Python novaclient.exceptions.BadRequest() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of novaclient.exceptions.BadRequest().
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Example #1
Source File: From ec2-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def attach_volume(context, volume_id, instance_id, device): volume = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, volume_id) instance = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, instance_id) nova = clients.nova(context) try: nova.volumes.create_server_volume(instance['os_id'], volume['os_id'], device) except (nova_exception.Conflict, nova_exception.BadRequest): # TODO(andrey-mp): raise correct errors for different cases LOG.exception('Attach has failed.') raise exception.UnsupportedOperation() cinder = clients.cinder(context) os_volume = cinder.volumes.get(volume['os_id']) attachment = _format_attachment(context, volume, os_volume, instance_id=instance_id) # NOTE(andrey-mp): nova sets deleteOnTermination=False for attached volume attachment['deleteOnTermination'] = False return attachment
Example #2
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def translate_server_exception(method): """Transforms the exception for the instance. Note: keeps its traceback intact. """ @six.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, ctx, instance_id, *args, **kwargs): try: res = method(self, ctx, instance_id, *args, **kwargs) return res except nova_exception.ClientException as e: if isinstance(e, nova_exception.NotFound): raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id) elif isinstance(e, nova_exception.BadRequest): raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=six.text_type(e)) else: raise exception.ManilaException(e) return wrapper
Example #3
Source File: From ec2-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_volume(context, volume_id): volume = ec2utils.get_db_item(context, volume_id) cinder = clients.cinder(context) try: cinder.volumes.delete(volume['os_id']) except cinder_exception.BadRequest: # TODO(andrey-mp): raise correct errors for different cases raise exception.UnsupportedOperation() except cinder_exception.NotFound: pass # NOTE(andrey-mp) Don't delete item from DB until it disappears from Cloud # It will be deleted by describer in the future return True
Example #4
Source File: From ec2-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_execute_error(self): @tools.screen_all_logs def do_check(ex, status, code, message): self.controller.reset_mock() self.controller.fake_action.side_effect = ex res = self.request.send(self.application) self.assertEqual(status, res.status_code) self.assertEqual('text/xml', res.content_type) expected_xml = fakes.XML_ERROR_TEMPLATE % { 'code': code, 'message': message, 'request_id': self.fake_context.request_id} self.assertThat(res.body.decode("utf-8"), matchers.XMLMatches(expected_xml)) self.controller.fake_action.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_context, param='fake_param') do_check(exception.EC2Exception('fake_msg'), 400, 'EC2Exception', 'fake_msg') do_check(KeyError('fake_msg'), 500, 'KeyError', 'Unknown error occurred.') do_check(exception.InvalidVpcIDNotFound('fake_msg'), 400, 'InvalidVpcID.NotFound', 'fake_msg') do_check(nova_exception.BadRequest(400, message='fake_msg'), 400, 'BadRequest', 'fake_msg') do_check(glance_exception.HTTPBadRequest(), 400, 'HTTPBadRequest', 'HTTP HTTPBadRequest') do_check(cinder_exception.BadRequest(400, message='fake_msg'), 400, 'BadRequest', 'fake_msg') do_check(neutron_exception.BadRequest(message='fake_msg'), 400, 'BadRequest', 'fake_msg') do_check(keystone_exception.BadRequest(message='fake_msg'), 400, 'BadRequest', 'fake_msg (HTTP 400)') do_check(botocore_exceptions.ClientError({'Error': {'Code': '', 'Message': ''}, 'Code': 'FakeCode', 'Message': 'fake_msg'}, 'register_image'), 400, 'FakeCode', 'fake_msg')
Example #5
Source File: From openmano with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _format_exception(self, exception): '''Transform a keystone, nova, neutron exception into a vimconn exception''' if isinstance(exception, (HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.HTTPException, gl1Exceptions.CommunicationError, ConnectionError, ksExceptions.ConnectionError, neExceptions.ConnectionFailed, neClient.exceptions.ConnectionFailed)): raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + str(exception)) elif isinstance(exception, (nvExceptions.ClientException, ksExceptions.ClientException, neExceptions.NeutronException, nvExceptions.BadRequest)): raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + str(exception)) elif isinstance(exception, (neExceptions.NetworkNotFoundClient, nvExceptions.NotFound)): raise vimconn.vimconnNotFoundException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + str(exception)) elif isinstance(exception, nvExceptions.Conflict): raise vimconn.vimconnConflictException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + str(exception)) else: # () raise vimconn.vimconnConnectionException(type(exception).__name__ + ": " + str(exception))
Example #6
