Python z3.BitVecVal() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of z3.BitVecVal().
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Example #1
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def execute(self, expr): expr = expr.encode('utf-8') for op in expr.split(','): val = to_int(op) if val: self.push(z3.BitVecVal(val, 32)) elif op in self.instr_table: self.instr_table[op]() elif op == '': # Sometimes a value might be absent, set to 0 as a # temporary workaround, probably a bug in ESIL self.push(zero()) else: # Otherwise it's either register or # a flag self.push(op) # Commands
Example #2
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_interp(interp, constraints, bits=32, valbits=8): """Checks that a list of @constraints (addr, value) (as python ints) match a z3 FuncInterp (@interp). """ constraints = dict((addr, z3.BitVecVal(val, valbits)) for addr, val in constraints) entry = interp.children() assert len(entry) == 3 _, addr, value = entry addr = addr.as_long() assert addr in constraints assert equiv(value, constraints[addr]) # equiv short test # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #3
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_storages(self, sstore_data): for address, index, value in sstore_data: address = int(address[2:], 16) assert address in self.root_wstate.address_to_account if index > 100: if index in self.log_sha_to_sym_sha: store_index = self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[index] else: log_shas = list(self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.keys()) diffs = [abs(l - index) for l in log_shas] min_index = diffs.index(min(diffs)) diff = diffs[min_index] if diff < 10: relative_index = log_shas[min_index] store_index = z3.simplify(self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[relative_index] + z3.BitVecVal(diff, 256)) self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[index] = store_index else: store_index = z3.BitVecVal(index, 256) else: store_index = z3.BitVecVal(index, 256) store_value = self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.get(value, z3.BitVecVal(value, 256)) account = self.root_wstate.address_to_account[address], store_value)
Example #4
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_sha(self, sha_data): for arg, log_value, length_bytes in sha_data: if log_value in self.log_sha_to_sym_sha: continue data = z3.BitVecVal(arg, length_bytes * 8) if data.size() == 512: data_words = svm_utils.split_bv_by_words(data) data_words = [d.as_long() for d in data_words] data_words = [self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.get(d, z3.BitVecVal(d, 256)) for d in data_words] data = z3.simplify(z3.Concat(data_words)) sha_constraints, hash_vector = svm_utils.symbolic_keccak(self, data) self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[log_value] = hash_vector self.root_wstate.constraints.extend(sha_constraints) solver = z3.Solver() solver.add(self.root_wstate.constraints) assert solver.check() == z3.sat
Example #5
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def SHA3(self, gstate, index, length): if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(index) and svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(length): index = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(index) length = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(length) if length == 0: gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(SHA_EMPTY_ARGS_VALUE, 256)) return data = z3.simplify(svm_utils.get_memory_data(gstate.mstate.memory, index, length)) sha_constraints, hash_vector = svm_utils.symbolic_keccak(self, data) gstate.wstate.constraints.extend(sha_constraints) gstate.mstate.stack.append(hash_vector) return hash_vector = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.SHA3, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True) logging.debug('SHA index or len not resolved. Using the symbolic vector') gstate.mstate.stack.append(hash_vector) return
Example #6
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert_to_bitvec(val): if isinstance(val, z3.BoolRef): return z3.If(val, z3.BitVecVal(1, 256), z3.BitVecVal(0, 256)) elif isinstance(val, bool): return z3.BitVecVal(1, 256) if val else z3.BitVecVal(0, 256) elif isinstance(val, int): return z3.BitVecVal(val, 256) else: return z3.simplify(val)
Example #7
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hash3(name): h = z3.BitVecVal(0, 32) for i in range(len(name)): for j in range(8): h = z3.If(z3.LShR(name[i], j) & 1 == 1, (h + 1) & 0xff, h) h &= 0x1f return h
Example #8
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def zpad_bv_right(bv, target_len): bv_len = bv.size() if bv_len == target_len: return bv elif bv_len < target_len: return z3.Concat(z3.BitVecVal(0, target_len-bv_len), bv) else: raise ValueError('Target length is less then vector size!')
