Python typing.Counter() Examples
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code examples of typing.Counter().
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Example #1
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_top_hubs(graph: BELGraph, *, n: Optional[int] = 15) -> List[Tuple[BaseEntity, int]]: """Get the top hubs in the graph by BEL. :param graph: A BEL graph :param n: The number of top hubs to return. If None, returns all nodes """ return Counter(dict(
Example #2
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def count_error_types(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Count the occurrence of each type of error in a graph. :return: A Counter of {error type: frequency} """ return Counter( exc.__class__.__name__ for _, exc, _ in graph.warnings )
Example #3
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def count_naked_names(graph: BELGraph) -> typing.Counter[str]: """Count the frequency of each naked name (names without namespaces). :return: A Counter from {name: frequency} """ return Counter(_naked_names_iter(graph))
Example #4
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, corpus: Optional[Corpus] = None) -> None: r"""Initialize Corpus. Parameters ---------- corpus : Corpus The :py:class:`Corpus` from which to initialize the n-gram corpus. By default, this is None, which initializes an empty NGramCorpus. This can then be populated using NGramCorpus methods. Raises ------ TypeError Corpus argument must be None or of type abydos.Corpus Example ------- >>> tqbf = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n' >>> tqbf += 'And then it slept.\n And the dog ran off.' >>> ngcorp = NGramCorpus(Corpus(tqbf)) .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ self.ngcorpus = Counter() # type: TCounter[Optional[str]] if corpus is None: return elif isinstance(corpus, Corpus): self.corpus_importer(corpus) else: raise TypeError( 'Corpus argument must be None or of type abydos.corpus.Corpus. ' + str(type(corpus)) + ' found.' )
Example #5
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize GilbertWells instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(GilbertWells, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, **kwargs )
Example #6
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize MaxwellPilliner instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(MaxwellPilliner, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #7
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize Upholt instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(Upholt, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #8
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize Hurlbert instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(Hurlbert, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #9
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize YuleQ instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(YuleQ, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #10
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize WarrensIV instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(WarrensIV, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #11
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize KuhnsI instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(KuhnsI, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #12
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', positive_irrational: float = e, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize BaulieuIV instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(BaulieuIV, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs ) self._positive_irrational = positive_irrational
Example #13
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize UnknownL instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(UnknownL, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #14
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize Size instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(Size, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #15
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize YuleY instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(YuleY, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #16
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize Shape instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(Shape, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #17
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize KuhnsIII instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(KuhnsIII, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #18
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize SokalSneathIV instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(SokalSneathIV, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #19
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize UnknownD instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(UnknownD, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #20
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize BraunBlanquet instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(BraunBlanquet, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #21
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize ConsonniTodeschiniIV instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(ConsonniTodeschiniIV, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #22
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize BaulieuXIV instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(BaulieuXIV, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #23
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize Maarel instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(Maarel, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #24
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize JaccardNM instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(JaccardNM, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #25
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize KuhnsIX instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(KuhnsIX, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #26
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize McConnaughey instance. Parameters ---------- tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(McConnaughey, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #27
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize KuhnsVI instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(KuhnsVI, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #28
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize KoppenII instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(KoppenII, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #29
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize BaulieuXI instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(BaulieuXI, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )
Example #30
Source File: From abydos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, alphabet: Optional[ Union[TCounter[str], Sequence[str], Set[str], int] ] = None, tokenizer: Optional[_Tokenizer] = None, intersection_type: str = 'crisp', **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Initialize UnknownH instance. Parameters ---------- alphabet : Counter, collection, int, or None This represents the alphabet of possible tokens. See :ref:`alphabet <alphabet>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. tokenizer : _Tokenizer A tokenizer instance from the :py:mod:`abydos.tokenizer` package intersection_type : str Specifies the intersection type, and set type as a result: See :ref:`intersection_type <intersection_type>` description in :py:class:`_TokenDistance` for details. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments Other Parameters ---------------- qval : int The length of each q-gram. Using this parameter and tokenizer=None will cause the instance to use the QGram tokenizer with this q value. metric : _Distance A string distance measure class for use in the ``soft`` and ``fuzzy`` variants. threshold : float A threshold value, similarities above which are counted as members of the intersection for the ``fuzzy`` variant. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """ super(UnknownH, self).__init__( alphabet=alphabet, tokenizer=tokenizer, intersection_type=intersection_type, **kwargs )