guideline for how many training steps to run. Note that it is up to the model what constitutes a "step" (this may involve more than one update to model parameters, e.g. if training a GAN). Returns: The function may return a dictionary of `Tensors`, which will be written to logs and as TensorBoard summaries. """ pass
Example #2
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def rot90(m, k=1, axes=(0, 1)): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring m_rank = tf.rank(m) ax1, ax2 = utils._canonicalize_axes(axes, m_rank) # pylint: disable=protected-access k = k % 4 if k == 0: return m elif k == 2: return flip(flip(m, ax1), ax2) else: perm = tf.range(m_rank) perm = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(perm, [[ax1], [ax2]], [ax2, ax1]) if k == 1: return transpose(flip(m, ax2), perm) else: return flip(transpose(m, perm), ax2)
Example #3
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def diff(a, n=1, axis=-1): def f(a): nd = a.shape.rank if (axis + nd if axis < 0 else axis) >= nd: raise ValueError("axis %s is out of bounds for array of dimension %s" % (axis, nd)) if n < 0: raise ValueError("order must be non-negative but got %s" % n) slice1 = [slice(None)] * nd slice2 = [slice(None)] * nd slice1[axis] = slice(1, None) slice2[axis] = slice(None, -1) slice1 = tuple(slice1) slice2 = tuple(slice2) op = tf.not_equal if a.dtype == tf.bool else tf.subtract for _ in range(n): a = op(a[slice1], a[slice2]) return a return _scalar(f, a)
Example #4
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_many_small_batches_same_as_one_big_batch(self): dim = 2 num_results_per_batch = 1 num_batches = 3 seed = 1925 sample1, _ = random.halton.sample( dim, num_results_per_batch * num_batches, seed=seed) batch_indices = ( tf.range(i * num_results_per_batch, (i + 1) * num_results_per_batch) for i in range(num_batches)) sample2 = ( random.halton.sample(dim, sequence_indices=sequence_indices, seed=seed) for sequence_indices in batch_indices) result_set1 = set(tuple(row) for row in self.evaluate(sample1)) result_set2 = set() for batch, _ in sample2: result_set2.update(tuple(row) for row in self.evaluate(batch)) self.assertEqual(result_set1, result_set2)
Example #5
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testOutputIsPermutation(self): """Checks that stateless_random_shuffle outputs a permutation.""" for dtype in (tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float64): identity_permutation = tf.range(10, dtype=dtype) random_shuffle_seed_1 = tff_rnd.stateless_random_shuffle( identity_permutation, seed=tf.constant((1, 42), tf.int64)) random_shuffle_seed_2 = tff_rnd.stateless_random_shuffle( identity_permutation, seed=tf.constant((2, 42), tf.int64)) # Check that the shuffles are of the correct dtype for shuffle in (random_shuffle_seed_1, random_shuffle_seed_2): np.testing.assert_equal(shuffle.dtype, dtype.as_numpy_dtype) random_shuffle_seed_1 = self.evaluate(random_shuffle_seed_1) random_shuffle_seed_2 = self.evaluate(random_shuffle_seed_2) identity_permutation = self.evaluate(identity_permutation) # Check that the shuffles are different self.assertTrue( np.abs(random_shuffle_seed_1 - random_shuffle_seed_2).max()) # Check that the shuffles are indeed permutations for shuffle in (random_shuffle_seed_1, random_shuffle_seed_2): self.assertAllEqual(set(shuffle), set(identity_permutation))
Example #6
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testOutputIsIndependentOfInputValues(self): """stateless_random_shuffle output is independent of input_tensor values.""" # Generate sorted array of random numbers to control that the result # is independent of `input_tesnor` values np.random.seed(25) random_input = np.random.normal(size=[10]) random_input.sort() for dtype in (tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.float32, tf.float64): # Permutation of a sequence [0, 1, .., 9] random_permutation = tff_rnd.stateless_random_shuffle( tf.range(10, dtype=dtype), seed=(100, 42)) random_permutation = self.evaluate(random_permutation) # Shuffle `random_input` with the same seed random_shuffle_control = tff_rnd.stateless_random_shuffle( random_input, seed=(100, 42)) random_shuffle_control = self.evaluate(random_shuffle_control) # Checks that the generated permutation does not depend on the underlying # values np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.argsort(random_permutation), np.argsort(random_shuffle_control))
