Python IPython.display.Markdown() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of IPython.display.Markdown().
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Example #1
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def scatter_plot_intent_dist(workspace_pd): """ takes the workspace_pd and generate a scatter distribution of the intents :param workspace_pd: :return: """ label_frequency = Counter(workspace_pd["intent"]).most_common() frequencies = list(reversed(label_frequency)) counter_list = list(range(1, len(frequencies) + 1)) df = pd.DataFrame(data=frequencies, columns=["Intent", "Number of User Examples"]) df["Intent"] = counter_list sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (15, 10)}) display( Markdown( '## <p style="text-align: center;">Sorted Distribution of User Examples \ per Intent</p>' ) ) plt.ylabel("Number of User Examples", fontdict=LABEL_FONT) plt.xlabel("Intent", fontdict=LABEL_FONT) ax = sns.scatterplot(x="Intent", y="Number of User Examples", data=df, s=100)
Example #2
Source File: From rubix with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def print_markdown_table(headers, data): ''' Renders table given headers and data ''' md = '' for h in headers: md += '|' + h md += '|\n' for r in range(len(headers)): md += '|---' md += '|\n' for row in data: for element in row: md += '|' + str(element) md += '|\n' display(Markdown(md))
Example #3
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_observations(self): """Display the current observations using IPython.display.""" for observation in self.observation_list.values(): display(Markdown(f"### {observation.caption}")) display(Markdown(observation.description)) display(Markdown(f"Score: {observation.score}")) if display(Markdown(f"[Go to details](#{})")) if observation.tags: display(Markdown(f'tags: {", ".join(observation.tags)}')) display( if observation.additional_properties: display(Markdown("### Additional Properties")) for key, val in observation.additional_properties.items(): display(Markdown(f"**{key}**: {val}"))
Example #4
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_append_display_data(): widget = widget_output.Output() # Try appending a Markdown object. widget.append_display_data(Markdown("# snakes!")) expected = ( { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'data': { 'text/plain': '<IPython.core.display.Markdown object>', 'text/markdown': '# snakes!' }, 'metadata': {} }, ) assert widget.outputs == expected, repr(widget.outputs) # Now try appending an Image. image_data = b"foobar" image_data_b64 = image_data if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else 'Zm9vYmFy\n' widget.append_display_data(Image(image_data, width=123, height=456)) expected += ( { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'data': { 'image/png': image_data_b64, 'text/plain': '<IPython.core.display.Image object>' }, 'metadata': { 'image/png': { 'width': 123, 'height': 456 } } }, ) assert widget.outputs == expected, repr(widget.outputs)
Example #5
Source File: From aurum-datadiscovery with MIT License | 5 votes |
def help(self): """ Prints general help information, or specific usage information of a function if provided :param function: an optional function """ from IPython.display import Markdown, display def print_md(string): display(Markdown(string)) # Check whether the request is for some specific function #if function is not None: # print_md(self.function.__doc__) # If not then offer the general help menu #else: print_md("### Help Menu") print_md("You can use the system through an **API** object. API objects are returned" "by the *init_system* function, so you can get one by doing:") print_md("***your_api_object = init_system('path_to_stored_model')***") print_md("Once you have access to an API object there are a few concepts that are useful " "to use the API. **content** refers to actual values of a given field. For " "example, if you have a table with an attribute called __Name__ and values *Olu, Mike, Sam*, content " "refers to the actual values, e.g. Mike, Sam, Olu.") print_md("**schema** refers to the name of a given field. In the previous example, schema refers to the word" "__Name__ as that's how the field is called.") print_md("Finally, **entity** refers to the *semantic type* of the content. This is in experimental state. For " "the previous example it would return *'person'* as that's what those names refer to.") print_md("Certain functions require a *field* as input. In general a field is specified by the source name (" "e.g. table name) and the field name (e.g. attribute name). For example, if we are interested in " "finding content similar to the one of the attribute *year* in the table *Employee* we can provide " "the field in the following way:") print( "field = ('Employee', 'year') # field = [<source_name>, <field_name>)")
