Python win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges().
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Example #1
Source File: From WpadEscape with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def enable_privilege(privilege_name): success = False privilege_id = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue( None, privilege_name ) new_privilege = [(privilege_id, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)] h_token = win32security.OpenProcessToken( win32process.GetCurrentProcess(), win32security.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS ) if h_token: success = win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges( h_token, 0, new_privilege ) close_handle(h_token) return success
Example #2
Source File: From WHP with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 6 votes |
def get_extra_privs(): # Try to give ourselves some extra privs (only works if we're admin): # SeBackupPrivilege - so we can read anything # SeDebugPrivilege - so we can find out about other processes (otherwise OpenProcess will fail for some) # SeSecurityPrivilege - ??? what does this do? # Problem: Vista+ support "Protected" processes, e.g. audiodg.exe. We can't see info about these. # Interesting post on why Protected Process aren't really secure anyway: th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), win32con.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32con.TOKEN_QUERY) privs = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, TokenPrivileges) newprivs = [] for privtuple in privs: if privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeBackupPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeDebugPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeSecurityPrivilege"): print "Added privilege " + str(privtuple[0]) # privtuple[1] = 2 # tuples are immutable. WHY?! newprivs.append((privtuple[0], 2)) # SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else: newprivs.append((privtuple[0], privtuple[1])) # Adjust privs privs = tuple(newprivs) str(win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(th, False , privs))
Example #3
Source File: From LHF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_extra_privs(): # Try to give ourselves some extra privs (only works if we're admin): # SeBackupPrivilege - so we can read anything # SeDebugPrivilege - so we can find out about other processes (otherwise OpenProcess will fail for some) # SeSecurityPrivilege - ??? what does this do? # Problem: Vista+ support "Protected" processes, e.g. audiodg.exe. We can't see info about these. # Interesting post on why Protected Process aren't really secure anyway: th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), win32con.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32con.TOKEN_QUERY) privs = win32security.GetTokenInformation(th, TokenPrivileges) newprivs = [] for privtuple in privs: if privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeBackupPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeDebugPrivilege") or privtuple[0] == win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(remote_server, "SeSecurityPrivilege"): print "Added privilege " + str(privtuple[0]) # privtuple[1] = 2 # tuples are immutable. WHY?! newprivs.append((privtuple[0], 2)) # SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else: newprivs.append((privtuple[0], privtuple[1])) # Adjust privs privs = tuple(newprivs) str(win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(th, False , privs))
Example #4
Source File: From cloudbase-init with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def acquire_privilege(privilege): process = win32process.GetCurrentProcess() token = win32security.OpenProcessToken( process, win32security.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32security.TOKEN_QUERY) priv_luid = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(None, privilege) privilege_enable = [(priv_luid, win32security.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)] privilege_disable = [(priv_luid, win32security.SE_PRIVILEGE_REMOVED)] win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, False, privilege_enable) try: yield finally: win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, False, privilege_disable)
Example #5
Source File: From Fastir_Collector with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def seDebug(): try: """SEDebug""" flags = win32security.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | win32security.TOKEN_QUERY htoken = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), flags) id = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(None, "seDebugPrivilege") newPrivileges = [(id, win32security.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)] win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(htoken, 0, newPrivileges) except Exception as e: print 'je me vautre' pass