Python z3.is_true() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of z3.is_true().
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Example #1
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 6 votes |
def try_make_simple_if_else( self, node1, node2, nodes_to_check, nodes_to_remove ): log_debug("try_make_simple_if_else") cond1 = node1.condition cond2 = node2.condition if is_true(simplify(cond1 == Not(cond2))): log_debug(f"found a simple if/else match") if cond1.decl().name() == "not": node2[False] = node1[True] nodes_to_check.remove(node2) nodes_to_remove.append(node1) else: node1[False] = node2[True] nodes_to_remove.append(node2) return True return False
Example #2
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _convert_to_while_loop( self, node: MediumLevelILAstLoopNode, while_condition ): log_debug(f"{node} is a while loop") node.loop_type = "while" node.condition = reduce( And, Tactic("ctx-solver-simplify")(Not(while_condition))[0] ) break_cond = node.body.nodes[0] if break_cond[False] is not None: node.body._nodes[0] = break_cond[False] # Flatten condition nodes that have the same condition # as the loop condition for idx, child in enumerate(node.body.nodes): if ( isinstance(child, MediumLevelILAstCondNode) and is_true(simplify(child.condition == node.condition)) and child[False] is None ): node.body._nodes[idx] = child[True]
Example #3
Source File: From cozy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def to_bool(e : z3.AstRef): """ If `e` is a boolean literal, return its value (True or False). Otherwise, return None. """ if z3.is_true(e): return True if z3.is_false(e): return False return None
Example #4
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 5 votes |
def try_make_complex_if_else( self, parent, node1, node2, nodes_to_check, nodes_to_remove ): log_debug("try_make_complex_if_else") is_complex_if_else = self.find_c_and_R( node1.condition, node2.condition ) if not is_complex_if_else: return False else: c, R = is_complex_if_else # if we get here, we have a complex if/else new_if_else_node = MediumLevelILAstCondNode( self, c, node1._condition_il, node1[True], node2[True] ) log_debug(f"R is currently {R}") new_seq_node = MediumLevelILAstSeqNode(self, [new_if_else_node]) if is_true(R): new_cond_node = new_if_else_node else: new_cond_node = MediumLevelILAstCondNode( self, R, node1._condition_il, new_seq_node ) log_debug(f"new_cond_node: {new_cond_node}") if node1 in parent.nodes: node1_idx = parent.nodes.index(node1) parent._nodes[node1_idx] = new_cond_node nodes_to_remove.append(node2) nodes_to_check.remove(node2) else: log_debug(f"{node1} not in parent.nodes")
Example #5
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self, t): s = self.solver.model().eval(t.z3Node()) assert z3.is_true(s) or z3.is_false(s) return z3.is_true(s)
Example #6
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_new_node_from_region( self, bb: MediumLevelILBasicBlock, block: MediumLevelILBasicBlock, sub_region: MediumLevelILAstNode, current_node: MediumLevelILAstNode, cases: dict, nodes: list ): log_debug( f"create_new_node_from_region({bb}, {block}, {sub_region}, {current_node})" ) reaching_constraint = self._reaching_constraints.get((bb.start, block.start)) if is_true(reaching_constraint): reaching_constraint = None if reaching_constraint is not None and self.any_node_dominated( sub_region, block, bb ): reaching_constraint = None if reaching_constraint is not None: if sub_region.type == "loop": sub_region = MediumLevelILAstSeqNode(self, [sub_region]) # This is now a condition node if a reaching constraint exists log_debug( f" Creating new CondNode with {sub_region} {reaching_constraint}\n\n" ) new_node = MediumLevelILAstCondNode( self, reaching_constraint, block.incoming_edges[0].source[-1], sub_region, ) else: new_node = sub_region if new_node is not None: if current_node.type != "switch": nodes.append(new_node) else: if block in cases: if current_node.block not in new_node.block.dominators: case = ["default"] else: case = cases[block] current_node.append( MediumLevelILAstCaseNode(self, case, [new_node]) ) else: return False return True
Example #7
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _convert_to_do_while_loop( self, node: MediumLevelILAstLoopNode, dowhile_condition ): log_debug(f"{node} is a do while loop") node.loop_type = "dowhile" node.condition = reduce( And, Tactic("ctx-solver-simplify")(Not(dowhile_condition))[0] ) break_cond = node.body.nodes[-1] if break_cond[False] is not None: node.body._nodes[-1] = break_cond[False] else: node.body._nodes.pop() # Flatten condition nodes that have the same condition # as the loop condition for idx, child in enumerate(node.body.nodes): if ( isinstance(child, MediumLevelILAstCondNode) and is_true(simplify(child.condition == node.condition)) and child[False] is None ): node.body._nodes[idx] = child[True] log_debug(f"Checking {child} for break condition") if isinstance(child, MediumLevelILAstCondNode) and is_false( simplify(And(child.condition, node.condition)) ): break_instr = child[True].nodes[-1].block[-1] child[True]._nodes.append( MediumLevelILAstBreakNode( self, break_instr.instr_index, break_instr.address ) ) new_loop_condition = self._split_break_condition( node.condition, child.condition ) if new_loop_condition is not None: log_debug(f"new_loop_condition is {new_loop_condition}") node.condition = new_loop_condition