Example #6
Source File: From aurum-datadiscovery with MIT License | 5 votes |
def help(self): """ Prints general help information, or specific usage information of a function if provided :param function: an optional function """ from IPython.display import Markdown, display def print_md(string): display(Markdown(string)) # Check whether the request is for some specific function #if function is not None: # print_md(self.function.__doc__) # If not then offer the general help menu #else: print_md("### Help Menu") print_md("You can use the system through an **API** object. API objects are returned" "by the *init_system* function, so you can get one by doing:") print_md("***your_api_object = init_system('path_to_stored_model')***") print_md("Once you have access to an API object there are a few concepts that are useful " "to use the API. **content** refers to actual values of a given field. For " "example, if you have a table with an attribute called __Name__ and values *Olu, Mike, Sam*, content " "refers to the actual values, e.g. Mike, Sam, Olu.") print_md("**schema** refers to the name of a given field. In the previous example, schema refers to the word" "__Name__ as that's how the field is called.") print_md("Finally, **entity** refers to the *semantic type* of the content. This is in experimental state. For " "the previous example it would return *'person'* as that's what those names refer to.") print_md("Certain functions require a *field* as input. In general a field is specified by the source name (" "e.g. table name) and the field name (e.g. attribute name). For example, if we are interested in " "finding content similar to the one of the attribute *year* in the table *Employee* we can provide " "the field in the following way:") print( "field = ('Employee', 'year') # field = [<source_name>, <field_name>)")
Example #7
Source File: From aurum-datadiscovery with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_md(string): display(Markdown(string)) #@DeprecationWarning
Example #8
Source File: From Pipulate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def h4(text): display(Markdown('#### %s' % text))
Example #9
Source File: From Pipulate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def h3(text): display(Markdown('### %s' % text))
Example #10
Source File: From Pipulate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def h2(text): display(Markdown('## %s' % text))
Example #11
Source File: From Pipulate with MIT License | 5 votes |
def h1(text): display(Markdown('# %s' % text))
Example #12
Source File: From axcell with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def printmd(*args): # fixme: make it work without jupyter notebook display(Markdown(" ".join(map(str, args))))
Example #13
Source File: From rubix with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def printmd(string): ''' Renders markdown in notebook output of codecell ''' display(Markdown(string))
Example #14
Source File: From QuLab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_source_code(source_code, language='python'): display(Markdown("```%s\n%s\n```" % (language, source_code)))
Example #15
Source File: From stitch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_ipython_display(self, clean_python_kernel, to): s = R.Stitch('', to=to) code = dedent('''\ from IPython import display import math display.Markdown("$\\alpha^{pi:1.3f}$".format(pi=math.pi)) ''') messages = R.run_code(code, clean_python_kernel) wrapped = s.wrap_output('', messages, None)[0] assert wrapped['t'] == 'Para' assert wrapped['c'][0]['c'][0]['t'] == 'InlineMath'
Example #16
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def show_user_examples_per_intent(data): """ Take the workspace dictionary and display summary statistics regarding the workspace :param data: :return: """ label_frequency = Counter(data["intent"]).most_common() frequencies = list(reversed(label_frequency)) df = pd.DataFrame(data=frequencies, columns=["Intent", "Number of User Examples"]) df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1) display(Markdown("### Sorted Distribution of User Examples per Intent")) display(df)
Example #17