Example #7
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_backward_unconnected_gradient(self): t = tf.range(1, 3, dtype=tf.float32) # Shape [2] zeros = tf.zeros([2], dtype=t.dtype) expected_result = [0.0, 0.0] func = lambda t: tf.stack([zeros, zeros, zeros], axis=0) # Shape [3, 2] with self.subTest("EagerExecution"): backward_grad = self.evaluate(tff.math.gradients( func, t, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO)) self.assertEqual(backward_grad.shape, (2,)) np.testing.assert_allclose(backward_grad, expected_result) with self.subTest("GraphExecution"): @tf.function def grad_computation(): y = func(t) return tff.math.gradients( y, t, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO) backward_grad = self.evaluate(grad_computation()) self.assertEqual(backward_grad.shape, (2,)) np.testing.assert_allclose(backward_grad, expected_result)
Example #8
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_expected_continuation(self): """Tests that expected continuation works in V=1 case. In particular this verifies that the regression done to get the expected continuation value is performed on those elements which have a positive exercise value. """ for dtype in (np.float32, np.float64): a = tf.range(start=-2, limit=3, delta=1, dtype=dtype) design = tf.concat([a, a], axis=0) design = tf.concat([[tf.ones_like(design), design]], axis=1) # These values ensure that the expected continuation value is `(1,...,1).` exercise_now = tf.expand_dims( tf.concat([tf.ones_like(a), tf.zeros_like(a)], axis=0), -1) cashflow = tf.expand_dims( tf.concat([tf.ones_like(a), -tf.ones_like(a)], axis=0), -1) expected_exercise = lsm.expected_exercise_fn( design, cashflow, exercise_now) self.assertAllClose(expected_exercise, tf.ones_like(cashflow))
Example #9
Source File: From tf-quant-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_forward_unconnected_gradient(self): t = tf.range(1, 3, dtype=tf.float32) # Shape [2] zeros = tf.zeros([2], dtype=t.dtype) func = lambda t: tf.stack([zeros, zeros, zeros], axis=0) # Shape [3, 2] expected_result = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]] with self.subTest("EagerExecution"): fwd_grad = self.evaluate(tff.math.fwd_gradient( func, t, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO)) self.assertEqual(fwd_grad.shape, (3, 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(fwd_grad, expected_result) with self.subTest("GraphExecution"): @tf.function def grad_computation(): y = func(t) return tff.math.fwd_gradient( y, t, unconnected_gradients=tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO) fwd_grad = self.evaluate(grad_computation()) self.assertEqual(fwd_grad.shape, (3, 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(fwd_grad, expected_result)
Example #10
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def labels_of_top_ranked_predictions_in_batch(labels, predictions): """Applying tf.metrics.mean to this gives precision at 1. Args: labels: minibatch of dense 0/1 labels, shape [batch_size rows, num_classes] predictions: minibatch of predictions of the same shape Returns: one-dimension tensor top_labels, where top_labels[i]=1.0 iff the top-scoring prediction for batch element i has label 1.0 """ indices_of_top_preds = tf.cast(tf.argmax(input=predictions, axis=1), tf.int32) batch_size = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.ones_like(indices_of_top_preds)) row_indices = tf.range(batch_size) thresholded_labels = tf.where(labels > 0.0, tf.ones_like(labels), tf.zeros_like(labels)) label_indices_to_gather = tf.transpose( a=tf.stack([row_indices, indices_of_top_preds])) return tf.gather_nd(thresholded_labels, label_indices_to_gather)
Example #11
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def geomspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, dtype=float): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring if dtype: dtype = utils.result_type(dtype) if num < 0: raise ValueError('Number of samples {} must be non-negative.'.format(num)) if not num: return empty([0]) step = 1. if endpoint: if num > 1: step = tf.pow((stop / start), 1 / (num - 1)) else: step = tf.pow((stop / start), 1 / num) result = tf.cast(tf.range(num), step.dtype) result = tf.pow(step, result) result = tf.multiply(result, start) if dtype: result = tf.cast(result, dtype=dtype) return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray(result) # Building matrices.
