Python telethon.utils.get_peer_id() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of telethon.utils.get_peer_id().
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Example #1
Source File: From telethon-session-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 7 votes |
def get_entity_rows_by_id(self, key: int, exact: bool = True) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: t = self.Entity.__table__ if exact: rows = self.engine.execute(select([, t.c.hash]).where( and_(t.c.session_id == self.session_id, == key))) else: ids = ( utils.get_peer_id(PeerUser(key)), utils.get_peer_id(PeerChat(key)), utils.get_peer_id(PeerChannel(key)) ) rows = self.engine.execute(select([, t.c.hash]) .where( and_(t.c.session_id == self.session_id, try: return next(rows) except StopIteration: return None
Example #2
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _dump_admin_log(self, events, target): """ Helper method to iterate the events from a GetAdminLogRequest and dump them into the Dumper, mostly to avoid excessive nesting. Also enqueues any media to be downloaded later by a different coroutine. """ for event in events: assert isinstance(event, types.ChannelAdminLogEvent) if isinstance(event.action, types.ChannelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto): media_id1 = self.dumper.dump_media(event.action.new_photo) media_id2 = self.dumper.dump_media(event.action.prev_photo) self.enqueue_photo(event.action.new_photo, media_id1, target, peer_id=event.user_id, self.enqueue_photo(event.action.prev_photo, media_id2, target, peer_id=event.user_id, else: media_id1 = None media_id2 = None self.dumper.dump_admin_log_event( event, utils.get_peer_id(target), media_id1, media_id2 ) return min( for e in events)
Example #3
Source File: From X-tra-Telegram with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def on_regex(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.is_private and\ await group_has_sedbot(await event.get_input_chat()): # await event.edit("This group has a sed bot. Ignoring this message!") return chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(await event.get_input_chat()) m, s = doit(chat_id, event.pattern_match, await event.get_reply_message()) if m is not None: s = f"{HEADER}{s}" out = await bot.send_message( await event.get_input_chat(), s, ) last_msgs[chat_id].appendleft(out) elif s is not None: await event.edit(s) raise events.StopPropagation
Example #4
Source File: From BotHub with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def on_regex(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.is_private and\ await group_has_sedbot(await event.get_input_chat()): # await event.edit("This group has a sed bot. Ignoring this message!") return chat_id = utils.get_peer_id(await event.get_input_chat()) m, s = doit(chat_id, event.pattern_match, await event.get_reply_message()) if m is not None: s = f"{HEADER}{s}" out = await borg.send_message( await event.get_input_chat(), s, ) last_msgs[chat_id].appendleft(out) elif s is not None: await event.edit(s) raise events.StopPropagation
Example #5
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dump_supergroup(self, supergroup_full, supergroup, photo_id, timestamp=None): """Dump a Supergroup into the Supergroup table Params: ChannelFull, Channel to dump, MediaID of the profile photo in the DB. Returns -""" # Need to get the full object too for 'about' info values = (get_peer_id(supergroup), timestamp or round(time.time()), getattr(supergroup_full, 'about', None) or '', supergroup.title, supergroup.username, photo_id, supergroup_full.pinned_msg_id) for callback in self._dump_callbacks['supergroup']: callback(values) return self._insert_if_valid_date('Supergroup', values, date_column=1, where=('ID', get_peer_id(supergroup)))
Example #6
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dump_channel(self, channel_full, channel, photo_id, timestamp=None): """Dump a Channel into the Channel table. Params: ChannelFull, Channel to dump, MediaID of the profile photo in the DB Returns -""" # Need to get the full object too for 'about' info values = (get_peer_id(channel), timestamp or round(time.time()), channel_full.about, channel.title, channel.username, photo_id, channel_full.pinned_msg_id) for callback in self._dump_callbacks['channel']: callback(values) return self._insert_if_valid_date('Channel', values, date_column=1, where=('ID', get_peer_id(channel)))
Example #7
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_fmt_dialog_padding(dialogs): """ Find the correct amount of space padding to give dialogs when printing them. """ no_username = NO_USERNAME[:-1] # Account for the added '@' if username return ( max(len(str(utils.get_peer_id(dialog.entity))) for dialog in dialogs), max(len(getattr(dialog.entity, 'username', no_username) or no_username) for dialog in dialogs) + 1 )
Example #8
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fmt_dialog(dialog, id_pad=0, username_pad=0): """ Space-fill a row with given padding values to ensure alignment when printing dialogs. """ username = getattr(dialog.entity, 'username', None) username = '@' + username if username else NO_USERNAME return '{:<{id_pad}} | {:<{username_pad}} | {}'.format( utils.get_peer_id(dialog.entity), username,, id_pad=id_pad, username_pad=username_pad )
