Python tensorflow.compat.v1.uint8() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tensorflow.compat.v1.uint8().
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Example #1
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def draw_heatmaps_on_image(image, heatmaps): """Draws heatmaps on an image. The heatmaps are handled channel by channel and different colors are used to paint different heatmap channels. Args: image: a PIL.Image object. heatmaps: a numpy array with shape [image_height, image_width, channel]. Note that the image_height and image_width should match the size of input image. """ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) channel = heatmaps.shape[2] for c in range(channel): heatmap = heatmaps[:, :, c] * 255 heatmap = heatmap.astype('uint8') bitmap = Image.fromarray(heatmap, 'L') bitmap.convert('1') draw.bitmap( xy=[(0, 0)], bitmap=bitmap, fill=STANDARD_COLORS[c])
Example #2
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, batch_size, *args, **kwargs): self._store_rollouts = kwargs.pop("store_rollouts", True) super(T2TEnv, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch_size = batch_size self._rollouts_by_epoch_and_split = collections.OrderedDict() self.current_epoch = None self._should_preprocess_on_reset = True with tf.Graph().as_default() as tf_graph: self._tf_graph = _Noncopyable(tf_graph) self._decoded_image_p = _Noncopyable( tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8, shape=(None, None, None)) ) self._encoded_image_t = _Noncopyable( tf.image.encode_png(self._decoded_image_p.obj) ) self._encoded_image_p = _Noncopyable(tf.placeholder(tf.string)) self._decoded_image_t = _Noncopyable( tf.image.decode_png(self._encoded_image_p.obj) ) self._session = _Noncopyable(tf.Session())
Example #3
Source File: From benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def preprocess(self, image_buffer, bbox, batch_position): """Preprocessing image_buffer as a function of its batch position.""" if self.train: image = train_image(image_buffer, self.height, self.width, bbox, batch_position, self.resize_method, self.distortions, None, summary_verbosity=self.summary_verbosity, distort_color_in_yiq=self.distort_color_in_yiq, fuse_decode_and_crop=self.fuse_decode_and_crop) else: image = tf.image.decode_jpeg( image_buffer, channels=3, dct_method='INTEGER_FAST') image = eval_image(image, self.height, self.width, batch_position, self.resize_method, summary_verbosity=self.summary_verbosity) # Note: image is now float32 [height,width,3] with range [0, 255] # image = tf.cast(image, tf.uint8) # HACK TESTING if self.match_mlperf: mlperf.logger.log(key=mlperf.tags.INPUT_MEAN_SUBTRACTION, value=_CHANNEL_MEANS) normalized = image - _CHANNEL_MEANS else: normalized = normalized_image(image) return tf.cast(normalized, self.dtype)
Example #4
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def image_summary(predictions, targets, hparams): """Reshapes predictions and passes it to tensorboard. Args: predictions : The predicted image (logits). targets : The ground truth. hparams: model hparams. Returns: summary_proto: containing the summary images. weights: A Tensor of zeros of the same shape as predictions. """ del hparams results = tf.cast(tf.argmax(predictions, axis=-1), tf.uint8) gold = tf.cast(targets, tf.uint8) summary1 = tf.summary.image("prediction", results, max_outputs=2) summary2 = tf.summary.image("data", gold, max_outputs=2) summary = tf.summary.merge([summary1, summary2]) return summary, tf.zeros_like(predictions)
Example #5
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _encode_gif(images, fps): """Encodes numpy images into gif string. Args: images: A 4-D `uint8` `np.array` (or a list of 3-D images) of shape `[time, height, width, channels]` where `channels` is 1 or 3. fps: frames per second of the animation Returns: The encoded gif string. Raises: IOError: If the ffmpeg command returns an error. """ writer = WholeVideoWriter(fps) writer.write_multi(images) return writer.finish()
Example #6
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def tpu_safe_image_summary(image): if is_xla_compiled(): # We only support float32 images at the moment due to casting complications. if image.dtype != tf.float32: image = to_float(image) else: image = tf.cast(image, tf.uint8) return image # This has been (shamefully) copied from # GitHub tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/slim/nets/ # # tensorflow/models cannot be pip installed, and even if it were we don't want # to depend on all the models in it. # # Therefore copying and forgoing any more bugfixes into it is the most # expedient way to use this function.
