Python os.execvpe() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of os.execvpe().
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Example #1
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_executionError(self): """ Raise an error during execvpe to check error management. """ cmd = self.getCommand('false') d = defer.Deferred() p = TrivialProcessProtocol(d) def buggyexecvpe(command, args, environment): raise RuntimeError("Ouch") oldexecvpe = os.execvpe os.execvpe = buggyexecvpe try: reactor.spawnProcess(p, cmd, [b'false'], env=None, usePTY=self.usePTY) def check(ignored): errData = b"".join(p.errData + p.outData) self.assertIn(b"Upon execvpe", errData) self.assertIn(b"Ouch", errData) d.addCallback(check) finally: os.execvpe = oldexecvpe return d
Example #2
Source File: From anyMesh-Python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def spawn(self): env = self.env env['TERM'] = 'linux', self.master = pty.fork() if == 0: if callable(self.command): try: try: self.command() except: sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc()) sys.stderr.flush() finally: os._exit(0) else: os.execvpe(self.command[0], self.command, env) if self.main_loop is None: fcntl.fcntl(self.master, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) atexit.register(self.terminate)
Example #3
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _execChild(self, path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment): """ The exec() which is done in the forked child. """ if path: os.chdir(path) if uid is not None or gid is not None: if uid is None: uid = os.geteuid() if gid is None: gid = os.getegid() # set the UID before I actually exec the process os.setuid(0) os.setgid(0) switchUID(uid, gid) os.execvpe(executable, args, environment)
Example #4
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_executionError(self): """ Raise an error during execvpe to check error management. """ cmd = self.getCommand('false') d = defer.Deferred() p = TrivialProcessProtocol(d) def buggyexecvpe(command, args, environment): raise RuntimeError("Ouch") oldexecvpe = os.execvpe os.execvpe = buggyexecvpe try: reactor.spawnProcess(p, cmd, ['false'], env=None, usePTY=self.usePTY) def check(ignored): errData = "".join(p.errData + p.outData) self.assertIn("Upon execvpe", errData) self.assertIn("Ouch", errData) d.addCallback(check) finally: os.execvpe = oldexecvpe return d
Example #5
Source File: From pivy with ISC License | 6 votes |
def exec_fork(l, env): pid = os.fork() if not pid: # Child process. exitval = 127 try: os.execvpe(l[0], l, env) except OSError as e: exitval = exitvalmap.get(e[0], e[0]) sys.stderr.write("scons: %s: %s\n" % (l[0], e[1])) os._exit(exitval) else: # Parent process. pid, stat = os.waitpid(pid, 0) if stat & 0xff: return stat | 0x80 return stat >> 8
Example #6
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_executionError(self): """ Raise an error during execvpe to check error management. """ cmd = self.getCommand('false') d = defer.Deferred() p = TrivialProcessProtocol(d) def buggyexecvpe(command, args, environment): raise RuntimeError("Ouch") oldexecvpe = os.execvpe os.execvpe = buggyexecvpe try: reactor.spawnProcess(p, cmd, [b'false'], env=None, usePTY=self.usePTY) def check(ignored): errData = b"".join(p.errData + p.outData) self.assertIn(b"Upon execvpe", errData) self.assertIn(b"Ouch", errData) d.addCallback(check) finally: os.execvpe = oldexecvpe return d
Example #7
Source File: From neovim-remote with MIT License | 6 votes |
def execute_new_nvim_process(self, silent, nvr, options, arguments): if not silent: print(textwrap.dedent('''\ [*] Starting new nvim process using $NVR_CMD or 'nvim'. Use --nostart to avoid starting a new process. ''')) args = os.environ.get('NVR_CMD') args = args.split(' ') if args else ['nvim'] multiprocessing.Process(target=self.try_attach, args=(args, nvr, options, arguments)).start() os.environ['NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'] = self.address try: os.execvpe(args[0], args, os.environ) except FileNotFoundError: print("[!] Can't start new nvim process: '{}' is not in $PATH.".format(args[0])) sys.exit(1)
Example #8
Source File: From Flask-P2P with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reexec(self): """\ Relaunch the master and workers. """ if self.pidfile is not None: self.pidfile.rename("%s.oldbin" % self.pidfile.fname) self.reexec_pid = os.fork() if self.reexec_pid != 0: self.master_name = "Old Master" return environ = self.cfg.env_orig.copy() fds = [l.fileno() for l in self.LISTENERS] environ['GUNICORN_FD'] = ",".join([str(fd) for fd in fds]) os.chdir(self.START_CTX['cwd']) self.cfg.pre_exec(self) # exec the process using the original environnement os.execvpe(self.START_CTX[0], self.START_CTX['args'], environ)
Example #9
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _execChild(self, path, uid, gid, executable, args, environment): """ The exec() which is done in the forked child. """ if path: os.chdir(path) if uid is not None or gid is not None: if uid is None: uid = os.geteuid() if gid is None: gid = os.getegid() # set the UID before I actually exec the process os.setuid(0) os.setgid(0) switchUID(uid, gid) os.execvpe(executable, args, environment)
Example #10
