Python tensorboard.summary.scalar() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of tensorboard.summary.scalar().
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Example #1
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_event_logging(): logdir = './experiment/' summary_writer = FileWriter(logdir) scalar_value = 1.0 s = scalar('test_scalar', scalar_value) summary_writer.add_summary(s, global_step=1) summary_writer.close() assert os.path.isdir(logdir) assert len(os.listdir(logdir)) == 1 summary_writer = FileWriter(logdir) scalar_value = 1.0 s = scalar('test_scalar', scalar_value) summary_writer.add_summary(s, global_step=1) summary_writer.close() assert os.path.isdir(logdir) assert len(os.listdir(logdir)) == 2 # clean up. shutil.rmtree(logdir)
Example #2
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # netD.zero_grad() # real_logits = netD(real_imgs) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) # errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #3
Source File: From StackGAN-v2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # netD.zero_grad() # real_logits = netD(real_imgs) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) # errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #4
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_summary(): scalar_value = 1.0 s = scalar('test_scalar', scalar_value) values = s.value assert len(values) == 1 assert values[0].tag == 'test_scalar' assert values[0].simple_value == 1.0 byte_str = s.SerializeToString() s_recovered = summary_pb2.Summary() s_recovered.ParseFromString(byte_str) assert values[0].tag == s_recovered.value[0].tag assert values[0].simple_value == s_recovered.value[0].simple_value
Example #5
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # netD.zero_grad() # real_logits = netD(real_imgs) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) # errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #6
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_log_scalar_summary(): logdir = './experiment/scalar' writer = SummaryWriter(logdir) for i in range(10): writer.add_scalar('test_scalar', i+1) writer.close()
Example #7
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # netD.zero_grad() # real_logits = netD(real_imgs) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) # errD = errD_real + errD_fake errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #8
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_log_scalar_summary(): logdir = './experiment/scalar' writer = FileWriter(logdir) for i in range(10): s = scalar('scalar', i) writer.add_summary(s, i+1) writer.flush() writer.close()
Example #9
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_summary(): scalar_value = 1.0 s = scalar('test_scalar', scalar_value) values = s.value assert len(values) == 1 assert values[0].tag == 'test_scalar' assert values[0].simple_value == 1.0 byte_str = s.SerializeToString() s_recovered = summary_pb2.Summary() s_recovered.ParseFromString(byte_str) assert values[0].tag == s_recovered.value[0].tag assert values[0].simple_value == s_recovered.value[0].simple_value
Example #10
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu = self.criterion, netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] # netD.zero_grad() # Forward real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # for real real_logits = netD(real_imgs, mu.detach()) wrong_logits = netD(wrong_imgs, mu.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), mu.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_wrong = criterion(wrong_logits[0], fake_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) if len(real_logits) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errD_real_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(real_logits[1], real_labels) errD_wrong_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(wrong_logits[1], real_labels) errD_fake_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # errD_real = errD_real + errD_real_uncond errD_wrong = errD_wrong + errD_wrong_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake + errD_fake_uncond # errD = errD_real + errD_wrong + errD_fake else: errD = errD_real + 0.5 * (errD_wrong + errD_fake) # backward errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #11
Source File: From StackGAN-v2 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu, logvar = self.criterion,, self.logvar real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS *\ criterion(outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) # Compute color consistency losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total = errG_total + kl_loss errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return kl_loss, errG_total
Example #12
Source File: From StackGAN-v2 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu = self.criterion, netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] # netD.zero_grad() # Forward real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # for real real_logits = netD(real_imgs, mu.detach()) wrong_logits = netD(wrong_imgs, mu.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), mu.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_wrong = criterion(wrong_logits[0], fake_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) if len(real_logits) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errD_real_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(real_logits[1], real_labels) errD_wrong_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(wrong_logits[1], real_labels) errD_fake_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # errD_real = errD_real + errD_real_uncond errD_wrong = errD_wrong + errD_wrong_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake + errD_fake_uncond # errD = errD_real + errD_wrong + errD_fake else: errD = errD_real + 0.5 * (errD_wrong + errD_fake) # backward errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #13
Source File: From StackGAN-v2 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): netD = self.netsD[i] outputs = netD(self.fake_imgs[i]) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) # errG = self.stage_coeff[i] * errG errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) # Compute color preserve losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return errG_total