Example #7
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def image_to_tf_summary_value(image, tag): """Converts a NumPy image to a tf.Summary.Value object. Args: image: 3-D NumPy array. tag: name for tf.Summary.Value for display in tensorboard. Returns: image_summary: A tf.Summary.Value object. """ curr_image = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint8) height, width, n_channels = curr_image.shape # If monochrome image, then reshape to [height, width] if n_channels == 1: curr_image = np.reshape(curr_image, [height, width]) s = io.BytesIO() matplotlib_pyplot().imsave(s, curr_image, format="png") img_sum = tf.Summary.Image(encoded_image_string=s.getvalue(), height=height, width=width, colorspace=n_channels) return tf.Summary.Value(tag=tag, image=img_sum)
Example #8
Source File: From morph-net with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _extract_images(filename, num_images): """Extract the images into a numpy array. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST images file. num_images: The number of images in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_images, height, width, channels]. """ print('Extracting images from: ', filename) with as bytestream: buf = _IMAGE_SIZE * _IMAGE_SIZE * num_images * _NUM_CHANNELS) data = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(num_images, _IMAGE_SIZE, _IMAGE_SIZE, _NUM_CHANNELS) return data
Example #9
Source File: From morph-net with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _extract_labels(filename, num_labels): """Extract the labels into a vector of int64 label IDs. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST labels file. num_labels: The number of labels in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_labels] """ print('Extracting labels from: ', filename) with as bytestream: buf = * num_labels) labels = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int64) return labels
Example #10
Source File: From Object_Detection_Tracking with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _decode_masks(self, parsed_tensors): """Decode a set of PNG masks to the tf.float32 tensors.""" def _decode_png_mask(png_bytes): mask = tf.squeeze(, channels=1, dtype=tf.uint8), axis=-1) mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=tf.float32) mask.set_shape([None, None]) return mask height = parsed_tensors['image/height'] width = parsed_tensors['image/width'] masks = parsed_tensors['image/object/mask'] return tf.cond( tf.greater(tf.size(masks), 0), lambda: tf.map_fn(_decode_png_mask, masks, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: tf.zeros([0, height, width], dtype=tf.float32))
Example #11
Source File: From interval-bound-propagation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def parse(data_dict): """Parse dataset from _data_gen into the same format as sst_binary.""" sentiment = data_dict['label'] sentence = data_dict['sentence'] dense_chars = tf.decode_raw(sentence, tf.uint8) dense_chars.set_shape((None,)) chars = tfp.math.dense_to_sparse(dense_chars) if six.PY3: safe_chr = lambda c: '?' if c >= 128 else chr(c) else: safe_chr = chr to_char = np.vectorize(safe_chr) chars = tf.SparseTensor(indices=chars.indices, values=tf.py_func(to_char, [chars.values], tf.string), dense_shape=chars.dense_shape) return {'sentiment': sentiment, 'sentence': chars}
Example #12
Source File: From tensor2robot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_pad_image_tensor_to_spec_shape(self): varlen_spec = utils.ExtendedTensorSpec( shape=(3, 2, 2, 1), dtype=tf.uint8, name='varlen', data_format='png', varlen_default_value=3.0) test_data = [[ [[[1]] * 2] * 2, [[[2]] * 2] * 2, ]] prepadded_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(test_data, dtype=varlen_spec.dtype) tensor = utils.pad_or_clip_tensor_to_spec_shape(prepadded_tensor, varlen_spec) with self.session() as sess: np_tensor = self.assertAllEqual( np_tensor, np.array([[ [[[1]] * 2] * 2, [[[2]] * 2] * 2, [[[3]] * 2] * 2, ]]))
Example #13
Source File: From benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _process_image(coder, name): """Process a single image file. If name is "train", a black image is returned. Otherwise, a white image is returned. Args: coder: instance of ImageCoder to provide TensorFlow image coding utils. name: string, unique identifier specifying the data set. Returns: image_buffer: bytes, JPEG encoding of RGB image. height: integer, image height in pixels. width: integer, image width in pixels. """ # Read the image file. value = 0 if name == 'train' else 255 height = random.randint(30, 299) width = random.randint(30, 299) image = np.full((height, width, 3), value, np.uint8) jpeg_data = coder.encode_jpeg(image) return jpeg_data, height, width
Example #14
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _tf_example_input_placeholder(input_shape=None): """Returns input that accepts a batch of strings with tf examples. Args: input_shape: the shape to resize the output decoded images to (optional). Returns: a tuple of input placeholder and the output decoded images. """ batch_tf_example_placeholder = tf.placeholder( tf.string, shape=[None], name='tf_example') def decode(tf_example_string_tensor): tensor_dict = tf_example_decoder.TfExampleDecoder().decode( tf_example_string_tensor) image_tensor = tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] if input_shape is not None: image_tensor = tf.image.resize(image_tensor, input_shape[1:3]) return image_tensor return (batch_tf_example_placeholder, shape_utils.static_or_dynamic_map_fn( decode, elems=batch_tf_example_placeholder, dtype=tf.uint8, parallel_iterations=32, back_prop=False))
Example #15
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_mock_graph(): g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): in_image_tensor = tf.placeholder( tf.uint8, shape=[1, None, None, 3], name='image_tensor') tf.constant([2.0], name='num_detections') tf.constant( [[[0, 0.8, 0.7, 1], [0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9], [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]]], name='detection_boxes') tf.constant([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]], name='detection_scores') tf.identity( tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(in_image_tensor, dtype=tf.float32)), name='detection_classes') graph_def = g.as_graph_def() with tf.gfile.Open(get_mock_graph_path(), 'w') as fl: fl.write(graph_def.SerializeToString())
