Python scipy.constants.speed_of_light() Examples
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code examples of scipy.constants.speed_of_light().
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Example #1
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def electron_wavelength(keV): """ Relativistic wavelength :math:`\lambda` of an accelerated electron. .. math:: \lambda = \\frac{h}{\sqrt{2 m_e e V}}\gamma where :math:`\gamma` is the relativistic Lorentz factor. Parameters ---------- keV : array_like or float Electron energy [keV]. Returns ------- out : array_like or float Electron wavelength [:math:`Å^{-1}`] References ---------- .. Kirkland 2010 Eq. 2.5 """ eV = elementary_charge * keV * 1e3 wavelength_meters = ( Planck * speed_of_light / np.sqrt(eV * (2 * electron_mass * speed_of_light ** 2 + eV)) ) return wavelength_meters * 1e10 # wavelength in angstroms
Example #2
Source File: From sarpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_grid_row(self): """ Gets the Grid.Row metadata. Returns ------- DirParamType """ center_freq = self._get_center_frequency() if self.generation == 'RS2': row_ss = float(self._find('./imageAttributes' '/rasterAttributes' '/sampledPixelSpacing').text) elif self.generation == 'RCM': row_ss = float(self._find('./imageReferenceAttributes' '/rasterAttributes' '/sampledPixelSpacing').text) else: raise ValueError('unhandled generation {}'.format(self.generation)) row_irbw = 2*float(self._find('./imageGenerationParameters' '/sarProcessingInformation' '/totalProcessedRangeBandwidth').text)/speed_of_light row_wgt_type = WgtTypeType(WindowName=self._find('./imageGenerationParameters' '/sarProcessingInformation' '/rangeWindow/windowName').text.upper()) if row_wgt_type.WindowName == 'KAISER': row_wgt_type.Parameters = {'BETA': self._find('./imageGenerationParameters' '/sarProcessingInformation' '/rangeWindow/windowCoefficient').text} return DirParamType( SS=row_ss, ImpRespBW=row_irbw, Sgn=-1, KCtr=2*center_freq/speed_of_light, DeltaKCOAPoly=Poly2DType(Coefs=((0,),)), WgtType=row_wgt_type)
Example #3
Source File: From sarpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _derive_rma_rmcr(self, RMA, GeoData, RadarCollection, ImageFormation): """ Parameters ---------- RMA : GeoData : RadarCollection : ImageFormation : Returns ------- None """ if RMA.RMCR is None: return if self.ImagePlane is None: self.ImagePlane = 'SLANT' if self.Type is None: self.Type = 'XRGYCR' if self.Row.UVectECF is None and self.Col.UVectECF is None: params = self._derive_unit_vector_params(GeoData, RMA.RMAT) if params is not None: SCP, upos_ref, uvel_ref, uLOS, left, look = params uXRG = uLOS uSPZ = look*numpy.cross(uvel_ref, uXRG) uSPZ /= norm(uSPZ) uYCR = numpy.cross(uSPZ, uXRG) self.Row.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uXRG) self.Col.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uYCR) center_frequency = _get_center_frequency(RadarCollection, ImageFormation) if center_frequency is not None: if self.Row.KCtr is None: self.Row.KCtr = 2*center_frequency/speed_of_light if self.Col.KCtr is None: self.Col.KCtr = 2*center_frequency/speed_of_light
Example #4
Source File: From sarpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _derive_rma_rmat(self, RMA, GeoData, RadarCollection, ImageFormation): """ Parameters ---------- RMA : GeoData : RadarCollection : ImageFormation : Returns ------- None """ if RMA.RMAT is None: return if self.ImagePlane is None: self.ImagePlane = 'SLANT' if self.Type is None: self.Type = 'XCTYAT' if self.Row.UVectECF is None and self.Col.UVectECF is None: params = self._derive_unit_vector_params(GeoData, RMA.RMAT) if params is not None: SCP, upos_ref, uvel_ref, uLOS, left, look = params uYAT = -look*uvel_ref uSPZ = numpy.cross(uLOS, uYAT) uSPZ /= norm(uSPZ) uXCT = numpy.cross(uYAT, uSPZ) self.Row.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uXCT) self.Col.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uYAT) center_frequency = _get_center_frequency(RadarCollection, ImageFormation) if center_frequency is not None and RMA.RMAT.DopConeAngRef is not None: if self.Row.KCtr is None: self.Row.KCtr = (2*center_frequency/speed_of_light)*numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(RMA.RMAT.DopConeAngRef)) if self.Col.KCtr is None: self.Col.KCtr = (2*center_frequency/speed_of_light)*numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(RMA.RMAT.DopConeAngRef))
