Python scipy.constants.Boltzmann() Examples

The following are 8 code examples of scipy.constants.Boltzmann(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.constants , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _ThCritical(self, rho, T, fase):
        """Younglove-Hanley thermal conductivity critical enhancement"""
        rhom = rho/self.M
        Tc = 150.86
        Pc = 4.9058e6
        rhocm = 13.41
        rhoc = rhocm*self.M

        # Eq 9
        T_ = T/Tc
        rho_ = rhom/rhocm
        DelT = (T-Tc)/Tc
        Delrho = (rhom-rhocm)/rhocm
        Xt = rho*fase.drhodP_T*Pc/rhoc**2

        # Eq 10
        tc = 1.02*Boltzmann*Pc/6.0795e-1/6/pi/*(T_/rho_)**2 * \

        return tc 
Example #2
Source File:    From dpgen with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _check_incar_ele_temp(testCase, idx, ele_temp):
    fp_path = os.path.join('iter.%06d' % idx, '02.fp')
    tasks = glob.glob(os.path.join(fp_path, 'task.*'))
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for ii in tasks :
        bname = os.path.basename(ii)
        sidx = int(bname.split('.')[1])
        tidx = int(bname.split('.')[2])
        with open('INCAR') as fp:
            incar =
            incar0 = Incar.from_string(incar)
            # make_fake_md: the frames in a system shares the same ele_temp
            incar1 = Incar.from_string(vasp_incar_ele_temp_ref%(ele_temp[sidx][0] * pc.Boltzmann / pc.electron_volt))
            for ii in incar0.keys():
                # skip checking nbands...
                if ii == 'NBANDS':
                testCase.assertAlmostEqual(incar0[ii], incar1[ii], msg = 'key %s differ' % (ii), places = 5)
Example #3
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _thermo0(self, rho, T, fase):
        """Custom dilute-gas limit form of thermal conductivity"""
        X1 = 0.95185202
        X2 = 1.0205422
        M = 28.013

        # Used the ideal isochoric heat capacity of paper because differ in
        # about a 20% of values using the ideal correlation in meos
        def cv(T):
            ni = [-0.837079888737e3, 0.379147114487e2, -0.601737844275,
                  0.350418363823e1, -0.874955653028e-5, 0.148968607239e-7,
                  -0.256370354277e-11, 0.100773735767e1, 0.335340610e4]
            sum1 = 0
            for i, n in enumerate(ni[:-2]):
                sum1 += n*T**(i-3)

            u = ni[8]/T
            eu1 = exp(u)-1
            sum2 = (ni[7]*u**2*(eu1+1))/eu1**2
            cv = 8.31434*(sum1+sum2-1)
            return cv

        muo = self._Visco0(T, self.visco2)
        F = Boltzmann*Avogadro*muo/M                                     # Eq 9
        ltr = 2.5*F*(1.5-X1)                                             # Eq 7
        lint = F*X2*(cv(T)/Boltzmann/Avogadro+X1)                        # Eq 8

        return (ltr+lint)*1e-3 
Example #4
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _ThCondCritical(self, rho, T, fase):
        # Custom Critical enhancement

        # The paper use a diferent rhoc value to the EoS
        rhoc = 235

        t = abs(T-405.4)/405.4
        dPT = 1e5*(2.18-0.12/exp(17.8*t))
        nb = 1e-5*(2.6+1.6*t)

        DL = 1.2*Boltzmann*T**2/6/pi/nb/(1.34e-10/t**0.63*(1+t**0.5)) * \
            dPT**2 * 0.423e-8/t**1.24*(1+t**0.5/0.7)

        # Add correction for entire range of temperature, Eq 10
        DL *= exp(-36*t**2)

        X = 0.61*rhoc+16.5*log(t)
        if rho > 0.6*rhoc:
            # Eq 11
            DL *= X**2/(X**2+(rho-0.96*rhoc)**2)
            # Eq 14
            DL = X**2/(X**2+(0.6*rhoc-0.96*rhoc)**2)
            DL *= rho**2/(0.6*rhoc)**2

        return DL 
Example #5
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _thermo0(self, rho, T, fase):
        # λ1 in Eq 3 is always 0