Example #16
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_mock_tfrecord(): pil_image = Image.fromarray(np.array([[[123, 0, 0]]], dtype=np.uint8), 'RGB') image_output_stream = six.BytesIO(), format='png') encoded_image = image_output_stream.getvalue() feature_map = { 'test_field': dataset_util.float_list_feature([1, 2, 3, 4]), standard_fields.TfExampleFields.image_encoded: dataset_util.bytes_feature(encoded_image), } tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature_map)) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(get_mock_tfrecord_path()) as writer: writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) return encoded_image
Example #17
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _extract_labels(filename, num_labels): """Extract the labels into a vector of int64 label IDs. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST labels file. num_labels: The number of labels in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_labels] """ print('Extracting labels from: ', filename) with as bytestream: buf = * num_labels) labels = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int64) return labels
Example #18
Source File: From models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _extract_images(filename, num_images): """Extract the images into a numpy array. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST images file. num_images: The number of images in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_images, height, width, channels]. """ print('Extracting images from: ', filename) with as bytestream: buf = _IMAGE_SIZE * _IMAGE_SIZE * num_images * _NUM_CHANNELS) data = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(num_images, _IMAGE_SIZE, _IMAGE_SIZE, _NUM_CHANNELS) return data
Example #19
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def word_to_char_ids(word, word_length): """Convert a string to a padded vector of character ids. If the true length of the word is less than `word_length`, padding is added. If the true length of the word is greater than `word_length`, additional bytes are ignored. Args: word: <string> [] word_length: Number of bytes to include per word. Returns: char_ids: <int32> [word_length] """ char_ids = tf.to_int32(tf.decode_raw(word, tf.uint8))[:word_length - 2] padding = tf.fill([word_length - tf.shape(char_ids)[0] - 2], PAD_CHAR) char_ids = tf.concat([[BOW_CHAR], char_ids, [EOW_CHAR], padding], 0) char_ids.set_shape([word_length]) return char_ids
Example #20
Source File: From PINTO_model_zoo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def serve_images(self, image_arrays): """Serve a list of image arrays. Args: image_arrays: A list of image content with each image has shape [height, width, 3] and uint8 type. Returns: A list of detections. """ if not self.sess: predictions = self.signitures['prediction'], feed_dict={self.signitures['image_arrays']: image_arrays}) return predictions
Example #21
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 6 votes |
def neglogp(self, x): """ return tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.logits, labels=x) Note: we can't use sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits because the implementation does not allow second-order derivatives... """ if x.dtype in {tf.uint8, tf.int32, tf.int64}: # one-hot encoding x_shape_list = x.shape.as_list() logits_shape_list = self.logits.get_shape().as_list()[:-1] for xs, ls in zip(x_shape_list, logits_shape_list): if xs is not None and ls is not None: assert xs == ls, 'shape mismatch: {} in x vs {} in logits'.format(xs, ls) x = tf.one_hot(x, self.logits.get_shape().as_list()[-1]) else: # already encoded assert x.shape.as_list() == self.logits.shape.as_list() return tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=self.logits, labels=x)
Example #22
Source File: From tensor2robot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _transform_in_feature_specification( self, tensor_spec_struct ): """The specification for the input features for the preprocess_fn. Here we will transform the feature spec to represent the requirements for preprocessing. Args: tensor_spec_struct: A flat spec structure {str: TensorSpec}. Returns: tensor_spec_struct: The transformed flat spec structure {str: TensorSpec}. """ self.update_spec( tensor_spec_struct, 'state/image', shape=(512, 640, 3), dtype=tf.uint8, data_format='jpeg') return tensor_spec_struct
Example #23
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def eval_trained_model(config_name, ckpt_dir, out_dir, tfds_arguments: helpers.TFDSArguments, max_images=None): """Evaluate a trained model.""" config = configs.get_config(config_name) hific = model.HiFiC(config, helpers.ModelMode.EVALUATION) # Automatically uses the validation split. dataset = hific.build_input( batch_size=1, crop_size=None, tfds_arguments=tfds_arguments) iterator = get_next_image = iterator.get_next() output_image, bpp = hific.build_model(**get_next_image) input_image = get_next_image['input_image'] input_image = tf.cast(tf.round(input_image[0, ...]), tf.uint8) output_image = tf.cast(tf.round(output_image[0, ...]), tf.uint8) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) with tf.Session() as sess: hific.restore_trained_model(sess, ckpt_dir) for i in itertools.count(0): if max_images and i == max_images: break try: inp_np, otp_np, bpp_np =[input_image, output_image, bpp]) print(f'Image {i}: {bpp_np:.3} bpp, saving in {out_dir}...') Image.fromarray(inp_np).save( os.path.join(out_dir, f'img_{i:010d}inp.png')) Image.fromarray(otp_np).save( os.path.join(out_dir, f'img_{i:010d}otp_{bpp_np:.3f}.png')) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('No more inputs') break print('Done!')