Source File: From promnesia with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _run(*, port: str, db: Optional[Path]=None, timezone: str, quiet: bool): logger = get_logger() env = { **os.environ, # not sure if there is a simpler way to communicate with hug.. # # TODO here _ENV_CONFIG: json.dumps({ 'timezone': timezone, **({} if db is None else {'db': str(db)}) }), } args = [ 'python3', '-m', 'hug', # TODO eh, not sure about this. what if user had it already installed?? it's a mess.. *(['--silent'] if quiet else []), '-p', port, '-f', __file__, ]'Running server: %s', args) os.execvpe('python3', args, env)
Example #11
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _execChild(self, path, settingUID, uid, gid, executable, args, environment): """ The exec() which is done in the forked child. """ if path: os.chdir(path) # set the UID before I actually exec the process if settingUID: switchUID(uid, gid) os.execvpe(executable, args, environment)
Example #12
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_mockWithExecError(self): """ Spawn a process but simulate an error during execution in the client path: C{os.execvpe} raises an error. It should close all the standard fds, try to print the error encountered, and exit cleanly. """ cmd = '/mock/ouch' d = defer.Deferred() p = TrivialProcessProtocol(d) self.mockos.raiseExec = True try: reactor.spawnProcess(p, cmd, ['ouch'], env=None, usePTY=False) except SystemError: self.assert_(self.mockos.exited) self.assertEquals( self.mockos.actions, [("fork", False), "exec", "exit"]) # Check that fd have been closed self.assertIn(0, self.mockos.closed) self.assertIn(1, self.mockos.closed) self.assertIn(2, self.mockos.closed) # Check content of traceback self.assertIn("RuntimeError: Bar", self.mockos.fdio.getvalue()) else:"Should not be here")
Example #13
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def execvpe(self, command, args, env): """ Fake C{os.execvpe}. Save the action, and raise an error if C{self.raiseExec} is set. """ self.actions.append('exec') if self.raiseExec: raise RuntimeError("Bar")
Example #14
Source File: From SA-ctf_scoreboard with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def _execute(path, argv, environ): if environ is None: os.execvp(path, argv) else: os.execvpe(path, argv, environ) return # endregion
Example #15
Source File: From docky with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _exec(self, cmd, args=[]): """Run a command in the same process and log it this will replace the current process by the cmd""" logger.debug(cmd + ' '.join(args)) os.execvpe(cmd, [cmd] + args, local.env)
Example #16
Source File: From filmkodi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_execve(original_name): """ os.execve(path, args, env) os.execvpe(file, args, env) """ def new_execve(path, args, env): import os return getattr(os, original_name)(path, patch_args(args), env) return new_execve
Example #17
Source File: From filmkodi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def patch_new_process_functions_with_warning(): monkey_patch_os('execl', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execle', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execlp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execlpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execv', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execve', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execvp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('execvpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnl', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnle', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnlp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnlpe', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnv', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnve', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnvp', create_warn_multiproc) monkey_patch_os('spawnvpe', create_warn_multiproc) if sys.platform != 'win32': monkey_patch_os('fork', create_warn_multiproc) try: import _posixsubprocess monkey_patch_module(_posixsubprocess, 'fork_exec', create_warn_fork_exec) except ImportError: pass else: # Windows try: import _subprocess except ImportError: import _winapi as _subprocess monkey_patch_module(_subprocess, 'CreateProcess', create_CreateProcessWarnMultiproc)
Example #18
Source File: From cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def exec_or_return(argv: List[str], extra_env: Mapping = {}) -> int: """ exec(3) into the desired program, or return 1 on failure. Never returns if successful. The return value makes this suitable for chaining through to sys.exit(). On Windows (or other non-POSIX OSs), where os.execvp() is not properly supported¹, this forks another process, waits for it to finish, and then exits with the same return code. A proper POSIX exec(3) is still more desirable when available as it properly handles file descriptors and signals. If an *extra_env* mapping is passed, the provided keys and values are overlayed onto the current environment. ¹ """ env = os.environ.copy() if extra_env: env.update(extra_env) # Use a POSIX exec(3) for file descriptor and signal handling… if == "posix": try: os.execvpe(argv[0], argv, env) except OSError as error: warn("Error executing into %s: %s" % (argv, error)) return 1 # …or naively emulate one when not available. else: try: process =, env = env) except OSError as error: warn("Error running %s: %s" % (argv, error)) return 1 else: exit(process.returncode)