Example #12
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def arange(start, stop=None, step=1, dtype=None): """Returns `step`-separated values in the range [start, stop). Args: start: Start of the interval. Included in the range. stop: End of the interval. If not specified, `start` is treated as 0 and `start` value is used as `stop`. If specified, it is not included in the range if `step` is integer. When `step` is floating point, it may or may not be included. step: The difference between 2 consecutive values in the output range. It is recommended to use `linspace` instead of using non-integer values for `step`. dtype: Optional. Type of the resulting ndarray. Could be a python type, a NumPy type or a TensorFlow `DType`. If not provided, the largest type of `start`, `stop`, `step` is used. Raises: ValueError: If step is zero. """ if not step: raise ValueError('step must be non-zero.') if dtype: dtype = utils.result_type(dtype) else: if stop is None: dtype = utils.result_type(start, step) else: dtype = utils.result_type(start, step, stop) if step > 0 and ((stop is not None and start > stop) or (stop is None and start < 0)): return array([], dtype=dtype) if step < 0 and ((stop is not None and start < stop) or (stop is None and start > 0)): return array([], dtype=dtype) # TODO(srbs): There are some bugs when start or stop is float type and dtype # is integer type. return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray( tf.cast(tf.range(start, limit=stop, delta=step), dtype=dtype))
Example #13
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_tf_while_loop_fn(step_fn): """Create a multiple steps function driven by tf.while_loop on the host. Args: step_fn: A function which takes `iterator` as input. Returns: A callable defined as the `loop_fn` defination below. """ @tf.function def loop_fn(iterator, num_steps): """A loop function with multiple steps. Args: iterator: A nested structure of `Iterator` or `DistributedIterator`. num_steps: The number of steps in the loop. Must be a tf.Tensor. """ if not isinstance(num_steps, tf.Tensor): raise ValueError("`num_steps` should be an `tf.Tensor`. Python object " "may cause retracing.") for _ in tf.range(num_steps): step_fn(iterator) return loop_fn
Example #14
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_high_entropy_bounds(self): # For high entropy distributions, the training bound should be very tight, # and the overhead of range coding manageable. noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=0., scale=100.) em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True) x = noisy.base.sample([10000]) bits_eval = em.bits(x, training=False) bits_training = em.bits(x, training=True) bits_compressed = 8 * len(em.compress(x).numpy()) self.assertAllClose(bits_training, bits_eval, atol=0, rtol=5e-5) self.assertAllClose(bits_compressed, bits_eval, atol=0, rtol=5e-3)
Example #15
Source File: From valan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_first_true_column(x): """Transforms `x` into a tensor which has all elements set to False except the first True in the column. If x is [[True, False, False], [True, False, False], [False, True, False], [False, True, True]] the output should be [[True, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, True, False], [False, False, True] ] Args: x: A bool tensor with shape [num_steps, batch_size] Returns: A bool tensor with the same shape. """ x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 0]) # Get indices y = tf.where(tf.equal(x, True)) # Find first column in every row which is True first_true_cols = tf.cast( tf.math.segment_min(data=y[:, 1], segment_ids=y[:, 0]), tf.int32) # Convert back to indices first_true_indices = tf.stack( [tf.range(tf.size(first_true_cols)), first_true_cols], axis=1) # Now create the mask first_true_mask_sparse = tf.SparseTensor( indices=tf.cast(first_true_indices, tf.int64), values=tf.ones([tf.size(first_true_cols)], dtype=tf.bool), dense_shape=x.shape) first_true_mask = tf.sparse.to_dense( first_true_mask_sparse, default_value=False) return tf.transpose(first_true_mask, perm=[1, 0])
Example #16
Source File: From valan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def levenshtein(seq1, seq2): """Computes Levenshtein edit distance between two sequences. Adapted from online tutorial by Frank Hofmann. Args: seq1: The first sequence of any datatype that implements equality operator. seq2: The second sequence of any datatype that implements equality operator. Returns: Levenshtein edit distance (integer) between the two sequences. """ size_x = len(seq1) + 1 size_y = len(seq2) + 1 mat = np.zeros((size_x, size_y)) for x in range(size_x): mat[x, 0] = x for y in range(size_y): mat[0, y] = y for x in range(1, size_x): for y in range(1, size_y): if seq1[x-1] == seq2[y-1]: mat[x, y] = min( mat[x-1, y] + 1, mat[x-1, y-1], mat[x, y-1] + 1 ) else: mat[x, y] = min( mat[x-1, y] + 1, mat[x-1, y-1] + 1, mat[x, y-1] + 1 ) return mat[size_x - 1, size_y - 1]
Example #17
Source File: From valan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parallel_conv2d(inputs, filters, strides, padding): """Applies each filter in the batch of filters to each input. tf.nn.conv2d only supports applying the same filter on a batch of inputs. This function provides a similar interface, but allowing a batch of filters, a different one for each input. In the below definitions, B is the batch size, H and W are spatial input or output dimensions (overloaded between input and output), C1 is the input number of channels, C2 is output number of channels, KHxKW is the convolutional kernel spatial size. Args: inputs: BxHxWxC1 tensor - batch of input "images" filters: BxKHxKWxC1xC2 tensor - batch of convolutional kernels strides: See tf.nn.conv2d arg: strides padding: See tf.nn.conv2d arg: padding Returns: Tensor of shape BxHxWxC2 """ batch_size = inputs.shape[0] output_slices = [tf.nn.conv2d(inputs[i:i+1], filters[i], strides, padding) for i in range(batch_size)] output = tf.stack(output_slices, axis=0) # Each output slice has a batch dimension of size 1. Get rid of it. assert output.shape[1] == 1, 'Each slice should have batch size of 1' output = output[:, 0, :, :, :] # Output should have same batch size and spatial dimensions as input, but # the number of channels is determined by the convolution filter assert_shape((batch_size, inputs.shape[1], inputs.shape[2], filters.shape[4]), output.shape) return output