Example #24
Source File: From compression with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def quantize_image(image): image = tf.round(image * 255) image = tf.saturate_cast(image, tf.uint8) return image
Example #25
Source File: From text-to-text-transfer-transformer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def encode_tf(self, s): """Encode a tf.Scalar string to a tf.Tensor. Args: s: a tf.Scalar with dtype tf.string Returns: a 1d tf.Tensor with dtype tf.int32 """ tf_ids =, tf.uint8) + self._num_special_tokens return tf.dtypes.cast(tf_ids, tf.int32)
Example #26
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def postprocess(x, n_bits_x=8): """Converts x from [-0.5, 0.5], to [0, 255]. Args: x: 3-D or 4-D Tensor normalized between [-0.5, 0.5] n_bits_x: Number of bits representing each pixel of the output. Defaults to 8, to default to 256 possible values. Returns: x: 3-D or 4-D Tensor representing images or videos. """ x = tf.where(tf.is_finite(x), x, tf.ones_like(x)) x = tf.clip_by_value(x, -0.5, 0.5) x += 0.5 x = x * 2**n_bits_x return tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, 255), dtype=tf.uint8)
Example #27
Source File: From mesh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dataset(directory, images_file, labels_file): """Download and parse MNIST dataset.""" images_file = download(directory, images_file) labels_file = download(directory, labels_file) check_image_file_header(images_file) check_labels_file_header(labels_file) def decode_image(image): # Normalize from [0, 255] to [0.0, 1.0] image = tf.decode_raw(image, tf.uint8) image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) image = tf.reshape(image, [784]) return image / 255.0 def decode_label(label): label = tf.decode_raw(label, tf.uint8) # tf.string -> [tf.uint8] label = tf.reshape(label, []) # label is a scalar return tf.to_int32(label) images = images_file, 28 * 28, header_bytes=16).map(decode_image) labels = labels_file, 1, header_bytes=8).map(decode_label) return, labels))
Example #28
Source File: From benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): # Create a single Session to run all image coding calls. self._sess = tf.Session() # Initializes function that converts PNG to JPEG data. self._image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8) self._encode_jpeg = tf.image.encode_jpeg( self._image, format='rgb', quality=100)
Example #29
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def visualize_predictions(self, real_frames, gen_frames, actions=None): def concat_on_y_axis(x): x = tf.unstack(x, axis=1) x = tf.concat(x, axis=1) return x frames_gd = common_video.swap_time_and_batch_axes(real_frames) frames_pd = common_video.swap_time_and_batch_axes(gen_frames) if actions is not None: actions = common_video.swap_time_and_batch_axes(actions) if self.is_per_pixel_softmax: frames_pd_shape = common_layers.shape_list(frames_pd) frames_pd = tf.reshape(frames_pd, [-1, 256]) frames_pd = tf.to_float(tf.argmax(frames_pd, axis=-1)) frames_pd = tf.reshape(frames_pd, frames_pd_shape[:-1] + [3]) frames_gd = concat_on_y_axis(frames_gd) frames_pd = concat_on_y_axis(frames_pd) if actions is not None: actions = tf.clip_by_value(actions, 0, 1) summary("action_vid", tf.cast(actions * 255, tf.uint8)) actions = concat_on_y_axis(actions) side_by_side_video = tf.concat([frames_gd, frames_pd, actions], axis=2) else: side_by_side_video = tf.concat([frames_gd, frames_pd], axis=2) tf.summary.image("full_video", side_by_side_video)
Example #30
Source File: From tensor2tensor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def encode_images_as_png(images): """Yield images encoded as pngs.""" if tf.executing_eagerly(): for image in images: yield tf.image.encode_png(image).numpy() else: (height, width, channels) = images[0].shape with tf.Graph().as_default(): image_t = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8, shape=(height, width, channels)) encoded_image_t = tf.image.encode_png(image_t) with tf.Session() as sess: for image in images: enc_string =, feed_dict={image_t: image}) yield enc_string