Example #9
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def zpad_bv_left(bv, target_len): bv_len = bv.size() if bv_len == target_len: return bv elif bv_len < target_len: return z3.Concat(bv, z3.BitVecVal(0, target_len-bv_len)) else: raise ValueError('Target length is less then vector size!') # Checks if wstate_a subsumes wstate_b
Example #10
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def symbolic_keccak(svm, data): sha_constraints = [] sha_func, sha_func_inv = constraints.get_sha_functions(data.size()) hash_vector = sha_func(data) sha_constraints.append(sha_func_inv(sha_func(data)) == data) hash_vector_features = extract_index_features(hash_vector) data_concrete = svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(data) if data_concrete: concrete_data = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(data) data_bytes = ethereum.utils.zpad(ethereum.utils.int_to_bytes(concrete_data), data.size()//8) hash_value = int.from_bytes(ethereum.utils.sha3_256(data_bytes), 'big') SIZE_PER_SHA_LEN = 2**100 limit_left = 1024 + SIZE_PER_SHA_LEN * data.size() limit_right = limit_left + SIZE_PER_SHA_LEN if not data_concrete: sha_constraints.append(z3.ULT(limit_left, hash_vector)) sha_constraints.append(z3.ULT(hash_vector, limit_right)) # last 4 bits are 0 => hashes are 16 words between each other sha_constraints.append(z3.Extract(3, 0, hash_vector) == 0) elif data_concrete: storage_range = limit_right - limit_left scaled_hash_value = limit_left + int((hash_value/svm_utils.TT256M1)*storage_range) scaled_hash_value = scaled_hash_value // 16 * 16 sha_constraints.append(hash_vector == z3.BitVecVal(scaled_hash_value, VECTOR_LEN)) # elif storage_node == svm.storage_root and data_concrete: # hash_value = hash_value // 16 * 16 # sha_constraints.append(hash_vector == z3.BitVecVal(hash_value, VECTOR_LEN)) return sha_constraints, hash_vector
Example #11
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def chicken_hash(bytes, m, r): return z3.URem(chicken_hash_xor(bytes, m, r), z3.BitVecVal(m, 64))
Example #12
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def chicken_hash_xor(bytes, m, r): key = z3.BitVecVal(r, 64) for byte in bytes: key ^= ((key << 6) + (z3.LShR(key, 2)) + z3.ZeroExt(56, byte)) return key
Example #13
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def z3crc32(bytes, hash_table_size): # computes the crc32 checksum in z3 format checksum = 0x00000000ffffffff for byte in bytes: checksum ^= z3.ZeroExt(56, byte) & 0xff for _ in range(8): # test each bit in the byte we just xor'd in checksum = z3.If(checksum & 1 == z3.BitVecVal(1, 64), z3.LShR(checksum, 1) ^ 0xedb88320, # the binary representation of the CRC-32 polynomial z3.LShR(checksum, 1)) return (checksum ^ 0xffffffff) % hash_table_size
Example #14
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _str_to_BitVecVals8(string): # transforms the target string into z3 BitVecVals return [z3.BitVecVal(ord(x), 8) for x in string]
Example #15
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def convert_to_z3(self, variables): if self.operation == Node.CONSTANT: return z3.BitVecVal(self.left, self.target_width) elif self.operation == Node.VARIABLE: if self.left in variables: return variables[self.left] else: var = z3.BitVec(self.left, self.variable_width) ext_var = z3.ZeroExt(self.target_width - self.variable_width, var) variables[self.left] = ext_var return ext_var else: # operation left = self.left.convert_to_z3(variables) right = self.right.convert_to_z3(variables) if self.operation == Node.ADDITION: return left + right elif self.operation == Node.SUBTRACTION: return left - right elif self.operation == Node.MULTIPLICATION: return left * right elif self.operation == Node.DIVISION: return left / right elif self.operation == Node.LEFT_SHIFT: return left << right elif self.operation == Node.RIGHT_SHIFT: return left >> right elif self.operation == Node.AND: return left & right elif self.operation == Node.OR: return left | right elif self.operation == Node.XOR: return left ^ right raise LookupError('Unknown operation: %s' % str(self.operation))
Example #16
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hash1(name): h = z3.BitVecVal(4919, 32) for i in range(len(name)): h = h * name[i] + 1 return h
Example #17
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hash1(name): h = z3.BitVecVal(4919, 32) for i in range(len(name)): h = h * name[i] + 1 return h
Example #18
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hash2(name): h = z3.BitVecVal(0, 16) assert len(name) % 2 == 0 # for simplicity for i in range(0, len(name), 2): a = z3.BitVecVal(0, 16) a |= z3.Extract(15, 0, name[i]) a |= z3.Extract(15, 0, name[i + 1]) << 8 h ^= a a = z3.LShR(h, 10) b = z3.ZeroExt(8, z3.Extract(7, 0, h ^ z3.LShR(h, 5))) h = (a ^ b) & 0x1f return h
Example #19
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def zero(): return z3.BitVecVal(0, BITS)
Example #20
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_zero_array(index_size=VECTOR_LEN, value_size=VECTOR_LEN): return z3.K(z3.BitVecSort(index_size), z3.BitVecVal(0, value_size))
Example #21
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def RETURNDATASIZE(self, gstate): ret_data_size = gstate.return_data.size() // 8 if gstate.return_data is not None else 0 gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(ret_data_size, 256))
Example #22
