Python scipy.sparse.linalg.onenormest() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of scipy.sparse.linalg.onenormest().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def expop_multiply_prep(op, A_1_norm=None, tol=EXPM_DEFAULT_TOL): """ Returns "prepared" meta-info about operation op, which is assumed to be traceless (so no shift is needed). Used as input for use with _custom_expm_multiply_simple_core or fast C-reps. """ assert(isinstance(op, _spsl.LinearOperator)) if len(op.shape) != 2 or op.shape[0] != op.shape[1]: raise ValueError('expected op to have equal input and output dimensions') # n = op.shape[0] n0 = 1 # always act exp(op) on *single* vectors mu = 0 # _spsl._expm_multiply._trace(A) / float(n) #ASSUME op is *traceless* #FUTURE: get exact_1_norm specific for our ops - now just use approximate if A_1_norm is None: A_1_norm = _spsl.onenormest(op) #t = 1.0 # always, so t*<X> => just <X> below if A_1_norm == 0: m_star, s = 0, 1 else: ell = 2 norm_info = _spsl._expm_multiply.LazyOperatorNormInfo(op, A_1_norm=A_1_norm, ell=ell) m_star, s = _spsl._expm_multiply._fragment_3_1(norm_info, n0, tol, ell=ell) eta = 1.0 # _np.exp(t*mu / float(s)) # b/c mu always == 0 (traceless assumption) return mu, m_star, s, eta
Example #2
Source File: From lambda-packs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _onenormest_m1_power(A, p, t=2, itmax=5, compute_v=False, compute_w=False): """ Efficiently estimate the 1-norm of (A - I)^p. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix whose 1-norm of a power is to be computed. p : int Non-negative integer power. t : int, optional A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between accuracy versus time and memory usage. Larger values take longer and use more memory but give more accurate output. itmax : int, optional Use at most this many iterations. compute_v : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator input vector if True. compute_w : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator output vector if True. Returns ------- est : float An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix. v : ndarray, optional The vector such that ||Av||_1 == est*||v||_1. It can be thought of as an input to the linear operator that gives an output with particularly large norm. w : ndarray, optional The vector Av which has relatively large 1-norm. It can be thought of as an output of the linear operator that is relatively large in norm compared to the input. """ return onenormest(_MatrixM1PowerOperator(A, p), t=t, itmax=itmax, compute_v=compute_v, compute_w=compute_w)
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _onenormest_m1_power(A, p, t=2, itmax=5, compute_v=False, compute_w=False): """ Efficiently estimate the 1-norm of (A - I)^p. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix whose 1-norm of a power is to be computed. p : int Non-negative integer power. t : int, optional A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between accuracy versus time and memory usage. Larger values take longer and use more memory but give more accurate output. itmax : int, optional Use at most this many iterations. compute_v : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator input vector if True. compute_w : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator output vector if True. Returns ------- est : float An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix. v : ndarray, optional The vector such that ||Av||_1 == est*||v||_1. It can be thought of as an input to the linear operator that gives an output with particularly large norm. w : ndarray, optional The vector Av which has relatively large 1-norm. It can be thought of as an output of the linear operator that is relatively large in norm compared to the input. """ return onenormest(_MatrixM1PowerOperator(A, p), t=t, itmax=itmax, compute_v=compute_v, compute_w=compute_w)
Example #4
Source File: From florence with MIT License | 5 votes |
def GetConditionNumber(self,A): self.matrix_condition_number = onenormest(K_b) return self.matrix_condition_number
Example #5
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _onenormest_m1_power(A, p, t=2, itmax=5, compute_v=False, compute_w=False): """ Efficiently estimate the 1-norm of (A - I)^p. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix whose 1-norm of a power is to be computed. p : int Non-negative integer power. t : int, optional A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between accuracy versus time and memory usage. Larger values take longer and use more memory but give more accurate output. itmax : int, optional Use at most this many iterations. compute_v : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator input vector if True. compute_w : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator output vector if True. Returns ------- est : float An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix. v : ndarray, optional The vector such that ||Av||_1 == est*||v||_1. It can be thought of as an input to the linear operator that gives an output with particularly large norm. w : ndarray, optional The vector Av which has relatively large 1-norm. It can be thought of as an output of the linear operator that is relatively large in norm compared to the input. """ return onenormest(_MatrixM1PowerOperator(A, p), t=t, itmax=itmax, compute_v=compute_v, compute_w=compute_w)
Example #6
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _onenormest_m1_power(A, p, t=2, itmax=5, compute_v=False, compute_w=False): """ Efficiently estimate the 1-norm of (A - I)^p. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Matrix whose 1-norm of a power is to be computed. p : int Non-negative integer power. t : int, optional A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between accuracy versus time and memory usage. Larger values take longer and use more memory but give more accurate output. itmax : int, optional Use at most this many iterations. compute_v : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator input vector if True. compute_w : bool, optional Request a norm-maximizing linear operator output vector if True. Returns ------- est : float An underestimate of the 1-norm of the sparse matrix. v : ndarray, optional The vector such that ||Av||_1 == est*||v||_1. It can be thought of as an input to the linear operator that gives an output with particularly large norm. w : ndarray, optional The vector Av which has relatively large 1-norm. It can be thought of as an output of the linear operator that is relatively large in norm compared to the input. """ return onenormest(_MatrixM1PowerOperator(A, p), t=t, itmax=itmax, compute_v=compute_v, compute_w=compute_w)