Example #14
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): netD = self.netsD[i] outputs = netD(self.fake_imgs[i]) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) # errG = self.stage_coeff[i] * errG errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) # Compute color preserve losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return errG_total
Example #15
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu, logvar = self.criterion,, self.logvar real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS *\ criterion(outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) # Compute color consistency losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total = errG_total + kl_loss errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return kl_loss, errG_total
Example #16
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu = self.criterion, netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] # netD.zero_grad() # Forward real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # for real real_logits = netD(real_imgs, mu.detach()) wrong_logits = netD(wrong_imgs, mu.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), mu.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_wrong = criterion(wrong_logits[0], fake_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) if len(real_logits) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errD_real_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(real_logits[1], real_labels) errD_wrong_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(wrong_logits[1], real_labels) errD_fake_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # errD_real = errD_real + errD_real_uncond errD_wrong = errD_wrong + errD_wrong_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake + errD_fake_uncond # errD = errD_real + errD_wrong + errD_fake else: errD = errD_real + 0.5 * (errD_wrong + errD_fake) # backward errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #17
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu, logvar = self.criterion,, self.logvar real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): outputs = self.netsD[i](self.fake_imgs[i], mu) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) if len(outputs) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errG_patch = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS *\ criterion(outputs[1], real_labels) errG = errG + errG_patch errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) # Compute color consistency losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) kl_loss = KL_loss(mu, logvar) * cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.KL errG_total = errG_total + kl_loss errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return kl_loss, errG_total
Example #18
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Dnet(self, idx, count): flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion, mu = self.criterion, netD, optD = self.netsD[idx], self.optimizersD[idx] real_imgs = self.real_imgs[idx] wrong_imgs = self.wrong_imgs[idx] fake_imgs = self.fake_imgs[idx] # netD.zero_grad() # Forward real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] fake_labels = self.fake_labels[:batch_size] # for real real_logits = netD(real_imgs, mu.detach()) wrong_logits = netD(wrong_imgs, mu.detach()) fake_logits = netD(fake_imgs.detach(), mu.detach()) # errD_real = criterion(real_logits[0], real_labels) errD_wrong = criterion(wrong_logits[0], fake_labels) errD_fake = criterion(fake_logits[0], fake_labels) if len(real_logits) > 1 and cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS > 0: errD_real_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(real_logits[1], real_labels) errD_wrong_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(wrong_logits[1], real_labels) errD_fake_uncond = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.UNCOND_LOSS * \ criterion(fake_logits[1], fake_labels) # errD_real = errD_real + errD_real_uncond errD_wrong = errD_wrong + errD_wrong_uncond errD_fake = errD_fake + errD_fake_uncond # errD = errD_real + errD_wrong + errD_fake else: errD = errD_real + 0.5 * (errD_wrong + errD_fake) # backward errD.backward() # update parameters optD.step() # log if flag == 0: summary_D = summary.scalar('D_loss%d' % idx,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_D, count) return errD
Example #19
Source File: From Recipe2ImageGAN with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train_Gnet(self, count): self.netG.zero_grad() errG_total = 0 flag = count % 100 batch_size = self.real_imgs[0].size(0) criterion = self.criterion real_labels = self.real_labels[:batch_size] for i in range(self.num_Ds): netD = self.netsD[i] outputs = netD(self.fake_imgs[i]) errG = criterion(outputs[0], real_labels) # errG = self.stage_coeff[i] * errG errG_total = errG_total + errG if flag == 0: summary_G = summary.scalar('G_loss%d' % i,[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_G, count) # Compute color preserve losses if cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS > 0: if self.num_Ds > 1: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-1]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2].detach()) like_mu2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov2 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu2 + like_cov2 if self.num_Ds > 2: mu1, covariance1 = compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-2]) mu2, covariance2 = \ compute_mean_covariance(self.fake_imgs[-3].detach()) like_mu1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * nn.MSELoss()(mu1, mu2) like_cov1 = cfg.TRAIN.COEFF.COLOR_LOSS * 5 * \ nn.MSELoss()(covariance1, covariance2) errG_total = errG_total + like_mu1 + like_cov1 if flag == 0: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov2',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) if self.num_Ds > 2: sum_mu = summary.scalar('G_like_mu1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_mu, count) sum_cov = summary.scalar('G_like_cov1',[0]) self.summary_writer.add_summary(sum_cov, count) errG_total.backward() self.optimizerG.step() return errG_total