Source File: From openmano with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_flavor(self,flavor_id): '''Deletes a tenant flavor from openstack VIM. Returns the old flavor_id ''' try: self._reload_connection() self.nova.flavors.delete(flavor_id) return flavor_id #except nvExceptions.BadRequest as e: except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException) as e: self._format_exception(e)
Example #7
Source File: From wrapanapi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _generic_paginator(self, f): """A generic paginator for OpenStack services Takes a callable and recursively runs the "listing" until no more are returned by sending the ```marker``` kwarg to offset the search results. We try to rollback up to 10 times in the markers in case one was deleted. If we can't rollback after 10 times, we give up. Possible improvement is to roll back in 5s or 10s, but then we have to check for uniqueness and do dup removals. """ lists = [] marker = None while True: if not lists: temp_list = f() else: for i in range(min(10, len(lists))): list_offset = -(i + 1) marker = lists[list_offset].id try: temp_list = f(marker=marker) break except os_exceptions.BadRequest: continue else: raise Exception("Could not get list, maybe mass deletion after 10 marker tries") if temp_list: lists.extend(temp_list) else: break return lists
Example #8
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_translate_server_exception_bad_request(self): self.assertRaises( exception.InvalidInput, decorated_by_translate_server_exception, 'foo_self', 'foo_ctxt', 'foo_instance_id', nova_exception.BadRequest)
Example #9
Source File: From masakari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def translate_nova_exception(method): """Transforms a cinder exception but keeps its traceback intact.""" @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs): try: res = method(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs) except (request_exceptions.Timeout, nova_exception.CommandError, keystone_exception.ConnectionError) as exc: err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc) _reraise(exception.MasakariException(reason=err_msg)) except (keystone_exception.BadRequest, nova_exception.BadRequest) as exc: err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc) _reraise(exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)) except (keystone_exception.Forbidden, nova_exception.Forbidden) as exc: err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc) _reraise(exception.Forbidden(err_msg)) except (nova_exception.NotFound) as exc: err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc) _reraise(exception.NotFound(reason=err_msg)) except nova_exception.Conflict as exc: err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc) _reraise(exception.Conflict(reason=err_msg)) return res return wrapper
Example #10
Source File: From masakari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_failed_bad_request(self, mock_novaclient): mock_novaclient.return_value.servers.get.side_effect = ( nova_exception.BadRequest(http.BAD_REQUEST, '400')) self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, self.api.get_server, self.ctx, uuidsentinel.fake_server)
Example #11
Source File: From openmano with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_vminstance_console(self,vm_id, console_type="vnc"): ''' Get a console for the virtual machine Params: vm_id: uuid of the VM console_type, can be: "novnc" (by default), "xvpvnc" for VNC types, "rdp-html5" for RDP types, "spice-html5" for SPICE types Returns dict with the console parameters: protocol: ssh, ftp, http, https, ... server: usually ip address port: the http, ssh, ... port suffix: extra text, e.g. the http path and query string ''' self.logger.debug("Getting VM CONSOLE from VIM") try: self._reload_connection() server = self.nova.servers.find(id=vm_id) if console_type == None or console_type == "novnc": console_dict = server.get_vnc_console("novnc") elif console_type == "xvpvnc": console_dict = server.get_vnc_console(console_type) elif console_type == "rdp-html5": console_dict = server.get_rdp_console(console_type) elif console_type == "spice-html5": console_dict = server.get_spice_console(console_type) else: raise vimconn.vimconnException("console type '{}' not allowed".format(console_type), http_code=vimconn.HTTP_Bad_Request) console_dict1 = console_dict.get("console") if console_dict1: console_url = console_dict1.get("url") if console_url: #parse console_url protocol_index = console_url.find("//") suffix_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:].find("/") + protocol_index+2 port_index = console_url[protocol_index+2:suffix_index].find(":") + protocol_index+2 if protocol_index < 0 or port_index<0 or suffix_index<0: return -vimconn.HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Unexpected response from VIM" console_dict={"protocol": console_url[0:protocol_index], "server": console_url[protocol_index+2:port_index], "port": console_url[port_index:suffix_index], "suffix": console_url[suffix_index+1:] } protocol_index += 2 return console_dict raise vimconn.vimconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response from VIM") except (nvExceptions.NotFound, ksExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.ClientException, nvExceptions.BadRequest) as e: self._format_exception(e)