Example #18
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def prior(self): """Prior distribution, used for range coding.""" if not hasattr(self, "_prior"): raise RuntimeError( "This entropy model doesn't hold a reference to its prior " "distribution. This can happen when it is unserialized, because " "the prior is generally not serializable.") return self._prior
Example #19
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bits(self, bottleneck, indexes, training=True): """Estimates the number of bits needed to compress a tensor. Arguments: bottleneck: `tf.Tensor` containing the data to be compressed. indexes: `tf.Tensor` specifying the scalar distribution for each element in `bottleneck`. See class docstring for examples. training: Boolean. If `False`, computes the Shannon information of `bottleneck` under the distribution computed by `self.prior_fn`, which is a non-differentiable, tight *lower* bound on the number of bits needed to compress `bottleneck` using `compress()`. If `True`, returns a somewhat looser, but differentiable *upper* bound on this quantity. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` having the same shape as `bottleneck` without the `self.coding_rank` innermost dimensions, containing the number of bits. """ indexes = self._normalize_indexes(indexes) prior = self._make_prior(indexes) if training: quantized = bottleneck + tf.random.uniform( tf.shape(bottleneck), minval=-.5, maxval=.5, dtype=bottleneck.dtype) else: offset = helpers.quantization_offset(prior) quantized = self._quantize(bottleneck, offset) probs = prior.prob(quantized) probs = math_ops.lower_bound(probs, self.likelihood_bound) axes = tuple(range(-self.coding_rank, 0)) bits = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(probs), axis=axes) / -tf.math.log(2.) return bits
Example #20
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bits(self, bottleneck, training=True): """Estimates the number of bits needed to compress a tensor. Arguments: bottleneck: `tf.Tensor` containing the data to be compressed. Must have at least `self.coding_rank` dimensions, and the innermost dimensions must be broadcastable to `self.prior_shape`. training: Boolean. If `False`, computes the Shannon information of `bottleneck` under the distribution `self.prior`, which is a non-differentiable, tight *lower* bound on the number of bits needed to compress `bottleneck` using `compress()`. If `True`, returns a somewhat looser, but differentiable *upper* bound on this quantity. Returns: A `tf.Tensor` having the same shape as `bottleneck` without the `self.coding_rank` innermost dimensions, containing the number of bits. """ if training: quantized = bottleneck + tf.random.uniform( tf.shape(bottleneck), minval=-.5, maxval=.5, dtype=bottleneck.dtype) else: quantized = self.quantize(bottleneck) probs = self.prior.prob(quantized) probs = math_ops.lower_bound(probs, self.likelihood_bound) axes = tuple(range(-self.coding_rank, 0)) bits = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(probs), axis=axes) / -tf.math.log(2.) return bits
Example #21
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compute_indexes(self, broadcast_shape): # TODO(jonycgn, ssjhv): Investigate broadcasting in range coding op. prior_size = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.prior_shape, 1) indexes = tf.range(prior_size, dtype=tf.int32) indexes = tf.reshape(indexes, self.prior_shape) indexes = tf.broadcast_to( indexes, tf.concat([broadcast_shape, self.prior_shape], 0)) return indexes
Example #22
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def swapaxes(a, axis1, axis2): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring a = asarray(a) a_rank = tf.rank(a) if axis1 < 0: axis1 += a_rank if axis2 < 0: axis2 += a_rank perm = tf.range(a_rank) perm = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(perm, [[axis1], [axis2]], [axis2, axis1]) a = tf.transpose(a, perm) return utils.tensor_to_ndarray(a)
Example #23
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _tf_range(l): return tf.range(len(l))
Example #24
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_shape_invariant_violation(l): t = tf.constant([1]) for _ in l: tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=((t, tf.TensorShape([1])),)) t = tf.range(tf.random.uniform((), 2, 3, dtype=tf.int32)) return t
Example #25
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_shape_erasure(l): t = tf.constant([1]) for _ in l: t = tf.range(tf.random.uniform((), 2, 3, dtype=tf.int32)) return t
Example #26
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def while_with_shape_erasure(): t = tf.constant([1]) while tf.constant(True): t = tf.range(tf.random.uniform((), 2, 3, dtype=tf.int32)) return t
Example #27
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _int_dataset_range(n): return x: tf.cast(x, tf.int32))
Example #28
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_and_break(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) if n > 1: for i in range(n): tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 if i > 3: break else: v = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) return v
Example #29
Source File: From autograph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def for_with_variable_shape_inside_if(n): v = tf.constant([0, 0]) if n > 1: for i in range(n): tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options( shape_invariants=[(v, tf.TensorShape([None]))]) v = tf.concat((v, [i]), 0) i += 1 else: v = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) return v
Example #30
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_compression(self): if not self.compression: raise RuntimeError( "For range coding, the entropy model must be instantiated with " "`compression=True`.")