Python nn.GroupNorm() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of nn.GroupNorm().
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Example #1
Source File: From pcl.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.VGG.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #2
Source File: From Detectron.pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #3
Source File: From FPN-Pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #4
Source File: From Detectron.pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #5
Source File: From Context-aware-ZSR with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.MODEL.TAGGING and __C.TEST.TAGGING: __C.TEST.USE_GT_PROPOSALS = True if __C.TEST.USE_GT_PROPOSALS: __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN = False # TODO: Currently this will not affect the training; It will potentially influence FPN if we do FPN __C.TEST.BBOX_REG = False if __C.MODEL.RELATION_COOCCUR: __C.MODEL.NUM_RELATIONS = 2 if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON or __C.TEST.USE_GT_PROPOSALS: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS or __C.TRAIN.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #6
Source File: From PANet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #7
Source File: From PMFNet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #8
Source File: From Large-Scale-VRD.pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS or __C.VGG16.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #9
Source File: From detectron-self-train with MIT License | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=False): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)
Example #10
Source File: From DIoU-pytorch-detectron with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def assert_and_infer_cfg(make_immutable=True): """Call this function in your script after you have finished setting all cfg values that are necessary (e.g., merging a config from a file, merging command line config options, etc.). By default, this function will also mark the global cfg as immutable to prevent changing the global cfg settings during script execution (which can lead to hard to debug errors or code that's harder to understand than is necessary). """ if __C.MODEL.RPN_ONLY or __C.MODEL.FASTER_RCNN: __C.RPN.RPN_ON = True if __C.RPN.RPN_ON or __C.RETINANET.RETINANET_ON: __C.TEST.PRECOMPUTED_PROPOSALS = False if __C.MODEL.LOAD_IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS: assert __C.RESNETS.IMAGENET_PRETRAINED_WEIGHTS, \ "Path to the weight file must not be empty to load imagenet pertrained resnets." if set([__C.MRCNN.ROI_MASK_HEAD, __C.KRCNN.ROI_KEYPOINTS_HEAD]) & _SHARE_RES5_HEADS: __C.MODEL.SHARE_RES5 = True if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse('0.4.0'): __C.PYTORCH_VERSION_LESS_THAN_040 = True # create alias for PyTorch version less than 0.4.0 init.uniform_ = init.uniform init.normal_ = init.normal init.constant_ = init.constant nn.GroupNorm = mynn.GroupNorm if make_immutable: cfg.immutable(True)