Python z3.BitVec() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of z3.BitVec().
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Example #1
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 8 votes |
def find_name_for_bit_at_index(index, bit): solver = z3.Solver() NAME_LENGTH = 12 # arbitrary name = [z3.BitVec("c%d" % i, 32) for i in range(NAME_LENGTH)] for i in range(len(name)): solver.add(z3.And(name[i] > 0, name[i] <= 0xff)) h1 = hash1(name) solver.add(h1 == index) h2 = hash2(name) solver.add(h2 == bit) h3 = hash3(name) solver.add(z3.Extract(15, 0, h3) == h2) # for simplicity if solver.check() == z3.sat: return "".join(chr(solver.model()[c].as_long()) for c in name).encode("latin-1")
Example #2
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_sym_bitvec(self, constraint_type, gen, bv_size=256, unique=False, **kwargs): vector_name = ConstraintType[].value label_template = vector_name + '_gen{}' for k in kwargs: label_template += '_' + k + '{' + k + '}' label = label_template.format(gen, **kwargs) if unique: unique_id = self.unique_vector_name_counter.get(vector_name, 0) self.unique_vector_name_counter[vector_name] = unique_id + 1 label = label + '_uid' + str(unique_id) assert constraint_type != ConstraintType.CALLDATA or 'acc' not in kwargs if constraint_type == ConstraintType.CALLDATA_ARRAY: return z3.Array(label, z3.BitVecSort(bv_size), z3.BitVecSort(8)) elif constraint_type in [ConstraintType.CALLER, ConstraintType.ORIGIN, ConstraintType.ENTRY_ACCOUNT]: return svm_utils.zpad_bv_right(z3.BitVec(label, svm_utils.ADDRESS_LEN), svm_utils.VECTOR_LEN) else: return z3.BitVec(label, bv_size)
Example #3
Source File: From syntia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def to_z3_variable(self, v): """ Transforms a variable into a z3 variable :param v: variable :return: z3 variable """ # no variable if v not in self.variables: return v # get variable v = self.variables[v] # initialise dict if not in self._z3_var: v_z3 = z3.BitVec(, v.size) self._z3_var[] = v_z3 # get z3 variable v_z3 = self._z3_var[] return v_z3
Example #4
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, address, contract, typ=AccountType.DEFAULT, balance=None, storage=None, account_id=None, mapping_id_to_sum=None): global account_counter if account_id is None: account_counter += 1 = account_id if account_id is not None else account_counter self.address = address self.contract = contract self.typ = typ self.balance = z3.BitVec(f'{address}_balance', 256) if balance is None else balance self.CONTRACT_TO_ACCOUNT_COUNT[contract] += 1 self.contract_tag = + utils.ADDRESS_ARG_TAG + str(self.CONTRACT_TO_ACCOUNT_COUNT[contract]) = storage if storage is not None else EmptyStorage() self.mapping_id_to_sum = mapping_id_to_sum if mapping_id_to_sum is not None else {}
Example #5
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get(self, addr, size): """ Memory access at address @addr of size @size. @addr: a z3 BitVec, the address to read. @size: int, size of the read in bits. Return a z3 BitVec of size @size representing a memory access. """ original_size = size if original_size % 8 != 0: # Size not aligned on 8bits -> read more than size and extract after size = ((original_size // 8) + 1) * 8 res = self[addr] if self.is_little_endian(): for i in range(1, size // 8): res = z3.Concat(self[addr+i], res) else: for i in range(1, size //8): res = z3.Concat(res, self[addr+i]) if size == original_size: return res else: # Size not aligned, extract right sized result return z3.Extract(original_size-1, 0, res)
Example #6
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_eax(self): self.set_reg('eax', z3.BitVec('ret', 32))
Example #7
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check_eq_z3(self, target, pattern): 'Check equivalence with z3' # pylint: disable=exec-used getid = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getid.visit(target) if getid.functions: # not checking exprs with functions for now, because Z3 # does not seem to support function declaration with # arbitrary number of arguments return False for var in self.variables: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (var, var, self.nbits)) target_ast = deepcopy(target) target_ast = Unflattening().visit(target_ast) ast.fix_missing_locations(target_ast) code1 = compile(ast.Expression(target_ast), '<string>', mode='eval') eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(eval_pattern) eval_pattern = Unflattening().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) getid.reset() getid.visit(eval_pattern) if getid.functions: # same reason as before, not using Z3 if there are # functions return False gvar = asttools.GetIdentifiers() gvar.visit(eval_pattern) if any(var.isupper() for var in gvar.variables): # do not check if all patterns have not been replaced return False code2 = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() if isinstance(eval(code1), int) and eval(code1) == 0: # cases where target == 0 are too permissive return False sol.add(eval(code1) != eval(code2)) return sol.check().r == -1
