Python volatility.plugins.filescan.FileScan() Examples
The following are 1
code examples of volatility.plugins.filescan.FileScan().
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Example #1
Source File: From volatility-autoruns with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_tasks(self): debug.debug('Started get_tasks()') addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) f = filescan.FileScan(self._config) tasks = [] parsed_tasks = [] try: for file in f.calculate(): filename = str(file.file_name_with_device() or '') if "system32\\tasks\\" in filename.lower() and (('system32\\tasks\\microsoft' not in filename.lower() or self._config.VERBOSE)): tasks.append((file.obj_offset, filename)) debug.debug("Found task: 0x{0:x} {1}".format(file.obj_offset, filename)) for offset, name in tasks: self._config.PHYSOFFSET = '0x{:x}'.format(offset) df = dumpfiles.DumpFiles(self._config) self._config.DUMP_DIR = '.' for data in df.calculate(): # Doing this with mmap would probably be cleaner # Create a sufficiently large (dynamically resizable?) # memory map so that we can seek and write the file accordingly # # SystemError: mmap: resizing not available--no mremap() chopped_file = {} for mdata in data['present']: rdata =[0], mdata[2]) chopped_file[mdata[1]] = rdata task_xml = "".join(part[1] for part in sorted(chopped_file.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])) parsed = self.parse_task_xml(task_xml, name) if parsed: args = parsed['Actions']['Exec'].get("Arguments", None) if args: parsed['Actions']['Exec']['Command'] += " {}".format(args) pids = self.find_pids_for_imagepath(parsed['Actions']['Exec']['Command']) parsed_tasks.append((name.split('\\')[-1], parsed, task_xml, pids)) except Exception as e: debug.warning('get_tasks() failed to complete. Exception: {0} {1}'.format(type(e).__name__, e.args)) debug.debug('Finished get_tasks()') return parsed_tasks