Example #9
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _dump_messages(self, messages, target): """ Helper method to iterate the messages from a GetMessageHistoryRequest and dump them into the Dumper, mostly to avoid excessive nesting. Also enqueues any media to be downloaded later by a different coroutine. """ for m in messages: if isinstance(m, types.Message): media_id = self.dumper.dump_media( if media_id and self._check_media( self.enqueue_media( media_id, utils.get_peer_id(target), m.from_id, ) self.dumper.dump_message( message=m, context_id=utils.get_peer_id(target), forward_id=self.dumper.dump_forward(m.fwd_from), media_id=media_id ) elif isinstance(m, types.MessageService): if isinstance(m.action, types.MessageActionChatEditPhoto): media_id = self.dumper.dump_media( self.enqueue_photo(, media_id, target, peer_id=m.from_id, else: media_id = None self.dumper.dump_message_service( message=m, context_id=utils.get_peer_id(target), media_id=media_id )
Example #10
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_formatter_get_chat(self): """ Ensures that the BaseFormatter is able to fetch the expected entities when using a date parameter. """ chat = types.Chat( id=123, title='Some title', photo=types.ChatPhotoEmpty(), participants_count=7,, version=1 ) dumper = Dumper(self.dumper_config) fmt = BaseFormatter(dumper.conn) for month in range(1, 13): dumper.dump_chat(chat, None, timestamp=int(datetime( year=2010, month=month, day=1 ).timestamp())) dumper.commit() cid = tl_utils.get_peer_id(chat) # Default should get the most recent version date = fmt.get_chat(cid).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=1) # Expected behaviour is to get the previous available date target = datetime(year=2010, month=6, day=29) date = fmt.get_chat(cid, target).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=6, day=1) # Expected behaviour is to get the next date if previous unavailable target = datetime(year=2009, month=12, day=1) date = fmt.get_chat(cid, target).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1)
Example #11
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def enqueue_entities(self, entities): """ Enqueues the given iterable of entities to be dumped later by a different coroutine. These in turn might enqueue profile photos. """ for entity in entities: eid = utils.get_peer_id(entity) self._displays[eid] = utils.get_display_name(entity) if isinstance(entity, types.User): if entity.deleted or entity.min: continue # Empty name would cause IntegrityError elif isinstance(entity, types.Channel): if entity.left: continue # Getting full info triggers ChannelPrivateError elif not isinstance(entity, (types.Chat, types.InputPeerUser, types.InputPeerChat, types.InputPeerChannel)): # Drop UserEmpty, ChatEmpty, ChatForbidden and ChannelForbidden continue if eid in self._checked_entity_ids: continue else: self._checked_entity_ids.add(eid) if isinstance(entity, (types.User, types.InputPeerUser)): self._user_queue.put_nowait(entity) else: self._chat_queue.put_nowait(entity)
Example #12
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def enqueue_photo(self, photo, photo_id, context, peer_id=None, date=None): if not photo_id: return if not isinstance(context, int): context = utils.get_peer_id(context) if peer_id is None: peer_id = context if date is None: date = getattr(photo, 'date', None) or self.enqueue_media(photo_id, context, peer_id, date)
Example #13
Source File: From telegram-export with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_past_media(self, dumper, target_id): """ Downloads the past media that has already been dumped into the database but has not been downloaded for the given target ID yet. Media which formatted filename results in an already-existing file will be *ignored* and not re-downloaded again. """ # TODO Should this respect and download only allowed media? Or all? target_in = await self.client.get_input_entity(target_id) target = await self.client.get_entity(target_in) target_id = utils.get_peer_id(target) bar = tqdm.tqdm(unit='B', desc='media', unit_divisor=1000, unit_scale=True, bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, total=0, postfix={'chat': utils.get_display_name(target)}) msg_cursor = dumper.conn.cursor() msg_cursor.execute('SELECT ID, Date, FromID, MediaID FROM Message ' 'WHERE ContextID = ? AND MediaID IS NOT NULL', (target_id,)) msg_row = msg_cursor.fetchone() while msg_row: await self._download_media( media_id=msg_row[3], context_id=target_id, sender_id=msg_row[2], date=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(msg_row[1]), bar=bar ) msg_row = msg_cursor.fetchone()
Example #14