Example #8
Source File: From syntia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate_expr_z3(self, expr, constraints, output_size): """ Tramsforms an expression to z3 :param expr: str :param constraints: list of constraints :return: int """ # to z3 expression expr = self.to_z3(expr) # initialise solver solver = z3.Solver() # output variable output = z3.BitVec("o", output_size) solver.add(expr == output) # add constraints for c in constraints: solver.add(c) # check sat assert (solver.check() == z3.sat) # parse output ret = solver.model()[output].as_long() return ret
Example #9
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_model(self, target, pattern): 'When target is constant and wildcards have no value yet' # pylint: disable=exec-used if target.n == 0: # zero is too permissive return False getwild = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getwild.visit(pattern) if getwild.functions: # not getting model for expr with functions return False wilds = getwild.variables # let's reduce the model to one wildcard for now # otherwise it adds a lot of checks... if len(wilds) > 1: return False wil = wilds.pop() if wil in self.wildcards: if not isinstance(self.wildcards[wil], ast.Num): return False folded = deepcopy(pattern) folded = Unflattening().visit(folded) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(folded) folded = asttools.ConstFolding(folded, self.nbits).visit(folded) return folded.n == target.n else: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (wil, wil, self.nbits)) eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) eval_pattern = Unflattening().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) code = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(target.n == eval(code)) if sol.check().r == 1: model = sol.model() for inst in model.decls(): self.wildcards[str(inst)] = ast.Num(int(model[inst].as_long())) return True return False
Example #10
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def convert_to_z3(self, variables): if self.operation == Node.CONSTANT: return z3.BitVecVal(self.left, self.target_width) elif self.operation == Node.VARIABLE: if self.left in variables: return variables[self.left] else: var = z3.BitVec(self.left, self.variable_width) ext_var = z3.ZeroExt(self.target_width - self.variable_width, var) variables[self.left] = ext_var return ext_var else: # operation left = self.left.convert_to_z3(variables) right = self.right.convert_to_z3(variables) if self.operation == Node.ADDITION: return left + right elif self.operation == Node.SUBTRACTION: return left - right elif self.operation == Node.MULTIPLICATION: return left * right elif self.operation == Node.DIVISION: return left / right elif self.operation == Node.LEFT_SHIFT: return left << right elif self.operation == Node.RIGHT_SHIFT: return left >> right elif self.operation == Node.AND: return left & right elif self.operation == Node.OR: return left | right elif self.operation == Node.XOR: return left ^ right raise LookupError('Unknown operation: %s' % str(self.operation))
Example #11
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _generate_ascii_printable_string(base_name, size, solver): # establishes z3 variable names for bytes of the input string bytes = [z3.BitVec('%s%d' % (base_name, i), 8) for i in range(size)] # adds the constraint that the bytes are printable ascii solver.add(z3.And([_ascii_printable(byte) for byte in bytes])) return bytes
Example #12
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def substitute_bvset(bvset, prefix): index = 0 substitution_dict = {} for bv in bvset: if type(bv) == z3.BitVecRef: substitution_dict[bv] = z3.BitVec('{}_{}_{}'.format(bv, prefix, index), bv.size()) elif type(bv) == z3.ArrayRef: substitution_dict[bv] = z3.Array('{}_{}_{}'.format(bv, prefix, index), bv.sort().domain(), bv.sort().range()) index += 1 return substitution_dict # Wrapper for allowing Z3 ASTs to be stored into Python Hashtables.