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def MSTORE(self, gstate, index, value): if isinstance(value, z3.BoolRef): value = z3.If(value, z3.BitVecVal(1, 256), z3.BitVecVal(0, 256)) value_bytes = svm_utils.split_bv_into_bytes(value) for i in range(32): if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(index): gstate.mstate.memory_dict[svm_utils.get_concrete_int(index)+i] = value_bytes[i] gstate.mstate.memory = z3.Store(gstate.mstate.memory, index+i, value_bytes[i])
Example #23
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def CODECOPY(self, gstate, dest_offset, offset, length): active_address = gstate.environment.active_address active_account = gstate.wstate.address_to_account[active_address] offset = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(offset) if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(length): length = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(length) else: length = 0 assert isinstance(gstate.environment.runtime_bytecode_bytes, list) bytecode_bytes = gstate.environment.runtime_bytecode_bytes for i in range(length): if offset + i < len(bytecode_bytes): data_byte = bytecode_bytes[offset+i] else: data_byte = z3.BitVecVal(0, 8) gstate.mstate.memory = z3.Store(gstate.mstate.memory, dest_offset+i, data_byte) gstate.mstate.memory_dict[svm_utils.get_concrete_int(dest_offset+i)] = data_byte # if offset+length-1 >= len(bytecode_bytes): # instr = gstate.environment.disassembly.instruction_list[gstate.mstate.pc] # instr_address = instr['address'] # current_contract = active_account.contract # line = solidity_utils.offset_to_line(current_contract.src_code, instr_address, current_contract.src_map) # src_code = current_contract.src_code.split('\n')[line].strip() # raise SVMRuntimeError('CODECOPY index out of bounds!')
Example #24
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def CODESIZE(self, gstate): gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(len(gstate.environment.runtime_bytecode_bytes), 256))
Example #25
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ADDRESS(self, gstate): gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(gstate.environment.active_address, 256))
Example #26
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def CALLDATACOPY(self, gstate, dest_offset, offset, length): length_concrete = svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(length) if not length_concrete: logging.warning('Symbolic calldata size') length = z3.BitVecVal(64, 256) if gstate.environment.calldata_type == CalldataType.UNDEFINED: length = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(length) if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(offset): offset = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(offset) for i in range(length): data_word = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.CALLDATA, gstate.wstate.gen, index=offset+(i//32)) slot = i % 32 data_bytes = svm_utils.split_bv_into_bytes(data_word) data = data_bytes[slot] gstate.mstate.memory = z3.Store(gstate.mstate.memory, dest_offset+i, data) else: for i in range(length): data = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.CALLDATA, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True, bv_size=8) gstate.mstate.memory = z3.Store(gstate.mstate.memory, dest_offset+i, data) elif gstate.environment.calldata_type == CalldataType.DEFINED: length = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(length) offset_concrete = svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(offset) calldata_bytes = svm_utils.split_bv_into_bytes(gstate.environment.calldata) offset_concrete = svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(offset) for i in range(length): gstate.mstate.memory = z3.Store(gstate.mstate.memory, dest_offset+i, calldata_bytes[offset_concrete+i]) else: raise SVMRuntimeError('Unknown calldata type')
Example #27
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def EXP(self, gstate, base, exponent): base, exponent = map(svm_utils.convert_to_bitvec, (base, exponent)) if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(base) and svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(exponent): base = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(base) exponent = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(exponent) value = pow(base, exponent, 2**256) gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(value, 256)) else: active_account = gstate.wstate.address_to_account[gstate.environment.active_address] gstate.mstate.stack.append(self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.EXP, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True,
Example #28
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def PUSH(self, gstate): instr = gstate.environment.disassembly.instruction_list[gstate.mstate.pc] value = z3.BitVecVal(int(instr['argument'][2:], 16), 256) gstate.mstate.stack.append(value)
Example #29
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _sdivC(self, num, den): """Divide (signed) @num by @den (z3 values) as C would See modint.__div__ for implementation choice """ result_sign = z3.If(num * den >= 0, z3.BitVecVal(1, num.size()), z3.BitVecVal(-1, num.size()), ) return z3.UDiv(self._abs(num), self._abs(den)) * result_sign
Example #30
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def from_ExprLoc(self, expr): if self.loc_db is None: # No loc_db, fallback to default name return z3.BitVec(str(expr), expr.size) loc_key = expr.loc_key offset = self.loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key) if offset is not None: return z3.BitVecVal(offset, expr.size) # fallback to default name return z3.BitVec(str(loc_key), expr.size)