Source File: From Telethon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_peer_id( self: 'TelegramClient', peer: 'hints.EntityLike', add_mark: bool = True) -> int: """ Gets the ID for the given entity. This method needs to be ``async`` because `peer` supports usernames, invite-links, phone numbers (from people in your contact list), etc. If ``add_mark is False``, then a positive ID will be returned instead. By default, bot-API style IDs (signed) are returned. Example .. code-block:: python print(await client.get_peer_id('me')) """ if isinstance(peer, int): return utils.get_peer_id(peer, add_mark=add_mark) try: if peer.SUBCLASS_OF_ID not in (0x2d45687, 0xc91c90b6): # 0x2d45687, 0xc91c90b6 == crc32(b'Peer') and b'InputPeer' peer = await self.get_input_entity(peer) except AttributeError: peer = await self.get_input_entity(peer) if isinstance(peer, types.InputPeerSelf): peer = await self.get_me(input_peer=True) return utils.get_peer_id(peer, add_mark=add_mark) # endregion # region Private methods
Example #15
Source File: From mautrix-telegram with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_portal_response(self, user_id: UserID, portal: Portal) -> web.Response: user, _ = await self.get_user(user_id, expect_logged_in=None, require_puppeting=False) return web.json_response({ "mxid": portal.mxid, "chat_id": get_peer_id(portal.peer), "peer_type": portal.peer_type, "title": portal.title, "about": portal.about, "username": portal.username, "megagroup": portal.megagroup, "can_unbridge": (await portal.can_user_perform(user, "unbridge")) if user else False, })
Example #16
Source File: From mautrix-telegram with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_chats(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: data, user, err = await self.get_user_request_info(request, expect_logged_in=True) if err is not None: return err if not user.is_bot: return web.json_response([{ "id":, "title": chat.title, } async for chat in user.client.iter_dialogs(ignore_migrated=True, archived=False)]) else: return web.json_response([{ "id": get_peer_id(chat.peer), "title": chat.title, } for chat in user.portals.values() if chat.tgid])
Example #17
Source File: From telethon-session-sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_entity_rows_by_id(self, key: int, exact: bool = True) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: if exact: query = self._db_query(self.Entity, == key) else: ids = ( utils.get_peer_id(PeerUser(key)), utils.get_peer_id(PeerChat(key)), utils.get_peer_id(PeerChannel(key)) ) query = self._db_query(self.Entity, row = query.one_or_none() return (, row.hash) if row else None
Example #18
Source File: From TG-UserBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def whichid(event: NewMessage.Event) -> None: """ Get the ID of a chat/channel or user. `{prefix}id` or **{prefix}id user1 user2** """ match = event.matches[0].group(1) text = "" if not match and not event.reply_to_msg_id: attr = "first_name" if event.is_private else "title" text = f"{getattr(, attr)}: " text += f"`{get_peer_id(event.chat_id)}`" elif event.reply_to_msg_id: reply = await event.get_reply_message() user = reply.sender_id if reply.fwd_from: if reply.fwd_from.from_id: user = reply.fwd_from.from_id peer = get_peer_id(user) text = f"[{peer}](tg://user?id={peer}): `{peer}`" else: failed = [] strings = [] users, _ = await client.parse_arguments(match) for user in users: try: entity = await client.get_input_entity(user) peer = get_peer_id(entity) strings.append( f"[{user}](tg://user?id={peer}): `{peer}`" ) except Exception as e: failed.append(user) LOGGER.debug(e) if strings: text = ",\n".join(strings) if failed: ftext = "**Users which weren't resolved:**\n" ftext += ", ".join(f'`{f}`' for f in failed) await event.answer(ftext, reply=True) if text: await event.answer(text)
Example #19
Source File: From BotHub with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def parse_full_user(usr_obj: types.UserFull, event: NewMessage.Event) -> str: """Human-friendly string of an User obj's attributes""" user = usr_obj.user user_id = get_peer_id( is_self = user.is_self contact = mutual_contact = user.mutual_contact deleted = user.deleted is_bot = verified = user.verified restricted = user.restricted support = scam = user.scam first_name = user.first_name last_name = user.last_name username = user.username dc_id = if else None common_chats_count = usr_obj.common_chats_count blocked = usr_obj.blocked about = usr_obj.about total_pics = (await event.client.get_profile_photos(user_id)).total text = "" # "**USER**\n" text += f" **ID:** [{user_id}](tg://user?id={user_id})" if first_name: text += f"\n **First name:** `{first_name}`" if last_name: text += f"\n **Last name:** `{last_name}`" if about: text += f"\n **Bio:** `{about}`" if username: text += f"\n **Username:** @{username}" if common_chats_count: text += f"\n **Groups in common:** `{common_chats_count}`" if dc_id: text += f"\n **DC ID:** `{dc_id}`" if is_self: text += f"\n **Self:** `{is_self}`" if contact: text += f"\n **Contact:** `{contact}`" if mutual_contact: text += f"\n **Mutual contact:** `{mutual_contact}`" if deleted: text += f"\n **Deleted:** `{deleted}`" if is_bot: text += f"\n **Bot:** `{is_bot}`" if verified: text += f"\n **Verified:** `{verified}`" if support: text += f"\n **TG support team:** `{support}`" if restricted: text += f"\n **Restricted for:** `{user.restriction_reason}`" if blocked: text += f"\n **Blocked:** `{blocked}`" if scam: text += f"\n **Scam:** `{scam}`" if total_pics: text += f"\n **Total profile pictures:** `{total_pics}`" return text