Python statistics.harmonic_mean() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of statistics.harmonic_mean().
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Example #1
Source File: From QUANTAXIS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mean_harmonic(self): return statistics.harmonic_mean(self.price) # 众数
Example #2
Source File: From QUANTAXIS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def mean_harmonic(self): '返回DataStruct.price的调和平均数' res = self.price.groupby(level=1 ).apply(lambda x: statistics.harmonic_mean(x)) = 'mean_harmonic' return res # 众数
Example #3
Source File: From federated with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def f1_score(ground_truth, signal, k): """Computes the f1 score for the top k words between frequency dicts. Args: ground_truth: The ground truth dict. signal: The obtained heavy hitters dict. k: The number of top items that are consider heavy hitters. Returns: F1 score of the signal in detecting a top k item. """ prec = precision(ground_truth, signal, k) rec = recall(ground_truth, signal, k) return statistics.harmonic_mean([prec, rec])
Example #4
Source File: From jhTAlib with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def HARMONIC_MEAN(df, n, price='Close'): """ Harmonic mean of data Returns: list of floats = jhta.HARMONIC_MEAN(df, n, price='Close') """ harmonic_mean_list = [] if n == len(df[price]): start = None for i in range(len(df[price])): if df[price][i] != df[price][i]: harmonic_mean = float('NaN') else: if start is None: start = i end = i + 1 harmonic_mean = statistics.harmonic_mean(df[price][start:end]) harmonic_mean_list.append(harmonic_mean) else: for i in range(len(df[price])): if i + 1 < n: harmonic_mean = float('NaN') else: start = i + 1 - n end = i + 1 harmonic_mean = statistics.harmonic_mean(df[price][start:end]) harmonic_mean_list.append(harmonic_mean) return harmonic_mean_list
Example #5
Source File: From sigir19-neural-ir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_metrics(qids_to_relevant_passageids, qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages,MaxMRRRank = 10): """Compute MRR metric Args: p_qids_to_relevant_passageids (dict): dictionary of query-passage mapping Dict as read in with load_reference or load_reference_from_stream p_qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages (dict): dictionary of query-passage candidates Returns: dict: dictionary of metrics {'MRR': <MRR Score>} """ all_scores = {} MRR = 0 qids_with_relevant_passages = 0 ranking = [] for qid in qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages: if qid in qids_to_relevant_passageids: ranking.append(0) target_pid = qids_to_relevant_passageids[qid] candidate_pid = qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages[qid] for i in range(0,MaxMRRRank): if candidate_pid[i] in target_pid: MRR += 1/(i + 1) ranking.pop() ranking.append(i+1) break if len(ranking) == 0: raise IOError("No matching QIDs found. Are you sure you are scoring the evaluation set?") MRR = MRR/len(ranking) all_scores['MRR'] = MRR all_scores['QueriesRanked'] = len(ranking) all_scores['QueriesWithNoRelevant'] = sum((1 for x in ranking if x == 0)) all_scores['QueriesWithRelevant'] = sum((1 for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['AverageRankGoldLabel@'+str(MaxMRRRank)] = statistics.mean((x for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['MedianRankGoldLabel@'+str(MaxMRRRank)] = statistics.median((x for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['AverageRankGoldLabel'] = statistics.mean(ranking) all_scores['MedianRankGoldLabel'] = statistics.median(ranking) all_scores['HarmonicMeanRankingGoldLabel'] = statistics.harmonic_mean(ranking) return all_scores
Example #6
Source File: From Turing with MIT License | 5 votes |
def harmonic_mean(args): if "harmonic_mean" not in dir(statistics): return builtins.len(args) / sum([1 / x for x in args]) return statistics.harmonic_mean(args)
Example #7
Source File: From transformer-kernel-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_metrics(qids_to_relevant_passageids, qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages,MaxMRRRank = 10): """Compute MRR metric Args: p_qids_to_relevant_passageids (dict): dictionary of query-passage mapping Dict as read in with load_reference or load_reference_from_stream p_qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages (dict): dictionary of query-passage candidates Returns: dict: dictionary of metrics {'MRR': <MRR Score>} """ all_scores = {} MRR = 0 qids_with_relevant_passages = 0 ranking = [] for qid in qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages: if qid in qids_to_relevant_passageids: ranking.append(0) target_pid = qids_to_relevant_passageids[qid] candidate_pid = qids_to_ranked_candidate_passages[qid] for i in range(0,MaxMRRRank): if candidate_pid[i] in target_pid: MRR += 1/(i + 1) ranking.pop() ranking.append(i+1) break if len(ranking) == 0: raise IOError("No matching QIDs found. Are you sure you are scoring the evaluation set?") MRR = MRR/len(ranking) all_scores['MRR'] = MRR all_scores['QueriesRanked'] = len(ranking) all_scores['QueriesWithNoRelevant'] = sum((1 for x in ranking if x == 0)) all_scores['QueriesWithRelevant'] = sum((1 for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['AverageRankGoldLabel@'+str(MaxMRRRank)] = statistics.mean((x for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['MedianRankGoldLabel@'+str(MaxMRRRank)] = statistics.median((x for x in ranking if x > 0)) all_scores['AverageRankGoldLabel'] = statistics.mean(ranking) all_scores['MedianRankGoldLabel'] = statistics.median(ranking) all_scores['HarmonicMeanRankingGoldLabel'] = statistics.harmonic_mean(ranking) return all_scores
Example #8
Source File: From tbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def time_testcase_statistics( testcase: typing.Callable, *args: typing.Any, runs: int = 10, sleep: float = 0, **kwargs: typing.Any, ) -> None: """ Take multiple measurements about the run-time of a testcase and return/display statistics. :param testcase: Testcase to call. :param args,\\ kwargs: Arguments to pass to the testcase. :param int runs: How many samples to take. :param float sleep: How much time to sleep in between the runs. Example use: Maybe the board does not discharge quick enough so it can cause troubles when the subsecuent testcase run tries to boot again the board """ elapsed_times = [] for n in range(runs): elapsed_time, _ = time_testcase(testcase, *args, **kwargs) elapsed_times.append(elapsed_time) time.sleep(sleep) results = TimingResults( statistics.mean(elapsed_times), statistics.harmonic_mean(elapsed_times), statistics.median(elapsed_times), statistics.pvariance(elapsed_times), statistics.pstdev(elapsed_times), ) tbot.log.message( f"""\ Timing Results: {tbot.log.c('mean').green}: {results.mean} {tbot.log.c('harmonic mean').green}: {results.harmonic_mean} {tbot.log.c('median').green}: {results.median} {tbot.log.c('variance').green}: {results.pvariance} {tbot.log.c('standard deviation').green}: {results.pstdev} """ )