Python tensorpack.models.BatchNorm() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of tensorpack.models.BatchNorm().
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Example #1
Source File: From ghostnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def BNNoReLU(x, name=None): """ A shorthand of BatchNormalization. """ if name is None: x = BatchNorm('bn', x) else: x = BatchNorm(name, x) return x
Example #2
Source File: From ADL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def resnet(input_, option): mode = option.mode DEPTH = option.depth bottleneck = {'se': se_resnet_bottleneck}[mode] cfg = { 50: ([3, 4, 6, 3], bottleneck), } defs, block_func = cfg[DEPTH] group_func = resnet_group with argscope(Conv2D, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer= \ tf.variance_scaling_initializer(scale=2.0, mode='fan_out')), \ argscope([Conv2D, MaxPooling, GlobalAvgPooling, BatchNorm], data_format='channels_first'): l = Conv2D('conv0', input_, 64, 7, strides=2, activation=BNReLU) if option.gating_position[0]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = MaxPooling('pool0', l, 3, strides=2, padding='SAME') if option.gating_position[1]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = group_func('group0', l, block_func, 64, defs[0], 1, option) if option.gating_position[2]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = group_func('group1', l, block_func, 128, defs[1], 2, option) if option.gating_position[3]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = group_func('group2', l, block_func, 256, defs[2], 2, option) if option.gating_position[4]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = group_func('group3', l, block_func, 512, defs[3], 1, option) if option.gating_position[5]: l = gating_op(l, option) p_logits = GlobalAvgPooling('gap', l) logits = FullyConnected('linearnew', p_logits, option.number_of_class) return logits, l
Example #3
Source File: From ADL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_bn(zero_init=False): if zero_init: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm( 'bn', x, gamma_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) else: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm('bn', x)
Example #4
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_bn(zero_init=False): """ Zero init gamma is good for resnet. See """ if zero_init: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm('bn', x, gamma_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) else: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm('bn', x) # ----------------- pre-activation resnet ----------------------
Example #5
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_bn(zero_init=False): """ Zero init gamma is good for resnet. See """ if zero_init: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm('bn', x, gamma_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) else: return lambda x, name=None: BatchNorm('bn', x) # ----------------- pre-activation resnet ----------------------
Example #6
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def backbone_scope(freeze): """ Args: freeze (bool): whether to freeze all the variables under the scope """ def nonlin(x): x = get_norm()(x) return tf.nn.relu(x) with argscope([Conv2D, MaxPooling, BatchNorm], data_format='channels_first'), \ argscope(Conv2D, use_bias=False, activation=nonlin, kernel_initializer=tf.variance_scaling_initializer( scale=2.0, mode='fan_out')), \ ExitStack() as stack: if cfg.BACKBONE.NORM in ['FreezeBN', 'SyncBN']: if freeze or cfg.BACKBONE.NORM == 'FreezeBN': stack.enter_context(argscope(BatchNorm, training=False)) else: stack.enter_context(argscope( BatchNorm, sync_statistics='nccl' if cfg.TRAINER == 'replicated' else 'horovod')) if freeze: stack.enter_context(freeze_variables(stop_gradient=False, skip_collection=True)) else: # the layers are not completely freezed, but we may want to only freeze the affine if cfg.BACKBONE.FREEZE_AFFINE: stack.enter_context(custom_getter_scope(freeze_affine_getter)) yield
Example #7
Source File: From tensorpack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_norm(zero_init=False): if cfg.BACKBONE.NORM == 'None': return lambda x: x if cfg.BACKBONE.NORM == 'GN': Norm = GroupNorm layer_name = 'gn' else: Norm = BatchNorm layer_name = 'bn' return lambda x: Norm(layer_name, x, gamma_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer() if zero_init else None)
Example #8
Source File: From Regional-Homogeneity with MIT License | 4 votes |
def RegionNorm(x, h_group_num, w_group_num, gamma_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.)): # 1. pad so that h % h_group_num == 0, w % w_group_num == 0 orig_shape = x.get_shape().as_list() h, w = orig_shape[1], orig_shape[2] new_h = get_pad_num(h, h_group_num) new_w = get_pad_num(w, w_group_num) x_resized = tf.image.resize_images(x, [new_h, new_w], align_corners=False) # 2. split and stack all grid assert new_h % h_group_num == 0 sub_h = new_h // h_group_num assert new_w % w_group_num == 0 sub_w = new_w // w_group_num sub_grids = [] for i in range(0, new_h, sub_h): for j in range(0, new_w, sub_w): x_sub_grid = x_resized[:, i:i + sub_h, j:j + sub_w, :, None] sub_grids.append(x_sub_grid) sub_grids = tf.concat(sub_grids, axis=4) sub_grids_shape = sub_grids.get_shape().as_list() feed2bn = tf.reshape(sub_grids, [-1, sub_grids_shape[1], sub_grids_shape[2] * sub_grids_shape[3], sub_grids_shape[4]]) # 3. normalization bn_output = BatchNorm('bn', feed2bn, axis=3, gamma_initializer=gamma_initializer, internal_update=True, sync_statistics='nccl') # 4. go back to original shape new_sub_grids = tf.reshape(bn_output, [-1, sub_grids_shape[1], sub_grids_shape[2], sub_grids_shape[3], sub_grids_shape[4]]) counter = 0 new_rows = [] for i in range(0, new_h, sub_h): new_row = [] for j in range(0, new_w, sub_w): new_row.append(new_sub_grids[:, :, :, :, counter]) counter += 1 new_row = tf.concat(new_row, axis=2) new_rows.append(new_row) new_x_resized = tf.concat(new_rows, axis=1) # 5. resize back new_x = tf.image.resize_images(new_x_resized, [h, w], align_corners=False) return new_x
Example #9
Source File: From ADL with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vgg_gap(image, option): with argscope(Conv2D, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer=tf.variance_scaling_initializer(scale=2.)), \ argscope([Conv2D, MaxPooling, BatchNorm, GlobalAvgPooling], data_format='channels_first'): l = convnormrelu(image, 'conv1_1', 64) if option.gating_position[11]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv1_2', 64) if option.gating_position[12]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = MaxPooling('pool1', l, 2) if option.gating_position[1]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv2_1', 128) if option.gating_position[21]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv2_2', 128) if option.gating_position[22]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = MaxPooling('pool2', l, 2) if option.gating_position[2]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv3_1', 256) if option.gating_position[31]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv3_2', 256) if option.gating_position[32]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv3_3', 256) if option.gating_position[33]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = MaxPooling('pool3', l, 2) if option.gating_position[3]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv4_1', 512) if option.gating_position[41]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv4_2', 512) if option.gating_position[42]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv4_3', 512) if option.gating_position[43]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = MaxPooling('pool4', l, 2) if option.gating_position[4]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv5_1', 512) if option.gating_position[51]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv5_2', 512) if option.gating_position[52]: l = gating_op(l, option) l = convnormrelu(l, 'conv5_3', 512) if option.gating_position[53]: l = gating_op(l, option) convmaps = convnormrelu(l, 'new', 1024) if option.gating_position[6]: convmaps = gating_op(l, option) p_logits = GlobalAvgPooling('gap', convmaps) logits = FullyConnected('linear', p_logits, option.number_of_class, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer( stddev=0.01)) return logits, convmaps