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_summary_statistics(data, entities_list=None): """ Take the workspace dictionary and display summary statistics regarding the workspace :param data: :param entities_list: :return: """ total_examples = len(data["utterance"]) label_frequency = Counter(data["intent"]).most_common() number_of_labels = len(label_frequency) average_example_per_intent = np.average(list(dict(label_frequency).values())) standard_deviation_of_intent = np.std(list(dict(label_frequency).values())) characteristics = list() characteristics.append(["Total User Examples", total_examples]) characteristics.append(["Unique Intents", number_of_labels]) characteristics.append( ["Average User Examples per Intent", int(np.around(average_example_per_intent))] ) characteristics.append( [ "Standard Deviation from Average", int(np.around(standard_deviation_of_intent)), ] ) if entities_list: characteristics.append(["Total Number of Entities", len(entities_list)]) else: characteristics.append(["Total Number of Entities", 0]) df = pd.DataFrame(data=characteristics, columns=["Data Characteristic", "Value"]) df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1) display(Markdown("### Summary Statistics")) display(df)
Example #18
Source File: From scrapbook with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def scraps_report( self, scrap_names=None, notebook_names=None, include_data=False, headers=True ): """ Display scraps as markdown structed outputs. Parameters ---------- scrap_names : str or iterable[str] (optional) the scraps to display as reported outputs notebook_names : str or iterable[str] (optional) notebook names to use in filtering on scraps to report include_data : bool (default: False) indicator that data-only scraps should be reported header : bool (default: True) indicator for if the scraps should render with a header """ # Keep slow import lazy from IPython.display import display as ip_display, Markdown def trim_repr(data): # Generate a small data representation for display purposes if not isinstance(data, string_types): data_str = repr(data) if len(data_str) > 102: data_str = data_str[:100] + "..." return data_str if isinstance(scrap_names, string_types): scrap_names = [scrap_names] scrap_names = set(scrap_names or []) if notebook_names is None: notebook_names = self._notebooks.keys() elif isinstance(notebook_names, string_types): notebook_names = [notebook_names] for i, nb_name in enumerate(notebook_names): notebook = self[nb_name] if headers: if i > 0: ip_display(Markdown("<hr>")) # tag between outputs ip_display(Markdown("### {}".format(nb_name))) for name in scrap_names or notebook.scraps.display_scraps.keys(): if headers: ip_display(Markdown("#### {}".format(name))) notebook.reglue(name, raise_on_missing=False, unattached=True) if include_data: for name, scrap in scrap_names or notebook.scraps.data_scraps.items(): if scrap.display is None and is not None: if headers: ip_display(Markdown("#### {}".format(name))) ip_display(trim_repr( else: ip_display("{}: {}".format(, trim_repr(
Example #19
Source File: From cosima-cookbook with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def summary_md(configuration, expts, path='/g/data3/hh5/tmp/cosima/', search='', nmls=[ 'atmosphere/input_atm.nml', 'ice/cice_in.nml', 'ice/input_ice.nml', 'ice/input_ice_gfdl.nml', 'ice/input_ice_monin.nml', 'ocean/input.nml' ]): for nml in nmls: epaths = [] for e in expts: # NB: only look at output000 epaths.append(os.path.join(path, configuration, e, 'output000', nml)) nmld = cc.nmldiff(cc.nmldict(tuple(epaths))) epaths = list(nmld.keys()) # redefine to handle missing paths epaths.sort() nmldss = cc.superset(nmld) display(Markdown('### ' + nml + ' namelist differences')) if len(nmldss) == 0: display(Markdown('no differences')) else: mdstr = '| group | variable | ' for e in epaths: mdstr = mdstr + e.replace('/', '/<br>') + ' | ' mdstr = mdstr + '\n|---|:--|' + ':-:|' * len(epaths) for group in sorted(nmldss): for mem in sorted(nmldss[group]): mdstr = mdstr + '\n| ' + '&' + \ group + ' | ' + \ mem + ' | ' # search doesn't work on github submodules or forks # '[' + group + '](' + search + group + ')' + ' | ' + \ # '[' + mem + '](' + search + mem + ')' + ' | ' for e in epaths: if group in nmld[e]: if mem in nmld[e][group]: mdstr = mdstr + repr(nmld[e][group][mem]) mdstr = mdstr + ' | ' display(Markdown(mdstr)) return
Example #20
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _adversarial_examples_multi_thread_inference( wrong_examples_sorted, conversation, workspace_id ): """ Perform multi threaded inference on all the adversarial examples :param wrong_examples_sorted: :param conversation: :param workspace_id: """ all_adversarial_examples = list() # the adversarial labels will be label\tidx for later regrouping purposes all_adversarial_label_idx = list() # map the adversarial example: span of adversarial adversarial_span_dict = dict() for original_example in wrong_examples_sorted: adversarial_examples, adversarial_span = _generate_adversarial_examples( original_example[1], original_example[0] ) if not original_example[2]: label = skills_util.OFFTOPIC_LABEL else: label = original_example[2] adversarial_label = label + "\t" + str(original_example[0]) all_adversarial_examples.extend(adversarial_examples) all_adversarial_label_idx.extend( [adversarial_label] * len(adversarial_examples) ) adversarial_span_dict.update(adversarial_span) adversarial_test_data_frame = pd.DataFrame( {"utterance": all_adversarial_examples, "intent": all_adversarial_label_idx} ) adversarial_results = inferencer.inference( conversation, workspace_id, adversarial_test_data_frame, max_retries=10, max_thread=5, verbose=False, ) display(Markdown(" ")) return adversarial_results, adversarial_span_dict
