Python toolz.valfilter() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of toolz.valfilter().
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Example #1
Source File: From pandahouse with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepare(query, connection=None, external=None): connection = merge(_default, connection or {}) database = escape(connection['database']) query = query.format(db=database) params = {'database': connection['database'], 'query': query, 'user': connection['user'], 'password': connection['password']} params = valfilter(lambda x: x, params) files = {} external = external or {} for name, (structure, serialized) in external.items(): params['{}_format'.format(name)] = 'CSV' params['{}_structure'.format(name)] = structure files[name] = serialized host = connection['host'] return host, params, files
Example #2
Source File: From pyquarkchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_pong_v4(self, remote: kademlia.Node, token: Hash32) -> None: """Process a pong packet. Pong packets should only be received as a response to a ping, so the actual processing is left to the callback from pong_callbacks, which is added (and removed after it's done or timed out) in wait_pong(). """ # XXX: This hack is needed because there are lots of parity 1.10 nodes out there that send # the wrong token on pong msgs ( We # should get rid of this once there are no longer too many parity 1.10 nodes out there. if token in self.parity_pong_tokens: # This is a pong from a buggy parity node, so need to lookup the actual token we're # expecting. token = self.parity_pong_tokens.pop(token) else: # This is a pong from a non-buggy node, so just cleanup self.parity_pong_tokens. self.parity_pong_tokens = toolz.valfilter( lambda val: val != token, self.parity_pong_tokens ) pingid = self._mkpingid(token, remote) try: callback = self.pong_callbacks.get_callback(pingid) except KeyError: self.logger.debug( "unexpected pong from %s (token == %s)", remote, encode_hex(token) ) else: callback()
Example #3
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _read_csv(path, schema, **kwargs): dtypes = dict(schema.to_pandas()) dates = list(toolz.valfilter(lambda s: s == 'datetime64[ns]', dtypes)) dtypes = toolz.dissoc(dtypes, *dates) return pd.read_csv( str(path), dtype=dtypes, parse_dates=dates, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs )
Example #4
Source File: From eth-utils with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_curried_namespace(): def should_curry(value): if not callable(value) or isinstance(value, curry) or isinstance(value, type): return False if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, Exception): return False nargs = enhanced_num_required_args(value) if nargs is None or nargs > 1: return True else: return nargs == 1 and enhanced_has_keywords(value) def curry_namespace(ns): return dict( (name, curry(f) if should_curry(f) else f) for name, f in ns.items() if "__" not in name ) all_auto_curried = curry_namespace(vars(eth_utils)) inferred_namespace = valfilter(callable, all_auto_curried) curried_namespace = valfilter(callable, eth_utils.curried.__dict__) if inferred_namespace != curried_namespace: missing = set(inferred_namespace) - set(curried_namespace) if missing: to_insert = sorted("%s," % f for f in missing) raise AssertionError( "There are missing functions in eth_utils.curried:\n" + "\n".join(to_insert) ) extra = set(curried_namespace) - set(inferred_namespace) if extra: raise AssertionError( "There are extra functions in eth_utils.curried:\n" + "\n".join(sorted(extra)) ) unequal = merge_with(list, inferred_namespace, curried_namespace) unequal = valfilter(lambda x: x[0] != x[1], unequal) to_curry = keyfilter(lambda x: should_curry(getattr(eth_utils, x)), unequal) if to_curry: to_curry_formatted = sorted("{0} = curry({0})".format(f) for f in to_curry) raise AssertionError( "There are missing functions to curry in eth_utils.curried:\n" + "\n".join(to_curry_formatted) ) elif unequal: not_to_curry_formatted = sorted(unequal) raise AssertionError( "Missing functions NOT to curry in eth_utils.curried:\n" + "\n".join(not_to_curry_formatted) ) else: raise AssertionError( "unexplained difference between %r and %r" % (inferred_namespace, curried_namespace) )