Example #19
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_execvpe_with_bad_arglist(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.execvpe, 'notepad', [], None)
Example #20
Source File: From vscode-extension-splunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _execute(path, argv, environ): if environ is None: os.execvp(path, argv) else: os.execvpe(path, argv, environ) return # endregion
Example #21
Source File: From SA-ctf_scoreboard with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def _execute(path, argv, environ): if environ is None: os.execvp(path, argv) else: os.execvpe(path, argv, environ) return # endregion
Example #22
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def legacy(options=None, unknown=None): from burpui.utils import lookup_file if unknown is None: unknown = [] if not options: options, unknown = parse_args(mode=False, name='burpui-legacy') env = os.environ if options.config: conf = lookup_file(options.config, guess=False) else: if 'BUI_CONFIG' in env: conf = env['BUI_CONFIG'] else: conf = lookup_file() check_config(conf) env['BUI_MODE'] = 'legacy' env['BUI_CONFIG'] = conf if os.path.isdir('burpui'): env['FLASK_APP'] = 'burpui/' else: env['FLASK_APP'] = 'burpui.cli' env['BUI_VERBOSE'] = str(options.log) if options.logfile: env['BUI_LOGFILE'] = options.logfile if options.debug: env['BUI_DEBUG'] = '1' env['FLASK_DEBUG'] = '1' args = [ 'flask', 'legacy' ] args += unknown args += [x for x in options.remaining if x != '--'] os.execvpe(args[0], args, env)
Example #23
Source File: From sitoa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def exec_piped_fork(l, env, stdout, stderr): # spawn using fork / exec and providing a pipe for the command's # stdout / stderr stream if stdout != stderr: (rFdOut, wFdOut) = os.pipe() (rFdErr, wFdErr) = os.pipe() else: (rFdOut, wFdOut) = os.pipe() rFdErr = rFdOut wFdErr = wFdOut # do the fork pid = os.fork() if not pid: # Child process os.close( rFdOut ) if rFdOut != rFdErr: os.close( rFdErr ) os.dup2( wFdOut, 1 ) # is there some symbolic way to do that ? os.dup2( wFdErr, 2 ) os.close( wFdOut ) if stdout != stderr: os.close( wFdErr ) exitval = 127 try: os.execvpe(l[0], l, env) except OSError, e: exitval = exitvalmap.get(e[0], e[0]) stderr.write("scons: %s: %s\n" % (l[0], e[1])) os._exit(exitval)
Example #24
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execvpe(self, command, args, env): """ Fake C{os.execvpe}. Save the action, and raise an error if C{self.raiseExec} is set. """ self.actions.append('exec') if self.raiseExec: raise RuntimeError("Bar")
Example #25
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_execvpe_with_bad_program(self): self.assertRaises(OSError, os.execvpe, 'no such app-', ['no such app-'], None)
Example #26
Source File: From sitoa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def exec_fork(l, env): pid = os.fork() if not pid: # Child process. exitval = 127 try: os.execvpe(l[0], l, env) except OSError, e: exitval = exitvalmap.get(e[0], e[0]) sys.stderr.write("scons: %s: %s\n" % (l[0], e[1])) os._exit(exitval)
Example #27
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_execvpe_with_bad_arglist(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.execvpe, 'notepad', [], None)
Example #28
Source File: From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_execvpe_with_bad_arglist(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, os.execvpe, 'notepad', [], None)
Example #29
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def server(options=None, unknown=None): from burpui.utils import lookup_file if unknown is None: unknown = [] if not options: options, unknown = parse_args(mode=False) env = os.environ if options.config: conf = lookup_file(options.config, guess=False) else: if 'BUI_CONFIG' in env: conf = env['BUI_CONFIG'] else: conf = lookup_file() check_config(conf) if os.path.isdir('burpui'): env['FLASK_APP'] = 'burpui/' else: env['FLASK_APP'] = 'burpui.cli' env['BUI_CONFIG'] = conf env['BUI_VERBOSE'] = str(options.log) if options.logfile: env['BUI_LOGFILE'] = options.logfile if options.debug: env['BUI_DEBUG'] = '1' env['FLASK_DEBUG'] = '1' env['BUI_MODE'] = 'server' args = [ 'flask', 'run' ] args += unknown args += [x for x in options.remaining if x != '--'] os.execvpe(args[0], args, env)
Example #30
Source File: From spinalcordtoolbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Compatibility entry point to run scripts """ # Force scripts to not use graphical output env = dict() env.update(os.environ) if "DISPLAY" not in os.environ: # No DISPLAY, set suitable default matplotlib backend as pyplot is used env["MPLBACKEND"] = "Agg" if "ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS" not in os.environ: env["ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS"] = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) command = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) sct_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) script = os.path.join(sct_dir, "scripts", "{}.py".format(command)) assert os.path.exists(script) cmd = [sys.executable, script] + sys.argv[1:] mpi_flags = os.environ.get("SCT_MPI_MODE", None) if mpi_flags is not None: if mpi_flags == "yes": # compat mpi_flags = "-n 1" cmd = ["mpiexec"] + mpi_flags.split() + cmd os.execvpe(cmd[0], cmd[0:], env)