Example #13
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def abstract(self, label_suffix): old_storage = = AbstractStorage(f'abstract_storage{label_suffix}') for map_id in self.mapping_id_to_sum: if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(map_id): map_id_string = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(map_id) else: map_id_string = str(z3.simplify(map_id)) raise Exception("pdb") label = f'abstract_sum_{map_id_string}{label_suffix}' self.mapping_id_to_sum[map_id] = z3.BitVec(label, 256) self.balance = z3.BitVec(f'gstate_balance{label_suffix}', 256)
Example #14
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __new_unk_var(self): x = z3.BitVec('unk{0}'.format(self.__unk_var_cnt), 32) self.__unk_var_cnt += 1 return x
Example #15
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def CALLDATALOAD(self, gstate, index): logging.debug('CALLDATA index:' + str(index)) if gstate.environment.calldata is None: raise SVMRuntimeError('CALLDATA is not set') index_concrete = svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(index) if gstate.environment.calldata_type == CalldataType.UNDEFINED: data_bytes = [] # for i in range(32): # label = 'calldata_{}_{}'.format(wstate.gen, i + svm_utils.get_concrete_int(index)) # data_bytes.append(z3.BitVec(label, 8)) # data = z3.Concat(data_bytes) if index_concrete: data = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.CALLDATA, gstate.wstate.gen, index=svm_utils.get_concrete_int(index)) gstate.mstate.stack.append(data) else: data = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.CALLDATA, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True) gstate.mstate.stack.append(data) elif gstate.environment.calldata_type == CalldataType.DEFINED: assert gstate.environment.calldata.sort().name() == 'bv', 'CALLDATA sort mismatch' index = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(z3.simplify(index)) calldatasize = gstate.environment.calldata.size() assert index < calldatasize calldata_start = calldatasize-index*8 calldata_stop = max(0, calldata_start - 256) calldata = z3.Extract(calldata_start-1, calldata_stop, gstate.environment.calldata) calldata = svm_utils.zpad_bv_left(calldata, 256) gstate.mstate.stack.append(calldata) else: raise SVMRuntimeError('Unknown calldata type')
Example #16
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_sym_balance(self, account): return z3.BitVec(ConstraintType.BALANCE.value+'_'+str(, 256)
Example #17
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_xor36(self): 'Test that CSE of the xor36 function is equivalent to original' # pylint: disable=exec-used pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) input_file = open(os.path.join(pwd, 'xor36_flat'), 'r') input_string = input_ast = ast.parse(input_string) coderef = compile(ast.Expression(input_ast.body[0].value), '<string>', 'eval') jack = asttools.GetIdentifiers() jack.visit(input_ast) cse_string = cse.apply_cse(input_string)[0] # get all assignment in one ast assigns = cse_string[:cse_string.rfind('\n')] cse_assign_ast = ast.parse(assigns, mode='exec') assign_code = compile(cse_assign_ast, '<string>', mode='exec') # get final expression in one ast result_string = cse_string.splitlines()[-1] result_ast = ast.Expression(ast.parse(result_string).body[0].value) result_code = compile(result_ast, '<string>', mode='eval') for var in list(jack.variables): exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', 8)" % (var, var)) exec(assign_code) sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(eval(coderef) != eval(result_code)) self.assertEqual(sol.check().r, -1)
Example #18
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def from_ExprLoc(self, expr): if self.loc_db is None: # No loc_db, fallback to default name return z3.BitVec(str(expr), expr.size) loc_key = expr.loc_key offset = self.loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key) if offset is not None: return z3.BitVecVal(offset, expr.size) # fallback to default name return z3.BitVec(str(loc_key), expr.size)
Example #19
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def from_ExprId(self, expr): return z3.BitVec(str(expr), expr.size)
Example #20
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def arg_or_var(self, addr): name = get_name_from_addr_str(addr) if name: return z3.BitVec(name, 32) return self.__new_mem_var()
Example #21
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, addr): """One byte memory access. Different address sizes with the same value will result in different memory accesses. @addr: a z3 BitVec, the address to read. Return a z3 BitVec of size 8 bits representing a memory access. """ size = addr.size() mem = self.get_mem_array(size) return mem[addr]
Example #22
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __new_mem_var(self): x = z3.BitVec('mem{0}'.format(self.__mem_var_cnt), 32) self.__mem_var_cnt += 1 return x
Example #23
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def run(output): ast = parse_input(options['hash']) variables = {} # map from names to z3_vars z3_expression = ast.convert_to_z3(variables) solver = z3.Solver() if options['target_type'] == 'image': solver.add(options['image'] == z3_expression) elif options['target_type'] == 'preimage': # extract and validate the user-provided preimage preimage = options['preimage'] var_defs = preimage.split(',') variable_values = {} if len(var_defs) < len(variables): raise ValueError('Not enough preimage values given for all variables used in the equation') for var_def in var_defs: try: variable_name, value = var_def.split('=', 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid syntax for preimage values') variable_name = variable_name.strip() if variable_name in variable_values: raise ValueError('Multiple preimage values given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Preimage value "%s" for variable "%s" is not an integer' % (value, variable_name)) variable_values[variable_name] = value for variable_name in variables: if variable_name not in variable_values: raise ValueError('Preimage value not given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) # we have a preimage but we want an image to set z3_expression equal to for solving # so we set a new variable equal to z3_expression, provide the preimage values, # and then ask Z3 to solve for our new variable target_var = z3.BitVec('__v', ast.target_width) sub_solver = z3.Solver() sub_solver.add(target_var == z3_expression) for variable in variables: sub_solver.add(variables[variable] == variable_values[variable]) assert sub_solver.check() == z3.sat # this should always hold, since the target var is unbounded solution = sub_solver.model() target_value = solution[target_var] # we can now set z3_expression equal to the appropriate image solver.add(target_value == z3_expression) # and also prevent the preimage values being generated as a solution solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution if != '__v'])) solutions = [] while solver.check() == z3.sat and len(solutions) < options['n_collisions']: solution = solver.model() solutions.append(solution) # prevent duplicate solutions solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution])) output.output(solutions)