Python tabulate.DataRow() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of tabulate.DataRow().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-tabulate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_custom_tablefmt(): "Regression: allow custom TableFormat that specifies with_header_hide (github issue #20)" tablefmt = TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"], ) rows = [["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "qux"]] expected = "\n".join(["A B", "--- ---", "foo bar", "baz qux"]) result = tabulate(rows, headers=["A", "B"], tablefmt=tablefmt) assert_equal(result, expected)
Example #2
Source File: From armi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _addCustomTabulateTables(): """Create a custom ARMI tables within tabulate.""" tabulate._table_formats["armi"] = tabulate.TableFormat( lineabove=tabulate.Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=tabulate.Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=tabulate.Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=tabulate.DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=tabulate.DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None, ) tabulate.tabulate_formats = list(sorted(tabulate._table_formats.keys())) tabulate.multiline_formats["armi"] = "armi" # runLog makes tables, so make sure this is setup before we initialize the runLog