Example #21
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_highlights_in_batch_multi_thread( conversation, workspace_id, full_results, output_folder, confidence_threshold, show_worst_k, ): """ Given the prediction result, rank prediction results from worst to best & analyze the top k worst results. Term level highlighting on the worst results shows the sensitivity of terms in utterance :param conversation: conversation object produced by watson api :param workspace_id: workspace id :param full_results: prediction result showing the ranked list of intents by confidence scores :param output_folder: the output folder where the highlighting images will be saved :param confidence_threshold: the confidence threshold for offtopic detection :param show_worst_k: the top worst k results based on heuristics :return: """ wrong_examples_sorted = _filter_results(full_results, confidence_threshold) display( Markdown( "### Identified {} problematic utterances ".format( len(wrong_examples_sorted) ) ) ) display(Markdown(" ")) wrong_examples_sorted = wrong_examples_sorted[:show_worst_k] ( adversarial_results, adversarial_span_dict, ) = _adversarial_examples_multi_thread_inference( wrong_examples_sorted, conversation, workspace_id ) if not adversarial_results.empty: display(Markdown("{} examples are shown below:".format(show_worst_k))) for original_example in wrong_examples_sorted: if not original_example[2]: label = skills_util.OFFTOPIC_LABEL else: label = original_example[2] label_idx = label + "\t" + str(original_example[0]) adversarial_result_subset = adversarial_results[ adversarial_results["correct_intent"] == label_idx ] highlight = _highlight_scoring( original_example, adversarial_result_subset, adversarial_span_dict ) _plot_highlight(highlight, original_example, output_folder)
Example #22
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def extract_table_analysis(sorted_results, ontopic_infos, offtopic_infos): """ extract informations for table analysis :param sorted_results: :return: analysis_df: pandas dataframe of the table for dispaly toa_list: list of sorted on-topic accuracy bot_coverage_list: list of sorted bot coverage ratio far_list: list of sorted false acceptance rate thresholds: list of sorted & unique thresholds """ thresholds, sort_uniq_confs = generate_unique_thresholds(sorted_results) toa_list, toa_count = _get_ontopic_accuracy_list(sorted_results, thresholds) bot_coverage_list, bot_coverage_count = _get_bot_coverage_list( sorted_results, thresholds ) if len(offtopic_infos) >= OFFTOPIC_CNT_THRESHOLD_FOR_DISPLAY: far_list, _ = _get_far_list(sorted_results, thresholds) else: display( Markdown( "Out of Domain examples fewer than **%d** thus \ no False Acceptance Rate (FAR) calculated" % OFFTOPIC_CNT_THRESHOLD_FOR_DISPLAY ) ) far_list = [-1] * len(thresholds) analysis_df = create_display_table( toa_list, bot_coverage_list, bot_coverage_count, sorted_results, thresholds, offtopic_infos, far_list, ) return analysis_df, toa_list, bot_coverage_list, far_list, thresholds
Example #23
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def analysis_pipeline(results, intent_name=None): """ perform the operation of extraction of table analysis and produce threshold graph :param results: list of tuples of (ground_truth, prediction, confidence) sorted by confidence :param intent_name: :return: analysis_df """ sorted_results = _convert_data_format(results, intent_name=intent_name) ontopic_infos, offtopic_infos = extract_by_topic(sorted_results) # if ontopic counts or sorted results are less than 3, the graph will show almost no variation # if all confidence of the predicted result are the same, there will be no variation if ( len(ontopic_infos) < 3 or len(sorted_results) < 3 or all(ele[2] == sorted_results[0][2] for ele in sorted_results) ): display(Markdown("**Inadequate Data Points**: No analysis will be conducted")) analysis_df = pd.DataFrame() return analysis_df ( analysis_df, toa_list, bot_coverage_list, far_list, thresholds, ) = extract_table_analysis(sorted_results, ontopic_infos, offtopic_infos) if not intent_name and not analysis_df.empty: line_graph_data = pd.DataFrame( data={ "Thresholded On Topic Accuracy": toa_list, "Bot Coverage %": bot_coverage_list, "False Acceptance Rate (FAR) for Out of Domain Examples": far_list, }, index=thresholds, ) create_threshold_graph(line_graph_data) return analysis_df