        GT = [-2.903423528e5, 4.680624952e5, -1.8954783215e5, -4.8262235392e3,
              2.243409372e4, -6.6206354818e3, 8.9937717078e2, -6.0559143718e1,
        lo = 0
        for i in range(-3, 6):
            lo += GT[i+3]*T**(i/3.)

        l2, lc = 0, 0
        if rho:
            tita = (rho-221)/221
            k = [-1.304503323e1, 1.8214616599e1, -9.903022496e3, 7.420521631e2,
                 -3.0083271933e-1, 9.6456068829e1, 1.350256962e4]
            l2 = exp(k[0]+k[3]/T) * (
                exp(rho.gcc**0.1*(k[1]+k[2]/T**1.5) +

            # Critical enhancement
            deltarho = (rho-221)/221
            deltaT = (T-282.34)/282.34

            xt = rho**2*fase.kappa*5.039/221**2
            B = abs(deltarho)/abs(deltaT)**1.19                         # Eq 11
            Gamma = xt*abs(deltaT)**1.19                                # Eq 12
            xi = 0.69/(B**2*5.039/Gamma/Boltzmann/282.34)**0.5          # Eq 14

            # Eq 19
            F = exp(-18.66*deltaT**2) * exp(-4.25*deltarho**4)

            # Eq 18
            c = (self.M/rho.gcc/Avogadro/Boltzmann/T)**0.5
            d = Boltzmann*T**2/6/pi/
            lc = c*d*fase.dpdT_rho**2*fase.kappa**0.5*F

        return unidades.ThermalConductivity(lo+l2+lc, "mWmK") 
Example #6
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def Tension_Miqueu(T, Tc, Vc, M, w):
    r"""Calculates surface tension of a liquid using the Miqueu et al.

    .. math::
        \sigma = kT_c\left(\frac{N_A}{V_c}\right)^{2/3}

    T : float
        Temperature, [K]
    Tc : float
        Critical temperature, [K]
    Vc : float
        Critical volume, [m^3/kg]
    M : float
        Molecular weight, [g/mol]
    w : float
        Acentric factor, [-]

    sigma : float
        Liquid surface tension, [N/m]
    t = 1 - T/Tc

    # Eq 13
    sigma = Boltzmann * Tc * (Avogadro/Vc/1000/M)**(2/3) * (4.35+4.14*w) * \
        t**1.26 * (1+0.19*t**0.5-0.25*t)
    return unidades.Tension(sigma, "mNm") 
Example #7
Source File:    From dpgen with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def make_vasp_incar_ele_temp(jdata, filename, ele_temp, nbands_esti = None):
    with open(filename) as fp:
        incar =
    incar = incar_upper(Incar.from_string(incar))
    incar['ISMEAR'] = -1
    incar['SIGMA'] = ele_temp * pc.Boltzmann / pc.electron_volt
    if nbands_esti is not None:
        nbands = nbands_esti.predict('.')
        with open(filename) as fp:
            incar = Incar.from_string(
        incar['NBANDS'] = nbands
Example #8
Source File:    From dpgen with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_res(self, res_dir):
        res = {}
        sys = dpdata.System(os.path.join(res_dir, 'POSCAR'))
        res['natoms'] = (sys['atom_numbs'])
        res['vol'] = np.linalg.det(sys['cells'][0])
        res['nvalence'] = (self._get_potcar_nvalence(os.path.join(res_dir, 'POTCAR')))
        res['ele_temp'] = self._get_incar_ele_temp(os.path.join(res_dir, 'INCAR')) * pc.electron_volt / pc.Boltzmann
        res['nbands'] = self._get_incar_nbands(os.path.join(res_dir, 'INCAR'))
        return res