Example #5
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_limits(self): """ Test that the electron velocity never exceeds the speed of light. """ c = speed_of_light * 1e10 # Speed of light in Ang/s self.assertEqual(electron_velocity(1e20) / c, 1)
Example #6
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def interaction_parameter(keV): """ Interaction parameter from relativistic electron wavelength. Parameters ---------- keV : array_like or float Electron energy [keV]. Returns ------- out : array_like or float Interaction parameter [:math:`rad/(V Å)`] References ---------- .. Kirkland 2010 Eq. 5.6 """ l = electron_wavelength(keV) V = keV * 1e3 return ( (2 * np.pi) / (electron_wavelength(keV) * V) * (electron_mass * speed_of_light ** 2 + elementary_charge * V) / (2 * electron_mass * speed_of_light ** 2 + elementary_charge * V) )
Example #7
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def electron_velocity(keV): """ Relativistic velocity :math:`v_e` of an accelerated electron. .. math:: \\frac{v_e}{c} = \sqrt{1 - \\frac{m_0 c^2}{m_0 c^2 + e V}} Parameters ---------- keV : array_like or float Electron energy [keV]. Returns ------- out : array_like or float Electron velocity [:math:`Å / s`] References ---------- .. Kirkland 2010 Eq. 2.3 """ eV = elementary_charge * keV * 1e3 m0c2 = electron_mass * speed_of_light ** 2 v_over_c = np.sqrt(eV * (eV + 2 * m0c2)) / (m0c2 + eV) return (speed_of_light * v_over_c) * 1e10 # speed in Angstroms
Example #8
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_lambda_to_nu(): assert_equal(sc.lambda2nu(sc.speed_of_light), 1)
Example #9
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lorentz(keV): """ Relativistic factor :math:`\gamma`, defined as :math:`\gamma = \\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}` Parameters ---------- keV : array_like or float Electron energy [keV]. Returns ------- out : array_like or float References ---------- .. Kirkland 2010 Eq. 2.2 """ return 1 + (elementary_charge * keV * 1e3) / (electron_mass * speed_of_light ** 2)
Example #10
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(acceleration_voltage): """Get relativistic mass of electron as function of acceleration voltage. Parameters ---------- acceleration_voltage : float In Volt Returns ------- mr : float Relativistic electron mass Example ------- >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct >>> mr = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_relativistic_mass(200000) # 200 kV """ av = acceleration_voltage c = sc.speed_of_light v = acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(av) me = sc.electron_mass part1 = 1 - (v ** 2) / (c ** 2) mr = me / (part1) ** 0.5 return mr
Example #11
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(acceleration_voltage): """Get relativistic velocity of electron from acceleration voltage. Parameters ---------- acceleration_voltage : float In Volt Returns ------- v : float In m/s Example ------- >>> import pyxem.utils.dpc_utils as dpct >>> v = dpct.acceleration_voltage_to_velocity(200000) # 200 kV >>> round(v) 208450035 """ c = sc.speed_of_light av = acceleration_voltage e = sc.elementary_charge me = sc.electron_mass part1 = (1 + (av * e) / (me * c ** 2)) ** 2 v = c * (1 - (1 / part1)) ** 0.5 return v
Example #12