Example #24
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _display_analysis_metrics(display_far): """display the explanation for analysis metrics""" display(Markdown("### Threshold Metrics")) display( Markdown( "We calculate metrics for responses where the top intent has a confidence above the \ threshold specified on the x-axis. " ) ) display( Markdown( "We consider examples which are within the scope of the chatbot's problem formulation as \ on topic or in domain and those examples which are outside the scope of the problem to be \ out of domain or irrelevant" ) ) display(Markdown("#### 1) Thresholded On Topic Accuracy (TOA)")) display( Markdown( "x-axis: Confidence threshold used || " + "y-axis: Intent Detection Accuracy for On Topic utterances" ) ) display(Markdown("#### 2) Bot Coverage %")) display( Markdown( "x-axis: Confidence threshold used || " + "y-axis: Fraction of All utterances above the threshold" ) ) if display_far: display( Markdown("#### 3) False Acceptance Rate for Out of Domain Examples (FAR)") ) display( Markdown( "x-axis: Confidence threshold used || " + "y-axis: Fraction of Out of Domain utterances falsely considered on topic" ) ) display( Markdown( "#### Note: Default acceptance threshold for Watson Assistant is set at 0.2.\ Utterances with top intent confidence < 0.2 will be considered irrelevant" ) )
Example #25
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def class_imbalance_analysis(workspace_pd): """ performance class imbalance analysis on the training workspace :param workspace_pd: :return: """ label_frequency = Counter(workspace_pd["intent"]).most_common() frequencies = list(reversed(label_frequency)) min_class, min_class_len = frequencies[0] max_class, max_class_len = frequencies[-1] if max_class_len >= 2 * min_class_len: display( Markdown( "### <font style='color:rgb(165, 34, 34);'> Class Imbalance Detected \ </font>" ) ) display( Markdown( "- Data could be potentially biased towards intents with more user \ examples" ) ) display( Markdown( "- E.g. Intent < {} > has < {} > user examples while intent < {} > has \ just < {} > user examples ".format( max_class, max_class_len, min_class, min_class_len ) ) ) flag = True else: display( Markdown( "### <font style='color:rgb(13, 153, 34);'> No Significant Class \ Imbalance Detected </font>" ) ) display( Markdown( "- Lower chances of inherent bias in classification towards intents with \ more user examples" ) ) flag = False return flag
Example #26
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def ambiguous_examples_analysis(workspace_pd, threshold=0.7): """ Analyze the test workspace and find out similar utterances that belongs to different intent :param workspace_pd: pandas dataframe in format of [utterance,label] :param threshold: cut off for similarity score :return: pands dataframe in format of ['Intent1', 'Utterance1', 'Intent2', 'Utterance2', 'similarity score'] """ # first create the feature matrix vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2)) workspace_bow = vectorizer.fit_transform(workspace_pd["utterance"]).todense() cos_sim_score_matrix = _calculate_cosine_similarity(workspace_bow) # remove the lower triangle of the matrix and apply threshold similar_utterance_index = np.argwhere( (cos_sim_score_matrix - np.tril(cos_sim_score_matrix)) > threshold ) similar_utterance_pd = pd.DataFrame( columns=["Intent1", "Utterance1", "Intent2", "Utterance2", "similarity score"] ) for index in similar_utterance_index: if ( workspace_pd["intent"].iloc[index[0]] != workspace_pd["intent"].iloc[index[1]] ): intent1 = workspace_pd["intent"].iloc[index[0]] utterance1 = workspace_pd["utterance"].iloc[index[0]] intent2 = workspace_pd["intent"].iloc[index[1]] utterance2 = workspace_pd["utterance"].iloc[index[1]] score = cos_sim_score_matrix[index[0], index[1]] temp_pd = pd.DataFrame( { "Intent1": [intent1], "Utterance1": [utterance1], "Intent2": [intent2], "Utterance2": [utterance2], "similarity score": [score], } ) similar_utterance_pd = similar_utterance_pd.append( temp_pd, ignore_index=True ) if not similar_utterance_pd.empty: with pd.option_context("max_colwidth", 250): display( HTML( similar_utterance_pd.sort_values( by=["similarity score"], ascending=False ).to_html(index=False) ) ) else: display(Markdown("### There are no similar utterances within different Intent")) return similar_utterance_pd