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength(acceleration_voltage): """Get electron wavelength from the acceleration voltage. Parameters ---------- acceleration_voltage : float or array-like In Volt Returns ------- wavelength : float or array-like In meters Examples -------- >>> import pixstem.diffraction_tools as dt >>> acceleration_voltage = 200000 # 200 kV (in Volt) >>> wavelength = dt.acceleration_voltage_to_wavelength( ... acceleration_voltage) >>> wavelength_picometer = wavelength*10**12 """ E = acceleration_voltage * sc.elementary_charge h = sc.Planck m0 = sc.electron_mass c = sc.speed_of_light wavelength = h / (2 * m0 * E * (1 + (E / (2 * m0 * c ** 2)))) ** 0.5 return wavelength
Example #13
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nu_to_lambda(): assert_equal(sc.nu2lambda(1), sc.speed_of_light)
Example #14
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_lambda_to_nu(): assert_equal(sc.lambda2nu(sc.speed_of_light), 1)
Example #15
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_nu_to_lambda(): assert_equal(sc.nu2lambda(1), sc.speed_of_light)
Example #16
Source File: From sarpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _derive_pfa(self, GeoData, RadarCollection, ImageFormation, Position, PFA): """ Expected to be called by SICD parent. Parameters ---------- GeoData : RadarCollection : ImageFormation : Position : PFA : Returns ------- None """ if self.Type is None: self.Type = 'RGAZIM' # the natural result for PFA if PFA is None: return # nothing to be done if GeoData is None or GeoData.SCP is None: return # nothing to be done SCP = GeoData.SCP.ECF.get_array() if Position is not None and Position.ARPPoly is not None \ and PFA.PolarAngRefTime is not None: polar_ref_pos = Position.ARPPoly(PFA.PolarAngRefTime) else: polar_ref_pos = SCP if PFA.IPN is not None and PFA.FPN is not None and \ self.Row.UVectECF is None and self.Col.UVectECF is None: ipn = PFA.IPN.get_array() fpn = PFA.FPN.get_array() dist = - polar_ref_pos), ipn) /, ipn) ref_pos_ipn = polar_ref_pos + (dist * fpn) uRG = SCP - ref_pos_ipn uRG /= norm(uRG) uAZ = numpy.cross(ipn, uRG) # already unit self.Row.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uRG) self.Col.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uAZ) if self.Col is not None and self.Col.KCtr is None: self.Col.KCtr = 0 # almost always 0 for PFA if self.Row is not None and self.Row.KCtr is None: center_frequency = _get_center_frequency(RadarCollection, ImageFormation) if PFA.Krg1 is not None and PFA.Krg2 is not None: self.Row.KCtr = 0.5*(PFA.Krg1 + PFA.Krg2) elif center_frequency is not None and PFA.SpatialFreqSFPoly is not None: # APPROXIMATION: may not be quite right, due to rectangular inscription loss in PFA. self.Row.KCtr = 2*center_frequency/speed_of_light + PFA.SpatialFreqSFPoly.Coefs[0]
Example #17
Source File: From sarpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _derive_rma_inca(self, RMA, GeoData, Position): """ Parameters ---------- RMA : GeoData : Position : Returns ------- None """ if RMA.INCA is None: return if self.Type is None: self.Type = 'RGZERO' if RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly is not None and Position is not None and Position.ARPPoly is not None and \ self.Row.UVectECF is None and self.Col.UVectECF is None and \ GeoData is not None and GeoData.SCP is not None: SCP = GeoData.SCP.ECF.get_array() t_zero = RMA.INCA.TimeCAPoly.Coefs[0] ca_pos = Position.ARPPoly(t_zero) ca_vel = Position.ARPPoly.derivative_eval(t_zero, der_order=1) uca_pos = ca_pos/norm(ca_pos) uca_vel = ca_vel/norm(ca_vel) uRg = (SCP - ca_pos) uRg_norm = norm(uRg) if uRg_norm > 0: uRg /= uRg_norm left = numpy.cross(uca_pos, uca_vel) look = numpy.sign(, uRg)) uSPZ = -look*numpy.cross(uRg, uca_vel) uSPZ /= norm(uSPZ) uAZ = numpy.cross(uSPZ, uRg) self.Row.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uRg) self.Col.UVectECF = XYZType.from_array(uAZ) if self.Row is not None and self.Row.KCtr is None and RMA.INCA.FreqZero is not None: self.Row.KCtr = 2*RMA.INCA.FreqZero/speed_of_light if self.Col is not None and self.Col.KCtr is None: self.Col.KCtr = 0